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Chapter 37

Maddy didn´t felt quite good. She wasn´t so cheerful at the time. With her new position, she had to work more. She even skipped lunch this first day. Not the best decision, she was awfully hungry. And that soreness on her breasts, it kept coming and going. She was tired of it, and also tired, overall.

“At least I´m coming home, home to Nick…” she thought, looking at the door with her tired eyes. She was exhausted, and so hungry. She wasn´t sure which urges were bigger, to eat or sleep.

She opened the door and stepped in, into Rachel´s place. Well, their place now. It was passed 5:30 pm now, they must be there already.

“I´m home!” she said, waiting for Nick to come out of nowhere and greet her, but that didn´t happen.

She threw her purse somewhere and just walked in. Looking for him. She didn´t like the feeling she was having. Now that she needed him, he didn´t seem to be there.

“Ok, here it comes, open wide…” Came Rachel´s voice as she wandered to the kitchen. What was going on?

She entered, and what did she saw? Rachel, feeding Nick ice cream. He was sitting over the counter of the kitchen´s island, waiting for Rachel to place the spoon right inside his mouth.

She was upset. She felt tired and all he was doing was eating ice cream? Really!? This didn´t seemed fair. She was the girlfriend, what´s more, she was mommy, if anyone should pour ice cream inside his mouth, that should be her.

“Excuse me… what´s going on?” Came Maddy´s voice, a little annoyed.

“Oh, hi there. We didn´t heard the door. How was work, honey?” Rachel asked while Nick just waved at her with his mouth full of ice cream.

“Fine, well actually a little hard. But I´ll get used to it. Now… did you guys already had dinner… without me?” she was feeling left aside.

“Oh, no, we were waiting for you.” Replied Nick once he swallowed the spoonful of ice cream.

“No dinner yet. But you´re eating ice cream? Nick, don´t you think dessert comes AFTER dinner?” she was upset.

“I… well I…” he was 26 years old, he should be able to tell when to or not have ice cream. Besides, that wouldn´t hurt his appetite. He needed something solid after all that milk.

“Sorry, we… we bought this new ice cream on our way home, and I thought we should give it a try. Would you like some?” Rachel asked.

“I´m fine. *GROOOOOWWWWL!!*” her stomach wasn´t helping. She was amazed by its sound, that was loud.

Nick and Rachel were equally impressed. “Well, I guess someone´s not that fine…” Rachel replied.

“Fine, I´m hungry. Have you guys cooked or… would you like me to do so?” she asked, maintaining a neutral expression, but she was really hoping something was made up by now.

“Not really, we just got here.” Replied Nick.

“Ugh, I should´ve known…” Maddy was a little annoyed. But Nick couldn´t really cook. And Rachel had been ordering take-out for a while now, she wasn´t that used to cook dinner anymore.

After dinner, which Maddy prepared, she went straight to bed, she was feeling awfully tired, still, she gave herself some time to meditate a little about her day. Work, the office, usual stuff at first, but then, she started wondering about Nick.

“Why is he… so distant.” He wasn´t distant, he was just… closer to Rachel now. But to Maddy, that was unbearable.

Yes, she was literally hoping she´ll be able to come back home and that Nick will run to her arms the second she crossed the door. But he didn´t, even now he´s not in the room with her. He´s doing who knows what with Rachel. Were they talking about a series during dinner? Or a movie? She wasn´t sure, and she didn´t cared.

“Why? Nick, why aren´t you here next to me?” she felt sad, there´s no way to deny it. But she wasn´t in the verge of tears. Nonetheless, she didn´t felt as her usual merry self.


“Oh my, I… I´m kind of glad he didn´t heard that.” She burped, why? Because she ate a lot. She ate dinner, then, she ate an equivalent amount to her lunch, and then, she ate all of the leftovers. She indulged all over the food. She couldn´t believe it, this was the time she ate the most, by far.

“I feel so bloated…” she complaint as she rubbed her swollen tummy. She had a food baby at the moment. In fact, this was the only thing that restrained her from falling asleep.

In time, Nick finally came in. He knew it was kind of late, so he sneaked his way into the room, trying not to hit anything in the darkness of the place.

“Well, someone´s finally here.” Came Maddy´s voice, a bit harsh.

“I… oh… y-you´re awake.” He laughed in a nervous way.

“Yes. I was waiting for you.” And her stomach did hurt, probably that´s how it feels when your gut overstretches with food.

“You were waiting?” He asked and he climbed over the tall mattress.

“Yes, do you have any idea what time it is? Nick, you´re working tomorrow. You should´ve been here earlier.” Now she was nagging him.

“I… I guess I lost track of time. We were watching an episode, but then we needed to know what was going to happen on the next one, and then we just played the last one because we were laughing so bad.” He explained.

