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Chapter 14

Matt had never thought he´d be gone for so long. Whatever was in that pill, it certainly nocked him after the effects were gone. Now, the day´s practically gone, he has just a few hours to get a new date. And that´s shocking.

He knew the app immediately notified women if a man was single, but, why wasn´t there any sort of alert that advice them he needed a date asap? Sort of, “Hi, at the moment I´m in the looks for a date, wanna send a request?”

But that was silly, if he wanted a date, then he could send the request himself. There was no need to wait for anyone. Although, it could make things way easier if he received a request. Then, he´d save time sending requests to women who were either busy or not interested.

However, he hoped inside the bus. He was too worried to notice how everyone stared at him. Living in a world of giantesses does have its problems.

As he walked through the bus, walking by through the long tree-like legs of women, he finally got to the back. It´s easier to watch your back when there´s no one that can come from behind.

He was thinking at the moment, too focused on his thoughts to notice the fact that it was getting late and that he was vulnerable. Either of those women could be a giantess with a harem, he should be careful.

A while later, the bus stopped, right downtown. He hoped off and started walking. But he was not alone. He wasn´t paying much attention, else, he would´ve noticed the tall brunette that was following him.

She spotted him on the bus and couldn´t take her eyes off of him. How tall was she? Around seventeen feet tall. And with a huge ass. She followed him for a while before he could tell.

Lucky for him, that didn´t took long.

After a few blocks, he noticed someone behind him. A huge presence following him. Any woman could by pass him easily. With legs twice as long than he was tall, they had some advantage. Even running, he´d have problems following a woman´s pace.

So it was not hard to tell that this woman was behind him. He noticed her at first, but she just smiled at him. If she would´ve said something, then things could´ve been less freaking, but she didn´t. She just followed him.

Did she wanted to know where he lived? Wanted to know if he was single? Or was she waiting for the right moment to snatch him up? He didn´t knew and didn´t wanted to.

He rushed, he started walking faster, he wanted to get away from her, but he´d never do that. At least not without a vehicle. Matt was freaking out, what could she want?

Before he knew it, he was running. Trying to escape form her. He ignored her intentions, but he didn´t want to find out. As he sprinted, she just walked normally. She was walking really slow while she was following him, naturally, she´d catch up with her regular pace.

Matt was freaking out, he could listen to the sound of her heels hitting the floor as he ran. It felt awful. He needed help, but from who? Could he call while he ran? Maybe. But who´d be willing to pick him up? Besides, could they make it on time?

The most logical solution he came up with was talking. To stop and face he giantess behind him. He encouraged himself and stood still. Then, he turned at her.

He had to crane his neck way up to meet this woman´s face. Passed her thick thighs, passed the camel toe he could see from below, and passed the substantial mass on her pronounced breasts.

“W-what do you want?!” he kind of yelled, but with a worried look on his face.

“Excuse me?” she asked.

“D-don’t play dumb. You´ve been following me for a while now, what do you want?” he asked once more.

The giantess smiled; she knew he had caught her. But, could he blame her? Not everyday you spot a single man at late hours.

“Well, I see you´ve noticed. I heard you were looking for a date, back at the bus.” She replied.

“The bus?” how didn´t he notice her before? “How do you know that?” he asked.

“Sweetie, you think out loud, didn´t you listen to yourself saying: “oh, I need a date”, “is there still time for it, today?” yeah, you pretty much talked out loud, and I just happened to be listening.

Matt swallowed, but, was she like, safe to date?

The giantess bent over, smiling widely at him, she knew she was right in that aspect, still, he wasn´t very sure.

“So, wanna date right now?” she asked.

“I… I don´t… I´m not sure…” he stepped back.

“Not sure? But you just said you needed a date, honey, I´m right here…” she pointed out.

“Y-yeah, I can see, but, I… I already have some people I´d like to date, no offense, but they´re kind of… waiting for me.”

“Waiting? Come on, don´t you think a man who´s got women waiting for him would be less worried about dating? Don´t lie, you´re free for the night, now come on, let´s head somewhere else, then, we can really get to know each other…” she said with a lusty tone on her voice.

