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Sadly, this story has come to an end. It was fun to write, and quite interesting, given the fact that I´ve never written a story like this.

But this ending is only the beginning for something else, a new short-term.

The winner of the last poll is Option C, and the title I´ll take is: "Not The Type Of Mommy I Wanted". I´ll drop the first chapter here in the next month.

However, I can tell you were also eager to read option B. It wasn´t the winner today, but, there´s still a chance. I´ll take that story, together with the second most voted from past polls and, in time, I´ll let you vote again :D

Now, time for the final chapter. I hope you like it :D

Chapter 6

His eyes opened widely, SHE, it was her all this time!

How could he be so blind? Thinking about it, it makes total sense! Who would be kind enough to offer herself to look after a guy, she had just met, in this way? Well, he believed she had just met him, but she had already known him for a while now.

In the papers on the wall, below all of the new information she gathered throughout the last few months, there were some questions. Name? Where does he live? Age? Single? All of those questions had been already answered, and the missing pieces of her “puzzle” were already written. She knew him, ALL about him. Just as she had wanted.

Just like a book. She was “reading” him as she got closer. The more she got to know him, the more she “knew” him. She was so obsessed, but now she´s certain they´re both meant for each other. However, there´s still a doubt. Something she wrote down and pinned to the wall, something that would change everything.

Beneath all the mess, behind the pictures, the red hearts, behind the description of this man in paper, there was a question. One she wrote a day she was feeling some hope. Curiosity. Yearning.

She wrote: “Does he like big girls?”

All this time, she had been hoping that question will be answered with a “yes”, a big, bright yes all over her wall.

Even at this point, she still has hope. She´s upset, but she´s hoping for the best.

Judy was upset. The giantess was filling the door´s frame with a stern look on her face. Even if all of that stuff on the wall was his, well him, he had no right to see it. She didn´t authorize him for that. But she couldn´t be mad at him, she picked him, from any other man out there, she chose him.

Her face drew a nice gesture, a peaceful one. A smile that was intended to say: “Oops”, one that should reveal this was a clumsy mistake and that, even if she´s done all that, she shouldn´t be blamed. As if it had been nothing, like stealing his jacket to smell his fragrance whenever she felt like it. Like writing down some words on her diary about him. As if she had just stared at him whenever he passed by her, just a little.

But it wasn´t that way. She took things way too far. She got obsessed. She did all those things and MORE. Much more.

“You… you, you´ve been stalking me all this time! Why? Why me?” he asked, knowing he won´t be able to make it past the door. She´ll catch him, and use all of her strength to pin him down. Without even breaking in sweat.

“Oh, Griffin, don´t be mad, please…” she could see the anger on his face, together with distress. She hid all this from him because it was obvious, he´ll react this way.

“Mad? MAD! Judy you… you lied to me! And not only that, you, you, do you have any idea what I´ve gone through? All the anxiety, the panic, the fear. I thought someone was behind me, and what did you do? Shit, you even told me a whole gang wanted to abduct me!” he´s gone through so much.

But she´s been trying to help him. Even if she wanted to scare him, she didn´t meant wrong. It was all intended to make him fall in her arms. To spend more time with him, get to know him better. Make him fall in love with her. But this was a huge regression on that.

“I haven´t have a good night´s sleep in weeks, WEEKS! And all because of you and your… your… what will you get out of this? WHAT?” He was livid, but he had questions, why would a woman he had no idea existed before torment him? And why does she have to get so close to him? To see him suffer? Struggle? To have some fun? Was he a joke? A bad prank.

“I…” Judy wanted to speak, tell him she fell for him, even if it was more like an obsession, but she couldn´t. What if he thinks she´s lying? Does he even trust her still? And even if he found her words as the truth, will he feel the same way? Could he still accept her as a nice woman? As a lover? As a girlfriend?

She turned at the floor, was it a good idea to be true to him? Let it all out? He already knows some much, why not explaining the whole thing? Who knows, maybe he can live with it.

But Griffin didn´t had his mind on listening to her words. He wanted to get out. Escape and get as far as possible from this woman. Move out of the city, the country. He didn´t want to see her. She´s a liar, and what´s more, she´s a psycho! Who knows what she´ll do to him if he stays. Shop him into pieces? Tie him down and keep him as her pet? A slave? He didn´t want to find out.

He sprinted, trying to duck and run right between her thick legs. He could make it, if he was fast enough, he´ll be at the other side of the door before she notices. Then, he´ll get out of there, and never come back.

But he failed. For someone of her size and proportions, she was fast! His head didn´t even make it passed her legs when her hug hands grabbed him. Her huge hand quickly seized the belt on his pants, and then pulled him back.

