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Chapter 4

A few weeks after their first encounter, when she bullied him away from the door. They both realized something, it was their senior year of college and none had gotten into a real date.

What were the odds for both to share the same feeling? Each had their own reasons, first, Steph knew that she intimidated all men because of her size. And probably her rough attitude. She wouldn´t dare ask any man out because she wanted someone to ask her out. To come and make her the proposal, like the old days. Call her old fashioned, but it does feel good when someone does it.

And, Noah, well… he was shy. Very shy. He wouldn´t had gotten himself into a date even if he tried. And he had. Once, he spotted a pretty lady, just a little taller than him, but he couldn´t get to talk to her. He walked straight to her, but he didn´t stop walking. He passed her by and pretended it didn´t happen. And what about women shorter than him? Well… he´s just not interested.

There was this “Dating Service” on campus. Something really weird, but it was a thing. Unlike a kissing booth, were each person pays for a kiss, or regular arranged dates. This service was meant to match people randomly on a date.

There was this sort of office on the campus where you could go, leave your info there and wait for them to match you with another person. Both people had to leave their info, and then they pair them up randomly. In order for people to meet new people, forget about being picky, overall, have people actually meet, without judging first. So far, they had a 60% chance of becoming an actual couple. At least for a season.

The first one to go there was Steph. She was just tired of men not having the guts to ask her out. And she wasn’t “cute” enough to ask any man properly. She always started with: “HEY, you!” and every guy ran away when they realized she was speaking to them. Their first thought was if they pissed her off. And the consequences, they didn´t want to know her hard side.

Steph entered the room in all her 7´3” fit glory. Wearing some tiny, spandex shorts for practice and a hoodie with the university´s logo in the middle. She hated herself for this, but she had no other choice. She wouldn’t finish college without having a boyfriend.

“Hi,” said the guy, looking way up to her, “Do you… need help looking for a date?” he asked, struggling to maintain a polite smile. She was frowning at him without saying a word. He was intimidated.

Her first instinct was to be sarcastic. “I don´t know, why would I come here if I was lucky with dating? Of course I need your help, genius.”

The guy felt upset, his heart was still beating fast, but he felt insulted. But he knew better not to tell her she had some attitude. Everyone on campus knew her.

Everyone, at least once, had seen her playing volleyball. She was good at it, dangerously good. Her enormous hand always made such a loud sound when smacking the ball clean to the ground. He wouldn´t want those hands slapping his face. Some say she once made a ball burst!

He knew better than to comply and just help her. He will survive this way.

She grabbed a sheet of paper and filled it up. Putting her name, career, phone, E-mail, and so on.

Everything looked tiny in her hands.

She handed him the paper as she said: “Make sure not to pair me with some deuce, or some weak guy. I´m sure you can tell I´m a big lady, I want the guy to be at least, listen up, AT LEAST 6´5”, I won´t settle for anything less than that.” She basically demanded it.

The guy said he had no way to control it, that her name will be written down on the computer and that the guy will be randomly selected.

“Sure… whatever.” She said.

The guy could really pair her with whoever he wanted, but he was not doing Steph any favors, she was mean the second she stepped in. Therefore, the guy wasn´t giving her what she wanted.

She didn´t seem to deserve it. He´ll go against what she said. Let´s say, an annoying jock? A fuckboy? Some weirdo? He had to put the names in the computer and then it will randomly grab a guy for her. However, no one will notice if he matched their names without using the machine first.

The computer program was only meant to put the names together, that´s it. He still had to write them down on a database. Now, Steph´s future date was in his hands. He wasn´t mean, but she deserves some karma.

If she comes back, she can be paired with someone else. Using the normal process this time. But really, what´s the difference between using the program and matching her by hand? There was nothing but names there. No hobbies, no favorite things, or things they hate, no nothing. Only the name and contact info. That´s it.

Steph went in on Monday, and he was supposed to assign her a date by Friday morning. That way, they could go on a date on Saturday night. Convenient for those who studied and for those who also worked.

And a few days later, on Thursday, Noah stepped in. The same guy was there, and he knew it knew it the second he stepped in, he was pairing him with Steph. Poor guy, yes, but it was just to teach her a lesson, Noah will be fine. It was just a date.

“Here you go, sorry to come here this late. I hope there´s still people available. If there´s not, I can wait for next week, no problem.” He was kind, understanding, a bit pessimistic, but he was just considering all of the options.

