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Chapter 8

Mrs. Stalwart knows she can´t be sweet, kind, not even too polite towards Harvey. Else, people may think she´s giving him some special treat. And she never does that for no one.

And why is she so worried about it? Well, let´s just say there´s no “little” or “few” in her vocabulary. Everything she does is fully. Fully professional, fully strict, fully authoritative. Anything. So, if she, by any chance, starts treating him nicely, there´s a big chance she´ll nearly pamper him.

She´s soft on the inside, and she´s got this huge maternal instinct trying to kick off from her. Once she gives in, there will be no turning back. That´s why she´s settled her mind in treating him like the temporary assistant he is.

Over the next few days, Harvey could feel the silence in the room. It was kind of awkward. Perhaps, had he done wrong by giving her chocolates? He was just thanking her, was that bad?

He ignores how people on her level are. Not her height level, because she´ll be alone at the top. But her executive level.

“Shit, she probably already told everyone what I did.” He meant the people with higher positions at the company. “I´m such a fool!” Actually, he was giving this way too much importance. No one will care.

Even if she had sent the picture into the executives’ chat, with the words: “Look at this, little guy´s trying to kiss my ass!” no one would´ve cared more than to put ”Haha” or “LOL” and that would´ve been the end of it. But such group chat was intended for important matters, strictly office related.

Plus, she was in no other type of group chat. Mrs. Stalwart was kind of a lonely woman. But it´s not all her fault, well her attitude may be a bit of a problem, but it´s her size what actually scares people. And her stern attitude just sends them away.

In reality, he ignores the true reasons for this uncomfortable silence, but his job´s not to chit chat with her, but to get things done. He´s been focused on his files, all week.

However, that hasn´t been so easy to do. All of a sudden, for some unknown reason, he´s been wondering things about her. Not regular things, more like… weird things.

For starters, a particular question came to his mind when he spotted her gigantic breasts, could he use them as a hammock? And also, her stockings, could he use them as some sort of form-fitting sleeping-bag?

More and more of these weird questions came to his mind. More than ideas, they were more like comparisons. He knew that, as the ultra-larger lady she was, everything must be custom made, with special fabrics, unreal sizes. Things must be expensive, that´s why she´s a high-level executive. Not anyone can afford those kinds of things, not to mention things he doesn´t know she has. He could mistake her custom-made sedan for a trailer.

But, aside of the comparisons, there was something else running up his mind. Something more regular, her body.

He´s been peeking at her, carefully so that she doesn´t spot him. He´s been kind of… leering at her. The tightness of her clothes over her unrealistic hourglass figure. The size of her shapely legs, each one two or three times heavier than him. Her curves, her heavy butt, her mammoth tits.

Mrs. Stalwart´s a goddess. Tall, sexy, authoritarian. Imposing everywhere she goes, outstanding in every aspect. She´s simply… majestic.

And quite distracting, more than once, he´s caught himself looking at her in a dumbfounded way. If she hadn´t made up her mind and resolved on ignoring him, she would´ve already noticed his assistant´s been looking at her with his jaw hitting his desk.

Today, it´s no exception. She got up from her desk and went to the bathroom, her own personal one. But when she got up, he could glare at her body.

She was wearing a tight pencil skirt, one that seemed short on her, and this time, she was wearing no stockings; her legs, her long, fleshy legs were bare. Her skin seemed so smooth, so creamy. He swallowed.

Above those legs, there was a huge butt, he didn´t lose the chance to look at those arresting butt-cheeks. Round, heavy, firm. His view was glorious, the light on the room allowed him to see the perfect roundness of her butt. She was a sexy colossus, but at 9´6”, there´s just no way she can´t be qualified as such. She´s not skinny, on the contrary, she´s totally buxom.

Which leads to those massive breasts of hers. Always, every single day, she wore her blouse open, allowing her boobies to breathe. She´s always feeling kind of hot, but that´s because of her sheering size. Not to the point of sweating, of course, but let´s just say that she doesn´t wear a coat in winter.

So far, over the last couple days, she´s been trying her best to just greet him in the morning and that´s it. But Harvey, every day he finds himself struggling to keep his eyes off of her. It´s hard to miss her, and it´s certainly harder to look away. But he has to try.

Later, when she came back, he had made up his mind, he won´t leer at her anymore. He will focus on his job, and nothing more. And he will treat her respectfully, just as she deserves.

But that may be hard.

It wasn´t long before he, by mistake, drop his pen. He was kind of spinning his pen between his fingers, and in an oversight, the pen slipped from his fingers, fell right on the floor and rebounded on the floor. Landing somewhere particular.

He stood up, trying not to be too loud, he didn´t want Mrs. Stalwart to reprimand him for playing with his pen. It was unlikely to happen, but if she´s mad, and that´s the cause for this silence of hers, then it´s more likely to.

He scattered out of his seat. She heard him, but she was not going to turn, so far this week, she´s succeeded on returning to her cold-self. She can´t risk it now; if she makes eye contact, it´s most likely that she asks something like how he´s been, how his day has been so far, anything resembling care was not allowed from her.

Harvey got up and looked around, the pen was nowhere to be found, he could´ve returned to work, he literally didn’t need that pen, but he was already looking for it, so…

He tried to picture where it could be, tried to trace it by the sounds it made, where it could´ve landed. He bent over, and he found it, but not where he would´ve liked it to be.

The pen was located right under Mrs. Stalwart´s desk, right in the middle of her feet. Far from his reach, luckily, there was a gap below the front cover of the desk, where he fitted. The desk was designed for a nearly ten-foot-tall woman, the scale was colossal. She wouldn´t fit down there, but a small guy like him… It was time to get that pen back and return to work.

