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I hope you like what I did here... I wanted to make things a bit more interesting, enjoy :D

Chapter 9

Larry was really confused. Back at his office, he tried to focus on his duties. Violet left him a long list of things to do. Something impossible for him to finish in one day. Besides, he can quite concentrate. He´s struggling, slowed down by nothing more than doubts.

Thoughts, ideas, questions. He´s wondering why is Violet, supposedly, “more into him” than before. He must know. Is it something bad? IS it something good?

“Fuck, why can´t Evangeline tell me? I happen to know an angel, a being who has more power than anyone and she´s… she´s just an ass…” he was mad. Evangeline could easily tell him what´s going on and she simply chose not to.

“Ugh, I guess I´ll know later… hopefully…” he thought as he tried to concentrate in his computer´s screen. “Hou much more will this take?” it was a huge load of work. He had been there for who knows how long and he wasn´t half way done.

*knock* *knock*

“Huh?” Larry rose his head from his monitor as he heard a knock on his office´s door.

“Excuse me…” came Violet´s voice. There she was again, the tall sexy woman who had been walking around his head all morning. What could she want?

“Hey, Violet, uhm… can I do anything for you?” he asked.

“Well, it´s more like, what I can do for you…” she said, with some sexy look in her eyes.

It was unsettling, teasing, he swallowed before she continued.

“I was thinking, well actually wondering, did you bring any lunch?” she asked.

“Lunch…? Well, I… I didn´t. I was thinking on, you know, going to the cafeteria and… grab something? I don´t know…” he was not often worried about lunch. But, when he mentioned the word “cafeteria”, does he really want to be there, exposed?

Going to the cafeteria, eating there, spending who knows how long sitting in the middle of a room full of people. He could already feel their gazes falling over him. It was, awful.

“The cafeteria? You mean, the cafeteria on the first floor? Haha, really?” she asked.

“W-what´s wrong with it?” he didn´t like that idea anymore, but she didn´t have to know the reasons.

“Well, I was actually thinking on ordering something, you know, I could order a little something for you too, I know a nice place nearby, they can deliver the food within twenty minutes, that´s if you´re in for it.” That didn´t sound bad.

“Oh, well… that actually sounds pretty good.” That way he can avoid people. If she could order and then eat inside his office.

“I´ll send you the menu, and when you pick something, just let me know and I´ll order up. And then, we can eat right here at your office.” Violet spoke.

“Great!” he replied. But, did she said “we”, as in, she´s going to eat with him?

Larry got worried for a second. Was there a nice way to… ask her to eat alone? But then he remembered Evangeline´s words, he must be nice with Violet. Something easy now that he knows she doesn´t hate him, the problem was, does she have a crush on him? Does she want to get laid with him? Seduce him? Become friends with?

Violet was an enigma. A hard to decipher puzzle. However, he must be nice to her. Kind.

“Ok then, lunch starts in thirty minutes, I´ll wait for your response within the next then and I´ll go get our order when it arrives. Sounds good?” she asked, cheerful, happy, smiling.

“Sure, it… it sounds great.” More alone time with her. Was it a good thing?

Larry received the menu, picked up a roast beef sandwich and let Violet know.

He continued to work, noticing how the tall, hot woman stood up within minutes and headed down to the first floor. To grab their order. He lured a bit to her firm ass and then finished whatever he was doing.

He was barely half way done. He just finished writing some ideas and saved all of his current work. Then, he proceeded to clean the desk. If Violet was eating with him, then she needed some space. Luckily, his desk was big enough for both of them.

“Lunch´s here…” said Violet with a sing-sang tone, carrying a large paper bag in her hands. She seemed happy.

“Hey, I… I made a spot for you…” he pointed at the empty spot right in the middle of his desk. Right in front of where he was sitting.

“Thank you.” She replied, walking towards him with a sensuous pace.

Violet was outstanding. While sitting, it was easier to notice how tall she was. It made her look much taller. The tall beauty was making her way to his desk. She walked as if it was in slow motion, her long legs giving long strides through the floor. Her sexy hips swaying with each step. The flesh of her breasts bouncing as she approached.

It was as if an unbelievable beauty was about to deliver his food. Which made him think, who paid for it?

“Oh, V-Violet, I… I forgot to give you… how much do I owe you for the… lunch?” he asked.

“Oh, well, there´s no problem. It´s on me” she winked at him.

A free lunch sounded nice, but he couldn´t let her pay. She was kind enough to take care of everything, the least he could do, was paying.

“I insist, it´s on me, just tell me how…” and she rapidly cut him off.

“It´s fine, really. Besides, maybe tomorrow you can take care of lunch…” she said.

He knew there was no way he was paying for this now. But just like she said, tomorrow, then he will.

“Very well. Tomorrow I´ll take care of it. But I mean it.” He said.

“Sure thing.” She smiled at him.

The 6´2” beauty took a seat right in front of him. Just as planned. But, it felt so odd. Larry couldn´t fully get over by how tall she was. He knew she was only an inch taller than him, but that was back then.

Now, at his 5´6” height, she felt so much bigger. Her hands, when she reached out to hand him his sandwich, they seemed so much bigger than his. Her arms so much larger. Even the way she filler her sit. He could tell there were some extra inches on his sit, but to Violet.

He could notice how perfectly her wide hips and nice butt filled the chair. It was partially intimidating, how with her mere presence, doing just something as random as sitting, she imposed her tall figure over his.

“So, what did you… what did you pick?” he asked.

“For lunch? Well, I ordered a sub, something simple, a ten-inch submarine.” Ten? Ten inches?

Larry thought a woman with her shape would pick some sort of salad, or soup. But when she pulled her lunch out, he could definitely tell she had some appetite. That sub she got, it was almost twice as big as his sandwich.