“Oh, don´t worry, man. A lot of people drop their requests at the at second. You´ll be fine.” He said as he placed his sheet right over Steph´s.

He had saved it there, separate from the rest. Waiting for the perfect candidate to come in. She wanted 6´5”? He wasn´t even 5´6”, he could already imagine the expression on her face. She´ll blame the computer, hopefully.

“I feel bad for him, he seems kind. But sorry bro, she deserves it. Although, I should put a more… nasty guy, he seems rather kind. Oh well, let´s write them down. Steph and… Noah.”

Noah stepped out, happy. He had some hope. He wasn´t confident enough to ask someone out, it would be better this way. For someone else to make the call for him.

“Well, well, well, look who´s here. My favorite nerd!” Came a voice from behind Noah. A very familiar voice.

“T-Trent! Hi… uhm, what are you doing here?” He had a personal bully.

This guy, Trent, standing at 6´3”, the quarterback of the football team. With a lean, muscular built, blonde hair and a cocky look.

“What do you mean with “here”? Do you think I need help dating!? Loser, I´m the quarterback, I´ve got a line of hot cheerleaders begging to date me.” The question seemed rather insulting to him.

“Sorry, I meant… forget it.” He set his gaze at the ground.

“Oh no, buddy. I can´t forget it now, you´ve hurt my feelings, I want an apology!” he didn´t felt hurt at all, he just wanted to bully him.

“I´m sorry, Trent.” He said, wanting to be gone.

Trent knew he was weak. No one at their age would allow someone else to treat them this way, but there´s always someone, and the bad news is, Trent found him. Grown an asshole during his whole life, always good at sports, tall, attractive. He thought the world was his, and that he could treat people like Noah like shit.

Trent placed his hand over his head, and then pushed him down. He was trying to resist, but Trent was like double his weight. Noah ended up in the ground before he could do anything.

“Better…” Trent said as he left, walking over him as he did so.

Apparently, no one had seen it, and if they did, no one ever did anything. By now, he was used to it, that´s why he always tried to avoid him. Hide, walk away, look for another path where he wasn´t. But in the end, he always found him.

Noah just stood back up. He felt bad, he should stand for himself. But now it was probably too late. Still, there was some light at the end of this dark path. A date, he was about to get a date! Who would it be? Will she be pretty? He wouldn´t complaint, getting a date was neat! His main question was, where?

Saturday came! And then, Saturday night. Noah appreciated the fact that this date was out of his busy schedule. He had to attend school, study and earn some money on a part-time job he had. He worked on an ice cream shop, nothing too hard for him.

“Well, here we go…” He encouraged himself as he stood in front of the restaurant.

They chose the place like this; they both could write down up to three options for the place. If they coincided with one, the guy at the counter will write that one down, else, to the machine. Then a random place will be picked up. The thing is… this wasn´t so random.

Noah had no idea where to go, and he was insecure about the few ideas that came to his mind. He didn´t thought of them as “romantic”, at least not for this casual encounter.

Meanwhile, Steph wrote down the name of one place, and one only, a fancy, sort of expensive, restaurant downtown. She´s never been there, but she knows it´s the right place to fall in love. If not love, at least the food smells nice. At least she´ll have a good meal.

When Noah entered the place, he looked around and couldn´t help but to feel a little… out of place. He was wearing a nice t-shirt and plain khakis, but he was doubtful, should he have chosen something more elegant? Wear a coat, maybe?

“Uhm, excuse me, I have a reservation…” he told the guy at the receiver.

This dating service they had at the university took care of making reservations when needed. At least they made some effort.

“The man at the door searched for his name and said: “Follow me, sir, your date´s already here…” She was? Noah´s heart started beating faster, he was excited!

Noah followed the guy, meanwhile, he took a look at the place, it was fancy. The tables, utensils, glasses, there was wine, the atmosphere seemed quiet and classy. He felt so simple, mundane.

“Here´s your table, sir.” Said the main as he pointed at a table in the corner.

He turned, and what did he found? A big lady sitting there. She seemed so tall, but he couldn´t see her face, she was reading the menu and it hide her unknown face.

“Thank you.” Replied Noah as he walked closer. She seemed tall, very tall. But he was fine, perhaps, she was one of those gentle giants. A nice lady who needed a chance and no one had given it to her because of her size.

