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Evening everyone! I hope you´re all doing great in this last days of the month.

Here´s the latest chapter, I hope you like it, cause I´ve got some ideas for the upcoming ones. Something I hope you find thrilling. For this one, well, this will be sort of a mild beginning for it.

Chapter 35

Nick had some problems sleeping. He was still on Rachel´s place, looking at the ceiling above him. He was worried. The only difference was that Maddy was sleeping to his side. Unlike him, she seemed tight and comfortable.

“At least someone´s having a good sleep…” he thought while he listened to her silent snoring. Before, it was imperceptible, but now, it was noticeable.

He wouldn´t admit it out loud, not like he needed to, but Maddy was now… huge. He didn´t perceived her as that cute beauty he fell in love, now, she was enormous.

Her height, shoulder length, even her limbs, she dwarfed him in any possible way. To her, the world was still the same, to him, a nightmare.

He knew he was more dependent on either woman than he´d like to admit. And the worst part is, they didn´t mind, in fact, they loved it.

He had his girlfriend mommy and his boss mommy. Was that necessary? Was he being punished? Rewarded? Why was there a need on either of them to be called such way?

They knew he was a man, both treated him in the same way… most of the time, but none of them could avoid the fact that each wanted to get a certain… benefit out of his predicament.

Nick didn´t like it, but there was nothing he could do. He had to listen to his boss and also listen to Maddy. He could follow, but, what about the breastfeeding sessions?

Rachel made it clear, they will continue. Of course, at times when Maddy´s gone. At the office. That would be their secret. But should it?

He wanted to turn, tell her. As he saw the sleeping shape of Maddy next to him, he wanted to confess. Tell her the truth about what´s been going on while she was gone.

But he couldn´t. Rachel was his boss, currently. If he said something, maybe she´ll fire him. His employee´s the only normal thing he still has. A job, the chance to step out of the place and actually get something done.

He realized he should keep the secret. Who knows, maybe Rachel will get tired of it at some point. She´d get tired of the pain on her breasts every time they fill their enormity with milk.

The next morning, Nick woke up. But not on his own.

“Wake up, honey, it´s time to get ready for work…” said a gentle voice, Rachel´s.

“Wh-wha…? Good morning…” He replied still half asleep.

“Good morning to you too, sweetheart.” Cooed Rachel.

“Where´s Maddy?” He asked, looking at the empty spot next to him.

“Oh, she´s gone, she said she had to be extra punctual today… so she got up really early and went off to work… but she didn´t said anything about leaving without saying goodbye… I mean, don´t you think she should´ve said something, at least to you?” she said. Rachel wanted one thing now, to be the winner.

Rachel knew that since the first moment Maddy stepped inside her house, it will be a silent battle. The prize? Nick. Nor the young or the mature women said anything, but both knew they wanted Nick´s attention. Every time he was with the other, one will feel jealous.

Now, on every chance she´s got, Rachel will prove Nick she´s kind, gentle, attentive, caring. She´ll make sure to show him he could be better with her, rather than with Maddy. And why was that?

There was nothing written, nothing established about this being a competition. Yet, she wanted to make sure she had some advantage when it came to this. If she proved to be the “better” option, then, if there´s the case, a chance, or even a scenario where Nick will have to choose between them, she´ll have more points on her.

She didn´t want to sabotage Nick and Maddy´s relationship, nor making them broke up. She was just being precautious. One step ahead of anyone. Including Nick.

Rachel handed Nick what seemed to be a suit. One that will fit him. And matching shoes too. When did she have the time to get that? That didn´t matter much, as long as he doesn´t need to go to work in a onesie, he´ll take it.

“Well… how do I look?” he said, stepping out of the bathroom.

“Awww, you look cute! I could eat you up…” said Rachel as she spotted the shrunken man wearing his new office suit. He had never owned a suit, but it felt nice.

“You think so?” he said, leaving aside the part where she´d eat him up. He was trying to get the compliment and leave aside the… rest.

“Yes, you do… now, it´s time to go.” She spoke. She was already dressed and ready to work. It seems she was only waiting for him to take him with her.

“What? So early…?” he said before he realized they were not precisely early to work.

Rachel lived closer than him to the office, not by much though. However, they were leaving twenty minutes earlier. He knew she was punctual so, there was no point in complaining. Until…

His stomach grunted. He just woke up and got ready, he had no idea they´d leave right after. “But… what about breakfast?” he asked, looking up at the voluptuous amazoness in front of him.

