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Chapter 13

Larry was starting to get tired of things, anything. He had lost almost a foot in height. He went from a proud 6´1” man to 5´2”, that´s not even as tall as most of the girl he´s dated. How is he supposed to be an attractive man when he´s not confident?

Loosing eleven inches in height doesn´t exactly mean he´ll still be the proud man he once was. Now that he´s really close to five-feet even, he´s fixed into everything. People, doorknobs, stairs, and most of all, his car. He has to adjust the seat almost every day. He´s annoyed.

And the worst part is, people´s treating him different. Violet, Grace, this new girl Nellie, even his boss, Mrs. Davis; with whom he´s got a future meeting, which she didn´t want to call meeting. People were not nasty around him, so far, all of them seem to care… except for Grace who had turned into a tantalizing cougar. One that will cost him a lot of inches.

“This is stupid… stupid rules, stupid height loss… stupid…” He wanted to blame it all in Evangeline, he was suffering, and all because of her. Who would´ve thought that the day she crossed his door and came into his office, that day would be the beginning of this torment.

He parked on his drive way, opened the car´s door and hopped down. The feeling of not touching the ground while climbing down, that was disturbing to him. But that will only get worse. If he failed to follow the angel´s rules, things could get much worse.

“I need a manual… or a list of things I can and cannot do… should I ask for one?” he thought as he was greeted by someone.

“Hi there…” he thought that was Evangeline, popping out of nowhere as always, but it wasn´t here.

“Oh, hi… Nellie. What´s up?” Great, another woman, a tall one. But nowadays, everyone will be tall to him. He´ll need a petit five-foot woman to feel tall again.

“Nothing, really… I just thought I could come by and say hi…” she walked towards him; he was not used to looking up to a 5´8” woman. She seemed HUGE.

Once she stopped right in front of him, he could really tell that the six-inch difference was in fact a lot. At least, it felt like a lot.

Maybe from the distance, it wasn´t that much, but this close, three feet away from her, it was another thing. He could really feel the enormity of Nellie. How her 5´8” frame seemed enormous compared to his reduced one. How he was looking straight at her chin. How her shoulders seemed much wider than his.

Her arms, much longer than his, her legs even more. The top of her head was so high above. He´d have to stretch his arm to reach it. It felt so unreal, so unfair. But at least she was not teasing him like her aunt did.

“Well… hi…” he replied, as confident as he could be, but he really said it in a silly, yet funny way.

“Hi…” she waved at him while smiling. She was looking down at him, way down, in flats. He couldn´t recall the last time a woman looked down to him that way.

Of course, no woman had looked down at him by six-inches without some heels, yet, here she was. And she wasn´t even a tall woman, at least not amazon tall. She was a regular, maybe even tall, woman. But she was not supposed to be that tall. However, his shrinking made her appear such way.

Now, Larry was wondering, what could she want? Make fun of him? Ask for something? A cup of sugar? To borrow some tools? A ride? What?

“You know… my aunt told me that if I saw you coming, I should tell her, but I have the feeling that she´s… a little… wild, isn´t she?” she asked.

Larry was confused, does she mean like, wild as a person or in bed? Either way, she was really provocative and sexy in her own mature way. But she was also forbidden, unless he wanted to say goodbye to being above the five-foot mark.

“I… well… she´s…” Was it ok to discuss this with Nellie? She was an adult, just like him, maybe a few years younger, at 24, but Grace was still her aunt. If felt off, weird.

“Relax. I know my aunt´s a bit… forthright…” she wasn´t exactly comfortable admitting she knew about her aunt´s sexual life. Well, that she knew she was still very active. However, she knew Larry felt odd around her.

Larry simply nodded as Nellie continued. “So… I have an offer for you… well not quite an offer, but it´s something. I, as a friendly new neighbor, am offering my help to get you out of trouble… unless you are really hooking up with my aunt… then I guess…”

“Help? In which way?” this really worked for him. Maybe something as not leaving him alone with Grace.

“Oh, well, if you like I can help you with her as in… keeping you away from her claws?”

“YES.” He didn´t have to think twice, although, the “claws” part sounded more like for a witch, however, he could really use the help.

If, in the near future, he stopped by his neighbor’s house, then there would be no way to avoid getting in bed with Grace. She loved teasing, and what´s more, she adored Larry. Besides, she´s now much bigger to him. But if Nellie´s on the way, that can help him keeping some inches.

“I appreciate your offer, Nellie. It surely sounds good to me.” Hopefully she wasn´t lying, but she couldn´t, she seemed nice, kind.

