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Wow, it´s the tenth already! How fast. 

I hope you like this chapter, it´s... well, you´ll see ;D

Chapter 10

Larry had to be really careful, even if it was annoying, bugging, unbelievable, he had to maintain calm and do what she said. A gentleman, she wanted to turn him into such. But why? Why was there a need to do so? Why does he need to be taught such lessons?

Was he that bad? He wasn´t, right? Or, was he? Was he so used to it that by now he couldn´t notice the things he did wrong?

He had to maintain those thoughts, but not too much. He shouldn´t stress himself thinking too hard, he only had to learn from his mistakes. That´s all.

He hoped into his car and drove off from work. The day had been… long. But he managed to finish what Violet sent him to do. Well, at least the things that were a priority. What was marked as “later” or so he called it, could wait until tomorrow.

While he was leaving, he made sure to tell Violet that the load of work was a bit… too much. She acknowledged his suggestion and said she´ll work on that. But not before she put some… spice into the matter.

Before she told him she´ll reduce it, she said: “Why? Is it to BIG for you? Is it much MORE than you can handle?” she was just teasing; she didn’t quite mean it.

Still, that only proved that she´ll start acting different around him. Hopefully, for good. At least, having her talk to him made things less awkward between them. He was just hoping she was not one of those people that once they feel some confidence around you, then they turn full mode on their real, and sometimes awkward selves. Although, wasn´t her confession sort of… that?

Larry was thinking about it. Taking some time to meditate on the matter. As his car was standing, waiting for the green light on the rode to allow him to continue, he took a moment to think.

“How will things be…?” he was 5´5”, eight inches have been taken from him. Violet said she´ll enjoy his size changes, he minded a bit, but that would just give him a chance to get closer to her. If she teases him then she won´t have any problem when he ogles at her. In fact, that may be kind of what she wants.

However, he couldn´t deny that all this shrinking had him kind of… tense. He had to readjust his car´s sit. The car itself seemed bigger, his head stood at a lower point, he could still see the rode, but how would things be once he can´t?

Evangeline mentioned this was a punishment. There were a bunch of lessons he needed to learn, but that wasn´t it. She was taking away more than just height. He could no longer reach certain stuff, soon, he won´t be able to drive; and there would be a point when things just become worse.

“Stupid angel, there should be a way to punish her too… I wonder if there´s some way to leave a complaint…” he thought as he suddenly realized the light had changed into green. But he wasn´t the first one in line.

“What? Green already?” he didn´t notice, but as soon as he did, he realized the car in front wasn´t moving. He was frustrated, so anything annoyed him at this point.

He didn´t wait too long before he started using the car´s horn.

“Come on! It´s green already, why the fuck aren´t you miving?!” He was pissed, yelling at the person in the other car.

He hunked at the car for a while before it started moving, and when the other driver reacted, the car began to move in a slow way. Larry was pissed, so he just drove off, passing the car on the side. As if he had much hurry. And then, he flipped his finger at the car once he passed it by.

“Stupid…” he was mad.

“Well, someone´s cranky…” said Evangeline, appearing right next to him, taking the passenger´s sit.

“I am, didn´t you notice how long that dude took to make a move? You can´t just sit there and waste someone else´s time.” He argued.

“Well, first of, that was not a “dude”, but a woman. An older woman, she´s sixty-two to be precise.” She said, making him feel a bit uncomfortable.

She mentioned the word “woman”, and that was something that unsettled him. He knew that every time Evangeline said that, there would be consequences.

“S-so? She´s blocking the way, didn´t you see?” he stated, blaming her.

“What I noticed was that YOU flipped your finger at her, right after you excessively honked at the car, and at the poor old woman. She freaked out when you did, you know?” he was in trouble.

He kept driving, hoping for the worst while she kept talking. He just clenched his hands at the steering wheel, looking at the rode, preparing for the worst.

“As far as I know, that… gesture with your finger is an insult. And I believe you already know what´s coming next.” He did, he feared her next words.

“Why? Fuck, why are you scared…” he thought, pissed by the fact that this angel was making him regret his previous actions. He was scared because she was about to punish him, and that enraged him.

“Well, this isn´t the first time you insult a woman, I know you´re not counting, but I am. This is your second time. And you know what that means…” she snapped her fingers, smiling.

