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Hey, how´s it going? I hope you´re all doing great :D

I hope you´ve already seen the poll I dropped last week, if you haven´t, there´s still time to vote, but I must say, there´s quite a difference on which story´s the one on the lead... but I won´t say much. Just remember that which ever story wins will have it´s premiere on the first week of November.

And... yhup, that was pretty much it, now I hope you like this chapter :D

Chapter 27

Back at Lillian´s place. Jonathan wondered how things would be from now on. He gave, now Lillian was… mommy. He didn´t felt it as such, but if some woman, who wasn´t his true mother, deserved to be called “mommy”, then it was Lillian.

At his current size, she was colossal. And her body, her curvaceous, voluptuous body, the one of a big beautiful woman, appeared nothing more than the one of a hot mom. Not that he´s into that sort of stuff, but she did.

She was a tall milf, besides, she had a body he had never even dreamt about. Her monstruous tits, so hot, and kind of intimidating at his current height. Her wide hips, wider than he was taller. And that ass, her huge fleshy butt dancing as she walked. All of her body was so plump.

She seemed big, wide, soft. Her skin felt so smooth, so tender, so warm. He really had it hard not to felt comforted. Even, protected. She said it, she´d be protecting him, he´s number one to her. All of her love, her attention, it will fall on him.

But, was it that good? He didn´t mind, but, was it regular tender love or the obsessive type? He had to be sure, he had to know. He had no way out. Even if she left the door unlocked, he wouldn´t reach the knob. He was trapped, but he didn´t had to see things that way.

“Ok cutie, here we are, in my room…” Lillian cooed.

“Oh… ok… and, what are we going to do…?” he asked.

“It´s feeding time silly, I can´t wait any longer. I´ll be honest with you, I don´t know if it´s because of the time or the fact that you finally called me mommy, but my tits feel SO full.” He swallowed. Each tit must weight twice what he does. Can he drink his full weight in milk?

Before he could say anything, Lillian sat on her bed. Her heavy weight making the bed crunch beneath her massive ass. Her wide hips and thighs seemed to expand as she sat. Giving a fuller look on her voluptuous legs.

She uncovered her breasts. She wasn´t kidding, her nipples were hard, and her breasts, filled with blue veins. Her hulking breasts were really intimidating to him. Much more because he had to finish all that.

If he focused enough, then he was able to listen to her milk, churning inside her breasts. The creamy nectar filling her tits. Making her sore, giving her some mild pain she accepted to become what she wanted. The ability to nurture him.

Jonathan´s view was a pair of gigantic tits. Round enormous breasts filling his full vision. He never thought that all of that flesh was only the one from her tits. This woman kept getting bigger for him. Her areolas were as big as his head, her nipples were not too big to fit inside his mouth. She was a real giantess.

And beneath those mountains he knew were breasts, Lillian´s face. At the distance, he could spot the loving look of her face. Her big eyes, her long hair. Her face revealed joy.

From Lillian´s point of view. He was just laying on her huge lap. Waiting for her. She was now the one that set the rules. The one on the lead. He depended on her. She was not going to say it out loud, but by now, it´s more than obvious that he´d only be drinking from her milk.

She adored it, a man to love, a man to look for. She was his everything. And that´s what she wanted, to have someone just for her. Someone that would never leave her side. She wanted to give all of her love to someone, and Jonathan was the one.

She was a loving woman, caring, tender. The only problem was that she was not willing to establish a new relationship, at least not in the regular way.

Jonathan was lost, he could only look at her tits. Afraid he´ll explode if she tried to feed him both tits. Worried that her nipple will not fit inside of his mouth. Dismayed.

“Now, little one, it´s titty time…” Lillian whispered as she inserted one of her tits inside his mouth.

It fit, barely. When she inserted her large engorged nipple into his mouth, Jonathan´s jaw was as open as it could, but it fit. He managed to take her colossal nipple in. And before he knew it, milk was already flowing into his mouth.

He was kind of used to this by now, he knew he wouldn´t normally enjoy it, but the taste. Lillian´s breast milk was just so thick, so tasty, so sweet. Every time he drank from her, well sucked, he forgot how delicious it was.

The taste was so good, he didn´t drank gallons of it before just because. Even Melissa knew it was tasty. But there was a problem, it was addictive. Maybe not of the type that makes you crave for it. But once he started sucking, he couldn´t stop until he was full. Sometimes, beyond full.

