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Chapter 3

“I´ll go get us some snacks, I´ll be right back…” Steph said as she made her way into the kitchen.

“Ok, dear. Just make sure they´re healthy snacks…” Bonnie said as she turned her attention to Noah.

He was right under her chin, literally, the top of his head barely made it to her chin. He´d be looking right where the line of her cleavage begins. But he never will look there. Even if Bonnie had boobs bigger than his head, he will never ogle at his girlfriend´s mother.

“So… Noah, wanna take a sit?” She asked.

“Oh, s-sure. Is… is the couch fine?” He asked.

“Haha, how shy, I like it. And, in response to your question, the couch´s perfect.” She said looking down to him.

Back on the kitchen, Steph was a bit busy. Slicing apples.

“It would be easier to just open a bag of ships, but no, mom will drop out another comment like: “Honey, ships? SERIOUSLY!?” she used to eat a lot of chips back then, but now she´s the fit one and I´m the little growing piggy… I hate it.” Yes, Bonnie used to be a bit chubbier before. But she decided to pick a healthier life style when Steph started working out.

The bad thing is, Steph stopped working out. But kept the diet she had from when she worked out. Which means, she was consuming thousands of calories without burning them all.

She never worked on a caloric deficit diet. She was tall, and active; she could really afford to indulge without paying the price. But that was before. When she was the star in the Volleyball team, and the captain of the basketball team. Now, if there was a football team somewhere, she´d definitely be the best linebacker there. She was already huge, and intimidating.

“Come on, don´t be shy, it´s ok… come here…” Steph could hear her mother´s voice coming from the living room. Or course, she was doing one of those things she was sure she won´t have a decent explanation for. But now she was Noah´s problem.

She´s cool there´s no way Bonnie can hurt Noah. Smother him, yes, nearly suffocate him, maybe. But she knew better.

“Ok, here I come, with apple slices and some water… mom, what are you doing? Why is Noah in your lap?” she asked as she noticed his bright red boyfriend´s face.

“Oh, well I just figured we´ll fit better in the couch if he was sitting right here. But he doesn´t mind, right honey?” She asked Noah.

He was too shy to say the opposite. He was just looking at the floor quietly.

Steph resigned and allowed her mother to do so, it seems Noah doesn´t mind. Well, he does, apparently, but she wanted Noah to stand for himself. If he wasn´t doing it with a grown woman who was certainly all love and affection, then he won´t make it against anyone else.

“Ok, cutie, it´s rude to sit with your back turned at people, so I´ll just…” she turned him. She placed her huge hands under his armpits, picked him up a little and turned his chole body so that he was facing both of them. Now, he was sitting sideways on her lap, able to look at both women.

These two were simply enormous. Bonnie was almost a foot taller than him, and Steph was another foot taller. Sitting on Bonnie´s lap just made him feel ridiculous.

“Want some apple, sweetie?” Bonnie asked as she fed him a slice. So cute, those were her only thoughts. Having a daughter as big as Steph, there were moments she truly treasured, if she didn´t allowed her own mother to pamper her, then she´ll have to find a surrogate. And Noah was perfect.

Short, cute, allowing her to do anything, she appreciated it. However, even Bonnie knew he was allowing her to do as she pleased. Maybe because she was bigger than him, perhaps because she was older, she didn´t care. She was just being lovely.

“Want more, sweet pie?” Bonnie asked Noah.

“I… no, thank you, I think I´m fine.” He replied.

“Awww, ok then…” she just pinched his cheek with her long-manicured finger. He blushed again.

Steph was having a blast, well, some fun at least. “At least she´s off my ass now.” She thought.

“I don´t mean t be rude, guys, but… don´t you think you could do a little cleaning here? I mean, I´m not trying to be obnoxious, but there´s some dust all over the house…” That and more of those nosy comments were the type that Steph didn´t love. But she knew this was just her mother trying to help, not really trying to control her life. However, this was HER house. Well, hers and Noah´s.

“So cute, yes you are…” Cooed Bonnie at Noah every now and then. She couldn´t get over it, apparently.

Steph was a bit uncomfortable with it. Her mother knew he was his adult boyfriend, right? Why does she have the need to say those kinds of things? With her, well, she´s her daughter, and she gets it. But Noah? He´s cute, yes, but he´s not quite a part of this.

