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Chapter 2

The walk home was… surprisingly easy for Griffin. Yes, he still had the feeling that someone may be looking at him, waiting for the perfect opportunity, as Judy said earlier, to take him. He didn´t knew it but his stalker wasn´t so far away, in fact, she was walking right next to him.

Judy, the amazon who was walking him home was the one who started stalking him since a while back. Why? Just a crush, and she couldn´t help but to be that way.

It´s easier to day-dream about something rather than actually going for it. She said, later, one of these days I´ll take a step forward and ask him out. But that was something really unlikely to happen. So, this chance she had, helping him while he was on the ground, that was the perfect change, and she knew it.

Her body simply came out of the bushes, walked to a safe distance where he wouldn´t spot her coming and simply walked to him. As she said, she was just “walking” on the sidewalk. But it was all a lie. She had been contemplating him for a very long time, yet, she had no idea where he lived. So this was kind of the perfect chance to know more about him.

The feeling he had about someone staring at him, that wasn´t a mistake, but when he turned at the dark shadows behind the trees, well, he was aiming somewhere he shouldn´t. Judy couldn´t help but to leer at him. Seize him, thinking that his hair looked much better this closely. That his skin had some sort of glow, that his eyes were precious, brighten.

“He´s… smaller than I thought, but that´s fine, I can´t be too fussy…” she thought, analyzing each and every inch of him she could while walking.

“So… J-Judy, right? How… how tall are you?” he said.

Griffin was, well, not much less awkward than her. But he wasn´t near as someone who´d follow someone else just like she did. Still, he was not the best with small talk.

Judy stopped walking; she froze for a second. She wasn´t expecting that question.

“Shit!” thought Griffin, he was certain that it was one of those questions he shouldn´t do. He knew asking a woman about her weight wasn´t something clever to do, but her height shouldn´t be a problem, right? A tall woman should be proud about being tall, right? He was just too naïve.

He stopped right after her. Then, he turned back and up.

“Judy, I…” he was about to apologize, but her face didn´t show the type of anger he was waiting for, she seemed, embarrassed?

“My… my height? He wants to know how tall am I? Is he… does he want to make fun of me or… is he into tall women? Awww, if I had known he was into taller women, I would´ve come out of the woods a loooong time ago…” she thought as she blushed, she was looking to the side, avoiding eye contact.

“Judy?” he realized she was blushing, and that her hands were joined together below her massive bosom, she was rubbing them in a delicate and cute way.

“I… I´m eight foot two…” she said, turning back at him with a little smile on her face.

She thought that if he was into tall women, then he´ll blush, unlike her, he´ll be turned on by her mere words. But things didn´t happen that way.

“E-eight? Eight feet tall?” he asked, surprised, a little scared even.

“And two inches…” she added smiling, waiting for him to jump into her arms and say something like, “take me home, your home…” she was really a day-dreamer. “Do you… do you like it?” she asked.

“Well, I… I don´t…” her smile was starting to fade, that wasn´t the words she was waiting for, “I think you´re… well, you´re big, heh, but I´m… height´s not… what I mean is that…” he couldn´t find a kind way to say he thought she was gigantic, a titan, but he didn´t want to be rude.

“It´s ok…” she was a little disappointed, “let´s… let’s keep going…” she wanted to move on.

The rest of the walk was… quiet. Each of them was embarrassed by what they had said. So, each of them set their minds into their own thoughts. Judy was wondering, should she step inside his house, wait for an invitation, try to make out with him by the front door? It could be easy, she can lift him up and carry him to bed.

Meanwhile, Griffin was thinking on his… well his safety. And adding the fact that Judy was so big, well, no one would mess with him while he walked next to her.

“Over eight feet tall, that´s… that´s really something. I mean, she´d be tall even for a basketball player… I wonder…” he was thinking, is she big enough to scare anyone away? The answer´s yes.

She wasn´t only tall, but thick. Unlike those who are tall and yet, with proportionally slim limbs. Judy was stacked. Her hips, her thighs, shoulders, arms… and her breasts but that didn´t had anything to do with it. She was like a huge wall of feminine woman. Someone who could be his… protector? A guardian? Perhaps a body guard.

