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Well, I´m not sure if I did announce this last week... however, I think I did mention this story was taking the lead... I´m not sure. But here it is LOL.

This will be the very first chapter... and it did came up a bit longer than I expected. 

I hope you like it :D

Chapter 1

Walking down the street, minding your own business. Maybe running an errand, maybe just walking, stepping outside of your place. A time to enjoy a peaceful day outside. A peaceful noon, or that´s how it appears to be, but not for Griffin.

He´s been having this odd feeling for a while now. He simply walks down the street, looking around, enjoying the fresh air on the outside, but still, he´s worried. Is he being… followed?

That can´t be, that shouldn´t be. He´s not a paranoic man, he´s cool, chill, not messing with anyone and not really giving anyone a reason for that. He´s kind, doesn´t look for trouble. He´s not famous, or rich, not even the inheritor of anyone´s fortune, not that he´s aware. No reason, no need for someone to follow him.

Why would someone be following him? It´s true, he takes this path almost every day. In the mornings, to take a morning run. In the late evening to relax a little. Or just get out and take a walk, as easy as that.

Could some sort of psycho be following him? What if he´s the target of some troubled man who wants to hijack him? Why would someone want to hurt him?

This day is the same, he´s walking, but not alone. There´s a lot of people passing by, car´s riding the streets. An unperfect place for something like that. Yet, he can´t help but to have the feeling that he should look over his shoulder. Watch his back.

This all started when he simply turned back and watched as if a bush had moved. He thought it was a bird, or a squirrel. He paid no attention to it. But when he realized a bunch of things seemed to be oddly moving. That´s when he realized something was wrong.

The tree´s, signs, dust in the air. Everything seemed to be off around him. As if someone was hiding behind all that stuff. But he was safe, right?

A man like him, standing at 6´ tall and weighting around 175 pounds, he should be able to wrestle his way out, right? Well, not if they knock him up before he can do a thing. Or if they drug him. He´ll have to think a bit deeper in that.

Today, he decided to get back home, he´s having that feeling again. It´s unpleasant to feel that way, scary even. He´s so annoyed.

Why can´t he chose a different path? Why can´t he go for a walk somewhere else? Why hasn´t he stopped to check who´s there? He should steel himself and check out. He´s 27, a man that old shouldn´t be afraid to check.

“Maybe they´re just squirrels… or… a dog? Could a puppy be following me all along? Nah… dogs usually come into you… I guess…” he thought as he turned back and headed to his place.

But when he turned, he saw it, another bush was moving. He decided to turn away, as always. But, was he going to do the same thing he always did?

No. This time, it was different. He will end this, now. He clenched his fists and walked straight to the bush. He took a deep breath, inflated his chest and took a step forward. He was not going to be a coward; it was his life that was in danger. That´s if there was any real danger.

He walked, concerned, thoughtful, pissed. He frowned and walked straight into the bush, looking at nothing but the green leaves of that large, old bush. His only focus was on it, and to make sure no one walked out of it. If this was some sort of joke, well, it got old already; besides, who´d follow him for so long as part of a joke? This was more like… stalking him.

Just when he was a few feet away from the bush, he slipped. He stepped on what he believes was a rock. His ankle lost it´s stability and his leg failed to maintain the balance of his body. Funny how something so small can make someone trip. He fell backwards, landing right over his back. It hurt.

But what hurt the most was that it knocked the breath out of his lungs. A simple fall like that one, on plain ground, he felt ridiculous. Dumb, clumsy. He couldn´t even stop himself from hitting the ground. Were his reflexes that bad?

He closed his eyes and had a hard time breathing back again. He coughed, loudly at first, until he was finally able to take some air in. His face was visibly red by now.

“Are you ok?” came woman´s voice, right from his right.

He turned, just to find the shape of a woman approaching him.

Whoever she was, she was kind of… pretty. Her dark hair fell right above her face as she kneeled next to him. Her big pretty eyes looking at him with a certain concern. Who was she? Where did she come from?

