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Hello Everyone!!! A new month, and some news to give.

First of all, I hope you´re all doing great and that you´re excited about the new updates today :D

Now, about the news, I´ve been thinking about switching to "Subscription billing", which only applies to new patrons. But I thought about giving you a heads-up.

I think most people have shwitched already, and it seems as a better option.

And I think it doesn´t affect current patrons, it´s more for the new ones coming up.

Another thing, I´m thinking on creating a new tier, although I´m not sure how it will work. 

For the most, I´m thinking about poting some ideas I have, about new stories coming up, to get opinions on the new stories. And you could help me decide which ones to add on the polls, by dropping a comment, of course.

That´s an idea I have, plus, I´m thinking on adding a new story there. But that will be soon to be defined. Still thinking about it.

ALSO, now that polls have come up, there´s one going on right now, for the new short term coming on May. Thanks to all of those who voted, and if you haven´t checked it out, don´t forget to leave your vote :D

And last, but not least, I´ve been thinking about making comissions. I´m still not sure on when, but I will probably add a tier, with a customized amount to charge it. That´s another reason why I was thinking on switching on the billing method.

If I do so, I will probably take one comission, to see how things flow first. And, depending how it works, I´ll decide what the next step will be.

So, how do you feel about these ideas? I hope you all like them. And remember, if you have any suggestion, or other ideas, you can always leave a comment :D

Thanks for reading :)



All great stuff!


Thanks! I have plenty in mind. Also, I forgot to mention it but I'll ve dropping some polls thoroughout the month. The first one this Friday, actually.