Rachel filled up her clothes, quite well. He knew they must be new, given the… expansion she had. Her now gigantic breasts will really have a hard time fitting her old blouses. Not to mention that her wide hips and the sturdy, round ass she had will rip her pants apart. She was just, more voluminous all over. And yes, in all of the right places.

“Don´t worry about it… I´ll feed you once we´re at my office, ok?” she winked at him. He knew the “breakfast” he´ll have will not be something he usually eats.

They made it to the office, and he made sure to let her know he didn´t want to be carried. As soon as he spotted her kneeling to pick him up. He stepped back.

When she carried him at her place, that was a thing. But no 26-year-old man wants to be carried through the office by his boss. Not even if she´s gigantic. It´s simply… humiliating.

He walked behind her, besides noticing how long her strides were. He could see her sensuous flesh as she walked. At least the one of her legs. He could spot her powerful calves flexing as she walked, her swollen thighs trembling whit each stride. And of course, her butt.

He wasn´t as tall as her crotch now, but he was a good deal above knee level. Which means, he doesn´t have much of a problem spotting her fleshy ass. The motion her walking gives her ass. The bounce of her round butt. As if in slow motion, her gluts rose and descend teasingly, higher than him.

He knew that if she fell backwards, then he´ll be squashed by the immensity of her derriere. Still, he wouldn´t mind. The view was great. And behind her, no one will see him peeking at her ass. Her immensity, at least compared to him, was the perfect camouflage.

“Nick?! Is that you?” Said a voice, coming a few feet from his left. He knew who this was.

“S-Sam… hi!” He turned to meet his once petit friend on the lobby, but he couldn´t believe what he saw.

Sam was 5´3”, a good deal shorter than Rachel and four inches shorter than Maddy. Yet, she was still a giant to him.

She stopped right in front of him. He was nervous. He hadn´t seen Sam in a while, and now, she was HUGE.

Her hips stood much taller than he was, he was looking up to her crotch. By at least three inches. He couldn´t believe it, she seemed wider, bigger, much more imponent than she once was.

“How… how are you?” she asked, bending over and not wanting to ask him directly how tall he was. She was shocked. Maybe as much as he was.

“Well, you know… I´m good. S-same old, same old. Heh.” He was trying to keep it cool, but he forgot his new reality. He was living in a land of giants.

Rachel noticed how nervous she was. It melted her heart. And this was the perfect opportunity to show him she could be of great help. Well, more like she could get him out of this.

Rachel interfered, and in no time, they were alone at her office. But, maybe he could´ve gotten out of it on his own. The first thing she told Sam was that he was 2´4”, it seemed a bit unnecessary, but she did. And she also mentioned she picked him up in her way to work, but not really telling he lived with her. It seems there was no need for that.

Of course, Sam noticed Rachel´s weight gain, but she decided to be polite and not say a word. But she must admit she didn´t recognize her at first.

Nick felt more relaxed on Rachel´s office. It was just the two of them. No one will bother them there. No one will make awkward questions, nothing. Except for one thing.

“Ok, the blinds are closed, we´re alone… I think it´s the perfect time for your breakfast, don´t you agree?” Said Rachel as she approached.

He wasn´t much used to the immensity of hers. Vertically, horizontally, she was simply covering all of his view. And the closer she got, the harder it was to meet her face.

Her breasts were massive. A huge wall of flesh between him and her. Well, at least their faces. But what a fleshy wall.

Nick could see Rachel´s long arms aiming for him as she bent. She didn´t even waited for him to say yes. Was she full again? He could see some eagerness on her eyes. She was trying to mask the hurry she had to release her milk.

She couldn´t deny it, if he asked, she´d have to admit it. But she was full! Since the second she woke up, she could feel the milk inside her breasts.

As she slowly rose, she could feel the weight of her milking breasts pushing her down. At least making it hard to get up. And once she was sitting, the ache she was unwearyingly feeling on her chest ran straight to her nipples.

The sudden feeling on her nipples sent quivers all the way through her spine. The fingers on her feet clenched for a second. And then, she realized that milking may not be the most convenient of things. Lactating for a man who wouldn´t be fed during long hours, that was a mistake.

She had quite some trouble taking it. She held it, but only because she knew who will be releasing the pain. Still, she wondered whether or not to pinch her nipples on the shower to release some of the milk. Not all, just enough to feel better.

She didn´t love the idea. However, as she showered, a little milk ran through her erect nipples while she soaped herself. That much pressure was not easy to take, the milk will find it´s way out, whether she likes it or not.