He wasn´t sure, but the was something sure there, he was laying on the ground, face up as this woman stood next to him. This may not be the best way to meet a woman. Griffin was single, and not the luckiest when it came to women.

Not that he wasn´t good looking, in fact, he had a certain type of looks that dragged women´s attention. The problem was… he never knew what to say. He had no idea on how to reply to any of a woman´s flirting, not even a casual conversation.

Whenever a woman greeted him, he´d say hi… and hope she´d start to talk or that the conversation will turn into something he can talk about. Else, there´d be an awkward silence between them.

In this case, he´s unable to speak, and not fully capable of thinking straight.

“W-who is she…?” was the main question in his mind as he recovered.

He sat up, rapidly, embarrassed. And finally, he answered this lady´s question.

“YES! I… I´m ok, heh, I guess I just slipped, but there´s no problem. I´m fine, see?” he smiled at her, mostly because he was trying to hide his embarrassment.

“Are you sure? I saw you… from back there…” she pointed at the sidewalk. “It seemed to me that you had a really hard fall. You´re face´s all red too…” she added.

Griffin was embarrassed, she saw him? Who else had seen him? He wasn´t too far away from the street. No one had a video of him, right?

But there was another thing on his mind now. This woman, whoever she was. She was pretty. And also… stacked. He wasn´t luring at her, but while he was at the floor, with the corner of his eye, he could spot how her breasts bounced as she landed on the ground. Did she really fell to her knees just to check on him? That was kind.

“Well… you know, I… it´s nothing, I´m fine, look…” and then he got up. Smiling, pretending he didn´t have any ache at all. However, he felt a bit mangled on the butt region, his coccis. But nothing more than a bruise.

“Oh, then, I guess you´re fine…” she smiled, looking up to him. But her smile seemed a bit off, as if she was hiding something.

Griffin was looking at this unknown woman. He was looking up to her, and even if he didn´t want to, he was scanning her body. Her hair was glossy, of a raven color. Long and a bit messy, but that just gave her a somehow prettier look. But then, he realized something, for sure something would be mean to say, at least rude. She had some broad shoulders. And judging by the size of her breasts, she may be a bit… chubby.

He had no problem at all with that. She was kind enough to come and check on him. Her weight was not something he´d care about. But that was just a thing that came to his mind.

“You know, when I… saw you fell, I was kind of worried, hehe…” she confessed as she started to stand.

“H-here, let me help.” He offered his hand to help her up. As a nice gesture since she was nice too.

“Oh…” she turned at his hand for a moment, with her mouth a little open, amazed by such manners. Then, she smiled and took his hand.

Her hand seemed… big? When he helped her up, he realized she was fairly heavy. As he pulled her up back to her feet, he realized he was right about her being mildly… fat. However, her smile didn´t faint, but his did.

He was looking at her, smiling; she was smiling back. But when she started getting up, and up, he freaked out. He thought she´d be around 5´7” or maybe 5´9”, he knew there were some tall women around, and that she seemed among them, but his guess was wrong, by far.

She stood up, by the time she reached his shoulder, he realized she wasn´t done. He kept pulling as she finally got back on her feet, getting some balance on her own. The problem was, she wasn´t fully erect. She was still bending.

He got a bit self-conscious when she passed his nose level, obviously, she was still rising. He wondered if she was as tall as him, or maybe even taller. Perhaps, she´d have an inch or two on him.

As he turned down, he realized two things. Her legs, they were… thick, and large. He turned just to peek, but he was impressed when he spotted her thighs, they were huge. Wide, way wider than his. He was no muscular dude; he knew his legs were… average. But this woman’s legs, they were on a whole different level. And that´s when he realized the second thing.

Her knees, bending. He could see that her legs were not fully stretched, and that she was already as tall as him. He swallowed, how tall was she? Was she about 6´3”? 6´6”? He knew he wasn´t the tallest there is, but how tall could she be? Where the odds enough for him to meet a woman above 6´8”?

His doubts suddenly vanished as his brain simply stopped thinking and simply made him stare at her while she got up. She was huge.

