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Well, December´s here! How fast, don´t you think?

I hope you´re all having a great time, and that you´re all doing well in this very beginning of the month :D

Now, we´re on the 30th chapter. A year ago, I think we were on chapter 3 or something like that. Funny how someone can make dozens of chapters if one puts time into it.

I really hope you like this chapter, now that Jonathan´s in Lillian´s house, well, there must be some adjustments, right? Enjoy :D

Chapter 30

Lillian was washing the dishes, mad. Her huge form pulling dishes from the sink and scrubbing them thoroughly.

“Who does he think he is? His computer? Why would he want it?” she knew there was a chance he wanted so escape. But he just called her mommy. He had already accepted his faith, right?

Lillian was mad at him. Now, he was asking for things he shouldn´t. If he would´ve asked for more titty, then she would´ve been thrilled. But his computer? That didn´t played along. It was completely off the way of things he could ask for. Even a solid mean would´ve been more acceptable.

“He´s just thinking on stupid silly videogames, why would he? He´s got me, am I not enough?” she was. A big, tall, thick woman. Enough for anyone on her 7´7” glory. Even her butt jiggled a bit as she strongly moved her hands over the dishes, soaping them. Not to mention the way her breasts bounced because of all the mad agitation she was having.

Lillian´s body was enormous, fleshy, soft. And those tight clothes she was wearing, it only made her appear much bigger. As if her breasts were about to burst out of her tight top, or if her thick legs would rip her pants to the seams. She was mesmerizing, and she hoped that could be enough to get all of Jonathan´s attention, but apparently, that was not the case.

“His computer… “mommy, can I have my computer?” Of course NOT.” She could break the dishes given the force she was applying on them. Rubbing the soapy sponge all over their delicate surface. They were not delicate, but in her hands, they may as well be made up of foam.

Lillian was really upset. First, Melissa comes in to mess everything up. Making her look bad in front of Jonathan. Now she can´t really say I´ll always be there the second you need me, it will be more like, when you need me, I´ll be there… in time. She hated it.

And now, Jonathan wants his computer back? This couldn´t be. Is her plan really not going to work? Is he trying to escape in a secret way? Making his way away from her using the digital devices there are? Lucky she, he won´t get access to his phone, or the computer. Those thigs were completely out of reach. Quite literally.

But she couldn´t be mad. She couldn´t stay mad with him. She was feeling really bad by sending him to bed. She felt like the villain of the story. The bad mommy who won´t look after him.

“Awww… I… I can´t be like this.” She dried her hands with a towel and made her way upstairs. An apology, that´s right. A sincere, well-explained apology, and he´ll understand.

Lillian went upstairs, her weight making the steps creak a little, her heavy ass bouncing with each step. Her flesh swaying to the sides. Her breasts were busy too, bouncing as she made her way. The friction between her tits and her top made her nipples hard. But that came in really helpful. Maybe this could stimulate Jonathan for another meal? Titty time, for sure.

“What if he´s already asleep?” thought the amazon, standing taller than the door frame.

Lillian wasn´t really sure if she should step in. Will it disturb him? Could it be annoying? However, this was her house, she could do as she pleased. Yet, doing such will be kind of selfish, and Jonathan couldn´t perceive that, not from her.

She must show him how sweet and caring she is. How kind, gentle, considerate. She already proved she´s big. And she also proved she can protect him. But looking after him, that´s something she must constantly show.

“Jonathan, honey, are you awake?” Came Lillian´s voice through the darkness of the room.

It was late already, so there wasn´t much light coming in through the window. Nothing could be easily seen inside the room. She turned towards where she knew the bed was, but where was Jonathan?

She wouldn´t have wanted to take a sit over the mattress and end up sitting over him. She could squash him with her tremendous butt and her heavy weight. She knows she´s on a whole other level. Much bigger, much stronger, that´s why she´s the one who should protect him.

Lillian stood there, on the door, covering almost the whole frame own thick frame. Just a little light could come in between the borders of her feminine silhouette. She waited for his response, and before she gave up, believing he was asleep, she called once more. Whispering.


“Hmmm…” came a sound from over the bed. He was awake, well, kind of.

Jonathan thought it would be silly to sleep again. He wasn´t tired. But the lack of light and the softness of the pillows, before he knew it his eyes were closing on their own. He struggled not to fall asleep. He didn´t have much to do today, or the rest of the week, so why not taking a second nap?