She literally threw him in the air and made him land on his butt. The fall hurt, but not as much as it hurt to know her real strength. A single hand, just one and he was flying in the air. But he should´ve seen that coming, she was a sturdy, 8´2” woman. Hefty in all of her large glory.

She got upset. “Oh no, you´re not getting out of here, first, you have to listen to what I have to say!” she didn´t like it when people tried to ignore her and ran away.

“No! You… you bitch! Just let me out, you´re CRAZY.” She took a deep breath, crazy? She´s been kind. But if he wants crazy, he´ll get crazy.

“You little shit!” She rapidly slam-closed the door behind her and walked towards him. She was an amazon tramping towards him. Her face even turned a little red on the cheeks. Maybe he messed things up more. He should´ve let her speak, but now it was too late.

Griffin tried to run, but each of her strides´ almost as big as two of his. Her room´s large, but not enough to give him enough space to run, to hide. Not even to dodge.

He just ran from one side to the other. But she was everywhere he turned. She was literally one step ahead of him. He had nowhere to go. She´ll snap him before he can even turn the knob. He had to find a quick way out. And he found it.

The window. He turned at the window, his new plan was to throw himself at it and hope it shatters as his body makes it to the other side. So what if they´re on the second floor? The fall won´t hurt as much as what she´ll do to him. She´s a menace. A big, strong woman who´s obsessed with him. It´s his only hope now.

He ran, gave it all and just aimed for the window. He jumped in the air, turning his back at her. His face revealed the utter fear he had; the rush of adrenaline kept him going faster than ever. He felt light, he felt capable, he could already feel his body hitting the glass.

But he didn´t even touch the window. He was flying in the air, just two feet away from the window when Judy´s large hands caught him. Sinking her strong fingers on his ribs. It hurt, a lot! But not as it hurt to see his one and only hope setting away.

He could hear a grunt as she tossed him into her bed. The landing was soft, but when he turned back at Judy, he could see her huge form coming closer. Jumping in the air, about to pounce on him. She was a beast now, throwing herself all over him.

She rapidly fell over him, her large, thick body had flown in the air as now it was crushing him beneath her. But she knew she was too heavy, so she tried to be careful. Even as mad as she was, she knew she could literally break him down if she landed fully on top of him.

She used her knees to cushion her landing. Her thick legs landing on his sides. He could still feel some pressure on him, her groin was pinning him down.

Beneath both, the bet made a snapping sound. The base broke down and the mattress rapidly fell into the floor. The force she applied to it was just too much, the bed completely gave.

He swallowed, still struggling to move away. Trying to set himself free. But she had him, he was trapped.

Judy bent over, making her enormous breasts quake as her hands reached for his arms. She wanted him to stop and listen. Her long fingers wrapped around his forearms as if they were the thinnest thing. She was a monster. Giant, strong, dangerous.

“Griffin, stop! Please, just listen…” she didn´t want to do any of this, if he just gave her a chance to explain, maybe he´ll see this is good.

She´ll care for him, look for him, protect him, just as she´s done so far. Be there, always. She won´t ever leave his side. She won´t cheat on him, won´t even stare at other men. He´ll be his one and only.

“Get… get off me! Let me go, you can´t… you can´t do this, Judy, let me go, NOW!” He wouldn´t listen, she knew it.

Even if she tried to speak, the only thing coming from him will be demands for her to set him free. To let him go. But she´s sure that if she does that, he´ll be gone forever. She can´t take that risk.

She took a decision, she´ll explain him later, for now, she needs to silence him. Make sure he stops trying to escape.

She slowly bent, closing the gap between them, getting closer and closer. As he struggled, he could feel her body approaching. Her face looming close to his, he could smell the aroma of her hair, feel her long hairs falling over him.

Her whole body started to cover his. His vision was now filled with her titanic breasts. Her soft boob flesh covered his whole face. Darkness came over him. He could see nothing, the only thing he could perceive were Judy´s massive, soft knockers shutting him down. And they also obstructed his air income.

In just a second, he could no longer breathe. There was no oxygen beneath this huge woman. Her breasts were suffocating him, he tried to squirm, turn, but it was useless. Those tits were a gargantuan, soft mass that pinned him in place.

Just like water surrounding him in the deepest part of the ocean, there was nowhere to go. No way he could avoid it.

Judy hated to do this, she could feel his fingers sinking in her, his feet trying to kick. He was desperate. But Griffin didn´t left her any choice.

“I´m sorry, I´m so, so sorry…” she said as she covered him with her whole body. Now, she was resting her whole weight on him. She was so heavy!