“Mom, can you please stop doing that?” Steph said.

“Doing what, dear?” Bonnie asked.

“That! Pinching his cheeks, hugging him, cooing at him, he´s my boyfriend, not a baby.”

“Aww, someone´s jealous? Well, don´t be, I´ve got enough love for you both.” Then, Bonnie pinched Steph´s cheek too. Showing her she was not being left apart.

“No, mom, don´t. I don´t mean that. What I mean is… don´t you find it a little strange that you´re showing too much affection. I mean, he´s not your son…”

“I see what you´re talking about. But it´s ok, I don´t mind. In fact…” then Bonnie turned at Noah.

During a second, which felt like forever, she just looked at him in the eyes, she chuckled, she smiled, he had no idea what was going on, but then she said:

“Listen, I know what Steph´s says is right. And I know I may be a little too… sweet, which she says it´s suffocating. But I´d like you to know that, even if I didn´t gave birth to you, there´s no reason why you can´t see me as a maternal figure. If you decide to get married, I´ll be your mother-in-law. You know what that means?” she asked, making a pause.

He turned his head to the sides in denial, he had no idea what she was talking about, but her words were strangely comforting.

“It means, I can be your mother too, not biologically of course, but don´t think that if you ever need anything, I´ll be there for you, ok?” Now she had Noah´s full attention. For a second, his eyes sparkled. He kept listening to her words, forgetting he was sitting on this amazon´s lap.

“I love my daughter, God knows I do, but there´s no reason why I can´t love you too. I will not be like one of those women who hate their sons-in-law. Nah ah, even if you don´t get married, there´s no reason why I won´t care for you, you´re part of my daughter´s life, therefore, you´re part of mine too.” She was sweet, tender, warm.

Noah couldn´t believe it. Bonnie was so sweet, welcoming. Her words, she was the total opposite to Steph; not that he minded, she loved Steph for who she was, with her flaws and all. But Bonnie´s words, the promise of caring for him. He was curious as to what this implied.

“Mom, you… you just made this awkward. Besides, I told you WE´RE the ones who decide if we will get married, IF we want…” Steph said.

“Sorry dear, I was just trying to make a point.” Said the amazon, but then, Noah´s voice finally came to their ears.

“I… excuse me…” he was very shy, but he had something to say, as both women turned, he continued; looking only at Bonnie. “Is… is that true?” he asked.

“What´s true, dear?” Said Bonnie as she looked at him with tender eyes.

“You… you really care for me?” he asked. Steph knew what he was doing, he was carefully building a series of questions that will help him get a better understanding of what her mother was saying. Something he only did whenever he wanted to confirm if he got things right. The thing is, what does he want to know?

“I do, yes I do.” Bonnie said kindly as she approached to him. “Besides being my daughter´s boyfriend, you´re just so cute, and small. I can´t help it. My maternal instincts kick in whenever I turn at you, I just… I just wanna eat you up!” she pinched both his cheeks with her huge hands.

Noah could feel her long fingers on his face, but he didn´t care. He was curious, he had some hope in him. His next question was… weird, but not more than Bonnie´s attitude so far.

“B-Bonnie, would you be… kind to me?” Steph was getting frustrated; she threw her head back to what was happening. Was he playing along with her mother?

“Aww, yes, sweetheart. I promise I´ll be the best mother-in-law, in fact, I´ll be your mommy-in-law. I´ll care for you, I´ll make sure you´re ok, even, I´ll pamper you the way Steph here doesn´t want me to do… she´s ashamed of her mother, you know?” Came her words, her tender words.

Steph turned at her. Why wouldn´t she be embarrassed, she´s 24 and she doesn´t treat her as such. But there was something else, Noah seemed kind of strange.

He was looking at Bonnie, while she smiled at him, but for some reason, his lip was quivering. Before she knew it, tears were coming out of his eyes. Then, he covered his crying face.

“Is he… crying?” Came Steph´s voice as Bonnie quickly put hands in action.

“Aww, don´t cry, come here…” she cooed as she pulled him to her. She wasn´t lying, her maternal instincts were kicking in, she wouldn´t bare to see him crying. 24-year-old or not, she won´t have him crying without comforting him.