Before he fell asleep, he was meditating. What could he do? What would be the best course of action to get what he wants? He knew his chances of getting out of that house were basically cero, but, if he was to stay, then he must be comfortable.

Lillian had said it herself, she´ll provide everything. Which can only mean, whatever he asks for, he will get it. He wasn´t lucky with the computer, but there must be another way to ask for it and truly get it. But first, he must play his part.

“Mommy… is that you?” he asked with a sleepy voice.

“Of course, it´s me baby, who else?” Came Lillian´s voice.

He just rubbed his eyes and yawned a little. Who would´ve thought he could sleep so much in one day. However, it was time to take action.

Mommy… are you still mad?” he asked, trying to appear as frail as he could.

“Aww, no sweetie. Mommy´s not mad. Not anymore.” She explained as she turned on the light and walked towards the bed. Sitting right next to him and embracing him with one of her thick arms.

Jonathan was pulled into Lillian´s side, her voluptuous hips spreading over the bed, soft, fleshy. She felt even warmer than the sheets over the bed. And much softer than the mattress itself.

“Mommy…” Came Jonathan´s voice, looking up to her. He never thought that he´ll be doing this at his current age. But if he wants to get something, then he must earn it. Although, acting like such at the age of 26, that´s embarrassing.

“Yes, my dear?” she started caressing his hairs with her big hand. She could engulf his whole skull with a single hand. It made Jonathan concerned, what if she gets mad? But he had to ask.

“Why… why can´t I have my computer?” he asked.

“Ugh, there you go again.” Said Lillian, loosing her kind soft voice and now rising her tone with certain annoyance on her. “Why do I need to go over this again. Why do you want that computer for? I am the one who will work, I am the one who will provide for you. I. ME. You don´t need to worry about your old life, you got me now, why can´t you understand?” her tone was serious.

Even Jonathan couldn´t help but to feel a little afraid of her. Yes, he was an adult, but Lillian was so much bigger. Intimidating.

“But…” came his voice.

“What have I told you before…” then she bent over, closer to him. “Mommy. Doesn´t. Like. Buts.” She declared as she placed her huge finger right on his nose. To prove to him she was so much bigger, to prove she was in charge. To prove she´s serious.

Jonathan had no idea what to do. She was enormous. Imposing. And now mad. What could a man like him do in this case? He wasn´t sure, he was scared, he was about to tremble. However, there was a way to use that fear, use it against her. He wasn´t really proud of what he was about to do, but she left him no choice.

His lip began to quiver as he looked up at the giantess. Then, tears began to accumulate at the bottom of his eyes. A drop of tears came down his cheek and finally. He cried.

He knew that Lillian was such a big woman, and a much bigger mommy. Her maternal instincts drove her to do this, which means, she can´t really control them; which also means, she won´t be capable of watching him cry, and if she knows she´s the cause for that crying, then she´ll fix it.

“I´M SORRY… I just wanted my computer to play…” he covered his face with his hands. Projecting vulnerability, fear, shyness.

Lillian was taken by surprise, the frown on her face slowly faded, now, her heart was beating faster, and with every beat, she was more concerned for him.

“Don´t be mad, mommy, I´m sorry!” Came his voice, now, it was time to blame it all on her.

“I just wanted to play some games, keep myself busy. And you´re not always around…” her heart sank. That´s not what she wanted him to think.

She wanted Jonathan to know she was always around. But, could it be because she took so long to make it back to him a while ago? Does that mean he doesn´t trust her to always be there? What´s more, does it mean she failed!?

Lillian´s hands reached for him, then, Jonathan was placed sideways over her lap. Her huge cushioning lap. He knew it was working. He just had to hold it a little longer and maybe he´ll be using his computer again.

“Jonathan… do you think I´m not always there for you?” she asked, worried.

“I… I thought so… but, you have other things to do, and I… I´m being left alone in this room. I thought…” he was about to say that a computer will help him through his loneliness.

“Aww, poor thing, you miss mommy when she´s gone, don´t you?”

“I… do.” What was going on?

“Don´t worry, precious. From now on, I´m not going to leave you alone. Ever. Ok, that way there won´t be any need for a computer. If what you want´s company, I´ll prove you I can keep you company. AAAAAAAALLLLL day long.” He swallowed.

