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I can officially tell that, this short term will meet chapter 6. So far, building up these two characters has been fun. And reasonably slow. I hope it´s worth it.

Even if I tried to make her like... weird in the whole stalking way, I think I haven´t quite gotten there yet. But, the story´s heading there, little by little.

Hope you like this new chapter :D

Chapter 3

Griffin was finally getting some good sleep. He was on his bed, covered with his sheets, sleeping tight. He had been worried all night, wondering if someone will break into his place. Even the slightest sound will wake him up. His red eyes soberly looking around, in the darkness of the room, trying to shape the darkness around him, looking for something suspicious.

But now, he felt relieved. He felt protected. Judy, the amazon, was there to look after him. Yes, a man who´s 27 shouldn´t need someone to look for him while he sleeps. But he was really being followed, tracked down, watched. By no one else but the giantess next to him. Something he still ignored.

“He snores… how cute…” Thought Judy as she covered her mouth with her hands tenderly.

She was excited, she couldn´t believe it. This could´ve come up much, MUCH worse. Yet, there she was, watching him sleep. Actually, it was kind of her duty to do so, which only made things sweeter to her.

She watched him sleep during a long time. Hours actually. And he didn´t seem to wake up soon. She had time, time to get busy inside his place.

Judy took some pictures of him, with no flash this time. And of course, in silenced mode. She was discrete, a silent stalking ninja. But she wanted more than just a picture.

“Ok, what do we have here…” she looked around, took some more pictures of his room, to treasure, to watch, probably for future studies.

She was looking for things she was familiar with. How casual could it be if they liked the same things? Or if it appeared as if they liked them. She was looking for a new topic for their future conversations. She was searching for things she liked and that he had. Figurines, comics, posters, books, some series-related stuff. But she didn´t seem to find anything like that.

He seemed to be a really minimalistic guy. Or as if he had just moved in. But she didn´t left his room. She would´ve liked to wander around his place and check out ALL of his stuff. Which would imply leaving him alone. She couldn´t. What if he woke up and find her gone. That will mean she´s not good to be trusted.

She stayed there, moving her gigantic body from one side to the other inside the room. Her long strides covering the whole room in less than four steps. She rose her hands and touched the ceiling, just for fun. She knew she was bigger, and that made her giggle a little.

“Ok… closet time.” She declared as she checked on his closet.

She smelled his clothes. Pulling in the scent of his laundry products and his smell sealed into the fabric of them. They did smell like him, if she inhaled deep enough. However, she was looking for something in particular.

“Here they are…” she found his underwear, all stored in a drawer. “Hihihi, they´re so tiny…” she grabbed a pair of his boxers and stretched them.

Her large hands made the medium sized men´s boxers seem tiny. She couldn´t fit inside them. What´s more, maybe not even one of her fleshy thighs can fit in. The whole waist of that underwear will have a really hard time encircling her sturdy thighs.

Probably they can make it through her calves, but there´s no way they can make it to the thickest part of her thighs. She was simply enormous, HUGE. Her proportions made men´s medium size clothes look like dolls clothing. But she wasn´t looking for something to wear, but to keep. But what?

“Oh my…” she whispered as she found exactly what she was looking for. She dug until the very bottom of the drawer, and beneath all of the boxers, she found a pair of briefs, the one´s that are supposed to have a tight fit. She picked them up as if they were a trophy.

She rubbed them to her face for a moment, as if they were some sort of soft shawl or something. She caressed it with her hands, rubbed it with her fingers, played a little with them. She turned behind, making sure he was still asleep and that he didn´t woke up while she was lost in his closet.

She immediately stored the briefs inside her purse and closed the whole thing. Making sure it seemed as if she had never opened his closet.

After a while, like four hours, he finally woke up.


“Good morning, sleepy head. OR should I say evening?” Came Judy´s voice.

“Hi…” he softly said as he caressed his soft, tender pillows. But something wasn´t right.

His pillows were flat, and fuzzy, but now, they seemed wide, inflated, and the feeling he was having, it wasn´t the one a fabric´s supposed to give. It felt different, like… skin?

“Oh, I… I´m…” he was now sleeping over Judy´s massive lap. How did he get there?