“That doesn´t change the fact that it´s midnight already. Don´t you think you need some good sleep?” He didn´t want to admit he spent his whole day sleeping on the job.

“Relax, Maddy, Rachel´s cool. She won´t mind if I… if I´m not… you get what I mean.”

“Sure, Rachel´s cool, she won´t mind if you fall asleep over her desk. In fact, I´m sure she won´t mind if you fall asleep on her lap. I bet she can even scratch your head to help you sleep.” She said it in a mad way, but that´s something she wanted to do. And something Rachel had already did.

“I…” he wasn´t sure if she was spying on him now.

“Shut it, Nick. Just, go to sleep, ok? We´ll talk in the morning.” That sounded like trouble.

And what pissed her the most was that he still called her Maddy. They were alone in the intimacy of their new room. He could´ve said mommy. “Good night mommy.”, “Have a good sleep, mommy.”, or just mommy. Anything, but no, she didn´t even got that.

All of these annoying experiences she was having today. She had enough of it. Tomorrow, she´ll have a talk with Nick. Probably, she´ll explain him that she doesn´t like him hanging so much with Rachel. Probably, she´ll need to think on a good approach for that.

In time, both were asleep. But… she didn´t last long that way. Maddy was having some strange feelings, once more, that annoying sensation on her nipples. This time, the feeling intensified, her nipples felt as if they were burning. She couldn´t take it. She tried to ignore it but that plan didn´t last long.

She woke up and went straight to the bathroom inside the room. When she turned on the light, her eyes had a hard time adjusting to the new brightness inside. She blinked a lot of times during a while. But the pain on her chest was more important.

She struggled to maintain her eyes opened, but she succeeded. Now, she was looking at herself in the mirror. Her nipples were so hard and huge.

“My… are those my nipples?!” Never before she had seen her nipples so long. They were twice the size they usually were when hard. And so sensitive too. She barely touched one and she immediately jumped.

“What is this? An allergic reaction?” she couldn´t believe it. But she ignored one thing, this was just the beginning.

Her nipples were not the only thing that had changed, in fact, her boobs, they had grown, slightly, but still grown. And her inflated belly was gone. However, most of what she ate had been metabolized and stored in the right places. That´s right, her butt was wider, and so were her hips.

Maddy was going through some changes she completely ignored. But not for too long. Someday, it will be inevitable not to spot the changes. Right now, she wasn´t wearing a bra, but once she gets one on, she´ll notice the swelling on her tits. A swell that won´t stop here.

The next morning, she woke up with the idea of letting Nick know all about what she thought. How it hurt her that he was becoming friends with Rachel and that she felt left aside. She was HIS girlfriend, not Rachel. Besides, she can´t deny she´s sort of the jealous mommy.

She resigned; he was deeply asleep when she woke up. Maddy decided to postpone it for a while. Little does she know that bottling up emotions like that can led to them bursting out in a much bigger way.

The next few days, she felt uncomfortable. Her new job had some annoying schedules. Yes, she did have a schedule, however, things not often went as it was said. Sudden meetings often popped up, interrupting her. And the worst part is that she still had a lot of work to do. She had to skip lunch every single day that week.

“Ugh, I just hope this is not something permanent. As soon as I´m used to this, I´ll be able to eat lunches…” her stomach was growling for food.

Now, she found herself overeating during dinner. She had a much bigger breakfast, but that didn’t cover the whole eight hours she had to work. Usually by what was supposed to be her lunch time, she was starving. But she had a strong will, she´ll hold it until dinner.

Unluckily for her, dinner was never served by the time she came home, well Rachel´s home. There they were, Nick and Rachel, always doing something. She was upset. How come she had to cook every single day? And there were no thanking’s, at least not the one she wanted from Nick.

The worst part was, she was gaining weight. She didn´t want to weight herself, but she could tell her jeans were tighter, her shirts too, mostly in the chest area. She was sure her feet were getting swollen as well because her shoes hardly fit now.

“Holly… is that my butt?” she said as she glanced at her reflex on the mirror. Her butt was bigger. No doubt on why all of her pants are to tight. Her butt was wider, rounder and of course, heavier.

“This stupid “skeeping lunch” thing has got me overeating at night. And all that shit is making me gain weight, I HATE IT!” she declared, blaming her new eating habits. But the thing is, those may not be the ones to blame.

Yes, she skipped lunch and got home hungrier, but that huger was not necessarily caused by skipping meals. Right now, Maddy´s body was readjusting for something, something that will make her and Nick much closer. Or so she believed.

She only noticed she was growing, but she didn´t realized how. It´s been exactly three days since she started feeling those cramps all over her body. But those were not exactly “cramps”. If she was paying more attention, she would´ve realized that her body is not fattening, but thickening.

With all the food she´s been eating, her stomach should be bloated. But it wasn´t like that, she still had a flat tummy. What was growing the most were her hips and butt. She had thick thighs and a big ass now. And her breasts, they were a little bigger too, but not much, perhaps, one cup size. However, those were still to grow.