Griffin wanted to ask her, but he was just too shy. And the question seemed so odd. Why would she want to become hir personal guard? Well, so far, she didn´t seem to mind walking him home, but, doing this every day? That seemed off.

While they walked, Griffin wondered whether to ask her or not. And Judy just kept looking the name of the streets, trying to memorize the path that led to his house. Although, she could just learn his address or sent herself the location once they get there. Smart phones exist, meant to make life easier, or in her personal case, stalking easier.

However, his chance didn´t came up.

“Well, this is it, that´s my… my place.” He told Judy as he stopped right in front of his place.

Before, she felt a bit down because he wasn´t into tall women, but, Griffin can´t deny something, she´s utterly thick.

Her breasts are gigantic, is there a bra size for her or, does she have them handmade? Besides, what size of clothes does she use? He can fit into one of her pants legs, no problem. All of her sensuous enormity only made him do one thing, leer at her.

The sway of her gargantuan hips. The bouncing of her humongous breasts, those were easy to spot, he only had to turned and to his surprise, they were a little above eye level. Her butt, so big, so round, juicy to the brim. She had really long legs, so he fell a little behind at some times, and during those times, he could watch her perfectly round butt cheeks, bouncing, smashing against each other with each of her powerful strides. Even the small vibrations her body sent through the ground, that caught him.

Judy was colossal, heavy and stacked. But kind, a perfect combination, else, she could´ve forced him into anything. But her kindness didn´t rang any bells on him. She could be a perfect guard, well, if she agrees. Why would she want to spend her free time with him?

“You have a nice house, Griffin.” Judy said, looking at her place. Actually, counting doors and windows. Also, trying to see if there was a way to know which of those rooms was his room.

“Yeah, well, it´s… rented, but it´s quite nice, yes.” Should he invite her in? Offer her some water? Something to eat?

“Would you like me to come in?” She said.

“Come… in…” had she just invited herself in?

“Well, I mean, just in case someone´s… already inside. You live on your own, right? Wouldn´t it be better if I walk in with you? I mean, who´d try anything if I´m by your side, just look, you´re… how tall? 6´1? And yet, you´re not near my shoulder level.” She had a point.

“I´m actually six foot even…”

“Well, an inch´s not much of a difference when you´re clearly over two feet shorter, right…” she bumped him in the shoulder, trying to be funny, but she just pushed him a bit too hard.

Griffin stumbled back, just a little, but that made her feel stupid. Once again, she forgot how strong she was. And she was trying to be gentle, not really using too much strength. But he was around 180 pounds, and she was over four hundredth pounds. Well, nearly five hundredth, but she won´t dare say it.

“I think… I think you´re right.” He said, stepping back forward.

“I am? I mean, I am, yes.”

He invited her in, all what she said had him paranoic. What if that someone following him had a friend, or a partner, or more than one partner. What if they were a gang like she said? What if they were already inside his house, waiting for him to come in? He really needed protection.

Griffin opened the door. Locked just like he left it, and the lights were turned on, just like when he left. He was analyzing everything. Once inside, he turned around, everything seemed fine. Nothing out of place. Then, Judy came in.

Griffin was dumbfounded as he watched her making her way in. His seven foot who knows how much else door frame was way too short for her. Judy had to bent to come in, and not just a little, she had to lower her whole body to make it through the door.

But not just that, she also had sort of a… horizontal problem. She fit through the frame´s width, but barely. She was simply, titanic. Her wide hips barely had a few inches of space to walk in.

Her thick thighs, pressing against each other as she walked past the door frame. Her broad shoulders carrying her heavy, HEAVY tits. She could only be described as a goddess. A voluptuous, tall, gigantic goddess with the biggest tits he had ever seen. Although, the term goddess may already imply that… but not really.

Judy took her time to analyze the place. Past the door, she fitted, fine. The ceilings must be around nine feet tall, her houses ceilings are higher, but still, she didn´t have to bent over. Now, her only question was, should she take a small souvenir with her? Like, a sock, a mug… his toothbrush?