He was sure about one thing, he couldn´t go with that woman. Why didn´t she said anything before, if she heard him, why didn’t she immediately stop him when he hopped off the bus?

“What do you say?” she asked, extending her huge hand towards him.

“I… I think I´ll pass… No offense, but I don´t really know you…” he said, stepping back.

“That´s why we´re going on a date, so we can get to know each other, now come on, take my hand, I know some place close by where we can… have fun…” she was persistent, but he really wanted to get away from there.

“I think… I think I should go, I mean, it´s kind of late, maybe… maybe I should schedule a date for tomorrow morning.” When he turned, her huge hand immediately trapped his arm. He could feel her huge fingers all over his forearm. She caught him.

“Listen, you and I are dating, and if you´re not willing to date, well, I´m still taking you home. Look around, there´s no one to help you. This street´s alone. And believe me, you could do worse. Seriously, do you even know how to take care of yourself?” she asked.

“let go! Come on, I need to get back to my unit… miss, ma´am, just… let me go!” he yelled as the giantess grabbed him and picked him up. She rose, lifting him clean off the ground, she was about to take him to her place.

Her main question was, what to do with him? Should she show him she´s kind? Or should she just have sex and let him find his way home? Either way, she was getting laid tonight. Or was, when she turned, she immediately spotted a pair of enormous tits on her face.

Whoever was standing in front of him, must be about twenty feet tall, and stacked. She could see the enormous, inflated cleavage, wrapped over by a whit top.

“Excuse me…” said a voice from above.

The woman turned up as Matt was still squirming on her grip. She couldn´t help but to feel some concern as she found who this woman was. A dame.

The dame continued, “May I know what are you doing with that man?” she said with both hands on her wide hips. She seemed very authoritarian.

“I… we… we were just having… I was just…” It seems she wasn´t so good with words anymore.

Matt could listen to the other woman, but he couldn´t quite see her, still, he called for help.

“M-miss, please, help me, I don´t know this woman, and I don´t know where she´s taking me, can you… can you do something?” The dame didn´t need to know anymore. Hearing a man in this condition and about to be taken, that melted her heart; as for the woman, she was mad at her.

“Ma´am…” Spoke the dame, “I´m gonna need you to hand the man over…” Matt found her words kind of… odd.

“But…” replied the other woman.

“No buts… you can hand him over to me or I can give you a ticket. As simple as that, or maybe you´d like to be processed under the presumption that you wanted to take a man against his will, is that it?” replied the towering woman.

“I… I…” This bus lady had no idea who she was messing with. And Matt, well, he knew things could come up fine to him.

The lady didn´t think twice and just handed Matt over to the even taller woman. He felt weird, being passed from one woman to another, standing so high above the ground. But at least, if she was a Dame, then he´d be fine. They had some sort of code, right? No Dame can harm a man, and each of them must make sure to protect. At least that´s how he saw it.

He couldn´t see the face of his savior yet, but he could see the other woman walking away. Defeated.

“Well, it seems she´s walking away… you´re lucky, Matt. Lucky that I was passing by when I spotted you…” said the Dame, but how does she know his name?”

Matt turned up, passed her bosom, he could see her face. Her golden hair and her bright eyes. He knew her, she was Katy. The Dame that escorted him the other day.

“Katy?” he asked.

“For sure, you know, I saw you from across the street, I thought she was a friend of yours, but when you screamed… well, that was my sign to get in action. I wouldn´t let anyone hurt you, honey.” She said as she hugged him tighter.

He had forgotten how affectionate she was. And how strong. She was a Dame, which means she was on the tall side of women. To him, she was a giantess about four times his height. For any other woman, she was simply taller, an amazon even.

“N-nice to see you a-again, Katy. W-where´s Olga?” he asked, barely, she was kind of squeezing the air out of him.

“Oh, she´s on her way home. Actually, I was on my way home too, I´m off duty now. You´re lucky I found you… what are you doing here anyways? Don´t you think it´s a bit late for a cute guy like you to walk alone the streets?” she asked, playfully, but still concerned.

“Oh, well… I…” He couldn´t admit he fell asleep on his last date´s house. The real reason he did was… intimate.

