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I said it and now it´s a thing... well a story. 

Like I mentioned before, this is one of those stories that has been written several times by several people. But, this will me my version of it. Different plot, different scenarios. Different people. This one´s not based on any other particular story. But the main idea is pretty common to see, that the desires of the main character come to life just by thinking about it. Sounds familiar, yes.

Here´s chapter number one, and as I said, this will be a short long term story. Which means this chapter´s not as long as the others, which makes it easier to write them :D

I hope you like it!

Chapter 1

A random day, on a random city, having just the same old weather. Not too many clouds, not too much sunlight, simply… regular.

Between all of the cars coming and going, between all of the people walking, between all of the random things life can put in front of you, there´s this guy. Sitting on a bench on the park.

He´s bored as hell. Wearing a spring khaki jacket above a white shirt and a tie. Stretching his legs as he lays with arms wide opened on the bench. He´s bored. It´s 5:30 pm, he´s been out of work since about half an hour ago, but he´s just too bored to go to his place. Take the bus, hop in with almost the same people he usually meets on his route.

He´s a 26-year-old man, who has been working for the same company, on the same building, on the same chair, the same cubicle during the last four years. And to think he thought this´ll be a temporary job.

“I´ll only do this until I find something better… yeah sure, if I could see my old self, then I´ll slap his face…” He´s annoyed. No girlfriend, no car, not much of a life prospect. He´s just living day by day.

At first, his job appeared as something easy. Maybe he could make his way up on no time, if he wanted. But there seems to be at least other ten to twenty people thinking the same. Equally as good as him, or even better.

His name´s Dean, but everyone calls him Dud. He´s just an average man, average built, average brown hair color, 6´ tall. Average paycheck, average apartment. Everything´s average. And he´s tired of it. He decided to wait there until something good happens. Something new.

“Maybe it´ll rain… knowing my luck, the most exciting thing that could happen is that the sky will begin to pour rain on me. And as always, Dean has no umbrella with him...” he thought, now turning at the sky.

He´s tired, he´s bored. He´s waiting for about anything to happen. But he´s forgotten about the most important thing in life. If you want something to happen, if you want to find something, to achieve, then you must go for it. Nothing really comes to you.

“How was it again? Think on good things and good things will happen to you? What a positive affirmation… fake, yet positive…” he thought, dryly, sarcastically, emotionless.

But what if it wasn´t wrong? What if you did it? What if you tried? Accumulate good karma without thinking of it? Believing it. Choosing to change.

“Oh well, I´m not doing much here, I may as well give it a try…” he closed his eyes and began to think of things.

A bonus. A higher position at work. A better apartment. A car. Being more handsome, better looking. What if he was more attractive? What if some random woman just sat next to him. A girlfriend? A friend? Casual sex at least? Anything was better than nothing.

“I don´t think this works this way…” he thought, maybe he´d have to work for what he´s thinking, but the woman part, that didn´t depended on him. If a random woman wanted to share the bench, then he wouldn´t mind.

He just sat up a bit straighter, and started thinking harder. He closed his eyes and began to think, trying to pull a woman, somehow, next to him. Any woman, as long as she was young, not necessarily the prettiest, or the hottest. Anyone.

After a minute, nothing happened. “All this work´s making me crazy…” As always, nothing was happening. He was no magnet that could pull a woman just by trying. He didn´t had that type of force, that type of energy.

He was just the quiet guy who not very often came with a good joke or something clever to say. However, he was crazy enough to keep trying.

“Ok, one more time, and that´s it…” this time, he leant forward, joining the tip of his fingers over his lap. He closed his eyes, pressing harder this time. Part of him was hoping no one was looking, he had the idea that it would seem as if he was trying to take a shit there.

Luckily, no one cared. Everyone was busy on their own thing. In the half an hour he´s been sitting there, no more than ten people had passed.

“Oh well… this doesn´t work.” He opened his eyes and turned around. He could swear less people were around. Maybe he was scaring them away? Maybe, or maybe everyone was already on their way home, or at the bar.

“I should get going…” he thought as he was about to get up. But, he had to try, he had a feeling, a feeling of success. A desire to achieve. He was thinking, what if… what if he tried this time? Harder, deeper, as if he really wanted.

“Ok, let´s… meditate? Let´s meditate a bit further into this…” He sat once more, closed his eyes and went for it.

He tried to appease his mind, trying not to think of anything. Trying to ignore all of the car´s noises, the sound of people passing by. The singing of the birds, the breeze of the wind. He was trying to ignore all that. Seal all of those sounds out, keep his mind in peace. Thinking straight.

And he did. He couldn´t believe it, he could only listen to his breathing. With his eyes closed, he felt as if he was alone. Then, he tried one thing, could he ignore his surroundings? If he already ignored the sounds, could he ignore the feeling that he is sitting in a bench at the park?

He tried, and to his surprise, he did. He clenched his hands together, at first, having the feeling that he was flying, levitating. He couldn´t feel the wood bench beneath him. He couldn´t even feel his shoes. His clothes. He could only perceive and listen to himself.