He wondered why; her hair was done in the prettiest of ways. Long hair with golden curls. And her dress was very pretty, of a white pastel color. He was perplexed, now he does feel mundane.

He stopped right before he sat and greeted her, trying to sound like a gentleman. She was so tall that he couldn´t see her face, but that doesn´t matter.

“G-good evening. I´m Noah, I think… we´re on a date?” His words didn´t sound at all like what he wanted to say. Was he asking?

Suddenly, the menu began to lower, allowing him to see who this girl was. But when she uncovered her face, he nearly jumped. He swallowed.

The woman had a smile on, she was eager to see who this guy was. But when she spotted the shy, short guy from college. She seemed disappointed.

“Noah? You… aren´t you the nerd from my calculus class?” she asked.

“I… yes…” It was Steph! The amazon of the volleyball and basketball team. Who´d pair him with her?! Besides, why is she using the dating service, isn´t she popular?

“This must be a mistake, uhm… WAITER, excuse me…” she asked the waiter to call for the man at the main door.

In the meantime, Noah took a sit. Steph? Of all women why does he have to be on a blind date with the tallest, meanest, and… prettiest girl on campus. He can´t lie, Steph´s a true beauty, but she´s kind of… VERY intimidating. And she now proved he doesn´t want him as a date. Ouch.

“What do you mean he IS my date?” she asked the man.

“According to my book, the reservation was made under the name´s of Stephanie and Noah. Made by the “University´s Dating Service”” yes, he just confirmed he was her date.

“From all people in campus, I have to end up with you? I can´t believe it…” she said as she grabbed her glass of water and drove it to her mouth. While drinking, she thought: “I´m kicking that receptionist´s ass once I get back to campus.”

Noah didn´t felt… accepted. What could he do? He was prepared to have a sate, but Steph was kind of… mad.

“Fuck. I think it would be better for us to leave. This won´t work, at all. I bet you don´t like me more than I like you…” she explained.

For a second, he thought that was the best decision, however, he had to try. That´s the least he could do. Without saying a word, he reached for something in his pocket and pulled it out.

“Here, I… brought you this…” his hand was trembling a bit as he handed her a small floral corsage, stored inside a crystal box.

Steph blinked, was he for real? A corsage? “That´s for… me?” she asked.

Noah just nodded. He bought it for his date, and even if she wanted to leave, this was meant for her.

“Thank you… that´s, uhm, nice from you.” She grabbed the corsage and admire it for a moment.

She was used to getting free stuff. Free uniforms, a scholarship, living rent-free on campus. But this, this was a nice detail that had nothing to do with her sports abilities. A gift, a nice, small, and pretty gift.

For a second, she thought he was very considerate, but then the idea that this was meant for some other girl, it set her mind back to the leaving part. This was a blind date, he wouldn´t have gotten this to her if he knew who his date was.

Nonetheless, Noah noticed a little sparkling in her eyes as she saw the corsage. He spent nearly an hour looking for the prettiest one there was, and he found it. A bit expensive, but this was worth the occasion, so far, this has been his first date, EVER!

“Are you sure you want to give this to me? I mean, I… well, I haven´t been so nice to you…” the door incident, menacing looks whenever he turned at her direction, once she´s sure she let the door go and it slammed him on the face, but she didn´t turned and he didn´t complaint.

“Affirmative! I mean, totally! I… I got this for my date, as a… a gift. And you´re my date so… it´s for you, heh.” He was so shy, he crimsoned as he spoke, turned away even, it was hard for him to keep eye contact with her. She was a goddess.

Her pretty face seemed as the one of a true angel with her makeup on. It wasn´t a total makeover, but the little makeup she wore accentuated all of her pretty features. Besides, even while sitting, she was nearly a foot taller. He was intimidated by her beauty.

“Ok, just this once I´ll be nice with the little dork, but that´s it.” She thought as he grabbed a menu.

“So, uhm, w-what would you like to eat? Have you seen something you like?” he tried to make small talk. She wasn´t leaving, at least she didn’t rose from her sit and left him there. He had a chance. He should take it before she regrets it.

“Oh, well, I´ve seen a few plates I´d like to try, they´ve told me food´s GREAT here.” There were no pictures on the menu, and she wasn´t used to such fancy dishes, she´ll pick what´s closest to a steak. Or maybe lobster?