Larry had an odd feeling; he felt some sort of void inside. Quivers ran through his spine as he noticed his sight of the rode, slightly below what he was getting used to.

“Two inches…” she whispered.

“What? Did you say two?” he asked.

“Of course, you know that for every time you fall in the same mistake, I´ll be adding an inch to your punishment. The first time you insulted a woman, I took an inch, now it´s the second time you do so, naturally, two inches are taken.” She explained.

“Shit…” he said.

“And believe me that I´m not counting the times you´re insulting me…” he swallowed. “Don´t you think I didn´t notice you called me stupid a few minutes ago…”

She knows, of course she knows. He´s worried, but thankful that doesn´t count.

“Since I´m not a human, your lessons don´t really apply whenever you disrespect me. Although, maybe I should find a way, you know, if you´re supposed to treat women well, then that should apply to everyone. Still, I´ll let it slip… but not for too long…”

Larry was in trouble. Another two inches. He lost three inches during this day, and it wasn´t even 6:00 pm. The good thing was that he didn´t have anything planned for today.

However, that didn´t make things any easy. He was standing at 5´3”. With every beat of his heart, he realized how humiliating things will be. Even when he was 5´8”, he was still about average height. At least for a man. But now, that was long gone, five inches ago.

His clothes shrank together with him, but that was the least of his problems. He had to face everyone standing so much shorter. Looking at every single person up. But that´s what Evangeline wanted. He had to look up to people if she wanted him to learn something about respect.

As Evangeline vanished, he couldn’t help but to think of something. Remember a certain someone.

“Shit! This makes me the same height as Lexie!” he was even with his old assistant. Whenever he saw her, he´d be looking at the petit woman straight in the eyes.

And that was if she was wearing flats. But he knew she adored wearing heels. He´d have to look up to her, even if it was by a slight difference, a mere inch, he´d have to raise his gaze.

He felt humiliated. Demeaned. Ashamed. By the time he got home, he had no will to get off the car. He stood there, sad, looking at the car´s dashboard. He felt defeated somehow. Should he do anything? Was there something he could do that didn´t imply losing inches? The angel said it, it will only happen if he did something wrong. Something mean.

He simply sighed and turned off the car´s engine. And as a defeated man, he hoped off the car. He wondered, should he try? She had already made his clothes fit. What if there were some sort of rewards if he did good?

If there was a punishment every time he acted in the wrong way, then he should be rewarded if he acted the right way.

That idea was enough to raise his spirits. Make him smile a bit. He took a deep breath and stood taller. Well, as tall as he could by now.

But if he wanted to do the right thing, then there´s some things he should avoid. And by that, I mean people. Such as… the neighbor. Grace was a married woman, and a lusty one. Even if she was separated from her husband, Evangeline said that wasn´t right. And if she disapproved, then that was the end of it.

He turned, only to make sure she wasn´t there. And she was not. He was waiting for her to say something related to her plumbing. But that wasn´t the case. Instead, as he turned, he could spot a woman. A younger woman, about to enter her place.

This lady seemed to be in her twenties, just like him. Maybe younger, but not by much. However, she was looking at him.

When he noticed her, their eyes matched. She was looking at him while he looked at her. He didn´t know what to do. He wasn´t mentally prepared for it.

He may want to appear as a stud, a self-ensured man. But he was naturally shy. Not much, but shy enough.

She was pretty, she had long brown hair and some pretty eyes. At the distance, he wondered if they were blue, or maybe green. Before he could do anything, she smiled and waved at him. She couldn´t help it, she was friendly, and to have him stare at her for so long, someone had to do something.

He wasn´t ogling at her, he just met her while looking for someone else. She knew he was not just staring, but their eyes met by mistake. He found it funny that he was in awestruck and couldn´t say a word.

Naturally, he smiled back and waved, following what she did. She laughed a little and then stepped into the house.

He felt ridiculous, how couldn´t he reacted? Why didn´t he just said hi? He stood there, looking at her as if he was mute. He wondered if she was laughing at him?

“Who… who was she?” he said.

Who was that girl? How was she related to Grace? She couldn´t be her daughter, right? As far as he knew, which wasn´t much, she was not a mother.