She could notice everything if she paid more attention to it, but she´s not completely focused on herself. Aside of work, her mind´s filled with jealousy. She can´t get the idea that Nick´s kind of leaving her off her mind. Else, she would´ve noticed that she´s also growing on the vertical way. That´s right, she went from 5´7” to 5´8”, her shoes fit weird for a reason.

“I´m home!” she started announcing herself louder now, trying to catch everyone´s attention, but she only needed one person in particular.

“Oh, Maddy, what a surprise. You´ve caught us in the middle of something.” Rachel declared as she was walking towards the kitchen wearing an apron.

“I did?” she asked curiously.

“Yes, we´re making dinner. I know you´ve been under much stress lately, and so does Nick. So, we came with the idea that we could come home earlier to make your favorite.”

“H-he did?” Butterflies, euphoria. Nick was thinking on her, how happy that made her. She immediately smiled, forgetting about the hunger she currently had.

“Yes, this was all his idea. He´s on the kitchen chopping some vegetables.” Rachel explained.

“C-chopping?” she asked worriedly.

“Yes, some carrots and…” Maddy rushed to the kitchen, leaving Rachel talking alone.

Once there, she spotted Nick. Rachel was looking at the kitchen´s direction, walking over there when she heard Maddy´s voice, almost screaming.

“What on earth do you think you´re doing!? Don´t you think that knife´s too big for you? You can cut your whole hand up. Come on, give it to me!” She was really overprotective.

The reason why Nick was spending so much time with Rachel lately, was because she treated him as an equal. Well, asides the breastfeeding sessions they had. Nonetheless, she talked to him as she would to a man. Except when they were alone, he was instructed to call her mommy, no one else needed to know. He appreciated all that been kept a secret in the intimacy of her office.

And Maddy, well, that was not her case. She already advised him to call her mommy, and she thought that could be enough, but he´s not doing so. She blames it on being stuck at Rachel´s place. He can´t have the freedom of doing such if they´re never alone.

There was also some shame in him. He couldn´t quite look at Maddy in the eye because of all what he was doing with Rachel. No, sex wasn´t part of it, but sucking on a woman´s huge milking tit, that didn´t felt quite good knowing Rachel´s not Maddy. But he had no vote on that.

He wasn´t sure how this will all work. Now that he was smaller, down to 2´1”, she went over the board. Maddy was acting really overprotective now. But why? He was a 26-year-old man, no matter how short her got. But she just didn´t saw it that way.

Lucky for Maddy, weekend´s here. The bad thing is that she has to work on Saturdays, but there´s something going around, some sort of holiday? Special meeting? She can´t remember, she hasn´t been sleeping so well. But the good thing is, she´ll have more time to spend with Nick. Now, it´s time for their chat.

She just arrived and threw herself on the couch. The soft, warm looking couch. Rachel and Nick were supposed to get something on their way home for dinner. Hopefully, it will be enough to sate Maddy´s hunger.

She knows it, she´s thicker. She already went out and bought herself some better fitting clothes. She´s wondering whether or not to get a gym´s membership, those new clothes should not be meant to stay, they´re just temporary. And she´s not wrong, the thing is, she won´t go back to her old clothes.

She also bought shoes; one size bigger. For some reason, her feet were bigger. That´s what she´s not getting. If she had measured herself, she would realize she´s now 5´9”, she just had to look around. Things seemed to be lower. However, her mind was set on Nick. No time to worry about herself.

Saturday came, finally. This is Maddy’s chance to get Nick back. He wasn´t gone, but that´s how she perceived it. Why was he so distant now? Wasn´t he aware that she needed his attention?

The truth is, he wasn´t. Nick´s focused on two things, on the good side, his shrinking slowed down a bit. He´s currently 2´1” or that´s how tall he was on Thursday. He begged Rachel not to measure him on Friday, and Maddy was too tired to remember.

Nick thought that Rachel was having too much work at the office. He could see it in her eyes. He wanted to ask her how her day was. If she was feeling fine, if she was liking her new position. But Rachel kind of stepped in between.

Rachel wasn´t trying to step in. She was just trying to get the most time she could with Nick. That´s right, it wasn´t enough with feeding Nick right through her tit. Fill his stomach with her creamy milk. She was greedy, but not in the mean way. She didn’t have anyone in her life besides Nick.

Rachel could perceive Maddy was kind of upset. But she blamed her hard work on that. Although, she kind of noticed she was taking Nick for her own during too much time.

But tomorrow, tomorrow was Maddy´s day with Nick. In fact, the whole weekend. She was going to be with him 24/7, not loosing him during any second. But that was going to be a little hard.

“I´m AWAKE!” Yelled Maddy as she woke up, she literally sat on the mattress as she realized it was morning already.