“You´re welcome. Now, if there´s anything else I can help you with?” she asked, noticing how small Larry was. He was the shortest man she had met in person. She thought he was vulnerable… and cute.

“Well… not really, but… would you like to come in?” he asked.

“For sure!” replied Nellie.

Nellie stepped inside his place, looking around, checking his place. He was a single man, so there wasn´t really much to look at. He had the basics, and that´s all he needed. However, she could tell this house was big for him. And if that condition of his kept messing with his height, then it would be much bigger.

“Say, Larry… do you have anyone here to help you around the house?” Nellie asked.

“Well, not really, I… I guess it is all up to me. But that´s ok, it´s always been that way.” He replied.

“Ok…” Nellie was thoughtful, how come? He was ill, right? He needed help, a housekeeper, a maid, anyone.

Nellie was aware that sooner or later, he won´t be able to cook on his own. Things will become too heavy for him. Everyday stuff will be a burden to him. He needed help, and it would be better if he got it now.

“Tell me, would you like it if… by any chance, I stopped by more often?” she asked. She wanted to help, to assist. She felt bad for him. Pity. She could share some of her time with him, she wasn´t doing much anyways.

“As in…?” that was unexpected.

“Well… I don´t know if by now it´s… harder to keep up doing everything you do. I mean, I guess they help you at work… if there´s the need. But, you´re alone here. Don´t you agree it would be nice to have someone help you here as well?” she had those intentions, right?

She offered to help him the other day, ok, but now she was offering to come by? She wasn´t planning on moving in with him, right?

“It´s ok, Lawrence. She´s afraid you´ll get hurt.” Came Evangeline´s voice inside his head, like a whisper.

“Hurt?” He thought.

“Yes, her intentions are good. She´s just… trying to protect you from… things.”

“What kind of things?” he was having a conversation inside his head, but to Nellie, he just appeared to be thinking while smiling.

“Oh, you know, just… things, you´ll find out soon. But right now, I can assure you she can help you reach out on those tall cabinets you have. Don´t you agree?” Everyone knew that the more he shrank, the less he´d be capable of making it on his own.

He could use a chair, a ladder, a step stool. Anything to boost himself up. But the thing is, he was alone, lone at his own place with no one there to help him, if there was the need. But what if there was someone?

“I think. I think it would be nice to have you around. I mean, if you don´t mind.” He said.

“I don´t. Believe me, I´m free, besides, this won´t take all day, just an hour or two after you come back form work. And… to help you a bit with dinner, you can come to our place and have dinner with me and my aunt Grace. I bet she won´t mind, and relax, I´ll keep her away from you.” She winked at that last part.

“Oh, heh, s-sure. I guess that could be nice.” He wanted to avoid Grace, and now he was invited for dinner, again? That sucked. However, he could decline that invitation.

“Sure is, today we´re having…” but he interrupted Nellie.

“You know, I… I´m not really that hungry today. I just, had a huge lunch at the office, and I, well with this… illness and all, I don´t have much appetite at the moment. I hope you don´t find this rude but, I think I´ll stay here and just have some rest.” He didn´t want to be in the same place as Grace, not so soon.

“Oh, I… it´s fine, if you have to rest, I think that´s fine. You know, we can have you in some other day, tomorrow, maybe?” Nellie asked.

“Sure, tomorrow will be fine.” He said as he wondered what to say to excuse himself again. But he had a whole day to think.

“Ok, I guess we´ll see you tomorrow. But before I leave… I know you´re tired but, are you sure you don´t need any help? At all?” she needed to make sure.

“No, I´m fine. Everything´s cool.” Why does everyone think he´s uncapable? Needy? He was smiling, but he felt really underestimated at the time.

“Ok, I guess it´s fine. I´ll see you tomorrow, bye.” And she was gone.

“Well, well, well, someone´s a bit rude, isn´t he?” came a voice from behind him, Evangeline´s.

“What? Rude? Why? I was polite, I didn´t kick her out or anything.” He claimed.

“Lawrence, you just declined that woman´s proposal. She just invited you to dinner, and yet, you rejected her offer. And the thing is, you have no excuse.” Said the angel.

“What… but I… I´m tired, I don´t really feel like hanging out right now…”

“Sweetheart…” the angel bent a little, now Evangeline was a towering woman too, slightly shorter than Nellie, but still, tall. “don´t lie to me, I know you´re not tired.” She snapped her fingers.

“No…” that feeling again, another inch gone. He was getting tired of that feeling of Evangeline growing, in fact, everything seemed to rise a little around him. But not by much.