He didn´t like this. Was he really going to sneak down his boss´s desk? Was that pen worth it? The answer was…

Harvey found himself beneath her desk before he could tell. And within a second or two, the pen was back in his hands. Easy, and she didn´t notice, which made it better. The problem was, he turned up.

He made his best effort not to hit her feet or leg, it would certainly be unpleasant for her to find him there. For a woman who´s currently wearing a skirt, having a man below it can be… annoying.

And he knows exactly why. Her pussy. The first thing he noticed was a thong. A sexy piece of lingerie, right between her thick thighs. Between her fleshy crotch.

Harvey couldn´t believe it, he couldn´t even turn. He was in trance. He was looking straight at her pussy, the underwear that was supposed to cover it was practically sinking, being swallowed by the swollen lips of her cunt. A camel toe, he was in front of the biggest, thickest and most mesmerizing one he´s ever seen.

He got closer, just a little. He needed a closer look, for some reason, there was light down there, maybe because of the size of the desk, however, he wanted more. To get closer, to the point where he could almost feel it.

Down there, he could already smell the scent of this woman, fresh, floral, sweet. Her aroma filled his nostrils.

He knew this was wrong, that there will be consequences, but he couldn´t help it. Besides, he was just looking, wondering why she´d wear a thong so tight.

He made sure to listen, to pay attention to his boss above the desk. Now, he was in some time alone with her thick legs, looking straight at her crotch, right at her pussy. Someone so tall should be more careful with the clothes she picks…

He could listen to her tapping over her keyboard, making some clicks with her mouse. So far he wasn´t needed. At the moment, he could enjoy the view.

And why was this so hypnotic? Was it because he was a shy guy? No much action in the last few months? OR, was it because she was so big. Everywhere! Her thickness was unbelievable, so large, so sexy. Her body was powerful, mighty, imposing. It really called ones’ attention. Her body, even at her size, he knew she was soft, he could see it.

Her flesh looked firm, there´s no denying on that, however, the closer he got, the more he realized that it was also mushy. And he knew exactly which parts of her anatomy will be squishy.

Harvey swallowed; this could definitely get him fired. But maybe it was worth it. However, getting fired for being a perv was not so good on a resume.

He stepped back, he made up his mind, this was not worth it. Even if every cell in his body, taken by the lust, screamed to him that he should stay, and maybe do something more, ha backed up. So far, she hadn´t notice him, and things should be kept that way. Until…

Mrs. Stalwart had been working non-stop since she arrived, trying to ignore him. So far, she had succeeded. However, she needed a small break now. Not a bathroom pause; just a little stretching.

Harvey noticed her feet began to move, he could see her legs had some motion now. He backed up. He tried to escape, get out the same way he got in, but her left foot blocked his way out. He couldn´t risk her touching him, he knows she´ll be beyond mad if she finds him there.

He hopped to her right side, before her right foot followed the left one and stretched all the way, blocking him fully. He was kind of trapped now.

He could see how her calves got tense. Now they were not looking so soft; more like hefty right now. He was cornered. The only way out was literally walking towards her, but that can´t happen. So, he decided to wait a little.

But that was worse. He stood there as she began to do a different type of stretching. Pushing her legs straight forward only compressed her meaty thighs, all of the flesh on her crotch, she needed a release, so, she stretched her legs to the sides of the desk, right where he was.

“Oh no!” his eyes widened as her right leg rapidly made it´s way to him. He was right, it was soft. However, she was pinning him strongly to the walls of the desk. For her, this was just a little pressure, to him, this was like being constricted.

She didn´t took long to notice he was there, in fact, she immediately did, but she just couldn´t make up what was down there. He shouldn´t be there.

Rapidly, before she squished him to death, she backed up her leg, and then, rolled her chair back. Now, she bent, pinning her massive breasts over her lap as she turned directly at him.

He hugged himself, wondering if there was any broken bone in him. But he may just be sore, that leg can apply too much pressure on a small guy like him.

Mrs. Stalwart knew it, this was the time. What was he doing down there? Why wasn´t he on his desk working? This was the perfect time to reproach him. To scold him. To reassure she´s not kind, she´s not nice, that she doesn´t care…

“Sweetheart, are you ok?” Her words slipped, she was caring, why was she caring? “Come here, let me take a look…” It was too late now, she was already soft on him.

He followed her instructions, got up on his feet and walked towards her. He came out from under the desk and stood next to her enormous form, even while sitting on this huge chair, she was still about two-feet above him.

“Tell me, does where does it hurt?” he was dumbfounded, she seemed so caring now, so nurturing. He just pointed at his chest, where her thick calve had pinned him to the desk.

“Hmmmm…” she murmured as she guided her large hand towards his chest, a hand big enough to engulf the entirety of it. Then, she scrutinized him with her long fingers. “It seems you´re fine.” She added, after making sure his bones were not shattered.

She knew he wouldn´t be able to speak, so she decided to see why was he down there. Looking at him from head to toes, searching for something. And, she found the pen.

“Where you looking for your pen? Hmm? Is that why you were down there?” Her tone was soft and nice.

He nodded, as soon as he knew she was asking him a question, a fairly important one, he nodded. He wasn´t lying, he was looking for the pen, the fact that he found something else down there was… not important now.

“Very well, you have your pen. Now, hop back to your desk, would ya´?” he followed her sweet commandment.

This came out much easier than he thought. She was nice, so nice that she was nearly sweet. Maybe she was afraid she could´ve really hurt him?

But, behind her desk, she was internally screaming: “FUUUUCK!” now she knows, she´s already soft on him.



Oh, just go for it, you big softy :)