The milk flowed into his mouth, filled his cheeks and then ran through his throat, all the way down to his stomach. He enjoyed it. He liked it. This may be the best part of this. Besides luring at Lillian.

Lillian was a goddess. A gigantic loving woman. Her body was simply beyond a man´s understanding. Everywhere anyone looked, he´d find flesh. Hot, sensuous flesh.

Lillian´s large body, so above average was plump, hot, curvy, warm, and all that can be used to describe a large amazon like her.

The curves, her long legs had curves all over. Flesh on her plump calves, thickness on her sturdy thighs, meat on her wide hips. She was so large, and yet she seemed so fit. All of her mass was tight. In place. Firm.

She didn´t had the body of a woman who had stuffed herself all the way until her legs thickened with pure fat. No. She had the body of a woman who had worked hard to get the shape she had. Her legs were made up of flesh, muscle and covered with a healthy layer of fat that gave her body a soft look. Imposing and yet warm and inviting.

But not only her legs, above that, the fun continued. Her torso was wide, the wide soft torso of a 7´7” amazon. She wasn´t fat, she didn´t had a huge belly hanging. Her loins were tucked in. Her muscles were firm, even if they didn´t showed, the flesh on her tummy was soft but not flabby. Firm, but not hard. Tense, cozy. Your fingers will sink of her, even if it doesn´t seem like that at first.

She had a thick hourglass figure. Wide hips, a proportionally thin waist and above, the main thing in Jonathan´s mind at the moment. Her breasts. Large, soft, warm, full, erotic tits that made you stare. Forcing your eyes into them because of their unbelievable size, their amazing shape, their incredible firmness. Soft to the touch, hot to the look, watering for the mouth. Her tits were astonishing.

Firm over her chest, having a hot line of flesh between them, a deep line. Rounding to the sides, protruding to the front, outstanding from anywhere you looked. Her hard nipples could be seen, poking out from any top, giving you the exact location on where to suck.

Her arms were normal, long and proportional to her body. Not muscular, but they had a certain volume. Her biceps stored a certain amount of fat that gave her a soft look. Tender, welcoming, maternal.

Lillian was a tall, sturdy amazon that only wanted to spoil Jonathan to the brim. Care, look for, love. Create a bond that nothing could break. Even if her first ideas were not that… kind, she was thankful he complied with her. Because she had some weird thoughts in mind.

She wouldn´t say it, neither admit it. But she wondered, during all this time alone, how, or what to do if plan A failed. She wanted to find an option B good enough, but she failed to come with a loving option. All the things that came to her were kind of… mean. At least from her tender point of view.

Her first idea was to trap him. Close all doors and windows and force him to accept her. Make him starve, deprive him from any contact with the outside world until he learned to love her. But she knew that was a mean thing to do, and maybe sadistic.

She tried to look for another solution. Something not that bad. She came up with another idea, show him her love. Show him what she could do, and to do so, she´d confine him into one of the rooms on the house. She still had everything set up in the room next to hers. A room prepared for him. She was going to have him inside a crib, providing for him, coming in to feed him, check on him, talk. He´d be a prisoner behind the bars, but not steel bars, crib bars. But that, even if kind, may still be a bit… mean.

Her third option was something she came up while eating. She shoved a full gallon of ice cream, spoonful after spoonful. And she thought, “this could fatten me up if I keep doing the same…” and that´s when the idea came to her. What if she fattens him up? Her breast milk had calories, right? What if she feeds him enough, constantly. She knew the milk was kind of addictive, so he wouldn´t have a problem finishing both breasts. The more milk, the fatter he could get. Before he knew it, he wouldn´t be able to walk away from her. Too heavy to move, no chance he could escape. But that seemed unnecessary. Kinky for some.

Her other idea was one going full on her role. If he tried to escape, then she´d have no other choice than to throw him over her lap and spank the living hell out of him. Each time her huge hand landed on his butt, he´d regret what he´s done. After that, she´d comfort him, showing him she cares and that she just did it for his own good. But that was kind of extreme.

Paying him came to her mind, she had money, she could be his HUGE sugar mommy. But that´d be buying his love. If he accepted. She also thought of hypnosis, but that seemed hard, and tricky.

She thought she hadn´t come up with a right thing to do. At least not something good for both. She could do it, any of them… except hypnosis. But, what about him? His opinion mattered, the way he felt. She wanted him to feel loved, not to be afraid of her. She needed him to love her as much as she loves him.