Steph felt really odd. Bonnie had his face right on her boobs. Her mother´s bosom was HUGE, even to someone as tall as Steph. But just as she was about to speak up, Noah started sobbing.

“What the fuck?” Whispered Steph.

“Shh, shh, it´s ok, don´t cry, honey, don´t cry. Why are you crying? Hmmm? Did I say something wrong? What´s the matter?” she hugged him tighter to her chest, at the same time she turned at Steph. With her lips, Bonnie gestured: “Why is he crying?”

“I don´t know?” Steph gestured back as she shrugged.

Noah went on like this for a couple minutes, but after a while, he stopped.

“Are you feeling better, dear?” Came Bonnies sweet voice as she rubbed his back with her hand.

“I… I am…” Noah replied.

Steph was so estranged; she was looking at Noah in disbelief. Did her mother just break him? Why had he been crying?

Noah noticed she was looking at him in a weird way. He felt shy, so he turned.

“Aww, don´t be shy, it´s natural for a man to cry. You shouldn´t hide your feelings, if you have a need to cry sometimes, it´s ok. Let it out, just let it all out.” Came Bonnie´s voice.

After a while, the visit was over, Noah was washing the dishes as Steph and her mother were chatting on the doorway. Both giants talking on the front door.

“Do you have any idea why he broke into tears?” Bonnie asked.

“No, of course not. He´s never done that.” Replied Steph annoyed. Does Bonnie mean she´s not paying attention to him?

“Listen, I´m not blaming you, I know you´re a bit… intense. But this is not your fault. He cried because of something I said.”

“Maybe he doesn´t like all that mommy talking of yours, or being sit on your lap.” Said Steph.

“I don´t think that´s the reason. Everyone loves my mommy talk. There´s something else.”

“But what is it?” Asked Steph.

“I´m not sure, the only thing I did was to be sweet with him, kind… this is a job for you, dear. He´s your boyfriend, and if you can´t tell what´s going inside his little mind, then… you need to pay more attention. Make sure you know him right. Ok?” Advice Bonnie.

“Ok, mom.”

“But seriously, you´re not hurting him, right Steph? He´s smaller than you, I´ll be VERY disappointed if you´re taking advantage of your size and…”

“MOM! NO! I´m not hurting him, gosh, why is it always me the one to blame? Seriously…”

Bonnie was long gone, but this day, Noah´s behavior, it got Steph thinking. Why did he break into tears? Was it her mother? Was she suffocating him and he didn´t found any other way to relieve his stress? It couldn´t be, he wouldn´t have allowed her to hug him if that was the case.

What was it? Why had he done it? The only thing she said was that she´ll be his mother-in-law.

“He´s not afraid of marrying me, right?” she turned at him, the only thing that could explain all this was that he was too afraid of Steph, and the idea of marrying her fret him to that point.

Steph was mad, but she couldn´t be mad at him for little things she thought of. Her paranoid thoughts. She should know better; she should know Noah better.

She just laid back, resolved to do one thing. Solve the puzzle his mind was. It shouldn´t be hard, he´s a simple man, but there´s some things she doesn´t know about him, for starters, his family. They have been living together for a while now, so far, he´s never invited any of his relatives.

“I´ll find out, I will.” Steph was decided, she had settled her mind. And once she did, there was no way she won´t succeed.

The next day was kind of a lazy day. She had the whole day for herself. After she dropped him at work, because she´s the one doing the driving, she sat on the couch and meditated about the whole thing.

She had no idea the reasons he had for that crying, but she knew him well enough, at least, to tell he wouldn´t like to talk about it. Right? Even now she had some doubts, he never really talked about his feelings, as any average man. Or was it that she never really asked?

“Ugh! This is so hard! I can practically take fifty-percent of guilt in every scenario… this sucks!” Thinking on the present, she could be blamed. And not.

She always asked him how work was, she made sure to make lunch for him, drive him to work, pick him up. Take him everywhere he wanted to go every other weekend. She was a good girlfriend, right? Although, does this look as nice gestures coming from a 7´3” amazon, or more like she taking control.