He´d have time to find out in the future, that´s if he wants to. His main goal at the moment is to avoid Grace, be as far away from her as possible. To him, she was more like a threat. Maybe that girl was just visiting, passing by. Perhaps, this may be the last time he meets her.

But, destiny had some mind on it´s own. Within a couple minutes, someone was knocking at his door.

He wasn´t expecting anyone, she he went to check. The only thing he didn´t wanted, something he was begging for was that it wasn´t Grace.

He didn´t need to lose any more inches. He was trying to get used to his current height. Everything seemed taller around him. Doorknobs, counters, chairs. Every single think reminded him he was 5´3”.

“Coming…” he said as he walked into the front door.

Who was it? Who could that be? Violet? She would´ve texted; Evangeline? She would´ve just materialized next to him; Grace?

“Please, don´t be Grace…” he thought as he opened the door.

To his surprise, it wasn´t Grace, in fact, it was the same mysterious girl at Grace´s place.

“Hi there…” said the girl. Smiling.

The first thing he noticed was, her height. It was hard to him not to notice, he was constantly changing in that aspect. But it was hard not to notice since she was a good deal taller. He was looking straight at her lips. He had to rise his gaze to look at her in the eyes.

It made him feel less short when he spotted her at the distance. Now, he could tell she was tall. But that wasn´t her fault. Unlike Violet, she wasn´t outstandingly tall, she was just, taller than him.

“Hi…” he replied, after a bit, but he finally replied.

“I´m Nellie…” she extended her hand.

“Oh, hi… I´m Larry…” he said as he shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you, Larry.” She added.

He was concerned by how big her hand seemed. Not too big, but bigger than his. She easily wrapped her hand around him.

He was just looking at her, trying to come up with how tall she really was. 5´7”? 5´10”? He knew she wasn´t 6´ tall, yet, he was looking way up to her.

“So… Larry, I could tell you were looking at me back there…” she pointed at his car. He could tell she wasn´t mad, but this was a mere topic, an excuse to start a conversation. “I was wondering… do you stare like that at all women you meet?” she asked, in sort of a teasing way.

“No… I do not…” he replied. Feeling ashamed, and also worried that Evangeline may find it as sort of an offense.

“Are you sure?” she asked, as she let his hand go. “Because, you´ll see, it´s kind of rude to just stare without saying a word,” she approached. “… right?”

Who was she? Nellie? That was just her name, but who gave this woman the right to come here and just, say that kind of things? He was no push over, even if he was shorter than her, she was at HIS house. He shouldn´t allow her to speak and not say a word.

“It is, but, I wasn´t staring. I was just looking around when you came up.” He explained.

“So, it is my fault?” she asked, more in a friendly way rather than mad.

“Well, it seems. Perhaps, I was just looking at something behind you when you came up.”

“I see, so I was just blocking your view?”

“Pretty much… yes…” It seems she wasn´t claiming anything, she was just stopping by, and just using that as an excuse.

“Well, Nellie, now that, that´s been stablished, I hope you don´t think I´m just a guy who stares at random women…” Larry spoke.

“Sure, well, I was just hoping you thought I was pretty, but if that wasn´t the case, well, then I guess there´s no problem…” she added.

“Pretty?” he asked, letting the words come out of him without thinking.

“Yeah, I mean, you can´t deny it isn´t kind of flattering, at least for me, when a cute guy like you notices… me…” she said.

“Cute?” he wondered. “She thinks I´m cute?” he found that as a compliment. Still, who was she? She seemed careless, nice, a bit forthright, but not in a bad way.

Still, she seemed to be waiting for a reply. He knew she went all the way there looking for something in particular, for him.

Nellie was curious about him, just as much as he was about her. He didn´t had to be shy, he could use this as a chance to know her, at least know who was she and what was she doing there.

“Well, it´s equally flattering that a pretty lady like you notices a cute guy like me… although, I wouldn´t say cute is the best word to describe me…” he added. He was trying to sound sensuous in a casual way.

“I think cute´s right, I mean, I´m taller…” she said standing straight once more, accentuating the breach in height between them.

He knew she was taller, and as she stood straight, he could notice that she had some quite pronounced breasts beneath that tight top.

He used it as an excuse to ask, just to know how things were. “So… how tall are you?”

“I´m 5´8”, why?” she asked.