And now, it seems things worked. As he sucks, his eyes are slowly shutting. Closing the eyelids that seem heavier by the second. He wasn´t tired, but there was something about her milk that make him feel sleepy.

She held him in place as he gave and just fell asleep. Naturally, he kept sucking. Muscle memory? An involuntary reflex? She wasn´t sure, but she knew one thing, he´d have to finish both breasts before she lets him go.

While Jonathan was busy at Lillian´s place. Melissa was doing her thing on his place. But, unlike his relaxed state, she was worried.

“Jonathan! Come on, answer…” he was nowhere to be seen. She was concerned, but not in a hysterical way. Just, worried.

His new friend, lost. Gone. She had to find him. She wasn´t one-hundredth percent sure, yet, but she knew that the milk she drank was not from the store. That milk that grew her and shrank him was not from a cow.

And she knew it also grew Lillian. Given her huge size, the first time she met her, she knew she had been drinking from it since a while back. If anyone knew about what it was, then it was Lillian. And maybe, possibly, she was the one who brought that milk to Jonathan´s life.

“Ok… if you´re not here… then… you may be there…” she said as she looked through the window, to Lillian´s place.

She knew he was there. There was at least a fifty percent chance. Lillian looked after him, at least frequented him, and Melissa knew.

Besides, a woman with those tits and that ass wouldn´t be a bug to Jonathan. A guy like him wouldn´t have a problem with being on the same room as tits that big.

“Well, he´s obviously not here…” said Melissa as she closed the front door behind her. She searched all over the house. No sign of Jonathan. No note, nothing. He was simply gone. But as she said before, he wasn´t far.

How long was Melissa there? Well, long enough for Jonathan to finish both of Lillian´s breasts. To drink all of the milk stored in her. His belly was so full, inflated by all of her milk.

Lillian caressed it as she smiled at the sleepy man on her bed. Simply enjoying the fact that he was still capable of drinking all of her milk.

“I hope my boobs don´t make that much milk that fast, else, you´ll pop, sweetheart.” And just as she was having a sweet moment, the doorbell rang.

*ding* *dong*

“Hmm, I wasn´t expecting anyone…” she said as she stepped out of the room and headed to the door.

Now, Jonathan´s alone, sleeping in Lillian´s room, peaceful. But his calm look is not that calm anymore. His eyebrows are moving, up, down, frowning. He was not having such a pleasing dream.

Maybe it can be a side effect from Lillian´s milk. But ever since he´s started drinking it, he´s been having some weird dreams. And the more he drinks, the fuller he gets, the stranger the dream gets.

And just now, he´s having one of those.

While Lillian walks to the door, curious about who might be ringing her bell, she can´t help but to be a bit suspicious. If it wasn´t someone with a random or null request, then that particular someone may be a certain someone that has been bugging her since the very beginning.

Meanwhile, Jonathan was sleeping, dreaming with something… in particular.

“Huh?” he said as he rose his head. His face was apparently laying over a plain surface, a table, the table on Lillian´s kitchen.

“What… where?” he turned, looking at the entirety of Lillian´s kitchen, but with a maybe brighter light all over the place, some sort of glow all around.

The first thing he noticed, besides the different scenario, was that everything seemed… normal sized. He was his old 5´9” self, sitting on Lillian´s chair. How had this happened? Was it all a dream?

Could there be a possibility that all that´s happened, the shrinking, the milk, Lillian´s mommy thing, could that all be a dream? Had he fall asleep on the very first time he went to visit Lillian.

He didn´t had much time to think, with the idea of Lillian on his mind, it was just a matter of time before she showed up.

“Jonathan, honey, everything ok?” said the tall woman, coming in to the kitchen.

He could see her, in all of her 6´7” glory. Her round breasts bouncing with the slightest moves of her body. Her curves that dragged him all the way there. Her teasing self, making him crave for some flesh.

He wanted to say something, he thought he had said it, but he couldn´t help but to lure at her. And it was just a matter of time before she noticed his staring, and she liked it. She smiled, sensuously, before she gave him a lusty grin and approached.

He wasn´t sure how, or when, but he was already at her room. Laying over her bed, looking at her.

He wondered, did he still had clothes? But when he turned down, he realized he didn´t, he could see his hardened dick pointing towards the voluptuous lady.

“So… Jonathan… I can tell you´ve been looking at me… at my body…” she caressed her vixenous flesh with her hands.

“My huge ass…” she turned to slap it.