Her huge tits that had just made him cum, were suffocating him. The same boobs that caused him so much pleasure, that softly prize him to climax; now were putting him out. Slowly, he could feel his brain giving, his mind fading, his body went numb.

When he stopped moving, she knew it was enough. He was unconscious.

She got herself off of him. Griffin was laying on her bed, now breathing. But knocked down.

“I´m sorry, Griffin. I´m sorry this had to get to this. But you made me! I was just trying to explain and…” he didn´t allowed her.

Why would he? He was scared, all the fear, the powerless feeling he had in him, it was all caused by her. She haunted his mind without him knowing. Now, he had a face to put into the evil shadow that haunted his mind.

A name for all those who chased him, who kept him awake at nights. The ones who moved behind the bushes, who followed him all evening. All those people were just one, Judy. She was the only cause for all of his paranoia, his stress, his suffering.

Even now, she had to make him suffer in order to settle him down. She knew it, she was a real monster.

“Maybe… maybe I am a bitch…” she whispered as a tear went down her cheek.

Judy has always struggled with her humongous size. She´s even taller than the allowed height on those perking lots. Yes, the one´s not meant for trucks.

Being big doesn´t necessarily bring the best things. And love was one of them. Everyone turned at her, but only to admire her cheering size, to make sure this was a living person and not some statue, to believe the impossible. She just dragged everyone´s looks at her, but not what she wanted.

She simply knew it, no man will dare to ask her out, she was a head taller than anyone in town, at least! She had no chance, that´s until she thought of something, why can´t she chose? Pick a man and make him fall in love with her.

Maybe it will be hard at first, but he´ll learn to love her. She may be tall, but that also, in her case, comes with a lot of flesh. Enormous tits, a nice round ass, thick thighs. She was hefty, and someone out there should appreciate that. Love it even.

That´s why she wrote the words on her wall. “Does he like big girls?” She was by far the biggest example out there, literally. Tall, curvy, hot. He´ll fall for her, he should! That was her only hope.

She hates it, she hates herself. She just did it, she took advantage of her size and knocked him out. As she stares at his unconscious date, Griffin, she can´t believe it. She smothered his brains out with her ginormous breasts.

“I… I thought we were going so well… but I guess this just ruins it all.” She was destroyed. “Why? Why, Griffin? Why did you have to open this door, WHY!” she should´ve locked the door, if she had, none of this would´ve happened.

In the end, she´s aware of something. She has to make a decision before he wakes up. As soon as his eyes open, he´ll look for the door, a way out. But she can´t let him go, she won´t, not now, not ever.

“I know that I did wrong, believe me. I know I caused this. I brought all this to myself. Honestly, heh, what was I thinking? Inviting you over where I clearly have a whole wall dedicated to you? But… Would you believe me if I told you they set all this up?” She explained as he moved his head to the sides, clearly saying “NO.”

“I´m sorry, Griffin. I didn´t meant all this to go so far. I just… the moment I saw you I… I felt something. And the more I thought about it, the more I thought about you, it just… it made me feel butterflies. You´re the only man who´s ever make me feel that way. You should be proud about it. You can have a big woman like me as your girlfriend, and you only have to ask. Just say it and I´ll give in, just ask, you only have to ask and I´ll be all over you, just like before, on the living room, when I, when we got so… close…” she was trying to persuade him.

It seemed as a plead even. A speech made by a psycho, a stalker, an obsessed woman. She stood there, looking at him with hope, smiling, hoping he was buying it. She really meant it, but she knew he won´t agree that easy. “So tell me, do you want it? Do you want… me?”

Seriously, what´s the answer she´s expecting? However, he couldn´t talk at the moment.

“Oh, how silly, let me remove the tape, just a sec…” she slowly guided her hand to his shut lips, aiming for the duct tape sealing his mouth.

Griffin´s mouth was the least of his problems. He was tied to a chair, a chair! She tied his wrists to the arms of the chair, his ankles, his waist. He was immobile. The only thing he could do was to try and move to set himself free. Unsuccessfully. She, for some reason, was very good at making knots. There´s no way he can set himself free.

“Ok, easy… here we go…” she pulled the tape off.

Griffin took a deep breath and immediately shout. “HELP! HELP!!! SOMEONE, HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!” She put the tape back on.

Obviously, it was not the right time. But it doesn´t matter, she´s got all the time in the world.

After a couple minutes, when she saw he had settled a little. She look at him in the eyes, making sure he was looking at her, she rose her eyebrows as if saying: “Ready?” he nodded.

“Ok, I´ll remove the tape, but please, try not to scream this time…” She said as she reached for the tape again.