She was only asking, begging, for her bra to contain the drops until Nick sucked her dry. Of course, she had an extra bra inside her purse.

She walked into her chair, sat down and smiled. All the while, Nick was held in her embrace. He wasn´t sure if there was any need to complaint. He was in fact hungry, and, even if he hated to admit it, her milk was tasty and, conveniently, satisfying.

“Are you ready, Nick?” Rachel asked, smiling down at him.

“I… yes.” He admitted, looking at her massive soft bosom.

Nick couldn´t help but to feel uneasy as he was sited over the giantess’s vast lap. The way she was so solidly smooth, so heavily soft. It was a mix of sensation´s the one he´s got.

He couldn´t take his eyes off her gargantuan breasts. Was each tit as heavy as him? That couldn´t be. Both may be, for sure, but he was still bigger than one of her tits, right?

While he fixed all of his attention into her gargantuan boobs. She was looking at him. With a proud smile on her face.

Before, he´d come up, maybe late, to the office, sit on his desk and simply work. All the while, each of them would be fixed into their duties. But this time, it was different.

The mere fact that he was sitting on her lap, it meant that their dynamics had changed. Those old days were gone, and now, it´s up to her to create that bond she so longer wanted with him.

She was hers and hers alone. As long as they both stayed at her office, as long as they were working. She´d be able to tell he´s with her. And with no one else. Maddy won´t come up to bother them. If she wants him to suck on her nipples, then no one will interfere.

This was her domain, and he was there to assist her. In any way she saw fit. The only thing that came to her were mild doubts about what to do with him? What can he do? Which type of work will he get done while he´s there? He has to do something, for sure. But what?

Nick was dumbfounded as Rachel undid the buttons on her blouse. She simply opened her blazer and started removing the buttons of her blouse, one at a time. Her top was big enough for her, else, she would´ve popped them all of by simply taking a deep breath. That´s how much of a woman she now was.

She had always been taller, but now, her dimensions could only be described of those of a voluptuous woman. And with each passing day, she was sculping her body more. It appears that her work outs and the fact that her lactation burns a significant number of calories, was making her a favor.

She wasn´t that inflated woman he met on Friday, her boobs were equally big, or maybe bigger now that they were so swollen, but her waist had lost a few inches. Her thighs were equally thick, and her butt, well, she was not going to get rid of such enormous buns for a while, but her waist, that was reduced.

Perhaps, she had packed a ton of food inside, maybe she was swollen, or maybe just full of liquids. Whatever the reasons were, she had lost quite some inches on her waist. Now, her slimmer, yet stacked, mid-section was giving her more of an hourglass body. If she persists, maybe she can become more of a vixen or a milf, after some more exercise.

However, her boobs only seemed bigger to Nick. And still growing.

He could spot a sensuous line of cleavage, growing larger as she kept losing buttons. In a matter of seconds, her blouse was loose, still on but fully unbuttoned. Now, he could spot the perfect roundness of her mammoth tits. He knew they were only for him.

She was a smart woman, smart enough to get one of those bras that re buttoned up front. Something convenient to her. Now she didn´t had to lose everything to expose her boobs.

He enjoyed the show. Her breasts were so massive that it seemed, for a moment, that every button she undid made her breasts swell bigger. As if the bra was somehow containing her enormous tits. Forcing the soft flesh of her bosom in, trapping their enormity on the small top.

But they were not trapped, and that top wasn´t small. In fact, he could use that thing as a hammock. However, he had no time to think on that.

As soon as her mommy milkers were at fool display, Nick could tell why she was so eager to “feed” him. Her nipples were so hard, fully erect to his full display. He knew that if he pinched them, it would be like opening a faucet, containing gallons and gallons of white liquid, compressed in a space not meant for it.

The veiny look all over her over swelling boobs was also a proof that she needed release. NOW.

“Ok, mommy´s good and ready… wanna start now, dear?” Rachel said, allowing Nick to begin.

He approached, slowly, guiding his mouth to her waiting nipple. He was right, they were hard as as rock. And so sensitive. Rachel had to hold back a loud moan, as soon as he circled her engorged nipple with his mouth, she felt electricity flowing all over her body.

She held tightly to her chair while he sucked. Drinking up all of the milk she had for him. She liked to think that he was only capable of drinking milk and that she was his only source. She felt… needed.

Nick placed both of his hands over her titanic tit, holding her enormity in place as he sucked her tit. She wanted him to suck both of her boobs dry. Only that way she´d be able to make it through the day. Although, maybe he would want some lunch?