She passed him, easily. Now, it was him who was being looked down at. She kept rising, he was about nose level, then chin level, then, shoulder level. How was it possible that he didn´t saw how tall she was? How could someone look not that big while bending? Was he that distracted?

He set his gaze straight to the front. Now, he could see how her breasts were rising. At least he wasn´t wrong in that. Her boobs were tremendous. Much bigger than his head.

The round enormity of her breasts kept rising, he could see how tight her top was, how round her boobs were. Breathtaking, much more than the fall he just had. He was having trouble keeping his mind working. He was shocked enough not to remember he wasn´t supposed to look directly at her boobs.

When she was finally back on her feet, at her fool height. He realized, he wasn´t taller than her breasts. If he had paid more attention, he would´ve realized that he was not even as tall as her nipples. Maybe right beneath the lower part of her areola. But he wasn´t so focused. Else, he would´ve seen her erect nipples. The main question is, why were they erect? It wasn´t that cold outside. Was there something he missed?

“Heh…” she giggled a little, way above him. She didn´t mind he was staring. She found it kind of cute that he was speechless. “Well… I can see you´re not used to… tall girls like me.” She spoke, grabbing her hands from the back and motioning her body in a silly, yet sensuous way.

Her body was fleshy. Not fat, she was hot. Curves, curves all over her immense body. Her hips were twice as wide as his, her shoulders were one and a half times wider than his. She had sort of a pear-shaped body. However, her monstruous tits gave her more on an hourglass figure. One that would tease every man.

She seemed soft, yet imponent. She was stacked, but not fat. She was merely voluptuous. But at her height, her curves will dwarf anyone just as she´s doing right now. She seems… healthy, big, tall, strong. Not muscular, but he can see his arms are like noodles compared to hers.

He can´t help but to feel small, short, skinny. He feels kind of… inferior next to this amazon of a woman. If anything, she was way ahead of him in evolution. If it is true that people are constantly getting taller than their ancestors, then she was a couple centuries ahead of him.

“Hello? Are you alright?” she asked, worried he may have a concussion.

She was still smiling, but now her smile was slightly fading. He wasn´t talking back. Not responding. But she was kind of used to this by now.

She knew she was tall, top heavy. Enormous even. Her main concern, well the main thing annoying her, was that this was the regular reaction she had from almost everyone she met.

“Hello? Earth calling short cutie?” she said as she bent closer to him.

Cutie? Had he just been called cutie? Well, in her defense, he´s tiny. Even if he knows he´s average height, compared to her, he´s doesn´t feel that way. In fact, he can fairly say she´s a giantess. Or at least an amazon. And she´s in flats.

He turned at her feet, just to see if he was on an uneven ground, or if she was wearing gigantic heels. But there were no heels that tall. Maybe a booster step. However, she was natural. A naturally tall and curvaceous giant.

“Cutie?” He said, not thinking and just speaking.

“Mhmm, I said cutie, but that´s ok, right? I mean, I can´t deny you´re quite handsome… but calling you that way just doesn´t feel… right, you know?” she spoke, smiling at the fact that he was finally talking. However, her tone changed from a concerned one into one more… flirtatious.

“W-why not?” he asked, weren´t both words kind of the same thing?

“Well, handsome refers to, in your case, a man who´s good looking, yet, imposing in some way. And don’t get me wrong, but… you´re not THAT imposing. Heh, in fact I think the imponent person here´s… me.” She declared, standing back up and looking down to him, passed her breasts.

He could feel her enormous mounds right on his face. Her breathing just accentuated her gigantic assets. He turned away for a moment. This felt kind of… awkward.

“And…” she continued, “Cutie, well, I´m still saying you´re good looking, but… in the smaller way. But you´d agree that´s more… appropriate for our situation, right?”

He turned back up to her. He had no idea what to say, so he just nodded.

She knew he´d be gone before anything else happened. Once more, she had turned things awkward, and she knew it. She had to save their conversation, and what a better way than introducing herself.

“I´m Judy… by the way.” She extended her hand towards him. That same big hand he just grabbed a second ago. Now he knows the reason why it felt… more substantial.