They ordered, and chatted as they waited. Chatting about college and stuff.

“Wow, so you have a job?” She asked.

“Well, not a job JOB, it´s just a part-time job on the ice cream shop. It´s actually nearby…” he explained.

“Hey, don´t say that, at least you have a job. I´m so busy with my volleyball practice and my basketball practice that I can barely manage to have a social life. I can´t handle a job with my schedule. And we both know I don´t have such good grades. But you, you really do. That´s admirable.” She declared.

“Oh, well, haha, I´m not… heh.” He blushed.

“Come on, you´ve got the highest grades in out calculus class.” She said.

“Wait, do you… you noticed?” she had noticed him. He wasn´t that invisible to her.

“It´s hard not to tell who´s the nerd of the class…” She said as food was finally coming.

In the end, this wasn´t so bad. They had a good time, plus, both got to try the delicious food on the place. Steph ate WAY more than him, but she needed the calories, she was an athlete. But when the check got to them…

“Oh, I think we should… well, we can´t split, I ate a lot and you… are you sure you don´t want a dessert? You just ate that tiny salad.” Steph said.

“Sure! Totally, I don´t usually have dinner this late…”

“This late? It´s barely 9:30, don´t tell me you´re already in bed by now, haha.” She chuckled.

“No, of… of course not! I… I don´t have a “bed time”” he did, 10:30, that´s the time when his body told him to call it a day and get to sleep. But she doesn´t really have to know.

“Listen, I… as a gentleman, should pay for it. You… you´ll be my guest, ok? I got it, trust me.” Said Noah as he grabbed the check.

“Oh, so chivalrous…” said Steph sweetly. She actually liked it.

A gentleman, that´s what she wanted. A man who treated her like the queen she was. Well, that may be too much, but there were some things she´d really appreciate. In fact, she´s sure that no other guy would´ve gotten a floral corsage. Noah was… different.

Yes, he was way shorter than average, really shy, insecure, a nerd. But he wasn´t that bad. He was nice even. Easy to talk to, a good listener, cute.

“My… do I really think he´s cute? No, no way. This, this is just a date, after this, nothing. No one can know I dated the… shrimpy guy from the calculus class. NEVER.”

It was too good to be true.

As they got out the restaurant, Steph thanked Noah for everything, but let him know something, in the end, nothing could change between them.

“Listen, I don´t mean to be rude, or ungrateful but, could we, you know, leave this as a secret? Believe me, I loved this… date we had together, you´re such a nice guy. But, I don´t think it would be nice if, you know, people know this. My friends mostly. Can you keep this between us? Please?” His smile rapidly faded as she continued.

He wasn´t expecting for much, but he thought that, at least, he had made a new friend. Apparently, this was just a one-night thing. He turned up at the amazon, his eyes were even with the cusp of her breasts, her big, tight breasts.

“S-sure, it´s… fine.” He felt so sad. But he wouldn´t show it.

“Great! Now come here, let me give you a kiss…” his heart beat faster, he felt elated. A kiss? Was this real?


A kiss on the cheek, he knew it would be crazy to hope for something else. Still, it felt so nice.

“My god!” Said the actual Steph as she remembers their first date. “The cheek? For real? I wonder why he´s never complaint about it? I would´ve kicked his ass if he had done something like that to me. But him? No, he even thanked me for not leaving… I should be more considerate with him.

Steph knew she messed up, trying to hide what she felt back then. Avoiding everyone´s stares at them, the gossip. What would everyone think if they saw the amazon she was, dating a 5´4” man? Back then, she was worried, but now, she knows how it feels; but what´s more, she knows she doesn’t care.

“But lord, that dress I wore, wow. I looked stunning in it! But that thing´s gone. I won´t fit in that, even with butter all over my body.” Not even buttering the entirety of her bigger, fleshier body, she´ll get into that dress. That was a LOT of pounds ago. Her huge knockers won´t fit in that tight top, no sir, not anymore.

She didn´t get to keep the dress, but she still has him, and that´s all that matters. The truth is, she´s the one who doesn´t deserve him. Not the other way around as most will think.



Loved the insights into Steph’s head, her self-reflection. She seems honestly motivated to change.


She is, one day she´ll be sweet with Noah, if she can LOL. This will be quite an interesting love story, I hope I nail everything as I planned ;D