How did SHE get there? She was clearly over his mattress, how was it possible for a woman her size and weight to get over the bed without waking him up? Was he THAT tired? He didn´t felt a thing. Yet, here she was, caressing his hair with her large hand.

Griffin felt tiny, her lap was vast, her hand felt enormous, and as he turned up, she seemed to be miles above him. His vision was mostly covered by the tremendous underside of her titanic breasts. Her round tits floating over his face. So round and heavy. If he woke up, he would immediately be knocked down by those breasts, that´s if he can reach.

He didn´t move, he wanted an explanation, but didn´t exactly knew how to ask for one. Why was she so… close?

Judy wanted to get closer, and she knew that if she cradled him in her arms, for as good as it first appeared, it will immediately wake him up. She couldn´t be certain that her fingers won´t poke him too hardly. She could pick him up, but if she wasn´t careful, she could apply more strength than the one she should.

“Sorry… am I… am I being awkward?” she didn´t felt that way, but she knew this wasn´t the most common thing to do. She needed to pretend to be a normal, sane, well-intentioned woman.

“Uh, I… well, I think…” he didn´t get to give an answer before she sat him next to her. That´s right, she reached for him and, with her strong arms, shifter him into a sitting position.

She placed him right next to her, Griffin could notice Judy occupied a BIG space on the mattress. Her ass was so wide that no one else but them will fit there; and it was a queen-sized bed!

Judy was massive, not fat, simply massive. Her proportions were everything but small, or delicate. She made HIM feel small and delicate. Judy was like a tank, a smiling, warm looking tank. He could only wonder if she could easily pick him up, which seemed like a stupid thing to think of, of course she can!

“Tell me…” she rubbed his back as she talked, it felt nice, but the feeling of her enormity unsettled him a bit. “Did you sleep well? Hmmm? Under my… care?” she loved it. MY care. Those words seemed nice.

“I… actually, I had a good sleep.” No more paranoid. Well, he had some doubts, but knowing she was there, it comforted him.

Eve while sitting, Griffin´s head didn´t cleared Judy´s shoulder. He was looking way up to her. He wasn´t sure what to do. Now that his brain was working… fine. What is he supposed to do? Is it lunch time now? Should he invite her for lunch? Order some food? What? This wasn´t a date, just a meeting, probably.

Judy didn´t really cared about what they did. As long as they were together, and he allowed her to touch him. Not sexually, just to get the chance to touch him. She was fine. Ecstatic even, but she must hide those feelings, at least for a little longer.

The look on Judy´s face, it was so warm and tender. Revealing true happiness. And why wouldn´t that be, she was in the house of her crush. The guy she´s been stalking. The one she´s been watching in silence during so long. Safe at the distance.

Now that they were sitting in the table, he couldn´t help but to wonder, is she comfortable? Is one chair enough to fit her tremendous ass? The answer´s no. She felt really uncomfortable, but she couldn´t complaint. She was taking it all just for him. Something she felt was a nice gesture.

“I guess… the food should be here in any minute, right?” he asked.

“Yes, it will, according to the app… it´s five minutes away.” She replied.

“Cool… so, uhm, how much do I owe you?” she was the one who ordered, and paid. The app already had her credit card registered, and she had a list of restaurants near-by saved, so it was easier. Griffin was not the kind of guy who ordered out, he would rather cook or go to the restaurant.

“Oh, don´t be silly, it´s fine. It´s on me.” She had already collected her payment.

“I… I have no problem, you know, just…” he was not very good in these scenarios.

“Griffin, listen to me, it´s fine. I´ll pay, no worries. Besides, I ordered much more than you did. It´s fine, ok?”

“Ok.” He said.

Internally, she was screaming. She did it. He obeyed her. She made him accept the fact that she was paying. Which was random, but to her, it felt as if she had a huge victory.

When the food arrived, which were burgers, Griffin noticed the size of the bag, it was huge. Nonetheless, when Judy carried it in, it seemed kind of regular, but when it was placed on the table, he could really appreciate its true size.

The paper bag was enormous for a reason, the food it contained. Griffin had a burger, some fries and a regular sized drink, but Judy, she was in a whole different level. She kept pulling burgers out of that bag, one after the other.