Nick was elated. He lost himself on a boob heaven. Flesh to the left, flesh to the right, and in the middle, a huge nipple that acted as a milk fountain. He stopped thinking for a while, he was hungry, and she was… well, his breakfast? It didn´t matter if it was only milk, it seemed to do the trick.

He sucked and sucked until she decided when to stop him. She placed both hands under his armpits and repositioned him on her other tit. She couldn´t be uneven, could she?

He felt… comforted. He was surrounded by a giantess who provided for him. Her lap was comfortable, her body felt warm. Around him, he could feel her affection. The tenderness of the moment. Even if this wasn´t the best of things, he felt nice.

He closed his eyes, enjoyed the moment and simply sucked on Rachel´s massive breasts. He drank what had to be gallons of milk. Ounce by ounce, he sucked her dry. He couldn’t help it, her milk was tasty.

Before he could tell, he finished, and his suit felt tight above his belly. A belly filled with milk. How could he take in all of that? He wasn´t sure.

“Well, it seems someone´s done…” cooed Rachel from above.

The giantess, relieved from the ache, was looking down at him while he felt tired. He was full, so full. Even if food´s supposed to give you energy, it seems that overeating, or overdrinking, can have some somnific effects on someone. Now, Nick was full and sleepy. Not the best combination for someone who´s working.

He just looked up to her, he had it hard to maintain his eyes opened. His vision blurred a bit every two or three seconds. He had only been awake for an hour, was he so tired already?

“What´s the matter, honey? Do you want to sleep?” she asked.

“NO! I… I can´t…” he said, followed by a yawn.

“Aww, it´s ok, you can sleep, you must be tired after all of that sucking…” she said.

“B-but… I… I have to work, I can´t fall asleep.” He said as he blinked, trying to maintain his eyes opened.

“Would you look at that, such a responsible man, you know, that makes me kind of proud… but I don´t think you´ll be capable of staying awake. I´ll tell you what, close your eyes, and if you don´t fall asleep in… let´s say, ten seconds, I´ll put you on your desk and give you some paperwork to do, ok?” she declared.

Nick nodded. Ten seconds was nothing. He closed his eyes, counting the time. One second went by, then the second one, the third one too. By the time he passed the fifth second, he was gone.

Nick was snoring on Rachel´s lap. She had a hard time not laughing while he laid on her massive lap. Once more, she was right, and how cute it felt for her to be right this once.

“Don´t worry, dear. The boss won´t fire you for falling asleep. Mommy´s here to take care of you… now and always…” she whispered as she turned on her computer. Whatever she had to do, she could do it while he slept on her lap.

Now, Nick was sleeping again and Rachel was enjoying his company. But, what about Maddy?

She was working, but during all that time, she couldn´t stop thinking about him. Why couldn´t she be the one to take him to work with her? Why wasn´t him her assistant and not Rachel´s? She was feeling kind of jealous.

As she tapped the keys on her laptop, she had some concerns, some doubts, some annoyance.

“Why is he with her? Why didn´t he asked me to come to work with me?” She was having some jealously questions that then turned into comparative annoyance.

“Is it because she´s taller? Is it cause she´s older? Is it cause she´s fatter?” Maddy was not very good when dealing with that type of emotions. Often, they turned into paranoia.

“Is it because she´s got HUGE tits? A HUGE butt? I can get fat too, Nick…” she started tapping faster, harder, mad.

Big boobs, a huge butt, wide hips, for someone like Maddy, that only meant one thing. That was a certain type of body of a certain type of person.

“What if… what if he´s seeing her more like… no! No no no, that can´t be.” She was thinking that with a body like hers and, well, her age, she had a maternal aura over her.

“No, nah ah, Nick knows I´M mommy, that it´s me and only me!” she could be kind, but her bad side was… too bad. At least jealous and frustrating.

She needed something that turned her into a maternal figure. She needed bigger assets. Bigger boobs, but what are boobs meant for?

She couldn’t make it up, yet. But the cosmos was fairly wiser than her. For a second, a mere second, she had a feeling on her boob. Right on the tip of her nipple. A tingle, an itch. She scratched herself, barely, making sure no one was watching. And just like that, the feeling was gone.

But it wasn´t “gone” it was just the beginning of it. Maddy wanted something, and she´ll get it. Sooner or later.



Great lap-nursing scene, and exciting foreshadowing with Maddie. Good chapter!