“5´1”, I hope you understand.” Said Evangeline rising back up. Now, she seemed as tall as Nellie, but it was because he had lost an inch.

“This… this isn´t fair.” He protested.

“Listen, what´s not fair is rejecting a woman. Don´t you think she felt bad when you said no? Lawrence, I told you that you should be more empathetic, yet, here we are.”

“But… I was, I… I…”

“What? You excused yourself out of it? That´s not being empathetic, that´s lying. And there´s nothing good about lying.” Larry was upset, mad, he wanted to scream. But this may be a good chance to learn, get more information that the little explanation Evangeline always gave.

“So… why was I shrunken for, again?” he asked.

“Because you rejected a woman´s invitation, an invitation meant from the heart. A pure, kind and nice invitation.” Spoke Evangeline.

“Right… and… about lying?” he asked.

“That´s not the main idea here… but if you want…” she rose her hand again and joined her fingers, as if she was about to snap them.

“No! No, please, I… I was just asking.” He panicked. He can´t lose another inch.

“Oh, well, you lied because you wanted to sneak out of her invitation, which you did, however, lying is not the main reason for the punishment. But you must understand this, you can´t lie, ok? I know lying comes really easy for you, humans, but that doesn´t mean it´s right. You cannot lie, with no exceptions. But trust me, it will be better for you if you don´t.” the last part came more as a friendly advice. Still, she was looming above him, kind of intimidating.

“I see…” he needed to learn; he could even take notes of it.

“Any other questions?” asked the angel, with now a sweeter tone, she could feel he wanted to improve, at least learn from his mistakes. She could see through him, she knew he wanted to avoid falling on the same mistake, which was mainly to keep himself from losing height, but it still worked for her.

“No… I´m fine…” he replied, hating to look up to her, and to think he was once looking down to the angel. But at least this celestial being was not gigantic. 5´7” seemed regular, but not so much anymore, at least not for him.

“Ok then, I´ll let you… “rest”, but just so you know, you cannot decline any other invitation for dinner, not when you can clearly accept.” Evangeline said before leaving.

“What? Why? You´ve seen Grace, she… she wants me…” he hated to admit that being wanted by a woman in a sexual way was not as nice as it once was.

“Well, find a way to stop her… but remember you can´t lie. You could just tell her you´re not interested. I think she´ll understand.” Explained Evangeline and then left. Vanished in the air.

“I guess that could work… hopefully.” Larry said as he walked upstairs to his room.

A new day, full of possibilities, but to him, full of things that were now taller. Another day facing Violet, who´ll appear to be a real amazon this time. He was over a foot shorter than her, which made him feel insignificant.

This whole size lost was making him really self-conscious around people who he knew were tall; that was at first, now he´s conscious about anyone. He was the shortest person he knew. It felt awful.

The only thing that made things slightly easy at work was the fact that everyone knew he was ill. That way, no one will be rude enough to ask, and those who were curious will just stare; it wasn´t the best solution, but at least he didn´t have a line of people wanting to ask him how was it like.

How did he felt, how does everything look, how´s everything in… general. He knew he was a new thing for everyone, who knows a man who´s constantly shrinking? And the illness he made up, how come everyone just accepted it? Perhaps, no one really wanted to know that much.

He was now aware of many things, and about some kinky things about certain people. Grace, the neighbor, she was just a mature woman who wanted action, but she´s not the one he´s got in mind. Violet, she was really into him, his size changes, his shrinking, she was curious but to a titillating way.

“Good morning!!” Came Violet´s voice as he approached his office´s door.

“Good…” before he could greet her back, she cut all possible distance between them, and then she stuck to him like a sticker. Pulling him closer with her long arms and pinning his face right on her boobs.

Violet was truly an amazon to him, at 6´2” she was thirteen inches taller than him. That´s a whole foot, plus an inch. Her shoulders seemed broad, her body bigger, and her boobs, well, they were smothering his face at the moment.

“How´s my little boss doing? Hmm? Did you sleep well? Have coffee already? Tell me… but right after big ol´ me gives you a BIIIIIG hug.” She was loving, tender, but too strong.

He could barely take some air in between Violet´s soft breasts. Her boobs were huge now, nearly as big as his whole head. Or were they bigger?

*Hmmmff* Came Larry´s voice, he was trying to speak, but he had too much boobs in his face.

“What´s the matter? Wanna say something? Ok, I´ll let you go.” Said Violet, who was clearly paying attention to his every more or word… at least what he was “saying”.

Larry took a deep breath before speaking, his face was red now, and he kind of smelled a little like Violet´s perfume too.