The amount of food this woman could eat was astonishing. He really never liked watching people eat, he focused on his meal and his alone. But with Judy. He couldn´t avoid turning at her while she devoured her whole meal. Which was more than enough to cover his whole meals of a day.

Six burgers, she ate SIX large burgers, double patties, double cheese and tons of ketchup. She also had three large fries, which she said were not the real deal for her, else, she could have more. And her drink was titanic. It was a monstruous sized drink. He didn´t even knew they made drinks that big, a gallon, was it a gallon?

He was perplexed, speechless, all he could do was eat slowly as the giant had her fill. He was trying not to stare too much, he didn´t want to make things more awkward than they already were; making her watch him sleep, it made him feel as if he needed a babysitter, which was not the case. However, he did turn enough to count each of the burgers she ate.

It was easy, he could listen to the constant sound of her unwrapping the burgers, the unmistakable sound the wrapping paper made when pealing it off. However, lunch time was over, he could tell because she slurped all of the remaining soda on her plastic glass.


“Oh my, I hope he doesn´t think I´m a pig, good thing I cut it off a little with the burgers.” She thought, she was actually holding herself back, so how much could she really eat? Eight? Ten? A dozen? Judy was a HUGE pack full of surprises.

“He´s cute…” she turned at him and took a good look at Griffin. She thought that the fact that he ate too little demonstrated who was bigger, or rather smaller. She felt superior, not in the bad way but, she could eat more, she was taller, heavier, stronger even, and she was there looking after him. Of course, she was “protecting” him from a nonexistent evil she made up, but that had to count, right?

“To think about it, I´ve been holding back a little this whole day…” she could´ve tried and unlock his phone while he was asleep, if he had a password, he only needed more information to crack it. Information which will only come with time. Luckily, within the next few “dates”.

Judy wasn´t wrong, in fact, she was visiting Griffin more and more often, but mostly at late hours. He had a job, so he worked somewhere from nine to five, but after five, that was their special time alone.

The whole feeling that someone was following him tormented Griffin in his everyday life. He was worried about a lot of things, cars passing by, people he didn´t knew, he turned at the building´s roofs just to make sure no one was watching him from above. Paranoid, he was really paranoid now. But there was a time when he felt better.

He always made sure to call Judy after work, on his way home actually. She said it was no problem, that she was free at that time. And his fear didn´t stop him from calling. He wanted her to be at his place right when he arrived. To avoid being alone.

He couldn´t help it, he tried to ignore the whole thing. It´s been months already, by now someone, if there was any, should´ve made a move. He figured out it was all in his mind, but that was just for a moment. One day, he received a package, not so big but not so small, a box made up of cardboard. He went nuts, he didn´t order anything. He wasn´t expecting a package.

He immediately freaked out and decided to call Judy. He felt silly, dependent even. Having to call her so that she could come all the way from her place to his just because he didn´t want to open a stupid box. But she didn´t mind.

Sometimes, Judy woke up, around 3:00 am, sleepless, thoughtful. She walked all the way to his house. A giant walking the streets in the middle of the night. She could´ve been mistaken for one of those monsters from old stories. A sasquatch, big-foot, whatever. She was fairly big and during the night, someone could only see an enormous shape walking, and hearing the sound of her feet smashing the ground.

Now, back to the package, she was certain it was nothing bad. Really, what could it be? When she got to his place, he seemed pale, he was looking straight at the box. He wondered, a bomb? Some weird powder? A tiny beast that will jump over him and bite him right in the face! He had no idea, and he had a fair amount of time to think about it while Judy got there.

“Awwww” She adore it. She felt needed, and he? He seemed so vulnerable, so tiny, so cute. A grown man, standing at 6´ tall, which is really nothing to her, called her, no screamed for her to come all the way because he was insecure. Most people will find this annoying, but not her. If he calls, that´s because he trusts her, and that´s a huge step forward on the relationship she wants to build with him.

Yes, it all started with lies, and sure, she´s the one stalking him, but there will be a time to confess. Maybe he choses to ignore it since she´s been so kind with him. Hopefully.