He wanted to think this was amazing, that yoga, or whatever this was called worked. But he didn´t want to break his concentration. If he could manage to do this, then he could manage more. They did way a human only uses about 10% of the brain, right? Could he unlock a bit more? Someone said that meditation was a way to achieve that, right?

He couldn´t see it, or feel it, but his face was turning red. The veins on his forehead were popping out, and so where the small one´s around his eyes. His body´s temperature began to rise. His whole muscles where tense. His heart beat was increasing, going faster and faster. His goal, success. He was aiming for a better life, but mostly, women.

The idea of women never left his mind. She didn´t have to be so hot. Unless, what if she was? This woman didn´t had to be the woman of his dreams, but what if she was? She didn´t have to be so pretty, so curvy, so slim, so voluptuous, so tall, so kind, so mean, so strong, so weak, it could be any woman. But if he had to choose, he´ll go for a certain type of women.

Dean was a simple man, however, he liked certain things. Big women. Not fat, but hot. Curvaceous, big boobs, huge butts. Maybe bigger boobs some days, maybe bigger butts some others. However, there was definitely something he couldn´t deny, he liked them tall. How tall? Depends on his mood. However, it all came to his mind, like distant memories running through the a huge empty space, pictured inside his mind.

“What if I could get anyone I wanted?” That was his last thought, then, he came back to reality. His eyes opened and the light dilated his pupil. He took a deep breath, was he breathing all this time? He had no idea, but for a moment, he felt as if he was flying.

“Oh man… I´m… dizzy…” everything was blurry, and if he wasn´t sitting, he would´ve lost his balance and fell. He took a hold of one of the benches arms and tried to settle down. Breathing in and out, one breath in, one out.

Once he was normal, at least he felt normal, he turned. And no, he didn´t summon a woman. He was alone in the bench. But, maybe, she will be about to come. What if she was on her way?

Dean turned to the left, and then to the right, nothing. He turned once more. Same result.

He gave it a minute. Positive thoughts, thinking, that´s all he had to do, to think of it. If he could think about it, then he could succeed.

Five minutes went by, and then, a woman. She appeared, far away, maybe about fifty feet away. But she was coming his way. At least, walking over the sidewalk in front of the bench. He had to chill, be cool. What if it was actually working, no woman had passed, right? At least no young, good looking woman like her. She seemed to be around his age, give or take a year.

He was looking at her, but then he turned, no woman will sit next to a man that´s been ogling at her from a mile away. He had to play it cool. Sit still, relaxed. He just laid back and waited.

He peeked, she was barely five feet away, will she sit? He was in the middle of the bench, so she could pick which side she wanted. Right? Left? Anywhere would be fine.

“But, what can we talk about?” He hadn´t planned this all through. But there was no need. She passed him by.

Once again, he was proven that this is just another regular day. But at least he could gawk at the brunette as she passes him by. Just like him, she´s wearing an office outfit, but she wore a burgundy blazer with a matching skirt. And all Dean could do was to stare at that firm ass of hers.

Who was she? Where was she going? It didn´t matter, he was proven that his attempt to become the master of his own life, his destiny, his own reality, it failed. Although, it did felt like it was going to work.

“What was I thinking, as if I could change things just by thinking on it… still, if I could change a thing, I´d make that ass of hers bigger…” he looked at her firm glutes, covered by the reddish color of her skirt.

As she left, he could only look at her legs, striding as her butt and hips swayed from one side to the other. Why didn´t he turned? Because no one was looking, he was sure she didn´t even noticed him sitting there, but, as he stared, something happened.

Her butt, it was… growing? Dean had to blink a couple times, she was already twenty feet away, still, he could swear her butt seems bigger. Her cheeks are bouncing as she walks, and her hips, they seemed wider, rounder.

Her legs seemed to thicken a bit, at least on the thigh section. Her skirt´s definitely being filler more. The previous sexy ass of that woman became an utterly juicy one. Now she´s definitely dragging more attention into it. But Dean´s not so turned on now, he´s worried.

“What the…? How, how is this happening?” he rubbed his eyes, he wasn´t dreaming, right? He wanted to pinch himself, but there was no need, right before his eyes, that woman´s ass grew, expanded. Just like he asked for.

Dean was in shock. That wasn´t some light tricks, and there was no magnifying glass in front of him. No, that was definitely happening. He turned back at the woman, he wanted that, right? He said it, to make her ass bigger. And it happened. At the distance, the woman´s butt seemed quite bigger, somehow, her skirt wasn´t ripped by her growing flesh.

“I… I… did I do that?” He couldn´t believe it, he wanted it, he thought of it and then, it happened, could it be that he´s got some sort of powers now? There´s only one way to find out, testing it.

He kept looking at that woman, her long sexy legs, her thick ass, her wider hips. She was definitely hotter, at least to him, but there was something else. A tiny question formed in his mind. “Does she look taller too?”



Great start - where will he go with his ability?