She was just too big, and her tone was not the sweetest at all times. She was intimidating, no one can say the contrary, and her normal look could fall on the stern type of looks. But it didn´t mean she was mad at all times.

Steph had to focus, and she thought this could be easier if she makes a short visit to the past, if she tries to remember the first time they met.

“Oh… but that wasn´t my best moment…” she felt ashamed for it.

Back then, they went to the same college. But she didn´t knew about him until her senior year, when they shared a class together.

Noah was standing right in front of the door, with his phone in hand, displaying his schedule and the class he was supposed to be on, and at what time.

Noah was really the same; same haircut, same looks, same skinny body, same 5´4”, kind of small for a 21-year-old.

“Ok, I guess this is the right classroom. I just hope I didn´t write this one wrong, I wouldn´t like to end up in the art class again… the last time they were portraying nudes.” He could recall that lady´s sensuous body, but what stuck on his mind the most were her huge boobs. However, he blushed in embarrassment as he remembered that. He found it more shameful than arousing.

Nonetheless, what happened next, which Steph still regrets, brought him back to earth.

“Hello? Pipsqueak, are you coming in or not?” Noah turned to look who was this feminine presence. He could tell the voice came from above, but that applied to many people. However, he never thought he´d be in front of a giant!

“I… I…” Noah craned his neck all the way, she was huge! The biggest woman he´s ever met, for sure. And given his shy nature, he had no idea what to do.

Steph was his same age, 21, but her looks were completely different from her current ones. She was hot! Not that there was any problem with he current shape, but back then, she was a huge blast! Tall, leggy, busty, a big shaped ass, and a slim waist. The body of the tallest volleyball/basketball player on the female team.

She stood there, looking down at Noah, she didn´t care who he was, the only thing she wanted to do was get inside the classroom. Probably the only time on the week, she didn´t attended most of her classes regularly.

“I think you broke him, Steph.” Came the voice from another woman behind Steph. Her name was Karina, Steph´s best friend; And just like her, she was part of both teams, but not as good of a player like Steph. She was 6´6”, the second tallest woman on campus, after you already know who.

“Excuse us, little guy, but we´d like to get in… can you move?” She wasn´t as direct with him like Steph, or mean. Karina had slightly tanned skin, round, firm breasts, short brown hair and some sexy long legs.

Both women were dressed with their volleyball uniforms, they had practice after this class. Their short shorts allowed anyone to take a glimpse at their long, shapely legs; thickened by their hard exercises, carrying a healthy round butt behind. Of course, Steph was thicker, she was nine inches taller and forty pounds heavier.

Noah was quiet, looking up at these giantesses, where they on the same class as he was? Of course the answer was yes, if not, why would they be trying to make their way in?

He moved to the side, slowly, not taking his eyes off them. Steph didn´t liked it when people looked at her that much, she was about to ask him what was he looking at, but Karina knew better and pulled her in before she made a scene, or stomped on the short guy.

Back to the present, at the couch where Steph was, she had a repentant look on her face. He was so kind to her. Everyday, before she dropped him at work, he made breakfast for both. And every day he cooked dinner for both.

If she had known that the little guy at the door was so sweet, so kind, that one day he´ll become her boyfriend, she would´ve treated him very different. Or maybe not, that´s just the way she was and still is. Taking no bullshit from anyone, although, she´s more like impatient and short tempered.

That was the very first time they met, it would´ve been easy to guess he´d feel so intimidated by it that he would´ve never talked to her, or look at her. But things work in very different ways.

They attended the same class, well he did, and every other day on the week, Steph was there. Karina went to classes more often, skipping one day a week, while Steph attended one day a week; they had a total of five classes per week.

However, they didn´t hang out because he was the smart one in class and she was falling behind. She never really asked him for help, even if she could tell he was smart. The way they met, they really met, it was completely different from it. And it didn´t even had anything to do with that class.

“Hehe, I still can remember our first date… but I think I screwed that one too…” Said Steph as she laid back on the couch, had she been nice to him at all? She wouldn´t have fall in love with him if he had treated her the way she treated him, but he was different from her. Noah was a better person she was.

Steph just closed her eyes and recalled that day, the weird thing was, he didn´t have to ask her out.


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