Or, she could do something better, why not making herself… acquainted there. He seemed to paranoic at the moment, opening doors, checking under the table. Her words had an impact on him, he really believed someone was behind him. Good for her, bad for his tranquility, but she´ll confess. Later, right now, she has to create a bond with him. A nice friendship could be enough.

“Do I have to be friendly or… seduce him…?” she thought as he walked into what seemed to be the kitchen, “he´s been looking at my boobs… a lot. Maybe I can become his lover… or, to make it a bit sweeter, I can become his… big friend who looks for him. That´s it! He wouldn´t have any problem falling in the arms of someone who´s kind, protective and sweet…” she was making a plan.

“Are you sure you don´t mind? I mean, I don´t wanna sound rude but, don´t you have something better to do?” he asked. Turns out, it was really easy to have her as his “bodyguard”. She agreed without thinking twice.

“Positive! And don’t worry, I´m… free, at the moment. Besides, what´s a good neighbor for if she doesn´t help when she´s needed?” she spoke.

“But… we´re not neighbors, you live… sorry, where do you live?” he was right, she didn´t leave anywhere close to him.

“I… just… it was just a way of saying, I know I live far from here.” She said while sitting on his couch. It had room for tow people, well, average size people.

Judy´s expansive butt and thighs took over all of the space there. Leaving no room for… anything. Even the small cushions on the couch were having a hard time there.

This woman was massive. Not fat, massive. Her limbs were just so thick. Her legs so long and tree-trunk like. She could crush him if she sat over him, but he was safe on the individual sofa in front of her.

And with that said, Judy and Griffin made an arrangement. Where according to him, she wasn´t getting anything back. But if only he knew. Opening your doors to a woman who believes she´s crazy in love with you, that can be a little… dangerous.

However, it was too late now to take it back. Judy agreed and left. Now, it was only him inside the house. But he was still too paranoic. He shut the blinds on the living room, the one´s on the kitchen and locked all the doors in the house. Then, he decided to take a shower.

“And here´s where the guy with a knife opens my blind and stabs me in the heart…” he thought while shampooing his hair. He was overreacting. He wasn’t in that kind of trouble. But, he wasn´t safe either. Who knows what Judy´s got in mind. Best case scenario, she´s just trying to force him into a relationship with her, but… what if he says no? then there´s the worst-case scenario, she´ll imprison him. Probably, but what he doesn´t know, won´t kill him.

Still, he got out of the shower and got changed, and right when he entered his bedroom, he turned outside. Looking at the dark empty street. There didn´t seem to be anyone outside. It was kind of late now, probably around 10:00 pm. Not that late, but no one will walk out on the neighborhood at this hour.

“Relax, just… just turn off the lights and go to sleep. Maybe they already saw Judy walking in. Who´d mess with a man who´s got an eight-foot two golem as a guardian… although, golem does sound kind of mean. I wonder if she got called names before…” he shut the blinds and went to bed.

But, he wasn´t wrong, someone was out there.

“So… that´s your room… I guess it makes sense that the last light turned off in your place would be the one of the room where you sleep…” Judy was out there, somewhere her enormity won´t be spot. Looking at him through the darkness of the night. She knew this was wrong, but that only thrilled her even more.

Now, it was time for her to make her way from a foe to a friend. Scare him a bit more, tease him a little, then, she can be the bright light in the shadows that taunt his mind. Until then, she´ll gather more information of him, such as right now, as she takes a picture of his house.

“Uh oh…”the flash, it was on, illuminating his whole place with it´s light. “I wonder if he saw that…”

He did, he jumped out of bed and turned through the window. He heard no cars passing by, so it wasn´t that.

“What… what was that? A lantern maybe? Is someone… out there? Geez, should I call the cops? Should I go out…? Can… can I call someone, if only Judy was here… her number, I need her number.”

Being a grown man who rely on someone else, even if bigger, when he´s scared. That wasn´t his idea of how things would be at this time. But it´s better to be safe than sorry. Tomorrow, he´ll make sure to get her phone number.