This time, he was easy, however, he had to get out of there. “Judy, Judy you can´t do this! I… I have a life, I have… places to be. A job, an apartment. Judy please, please let me go, please! I can´t stay here…” he was begging. He had no idea what she had in mind. He was tied now, but how long is she thinking on keeping him there?

Griffin was trying to convince her, persuade her to let him go. He was a person, a real person. He can´t be trapped there. But she knew better, he can´t leave. Not before he loves her with the same passion, she loves him.

“Griffin, don´t be silly, OF COURSE you can stay here. First of all, your job, pffft, you don´t have to work, I´ll pay for everything you need. Food, gas, clothes, just name it, I have money, enough to spare with a cutie like you. Besides, you won´t need that apartment, you can more in, see? You move in and live here… with me…” she was genuinely hopping he´ll agree.

“But… but what about my life? People… the people I know, they will notice, notice I´m gone. Judy, I will literally be missing!” no one knew where he was, not a soul.

“Oh, come on. We can work on that. Maybe send a few e-mails, make some calls, and if anyone comes, well, I´ll just have to take care of that.” She was so sure about what she was saying. No one will interfere with her plans, her love life. And she was big enough to make sure of that.

She seemed to have a plan already. Griffin was freaking out. She can´t be serious, right?

“But… but, this is wrong! Judy, can´t you see it? You can´t force someone to… to love you, I… Judy, you… you´re scaring me…” he was terrified. She could see it on his face.

The towering body of the amazon, her size, her strength, how she easily brought him down without breaking a sweat. She needed a solution for this, a way to settle his troubled mind. To prove him this was right.

Judy came with an idea. She bent down, placed her hands on her knees and came close to him. There´s one thing that had him going back then, maybe this will refresh his mind and help him see what she wants him to see.

She placed her huge lips over his. Her thick, glossy lips engulfing his. Hot, sensuous, kissing him passionately. Her tongue, maneuvering it´s way to open his mouth. Dancing inside it.

He had no choice, he couldn´t oppose to this woman´s will. He simply stood there and let her be. He could listen to her breathe, feel her huge hands now reaching for him. She was hot for him. And he couldn´t hide the fact that all this aroused him somehow.

Her monstruous tits were laying all over his lap as she passionately made out with him. Wet, hot kisses poured on his mouth as her breasts jerked his member. He couldn´t lie, this was one of the good things she hadn´t but soon will talk about.

Judy´s certain of one thing. Right now, he needs some time to think. She´s sure that soon, someday, he´ll come up with the right answer. In the meantime, she´ll feed him, take care of him, prove him she´s a good girlfriend, even good wife material.

“Soon, Griffin, soon you´ll come to see… see all… you´ll love me… someday…” she spoke, breaking her kissing for a moment.

He may as well give up. Stop resisting, and kiss her back. He´s got no way out. And who knows, maybe he´ll develop some sort of Stockholm syndrome?

She was counting on it. Beneath his eyes, behind the fear, the anger, all those worries about the upcoming future, Judy could see something. Lust. For her, this kiss was the beginning for the carnal ritual.

She knew it, she could make him think with his other “brains”. The kiss was working, but maybe she needed to put some more to it. And she really doesn´t mind.

“You know… we don´t have to settle to kissing only…” she guided her hands, slowly, sensuously to her huge breasts. Then, she started pulling the borders of her top, down. Removing her tight top as her erect nipples as the fabric rubbed on them. Brushing the very tip.

Griffin swallowed, he even started sweating a little as his member jolted in his pants. He was beyond hard now. And the worst part, to him, Judy knows it. She knows exactly what she´s doing. And that this won´t be the last time. In order to get what she wants, she´ll do anything and, in this case, use anything. Any of her enormously voluptuous body.

She´ll do it, everyday if necessary. She´ll take care f him, but she´ll also tease him to the very brim of his mind. Until he gives, until he sees what she´s talking about. When he finally gives in. How long will it take? It depends on him. By now, she´s slowly revealing the areola on her tits. She´s in charge, in control, but not to worry, she´ll be gentle…

The End.



Aha awesome. Great story, thanks for writing it and sharing. I’d love it if, in the future, you revisited it maybe with an epilogue, and showed us what things are like a year later. Did she win him over? Or is he still trapped on that bed?


Thank you! I did enjoy writting the story :D Hmmm, an epilogue... that could work. But it wouldn´t be in the near future LOL. But I would love to write one.


Haha, glad you liked it. And yes, I also thought about having more, you know, intimacy. But I think I focused more on making her dementially sweet, or just demential XD