“My gigantic tits…” she drove her hands over them and simply squeezed them, her fingers sank on the soft flesh of her breasts.

He was nodding, excited, agreeing that it´s all he´s done. Lure at the amazonic woman, lure at all of her. Luring at a mature woman who stood ten inches taller than him. So much flesh, so much curves, it was hard to resist. He craved for her; he wanted her all over him.

In the blink of an eye, she was already all over him. Naked. Her huge body encompassing his beneath her. He knew she must be heavy, but he couldn´t feel a thing. Was the moment so hot that it made her seem as light as a feather?

Her huge hands landed on his shoulders, caressing them, while his only view was Lillian´s titanic breasts. So round, so heavy-looking, so sensuous. Her hard nipples stood out of reach, he wanted to touch them, pinch them, but for some reason his arms were not responding.

He knew his dick was already inside of her mature pussy, wrapped by the flesh of her vagina. Now, it was just a matter of time before the intercourse began.

Her smiling, teasing, face looming so high above. Looking at him with some ravenous eyes, a warm look. Did she want this as much as he did?

He wasn´t sure. But her actions seemed to speak for their own. Lillian was thrusting her hips, strongly, against him. Fucking him. Having sex with him. He was actually getting laid with her.

Her titanic breasts bouncing in the air, with force, as all she did was motion her body all over him. He knew she was spinning him to the mattress, using her force to satisfy her lusty needs. Sex, that´s what he knew was on her mind.

And she was so tall, so big, so wide. She was everything he could see. Everything his eyes could perceive and the only image his brain received. But, was she… bigger?

Jonathan wasn´t sure, but, she seemed bigger. Somehow, her head was standing further away. Away form him. She was 6´7” right? Or was she… 7´7”? He had no idea. Before he could even tell, she seemed to be 9 feet tall. And that didn´t stop there.

He turned down, to where their sex´s joined. He noticed her crotch getting bigger, wider, fleshier. Covering him, swallowing him beneath her. When he turned back up, he couldn´t see her face. Her breasts were eclipsing her. Obstructing his view.

Was she aware of this? Was she growing? Was he shrinking?

He had no idea what was happening, the only thing he knew was that she kept thrusting her hips, motioning her body all over him. Moving forward, backwards. He seemed to be forgotten.

He lost sight of her breasts, now he could only see the underside of her tummy as her massive thighs seemed to be the only thing on his sides. She was swallowing him, quite literally.

She appeared to be a twenty-feet giant. No, Thirty! How big was she? He was being squashed beneath her. The dim light filling the cavern between her legs showed him that, above him, the only thing standing there was her pussy.

He could see the gigantic lips of her vagina, wet, moving all over him. Her large legs had trapped him. It was like a huge valley, a valley of thighs. But it kept getting darker and darker. The obscure scenery around him seemed to disappear. He knew she didn´t notice. That she didn´t seem to feel him.

He seemed to be disappearing beneath a woman who seemed to go for miles and miles. He couldn´t see a thing. He was scared, concerned. He needed someone that could help him. Someone that could listen.

He panicked, he knew his heart must be racing inside his chest, could he have a panic attack? Who´d be there for him?

Between all of his worries, a flash, a memory came to him. Lillian´s words.

“… no one will hurt you as long as you´re under MY care…” Lillian´s voice reverberated inside his mind. Her words were tattooed on his mind.

She said it, she promised it. She could be his savior. The only thing he needed was to call her.

While Jonathan was having a hard time, subconsciously, Lillian was having a not so pleasant visit.

At the front door, Melissa was waiting. Standing tall, concerned, suspicious. The now 6´6” woman waited patiently at the door. Wondering if she should ring the bell once more. But there was no need.

She could listen to Lillian´s feet stepping closer. And in no time, the door was opened.

Lillian opened the door, with a kind of neutral look on her face. But that look didn´t turn into a smile when she spotted Melissa standing on her porch.

“So, it´s… her…” she thought, realizing she was right on her previous suspects.

“WOW!” Melissa thought, surprised but keeping a serene pose, “I had forgotten how big she was…” she had to look a good deal up to meet Lillian´s gaze.

Both women were smiling, in their own way. Lillian had a smile that hide her annoyance and Melissa´s one tried to reflect an ensured look. Neither of them really liked the other, but there was something they needed to talk about.

Can Melissa pull the truth out of her? Is Lillian capable of hiding her secret from Melissa? Will she kick her out? Will she make her way in?


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