She would´ve liked for it to be with the first ray of light. But it wasn´t, in fact, it was barely morning now.

“11:00!? It´s 11:00 already?” she overslept, but who could blame her, she was really tired. She turned to her other side, just to see that Nick was already gone.

Maddy stood up, her bare feet touched to slightly cool floors. Maddy was taller, but most importantly, she was curvier. Her shape was getting sexier. The shorts she wore to bed, they were tighter than they once were.

She bought them because of their baggy fit, but now, her ass and thighs were filling them up fully. The fabric was a bit over stretched right now. Those shorts hugged the contours of her ass in a succulent way.

But that wasn´t all. The tank top she wore to bed, it was also kind of tight. She didn´t gained any unnecessary fat, in fact, her flesh seemed necessarily thicker. Her top was rising higher over her hips, exposing her belly button and the firm yet soft flesh of her stomach. She had a fit figure, however, she was noticeably thicker.

Both Nick and Rachel were realizing she was putting some weight on. But Nick didn´t said a thing because he thought it could be rude, and she was really turning him on. And Rachel, well, she blamed it all on her stress. Both could tell from where all that weight was coming from, she was eating a LOT on dinner.

Now, Maddy´s hips sway sensuously as she walked, her thicker thigs quacked as her sexy ass bounced in its place. And her breasts, her bra-less breasts bounced heavily as she made her way out of the room. Her nipples were hard, that was for sure, but that´s been something that happens more and more often.

“Where is he?” she wondered as she turned to her right and left.

As she walked, she could feel the extra weight on her body. She felt heavier, but not that much. She was aware that she had put on a few pounds, but it didn´t felt as much. However, this had a huge impact on her shape.

She was really self-conscious about her gluts. Her butt was big, round and wide. It dragged a lot of attention. In fact, tomorrow she´ll take Nick shopping, she needs pants that doesn´t make her butt look like an enormous peach.

“I think… they´re over here…” she thought she heard them on the other room.

“Good…” she was about to greet them, but to her surprise, they were kind of… busy.

“Oh, good morning, Maddy. Well, barely morning actually. Someone´s taking advantage of her day off. And that´s fine, rest all you can dear, you earned it.” Rachel spoke as she held the tape measure right above Nick´s head.

“G-good morning.” Nick smiled at her.

Measure. Nick was allowing Rachel to measure him. That´s what SHE wanted to do. In fact, Maddy´s supposed to be the only one that should be allowed top measure him. That´s kind of their thing. Rachel´s not supposed to do so, at least not without asking.

She kind of clenched her fists, but she avoided it. She had to keep it cool. Yes, this was wrong, but it was also breaking a non-spoken rule.

“Oh, hehe, you´re… you´re measuring him…” she said as she wanted to scream “That´s MY job!”

“Yes, we had breakfast and, well, there isn´t much to do so… I decided to measure him. He and I agreed he won´t get out of this one, right, honey?” she turned at Nick, who only nodded feeling kind of awkward.

“S-so…” spoke Maddy, not really knowing what to do or say. She was supposed to prepare an extra delicious breakfast for Nick and her, but apparently that was also gone.

“Oh, you want to know how tall he is? He´s 2´ tall, well, a liiiittle taller actually.” Rachel said.

Now, there was this awkward tic on Maddy´s eye. As if she wanted to wink, but her eyelids only went halfway through. She was feeling anxious, mad, annoyed. She needed to get out of there before she exploded. And what´s more, she needed to get to the bathroom, she was feeling those annoying cramps again.

Rising all the way through her legs and making their way to her tits. She was sure that her nipples were pointy again. She could feel them as they rubbing against the cotton fabric of her top. It made her spine tingle. She made her way out without saying a word before something else happened.

“Where´s she going?” asked Nick.

“I´m not sure… should we ask her? Or… are you going to help me with my little… issue here.” Rachel squeezed her left tit, making it drip a little. She was kneeling in a way that the stains on her top were not visible, at least to Maddy.

“I… I´m…” Nick didn´t know what to do. Wasn´t this sort of things be kept on the office only? But Rachel did said, whenever she´s not looking, and now, she wasn´t looking.

“Come on, honey, make mommy feel better. Don´t you want to give me a little relieve, hmm?” she cooed at him.

“But you, you said we will keep this kind of things… private.” He whispered.

“And we will, I´ll take you to my room, dear, it won´t take long, come on, follow me.” With that said, she placed both hands on Nick´s sides and picked him up.

Nowadays, he didn´t have much to say about decisions Rachel or Maddy made. They were only explaining him what was about to happen, not really looking for his permission.



This was a really great entry, especially in how you’re building the jealousy in Maddy (along with everything else about her that’s growing)


Yeah, now we´ll go back on developing Maddy, she´s been... a little left behind, which actually works for the plot