Things didn´t come the way he thought. In fact, it wasn´t even the way he thought it could be if his plan failed. Now, he won´t have any second of the day for his own. Lillian will be with him at all times. But, does this mean this is a permanent thing? Can he talk himself out of it.

“Mommy I…” she didn´t allow him to talk.

Lillian simply pulled her giant breast out of her top, exposing her engorged nipple. Then, she pinned his face into her tit. Directing her nipple right to his mouth.

“Shh, shh, drink up, sweetheart. Feel mommy´s love through her milk. Tasty, right? Nurturing, all of my love is on that milk. And all of my milk is just for you.” He swallowed every drop of it. A giant nipple with a stream of milk flowing right to his mouth. He´d choke if he didn´t swallow.

“I´ll make sure to be there, to keep you warm, safe, loved. I´m going to feed you only with my milk, to make sure you feel loved. As many times as you want.” This was nothing like what he had thought.

The next morning, Melissa woke up on her apartment. Time to check on the… effects. She had a whole glass of milk. Of course, she wasn´t sure it was the same milk. The taste was not the one. However, time to check herself.

“Ok so… six-foot… six? I´m the same.” She declared.

She even went to check herself on the mirror, the same curves she had got that first time she drank from the milk.

Melissa was basically in pajamas now, not the typical pajamas. She was wearing a tight tank top, which only made it to her belly button. The tight muscles of her abdominal region, all covered by a sexy layer of thin fat. Curves, definition, flesh. She was hot from her curvy hips, her thin waist and all the way to her round breasts.

Her nipples were noticeable, mildly erect beneath her top. A top that could barely contain so much of her. This was one of her old clothes, she put it on because it was stretchy and comfortable, but that was back then. Now, the fabric was stretched all the way over her smooth flesh. And extra stretched over her heavy breasts.

Let´s not forget about her legs. Her long, shapely legs were… bare. She had a thong on, a new one, nothing she owned could match those curves. Her hips were wider, her legs thicker, and her butt, it was BIG. Round, perfect, strong. Her cheeks bounced as she walked, there was no deny on that, but while she was standing, that was a really firm peach. Tight, round, sexy.

And her thighs were no second place, they were thick and smooth. Hard not to keep an eye on them once you spot her. She was tall, curvaceous and sexy. Foxy even. And now, in the intimacy of her room, she couldn´t help but to be comfortable, which meant she´ll be wearing as least clothes as she saw fit.

But, that´s not what got her attention. She now lived with this new body. Yes, it was surprising how tall she was. Easily reaching everything, and sometimes bumping her head with some other stuff. However, her new “dimensions” were kind of a challenge too.

She hit stuff with her butt, her his were too wide to make it through narrow spaces where she once fit. She wasn´t fat, not at all, just… bigger. And the fact that she remained that big, well, it kind of lead to nothing.

“This isn´t it…” she threw herself on bed, backwards.

She made a much heavier sound as her heavier body fell on top of her mattress. How much did she weight now? 230? 240? She knew she wouldn´t like the answer. But not as much as she hated this.

She woke up the same, 6´6”, nothing had changed. The same figure, same tightness on her clothes. Same bulk on her ass, same huge tits. Part of her was expecting to become a much taller, much bustier and much curvier amazon. But it didn´t happen.

“What am I doing wrong? What?” she was looking at the ceiling, wondering how, how will she succeed in finding an answer, finding the cause, finding… Jonathan.

Melissa was concerned, but she was resolved in one thing. No matter how or when, but she´ll make it through Lillian´s place. She´ll get inside that house. Once inside, she´ll look for Jonathan in every single room on the house. Under the sink, in the garage, between the walls. There won´t be an inch of that house where she won´t look. The thing is, a plan. Melissa needed a plan. And she´ll make one, because when she´s got a goal, she´ll fight until she gets it done.

Back in Jonathan´s new, and recently readjusted life. Well, he had a tiny problem. Intimacy. Lillian said it and apparently was going to make it. Since the very moment he woke up, until the second he fell asleep, he was with her.

Lillian was there, always; every second, of every minute, on every hour, of the day. He had no privacy, no time for his own. Nothing.

They slept on the same bed. She surrounded him with her long, thick arms. Pulling him closer, tightly pinning him next to her enormous body. Her arms were so strong, he couldn´t move. Whenever she fell asleep, he tried to break free, but he couldn´t. He was trapped in those constricting arms of her.