Until then, he has no other choice but to get back in bed and try his best to get a good night´s sleep. A bit hard when you´re paranoic, but he has nothing better to do. He needs to be well rested in the morning, else, he´ll suffer the effects of walking like a zombie who´s missing sleep. Hopefully, that´s not the case. Still, there´s a possibility that he may lose his sleep.


It was his door, so early in the morning. His eye opened wide, red, filled with veins all over his eyeballs. He didn´t had that much of a good sleep. He couldn´t sleep, he kept thinking on who may be out there. He fell asleep around midnight, then, he woke up around 3:00 am, unsettled. And he struggled to fall asleep again. After 5:00 am, he woke up then fell asleep, woke then to sleep, all that in thirty-minute intervals. He felt like shit.

“Good… morning?” said Judy, at 8:00 am, already at his door. She was cheerful, however, he didn´t seem so… awake.

“Morning…” he replied, together with a yawn. He wasn´t exactly in the best conditions now.

He was struggling to keep his eyes open. Judy could see his eyelids hanging, his eyes bright red. He didn´t seem fine. She was sure enough that he was missing sleep, a lot of sleep.

Still, Judy, the huge amazon was right outside his door, a good deal above the frame. And he couldn´t see anything but her. His vision was still a bit blurry, but he could spot the pretty giantess, with her luscious body outside his door.

“Griffin… are you feeling… ok?” she was a bit concerned.

“I… I´m *yawn* tired. Last night wasn´t my… my best night, I must say…” his eyes almost closed there. She knew he had been aware that she was following him, at least for a couple days, but she had never seen him like this.

“Do you… are you… do you want me to leave and come back later?” she asked.

“NO! I mean, you´re already here… why don´t you come in…” he stepped to the side, then the huge woman squeezed her way in.

Griffin knew that if she left, then he´ll have an equally hard time falling asleep. But, if she was there, maybe he´ll be able to sleep knowing Judy was in the house.

“This is going to sound weird but… can you… like, come to bed with me?” She blushed.

Does he, on his weak state, want to get laid with her? Is it the clothes she picked today?

Yes, Judy was big, but she still had a sense of fashion. Although, freedom was also an invited feeling. She was wearing a tight tank top. Her breasts were really outstanding. The fabric of her tight pink top wrapped her breasts almost like a second skin. Besides, the enormity of her flesh was trying to escape from the sides and above. A huge, long line of cleavage could be seen on the boob window her top had. Was it meant to be that way or did she over stretch it already?

Still, her legs were equally provocative. Her long thick legs were not as covered at her breasts. She was wearing shorts, for her tiny shorts. Of black fabric, stretchy shorts. Her thighs were well wrapped by the expansive fabric of them. And her gluts, they seemed so firm and cheeky. Magnificent, enormous. Swaying, bouncing, teasing while she walked.

She´ll have anyone´s attention, if by her height, her clothes or her curves. It would be really hard to miss her.

“To… bed?” she asked, really hoping for him to say the words “sex”, “make love” or simply “get laid”.

“Yeah, I… I need to sleep…” her fantasies of sex washed away, however, there was a chance for something else.

“Like… to watch you sleep?” to her, contemplating Griffin while he slept, it may be way more interesting.

“Sure… if you *yawn* say so… but, can you stay next to me while I get some sleep, I´m… still tired.”

“YES! For sure, I´ll make sure to keep an eye on you.” She wondered if carrying him to bed was also part of the deal.

But it wasn´t. Griffin went upstairs as the monolithic lady followed him. He was too sleepy to notice her cheering weight making the steps creak beneath her. Her butt was so big that it barely made it´s way between the wall and the railing. Her thick, fleshy legs following him from behind. The only thing that Judy´s really good at is making people feel small among her.

But this was not his case, at least currently. He didn´t want to sound bossy or anything, but he needed to sleep, and, well, she agreed to come over. Even if he wasn´t aware how much she´ll enjoy this, he knew this wasn´t the worst thing he could ask.



Sweet so far, I like the pacing.


Very sweet... but we need a twist here, although I can´t say much at the moment, But we´ll really get to know her in the next chapter ;D