Matt just told her he was on his way home. Nothing more, and not sharing much details.

“Well, I guess I can escort you home, like the other day. You know, to make sure you get there safe and sound. And… hand me your phone.” She said.

“WHAT?” that seemed to come out of nowhere. Was she confiscating his phone? Was she about to teach him a lesson? Should he complaint?

“Relax, I just want to give you my number, you know, in case you need it. It´s for your own safety, honey.” She explained.

“Oh, I see…” he just did as she said, although, when she gave it a second thought, he should write her phone down. Her fingers are way too big for his tiny device.

“I guess you don´t live too far from here, right Matt?”

“No, just… uhm, just a few blocks away…” he felt shy, much more because she didn´t put him down this whole time. But why would she, she walked way faster and he weighted nothing.

“Matt, you´re single, right?” Katy asked. Maybe to make some small talk.

“Yeah, still single…” he added.

“Mhmm, so, how´s dating going, any nice candidate for this fine man? Any girlfriend material?” she asked.

“Well… not yet. I mean, I have a nice proposal… but I think it´s more like… a really business like proposal…” he was talking about Hannah´s proposal, but it did seem more like an employee than a relationship.

“I see, and… do you like it? I mean, does she seem nice?” asked Katy.

“Well, she seems professional… but, I don´t really know her… You know, it was kind of a quick date. She told me she´d reschedule a date, if I was interested.”

“Well, that doesn´t sound quite… lovely. I mean, it´s kind of a safe option. If she´s really interested. And, how about the others, any luck with them?” She seemed to know a lot for someone who had only escorted him once. But she was a Dame, and the way things work, at least for man, they´re kind of the same for everyone.

He´ll have the duty to date every single day until he finds the right person. Over and over, an endless line of women, he needed to date as much as he could during those seven days that were given to him. Today, he´s got less time than that.

“I… I think she´s the only… only option I have. I mean, I went to a center where they helped me… filter down all of the safe options, and she was one. Now, the only thing I need is to date my other options, you know, see if they´re… good.”

Katy felt kind of sorry for him. She actually felt sorry for every man who needed to go through this. Nowadays, love was not what joined couples, but the need men had to be with someone. They were doing this more for their safety than for true love. And that felt wrong.

So, she had an idea. More like a proposal.

“Matt…” she said as she stopped.

Matt, who was still in her arms, looked up to her, a bit worried that they suddenly stopped.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Are you free for tonight?” Katy asked.

“I… yes…” he wasn´t sure where she was going.

“Ok, well, I have an idea. Since you´re a fine young man, and I´m… free too, why don´t we go on our own date, would you like that?” she asked.

That seemed unexpected. Katy seemed nice, well-intentioned. And he wanted to have a date tonight, before the day was over.

“Yes. Sure, why not?” he replied.

Katy almost jumped in joy. She immediately turned back and started heading in another direction. Her place.

She rushed her pace, making the flesh of her enormous boobs bounce. He was constantly hit by her enormous rack. It didn´t felt quite soft, they were bouncing so heavily, at least to him, that it felt kind of solid.

His face was constantly hitting her heavy tits. Her smooth flesh felt more like a wall of flesh where his face bounced. Why couldn´t she carry him in a different position? Or not carry him at all?

Time flew, more like, Katy flew through the floor. She was running. Was she really that excited? She didn´t even took the time to start the date, or send a request. The second he said yes, she rushed to her place.

But in a matter of minutes, less than fifteen, they were already at her place. It seems she lives really close to downtown.

“Ok, we´re here, home sweet home…” she spoke as she opened the door, meanwhile, Matt was hanging from her, quite literally.

He was hugging the giantesses neck as she held him in place with one arm. Then, she placed him on the ground. Finally.

“Ok, honey, I believe it´s kind of… late for you to be around town, so… I figured, why not having some diner here at my place. Would you like that? A home cooked meal?” she was really nice.

“I´d love it.” He replied. Wondering if he should mention anything about the dating proposal, or about starting the timer. But his last date with Mindy proved that he didn´t really needed to do so. At least not when he´s around someone he trusts. Still, he´d feel a bit safer.