But that wasn´t the worst part. The rest of his activities were kind of the same. They slept together, and also ate together.

Lillian pulled her enormous jugs out whenever she was about to have lunch, breakfast or dinner. They will live together so, for her, it made sense that he adjusted to HER schedule. And on every meal time, at least hers, she took a sit and just placed him right in front of her dripping nipple, after a while, he learned what he had to do. He was drinking to his full while she ate.

And how did she cook? Easy, she just took a blanket, wrapped him with it and then tied the whole thing, with him inside, to her. He was like a cocoon, wrapped around her torso. As if he was in a hammock, only that he was pinned right in front of Lillian´s monstruous breasts. They were HUGE. Every day, he couldn´t help but to wonder, where they bigger? They felt bigger, he wasn´t really used to eat.

And that was on breakfast, lunch and dinner. Waiting patiently on her bosom. Sometimes he could see her nipple getting wet. Her biological clock was already adjusted for this, so that her tits milked at those specific times. But not just at those times, some days, he found himself latching on her up to six times a day.

Shower time was hard too. Well, kind of. First, Lillian will strip, pealing her clothes off of her thick body. Exposing her bare flesh. She was so big, so thick, so… alluring. She made sure not to turn back at him. She didn´t even wanted to lose eye-contact with him. Which sometimes got him thinking, what if she looks at him while he sleeps? That was definitely something that happened. But he would prefer to ignore it.

Previous to the shower, she will take all of her clothes off. Jonathan was mesmerized, as he stood over the toilet, Lillian didn´t stop to look titanic. She was looking at him, down to him, as she removed her top, then her gigantic bra, whenever she wore one. Her flesh jiggled, moved with her powerful movements. She was monolithic. Her breasts shook once her bra was off, readjusting to the freedom they now had. Her nipples were so hard, every time.

Whenever she bent to remove the rest of her clothes, those heavy breasts of hers hung, sexily, following the motion of her body. They hung in an exciting, firm and soft way. The feeling he got was hard to describe. However, by the time she was done, he was totally aroused.

“Need some help?” he always stumbled back with that question.

She was talking about removing his clothes. He didn´t wanted. His member was hard, he didn´t wanted her to see it. But there was no point in arguing. He won´t be alone. He tried, asking her if she could wait for him outside, but then she came with these answers. What if he fell? What if he got hurt? She couldn´t leave him alone, no. The answer was always no.

He had no choice, so he removed his clothes. And Lillian wasn´t blind. She noticed he was hard, but she came with something, unpleasant. Or at least kind of awkward.

She bent over and said: “I don´t mind, it´s natural. A natural reaction of yours towards a big body like mine. But remember one thing, my boobies are the only thing you´re allowed to put hands on… well, lips… and you can relieve that… pain, anyway you want, ok?” she winked.

The imposing woman was talking about jerking off? While she was there!? No, that wasn´t an option for him. However, he had a really hard time trying to settle his member. In fact, he always failed to do such thing. They showered together.

The water fell over Lillian and ran down on her curvy body. Washing her, cleaning her, running through her body as if it caressed her. And all the time, he was there. She made the offer to bathe him, but he didn´t like the idea. He had to maintain some independency, so he showered himself. With a soap that she left at his reach.

Things were not easy for him; in fact, they were harder. But so far, he learned one thing. How to ask for things. What to watch on TV, what to do, in which room to be. Nonetheless, those were things inside her house. He wanted to go out. Meet other people. But whenever he asked for it, the answer was no.

Lillian wouldn´t let him out, not even to the backyard. He hated it. He was confined to her house. Her place. Following her rules. There was no freedom there. Besides, it´s been days since he last saw his phone. He didn´t ask because, well, he didn´t gain access to his computer, so his phone, another communication device, was out of the limits.

He was lost, he may as well give in already. This will be his new life, from now on, his only world will be Lillian´s house, and his only company her. He´ll need a miracle to get out of there.


william l cooley

also would love if melissa finds out and either stays to keep him safe or takes him

william l cooley

wait could melisa find out about litons treatment she signed up for? grow her own milk


Well... could be, but I´m not sure she´d be the type of women who wants shrinking milk on her... but it´s quite a good idea.