“Violet… what… I don´t intend to sound rude or… ungrateful but… what´s with the hug?” he didn´t mind, but it was unexpected, and he was also struggling to breathe.

“Awww, sorry, I was just trying to make things up for… yesterday.” She whispered the last part.

“Yesterday?” he asked.

“Yes, since I was so rude with you, I thought I could make things even by being super sweet today. What do you think? A friendly, loving amazon assistant? Do you like it?” She seemed excited about her new idea.

“Well… I…” what could he say? Being greeted with boobs right on his face, that seemed nice, however, what was the kind way to say it? “it´s nice…”

“GREAT!” she almost jumped in excitement. “Ok, today´s gonna be a super sweet day for you. Prepare to be pampered.” She approached, stopping really close to him.

Larry just smiled awkwardly as she kept her energetic smile in place. Watching how her ever growing assistant just kept teasing him with all the possibilities she had in mind. Nice, mean, dirty, sweet, she could be anything! But there´s just one thing he wanted, for her to be naughty.

Her long sexy legs were even more mesmerizing. Every passing day, her legs appeared more as thick pillars of flesh, teasing, sensuous, lusty. He wanted to put hands in those thick thighs, seize that round ass of hers. But he kept that for his own.

It´s true that she had told him about her little secret. Her kink on height. However, that didn´t exactly meant she was there for him to touch her however he wanted. This was more like a roleplay. Tease, a talked foreplay. He knew this aroused her as much as it did to him, well when it actually worked. But Violet was not a love-making machine, she was the tall shy girl. But she seemed to open up to people quite easy; once she wants to, of course.

“I… I´ll be in my office, ok?” he walked away.

“Sure thing boss, I´ve already sent you your tasks for today, but tell me if it´s too much, ok? I wouldn´t want my wittle boss to struggle.” Did she just make a silly voice?

“S-sure.” He opened his office´s door and as soon as he placed his right foot in, she added something else.

“Oh, by the way, Mrs. Davis would like to meet you after lunch. At her office. It´s at the top of the schedule, and also on the small notes at the end, but I thought I could give you a heads up, heh.”

“Well, thank you. How kind…” he smiled at her and closed the door.

The meeting, that “non-meeting” he had scheduled with Mrs. Davis. He thought he´ll have more days before it happened. Didn´t she just mentioned the whole thing like… yesterday?

Larry was in kind of a problem here. Mrs. Davis was a mystery to him. Yes, she was the big boss, nice, kind, strict also, but in some sort of calm, gentle way. However, the real thing was that she seemed worried.

On her last call, she seemed kind of worried. Was she worried that he won´t be capable of doing his job properly? That he´ll slow down and cost the company a whole lot? He thought he was a broken piece of engine in the huge machine the building was. But he´ll prove her wrong.

“I… I can still have everything done, no problem. I´m not here because of silly things like… height. I´m here because I´m the best. That´s right, at the top of the top. Number one. I am…” he was encouraging himself, out loud, but suddenly, he felt something.

He instinctively turned back, and what did he found? More like a who.

“Hehehe, sorry… am I interrupting?” said Violet. How did she open the door without him hearing? Well, maybe he was praising himself too loud.

“I… I…” he had no idea what to say. That was a normal thing to do, right? He shouldn´t be ashamed of a little pep talk to himself… right?

“Awww, don´t blush, it´s fine, we all need some courage from time to time, right?” she patted his head as she talked to him.

He didn´t like the feeling. He was feeling ashamed, and what´s more, small. She had just caught him, he felt embarrassed.

“Shh, shh, it´s normal. Trust me, now, come here. Let me make you feel better.” She approached, slowly, gently, and simply hugged him as she caressed his head. Unlike the last time, she was being careful, placing his head over her bosom, without obstructing his air entry now.

“I know you´re under a lot of stress, and that things are not so easy for you with all this shrinking going on. But trust me, and this is me talking, no roleplay or anything, if you need a friend, or comfort, or even a shoulder to cry on, I´m here.” She sounded so warm, so welcoming, so… tender.

Larry just hugged her tight, his arms on her waist, as he let himself go in the moment. He was not going to cry, not by any means, but there would be no shame on that. He had the right to be vulnerable every now and then. And this was the time for it.

“Violet.” He whispered.

“Yes?” Came her soft voice from above.

“Thank you.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.



Ah, I loved it- how the women around him are realizing how helpless he’s becoming, wanting to help… and how he’s maybe starting to accept it, too.


He´s surrounded by kind women... kind-ish. But yeah, each wants to help in their own particular way.