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So, I said it before, a poll was coming soon, and I thought today could be a good day to drop it here.

The dynamic´s a little different for this poll, well, for the options on it.

I took the second most voted from past polls and add them here.

Pick your favorite ;D

Option A: One week madness, or A weird week…

A man wants his skinny girlfriend to have a better shape, he would be ok with anything, just to see some flesh on her bones, but one day, he wakes up and finds out she´s got a different body, and she´s standing as tall as he is too.

He was excited, it seemed surreal, but, as days go by, he realizes his “wishes” seem to come true. He lays in bed with one thing in mind for her, and when he wakes up, she´s turned into the woman he thought about. Although, taller than expected.

Every day she´ll be having a different change, starting Monday: breast expansion, butt expansion, muscle growth, legs expansion, weight gain, height expansion, in Sunday, all in one.

Each passing day she´ll be taller than the previous day.

Tags: Growth, Expansion, Thick, Curvy, Tall.

Option B: So… how much did you say you like me?

A woman, standing tall and proud, is constantly receiving messages from a man. On her social media, on some live streaming. She´s tired. She had already blocked him, banned him, but he creates new accounts and keeps messing with her. Until, one day, she finds the way to fix this.

The man opens the door, just to find the towering woman outside of his apartment. When he spots her, a cool sweat fills his forehead. It´s her, the same woman he´s been watching all this time, but, she´s different.

She claimed to be 6´5” on her channel, but she´s not, she´s BIGGER. He has to crane his neck a good deal to have a look at he face. She seems more voluptuous in person, but the main this is, her head´s much taller than the doorway.

“Hi…” she says before she makes her way into his apartment. She´s got one thing in mind, he´d pay for all he´s done. She´ll teach him a lesson. Not to mess with her again.

Tags: Amazon Woman, Mini-Gts, not so gentle.

Option C: Wealthy Growth

A man´s married to a rich woman. She´s on her sixties and he´s on his twenties. Yes, he´s a gold digger. He doesn´t really love her, but she´s got money and pays for everything he wants, so he can´t really complaint. Although, he can.

He´s searching online, wanting to know how long a woman her age can live. He´s for sure the one who´ll inherit all of her wealth, however, he can´t really wait. As soon as she´s gone, he´ll fill up the mansion with hot models more accurate to his age.

Then, he finds an add. Promising to return the youth. That´s right, a procedure that promises to be a fountain of youth. The thing is that it is risky and still experimental. But he doesn´t care. If she can´t take it, then he´ll be a widower.

He convinces her to go through the treatment. And it worked, not instantly, but throughout the week, he can really tell her wrinkles are vanishing and that her hairs had recover their golden colors. She´s young again.

Bad thing, she´ll live way more, good thing, she´s hot. He´s seen her old pictures, she was HOT. Up to date, she still maintained some of her beauty, but she was really old to him. But now, she´s turned on. Her breasts are so firm, her skin´s smooth. But there´s only one problem, after the tenth day, she seems… taller.

Beautification, Tall, Amazon, Breasts, Butt, Thick, Growth.

I´ll announce the winner by the last week of April, and will drop the new story on May ;)



I love A. But C also sounds really intriguing. Hope you can add that one later.


Mh .. I'm sorry but i think you should finish some stories first ... I wait for the Assistant Part 10 "for a long time" ... And you make really good stories but to much i think ... :/


For sure, I'll keep them in the loop. And one day, if it's not today, will be it's time to shine.


I know, I apologize for the delay on that. This month (March) had five weeks on it, well more like five Fridays, therefore I made five updates. And I split all of the stories on each week. "Assistant" being the first most voted story on the poll, will be the first one to be updated every month, and the other one's will follow as well. I know it's been a long wait, and I totally understand, I often feel the same whenever I need to wait for something, or if that something it's taking a bit longer to appear. But be sure this story is coming up this Friday.