“You´ll love it, people say that my food´s quite delicious… but…” she stated, making a pause, “before I begin, I think I should take these clothes off, I wouldn´t like to stain them, right?” she turned at him.

“Right…” he said, as he thought that if she went to her room, he could have a chance to, at least, look for her profile and maybe send the request. However, he wasn´t waiting what came next.

“Very well…” she said as she removed her shoes, right there, on the living room. But she didn´t stop there. Matt was looking at her, wondering what she´ll do, when she began removing her stockings.

It wasn´t mentioned before, but she was wearing a short, black skirt, with some stockings beneath. And above, a white buttoned blouse that was maybe too tight on the boob area.

Matt could see how she pealed the stocking off of her long, smooth leg. He was at tall as the giantess´s knee, making her long legs appear as a tall tree. Or a sensuous pillar of flesh.

The creamy skin of her leg was at full display. Was she doing it slowly? Was she teasing him? Why was she doing so in the middle of her living room? Well, there was no problem on that, but why right in front of him?

Matt turned, he felt king of ashamed. At least embarrassed. But she didn´t minded. In fact…

“Hey, what´s the matter? Why did you blushed out of a sudden?” she asked, about to remove the other stocking.

“I… well…I thought you were… going to change in… another room, maybe?” he replied, looking at the floor next to him.

“Pffft, don´t be silly, I don´t mind if you stare, to me, it´s a compliment. So don´t be shy, I don´t have any problem if you look… but if you touch, well, that´s a different story…” she said with a teasing voice.

He thought Katy was kind of… different. At least not one of those lusty women, but it seems it´s something common. Even he´s looking forward to it. Wondering when will she lose her top.

Matt tried to look away, she didn´t force him to look, still, she said she didn´t mind if he did. That was an open invitation for him to do so. And he really wanted to.

He couldn´t resist much longer, he was weak in that aspect. And many more, according to women. However, he turned at her.

His jaw almost dropped when she started removing her skirt. Both of her thick legs were unclothed. Displaying her creamy flesh. And when her skirt fell off, he couldn´t help but to admire her body.

Her hips, standing so high above, they seemed surreal. So wide, so sensuous. Her feminine figure simply had a spell on him. Now, he wouldn´t turn, even if he wanted to.

He had to make sure, get a good look of her. He simply lowered his gaze, setting it on her toes, then, he rose it. Slowly, looking at her thick, curvy legs, and the widening of her creamy hips.

She wasn´t fat by any means. In fact, she was slim. Although, her legs were simply amazing. Like the ones of a woman with a thin waist but thick, sturdy legs she´s trained at the gym.

He wondered, how many times could his waist fit in her thighs? Her glorious, plump thighs. Covered only by the bottom of her shirt. He knew she was still wearing panties beneath that blouse. But, will she keep her underwear? Or was she going to get fully naked in front of him?

He didn´t had much time to think before his mind was set somewhere else. Now, she was unbuttoning her blouse. The job was half way done, he assumed she wasn´t able to button the ones over her breasts.

In no time, she removed her top. Letting it fall to the floor as she did. He could listen to the heavy sound the top made when it fell, and he could feel the breeze it made once it landed. To him, that top was like a tent. But that didn´t mattered.

Right now, Katy was standing tall, enormous, on her living room, wearing nothing more than a velvet red bra and a matching pair of panties. He was trembling, his dick was hard now, he didn´t even cared if she could see it.

He could see her hard nipples, poking from under her bra. He was begging for her to lose it too. But that didn´t happened.

Now, he could see an almost naked, twenty foot tall, giantess. He was amazed by how much flesh he could see, by how big her butt was, how gigantic her breasts were. So round, so full, so erotic. Her hourglass shape was simply breathtaking. Which had him thinking, was he still breathing?

Katy turned at the kitchen, saying, “Well, I think it´s time to begin with diner… I´ll just get my apron and start cooking, but… why don´t you follow me…” her hips were swaying, her butt cheeks were bouncing as she walked. Her bare legs, so long and hot ware simply hot.

He just followed her, without even thinking. For sure, he was under a spell, an erotic spell her body had set on him, but, how far would things go?


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