“Nice to meet you, I´m Griffin…” he said.

Griffin greeted her, smiling awkwardly at the enormous lady. How tall was she? He needed a number. He knew that seven feet tall was… ridiculous. A short guess. If he was six feet tall and not near her shoulder level… what was her actual height.

“So… Griffin. What were you doing? You know, before you slipped… were you… hiking?” Judy asked.

“Oh, well, hehe… I was… nothing, doing nothing in particular…” he didn´t want to admit what he was doing.

“Really? Cause it seemed to me that you were heading somewhere, you seemed quite determined.” She declared, wanting to hear his truth intentions.

“What? How do… how do you know that?” he asked.

“Well… I was, you know, minding my own business when I saw you leaving the sidewalk and heading back here… I wasn´t nosy, just curious, ok? Besides, you did need some help didn´t you?” she asked, as if she was some sort of savior who came from nowhere.

“If I´m honest, I would´ve gotten out of that on my own, I mean, I just needed to breathe, you know…”

“Well, there´s people who had a REALLY hard time doing so, I was just making sure you didn´t passed out, and what if you hit your head while you fell? Did you think of that? What if a rock hit the back of your head and you ended up bleeding all over the floor, or worse, what if you have some internal bleeding? You didn´t hit your head too hard, did you?”

And just like that, she placed her huge hand on his head, engulfing it fully and started scrutinizing the back of it. Looking for any bulge in his head.

“I´m fine, really, I just… fell on my butt, ok… but you don´t have to touch it…” he said, immediately regretting what he said.

“Pffft, hahaha, oh come on, why would I grab your ass? Don´t be silly…” she said.

“I don´t know, you just grabbed my head without saying a word.” He replied.

“Excuse me for caring, I just wanted to make sure you were alright… but don´t you think I forgot you haven´t answered my question, what were you doing?” she asked once more.

“Ugh, do you really want to know?” she nodded in a really attentive way, she did wanted to know, but why?

“Ok, I´ll tell you…” he spoke, hatting how interested she was, but he couldn´t say no to the giant lady. What if she gets mad and… who knows, he had never seen a woman that big, he´s worried about what type of reaction she may have.

Griffin explained to her his real reasons. That he felt as if someone was following him. Judy´s eyes opened widely when he said “someone” was following him. He had already made out that it was a person. But she said nothing, she simply allowed him to finish.

“It seems to me that… you… you… you´re in danger!” she said, making an emphasis on the word “danger”.

“You think so?” he asked, looking up at her, he wasn´t over on hos tall she was. Maybe he´d feel more comfortable with a stool… or if they were sitting… maybe.

“Oh, I am. A good-looking guy like you… you know, there´s actually… some reports of… someone, a gang or something, I don´t know, I MEAN, reporters don´t know. Yeah, Anyways, someone may be following you to take you, for who knows what… don´t you feel… worried?” she asked.

Judy wanted to scare Griffin, why? A personal purpose, something she just thought could be a good idea for a plan she was making. The first step, so far the only one, was to make him afraid of the lie she just made up. And the second step, which had just came to her mind, she was about to say it.

“I haven´t seen any of that… where did you saw it?” He wasn´t much of a guy who watches the news, so he was unaware if it was a lie or not.

“In… a… website. It´s actually not official news, at least not on TV or any of the local channels…” conveniently for her. “But I saw it came from a very VERY trustable source. You know, the kind of news they don´t spread not to make people freak out.”

She thought it was all too awfully made up to feel like true. But he fell for it. Not sure if it was because he has had that feeling for a long while now, or maybe he was feeling kind of, vulnerable by standing in front of the giant. But he fell for it, he felt true fear inside, not the one that makes you run, but the one that makes your heart beat faster.

“Y-you sure?” he said as he rubbed his hands, as if he was trying to take the fear off his hands.

“Positive, why? Are you… afraid?” she asked, knowing he really was. But that was just perfect, now, it was time to make her proposal. She just came up with it, but it seemed sweet.

“N-no! I´m… I´m not…” he was.