“S-so… what do you think it is?” Griffin asked to the giantess, over two feet above him.

“Well… it could be anything.” She replied. “Have you checked on it? Picked it up, shake it a little?”

“No. I… what if it´s a bomb?” he wasn´t really that important, or no one else´s enemy.

“Let me check.” She bent over and reached for the package.

Griffin was too scared to notice how her massive butt spread as she bent. How her wide hips widened, her thick thighs appeared tighter. How her clothes hugged the contours of her magnificent shape as she demanded more space. Her flesh, moving sensuously and teasingly. But there was no point in trying to be sexy now, he couldn´t notice. She knew this much now.

“CAREFUL!” he screamed.

She let out a little laugh, he was so freaked out. However, she wasn´t. If she wanted to be what he needed, then she must be sure, confident, certain. She must resolve the issue he´s having, at all times, or at least the one he believes he´s having.

“Hmmm…” she checked the package, avoiding the shaking, he will immediately jump if she did so, and she didn´t wanted him to freak out even more.

Judy checked the package, scrutinize it. All of the contours, the borders, the weight. It weighted nothing to her, but let´s have in mind that she´s an 8´2” big and beautiful woman. Light to her may fall on heavy for some others. However, the package seemed fine, now, time to read the tag.

“Griffin… is this your address?” she asked.

Griffin approached, carefully and read it. It wasn´t, it was the address of his neighbor next door. Now, shame fell over him. He bothered Judy just to check on a package that wasn´t even for him. He wanted to disappear. He always felt so little next to her, but now, he felt utterly tiny.

Judy walked next door and left the package on his neighbor´s front door. Kindly, smiling. She saved the day. But really, how much time could it take before he found out the package wasn´t his?

She walked back, slowly making her way towards him. She could tell he was embarrassed; his face was red with shame. He wasn´t even looking at her, just to the side, avoiding eye contact. But that was something else SHE had to fix.

“Awww, don´t be shy, come here…” with that, the amazon spread both of her arms and embraced him. Griffin immediately found himself smothered between Judy´s giant breasts.

Her scent, the aroma of her perfume, so sweet, so delicious, so intoxicating. He was right in the middle of her huge cleavage. Feeling how her massive soft boobs massaged his head. It was so erotic, so teasing, and also very humiliating.

They were still outside his house; everyone could see how the giantess sank his face in-between her breasts. But most will be jealous. However, that only made him feel much more embarrassed.

He wanted to push himself out, but Judy was simply too strong.

“There, there, don´t be silly, it´s a mistake that we can all made. Your big friend Judy doesn´t mind coming all the way when his little friend needs her…” she hugged him tight.

Was she… manhandling him? Does this count as such? He was trying to set himself free and she was just pinning him to her body. Her warm, soft, giant body. He couldn´t help but to think that she was way too much woman for him, actually for anyone.

In time, she learned more about him. His hobbies, what he worked on, where he worked; but most importantly, she learned more private information, not THAT private, but at least more than regular people know. His birth date, where he grew up, his favorite food, color, song. A lot, in these few weeks, which were about to turn into a month, their “relationship” grew.

Nonetheless, to get even closer, she had to put some more ideas on his mind. She was amazed by how easy it was to fool him. It seemed like anything she made up stuck in his head. And she also felt bad for it, why did she had to lie? She could´ve just confess now, right? Maybe he won´t be so mad. But… she´s kind of being tormenting him, psychologically.

However, she´s come out as his savior, the protectress. She´s now a huge figure of trust, safety, warmth. But Judy´s got some things in mind, she knows they are officially friends, which is the first step on the long way she has planned.

Girlfriend, she wants to become his girlfriend, be with him all day, at all times. That she´s the first time he sees in the morning, and the last person he talks to at night. A relationship, an official relationship with him. Still, that needs time, and some other things in the meantime, some more naughty and lusty things.



This story is shaping up so great, and Judy is just the perfect kind of crazy. I like how you have just the two characters, keeping the story focused just on them. Keeps it insular and claustrophobic, just as Judy would want it :)


Perfect kind of crazy and perfect kind of huge lol. Haha, yeah, just the two of them, as Judy would love to.