5´8”, this girl, who seemed as a towering amazon, was just 5´8”. He used to be five inches taller, now, it seems the roles had changed. A woman her height was five inches taller. He was smiling, but just to hide the imminent fear he felt. Not an utter fear, but he was worried.

Nellie noticed the awkwardness in his eyes. She wondered if he was really shy. There were some long pauses in their conversation. Mostly from him. She just turned slightly to the side while talking and added.

“And you… how tall are you…?”

“I´m… 5´3” he replied. Believing that was the most accurate answer.

“Wow, sorry but… that´s kind of… short.” Was that an insult? “But, I think… that´s fine… just in your case.”

“My case?” he asked.

“Yeah, I mean, you´re cute, so that´s not such a big deal…”

“Ok ok, you keep calling me cute… why?” he asked.

“Well, that´s cause I think you´re cute…” was she flirting with him? He had to be wise.

“Excuse me but… how old are you?” He didn´t want to get in any trouble, especially with Evangeline.

She placed both hands on her hips, “Hey! Don´t you know asking a woman her age is rude? But that´s fine about me, I´m 24.” This girl was weird, she appeared to be bothered by something he said and then gave it so least importance. “How about you, you´re…?” she asked back.

“28.” He replied.

“Wait, you… you are 28? How come a cuttie like you is older than me?” she asked.

“Well, I don´t know… but, why are you here, not like, here at my door, but, here at… Grace´s place.” He asked.

“Oh, she´s my auntie. I´m here because I´m looking for a job. You know, a freshly graduated woman looking for an opportunity… and maybe taking a little vacation in the meantime. Between you and me, my aunt is way cooler than my mom. I guess she´s kind of… the fun sister.”

“I see…”

This woman was going to hang around for a while. The question is, will she be like, distant, just waving at him from far away; or be like, frequently visiting him. Cause that could be a problem. Although, not such a problem.

“Ok, I gotta go, I need to unpack some stuff… oh, before I forget, my aunt wants to know if you´d like to join us for dinner… and yes, that´s the reason why I came here, not only to say hi…”

Dinner? Larry was worried that this was just an excuse to have him at her place once more. Maybe the mature woman was horny again. However, with her niece there, his chances to avoid that could be better. Besides, he doesn´t feel like cooking.

“Sure, I´ll be there.” Larry accepted the offer.

“Nice, I´ll tell her.” She said as she turned and started walking away.

Larry noticed that the nice pair of tits were not the only outstanding part of her. She had quite a butt. Not nearly as big as her aunt´s huge ass, but her firm peach butt swayed as she walked. And her tight denim shorts allowed him to have a view at her long smooth legs.

Then, just as she was leaving the porch, she turned. He rapidly removed his stare from her ass and turned at her. “Larry… do you have a girlfriend?” she asked.

“I… no.” he replied. He didn´t had one. Violet didn´t count, she was more like… a hot, towering office woman who flirted at him.

“Ok, I´m single too. I´m just saying because there´s no need to be embarrassed.” Who was embarrassed? It seems she´s just saying things to hide her weird questions. So far, it seems she´s just gathering information from him. But, as long as she doesn´t want his credit card numbers, it´s fine.

“Ok then, see you at 6:30… and make sure to be punctual, remember, you live next door, distance´s not an excuse.” Now she was finally gone.

It seems that the niece is equally pushy like the aunt. Both women were really bad at hiding their intentions. Now, his question is, can he have sex with her? She´s single, around his age, she called him cute. Evangeline shouldn´t have a problem with it, right?

“Ok, I guess I have a date, if this can be called as such… should I bring ships or something?” he wondered as he stepped inside his house.

Little does he know that Nellie wasn´t there to flirt with him. Yes, she kind of did so, but that wasn´t her main goal. She was new in town, so she needed a friend there. Her aunt was cool, like she said, but hanging out with a woman her age was not particularly… interesting.

When she spotted Larry, noticing how the short guy had a fancy car and a fancy suit, an idea came to her. If he´s single, then he must be fun. She truly wanted someone to hang out with. And the fact that he was shorter interested her.

She´s never had a shorter male friend. So, things could be interesting. Maybe she could tease him a little, feel taller around him. Only time would tell, but now, it´s time to get dinner ready.


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