“What´s the matter? I´m sure a man like you can take care of himself. I mean, at least, you have someone who looks after you, right?”

“I… I don’t.” he didn´t. He lived alone, in that town he wasn´t born in. In fact, he had no family there, and he hadn´t been there enough to make real friends, much less a girlfriend.

“You don’t? Wow, I´m shocked. Well, who´s going to help you in case… you know, someone wants to do something to you?” She couldn´t believe it, she knew he was in his twenties, why was he so scared about it? It certainly didn´t matter to her, it was in fact perfect.

“I… I don´t know…” he said.

He was freaking out, inside of course. What if what she said was true? He bought it for sure. But she had a point, who could help him? He didn´t had a number to call in case he needed someone´s help. And what if this wasn’t just some stranger watching him from the dark bushes. What if someone had already followed him home? What if they knew where he lived? What if someone was at his place right now, waiting for him.

“Well…” sad Judy, she knew this was the perfect time to say this. “How about, I don´t know… I walk you home? Would you feel more comfortable if I´m, let´s say, with you?” she will use this as a chance to get close, become friends, maybe?

The idea was… good. She was huge, no one, at all will mess with him if he was next to this giant. She seemed strong and capable. She could be quite a companion.

“YES! I mean… I wouldn´t mind.” He said, trying not to sound desperate.

“I´m sure you won´t… now, where do you live? It´s getting late, I think it could be a good idea if we walk home, I mean, to your place. If that makes you feel any safe…” she said, pretending it was for his own good, but it wasn´t.

“I think that´s a good idea.” He said, not knowing he was about to guide that woman to his house.

Judy was nice, kind even, but she had a little problem. She was the stalker. She didn´t planned things to be that way. One day, she was just looking through her window when she saw him. She found Griffin as a handsome man. Her type even.

When she spotted him on the second time, she realized it was around the same time as that previous day. So, she kept a register, not much of a detailed one, she just wrote down the time when he passed by. Then, she realized there was a pattern. He always passed by around 6:00-6:15.

She was not the best one when it came to talking. And she knew that everyone turned mute when they saw how tall she was. So, she decided to have a closer look at him. Maybe then she could steel herself and actually talk.

But she never did, she approached more and more, but never stepped out of the dark to greet him. She was quiet, looking at him with passionate eyes from where she was sure she wouldn´t be seen. The problem was, he did.

Not always, but there were some times, such as today, that he felt her presence around. But this time, he approached. She freaked out at first, but when he fell, she knew this was her chance.

How was she able to move her large body without him seeing her? That was a mystery. But this stalker turned into, what she was hoping, was more like a friend. Maybe if she somehow protects him from… herself. Then she could get what she actually wanted.

“Who knows, maybe we´ll laugh about this once we´re married… no, don´t get so ahead of yourself Judy, just walk… make some small talk and walk.” She thought to herself as she was walking side to side to Griffin. The amazoness escorting the guy to his house. A place she was eager to know where it was.



Nice start! Glad I discovered this, and right when part II came out! IK English isn’t a first language for you, so well done with what you’ve managed. I hate to be THAT guy but some of the terms you use are distracting. Specifically “paranoic,” or “imponent.” Neither of those are words. When you’re using the adjective form of paranoia it’s paranoid. E.g. “He was not a paranoid man.” The closest thing to”imponent” that is an actual word is impotent, but that’s used to describe weakness, or literally, the inability to get an erection. In the context you’ve written, where you’re describing the powerful woman, you would use the adjective “imposing.” E.g. “Heh, I think the imposing person here is me.”


Thank you! Yeah, I felt that the word "imponent" came kind of wrong... however... I still wrote it LOL. But I´ll keep an eye on that, and also paranoid. Thanks a lot for the advice, and I don´t mind, I appreciate the help :D

william l cooley

You should write one time where you actually gets attacked by like a game when she's with them so she could defend him and he could think she was actually right that would be hilarious


Oh, like one of those times when she pays a guy to intimidate him, or rob him, and she pops up and stands for him... could work. Thx for the idea. I´ll check if I can fit something like this here