“Where does she put all that?” he wondered as she unwrapped the sub and dig in.

He followed her, it was lunch time, and time was running.

The sandwich he picked was, good, enough. It seemed much tastier on the pictures. But that was not the main thing about lunch. He was having lunch sitting right in front of a woman he thought disliked him.

Much women did, and he was the one to blame. He had this pride, annoying male pride, he acted as if he was such a big shot. He didn´t care if what he said seemed inappropriate, mean or maybe rude.

He just did his thing to try and get a date, or a hook up, with some woman. Maybe he wasn´t that rude, but rumors are spread, and they are often exaggerated. And those women he did ask out, in his own way, well, they disliked him.

But Violet, even if he was drunk, she didn´t seem to hate him. He lured at her, mostly trying to understand how much bigger she seemed. And she didn´t seem to mind, or at least notice. When she turned at him, she only smiled.

Smiled with her mouth filled with her sub. He wasn´t sure if she´ll finish it, but she did. Once more, proving who was the biggest one there.

And there was a moment when she took in a very big bite. But not in a normal way, she pushed the sub´s tip in, really deep, closing her eyes and letting out a noticeable sound. Did that mean something? Was it meant for him to notice?

Anyways, lunch was over, but not speaking about the lunch´s time. They still had some minutes left.

“So, how was it?” Violet asked.

“Oh, well… good…” he replied.

“Just good?” she asked, bending over her seat, coming a little closer to him.

“I… uhm, well… I´ve… I´ve had better, to be honest…” he had to speak the truth, although, she unsettled him a little.

“Yeah, I could tell, your face, while eating, it just didn´t show your food was tasty…” that seemed… awkward.

She was maybe too attentive. Was it because she was an assistant? Currently HIS assistant, or was she just… too attentive, naturally. Whatever her reasons were, she seemed to be paying attention to everything, just as he ogles at her, she seems to notice his every move.

And now, she was rising. She was rising? Violet stood up, but she didn´t set her gaze away from his face. She was looking at him, right in the eye. Smiling. This was by far the most she had smiled to him. Usually, her eyes are always fixed into her computer´s screen. But now, they were falling on him.

Larry smiled back at her. By a mere reflex. He felt strange by this. She just rose up from her seat. Her thick thighs leaving her seat. Her round butt rising. And her whole self. Her head, her face, rising higher and higher. He even forgot how truly tall she was. But that was because he was sitting.

The next thing she did was just picking everything up. All of the papers where their food was wrapped, the bad, empty plastic containers for their drinks. Ketchup packages, mayo, mustard. And some other random food stuff.

He felt a mild relieve, so she was just cleaning. But then, after throwing everything to the trash can, she spoke.

“I was wondering… now that we´re alone, do you mind if we do… something?” What did she mean by something?

Larry almost broke in sweat. Sex? Was it sex? A meal and then sex over his desk? Was that it? Although, he could be exaggerating the whole thing.

“Sure…” he spoke, wondering what this woman had in mind.

“Ok… uhm, I hope this isn´t weird or anything, but… can you like, stand up?” She wanted him to stand up, a weird request, but he could tell where she was going.

Larry said nothing as he rose from his seat. As he rose up, he cut the distance some much, but he stopped before he could tell.

Her chin, he was as tall as her chin. He didn´t forget about it, but didn´t make it less embarrassing.

Violet said nothing as she approached. Her tall form stepping closer. Slowly, tenderly, walking all the way to him, smiling. What was with her smile? It never, ever left her face, why?

“So, Larry. I can call you Larry, right? You told me to that time we spoke…” she was so hot. So tall, it only made her much more irresistible.

“S-sure, you can…” he replied.

“Good, now, Larry, I know you´re… experiencing some misfortunate events. With your shrinking and all, but, there´s something I´ve been wondering…” her tone, so low, so sexy, as if her every word was kind of teasing. Her next sentence a mystery and still, it was arousing. What was in her mind?

“What is it?” he replied, trying to sound easy, but he was trembling right in the core. Not anxious, but excited.

“Well, I know this is, really uncommon, and possibly bad for your health, so I think it´s kind of rude to ask it, but… every time you shrink, do you feel like you´re the one shrinking or, maybe, do you feel like everything´s growing around you?” Her question was odd.

“I, well, I haven´t actually think about it…” the answer was both, none. Option A, option B. Of course, he felt as if everything was growing, but he also felt as if he was the one becoming smaller.

The truth is, Larry had never taken the time to think of it. He knew he was the one shrinking, so there was no use in feeling, or trying to experience, how it felt. He couldn´t say it but, with every snap of Evangeline´s fingers, he got smaller. But what could be a good enough reply for Violet?

She noticed he was taking too much time to finish his sentence, so, not minding at all, she approached, bent down a little and whispered to his ear.

Her hair, her long hair fell over him as she casted a shadow on him. She was a full head taller, and he could feel her body coming closer, her breath, her aroma, she was too big, too close. He took away his breath without even trying.

She whispered, almost in a teasing way, “Honestly, I don´t mind which ever you chose. But… there´s something I wonder. Do you feel as if… as if I was growing? Meeting me every time, having to look up to me, higher every time, does it feel as if I was the one growing? And not you the one shrinking? Can we say that´s how it is? Would you like it? I mean, does that help you, taking things easier?”

He took a deep breath, does this mean she likes this? She´s literally asking him to believe she´s growing, as if, she was the one with the issue? Her tone, her discretion, this was all so unreal.

In reality, she liked it. The fact that he was shrinking, choosing to believe she was growing. This was like a fantasy. Of course, she was not the one who´s clothes were not fitting. Her perception of the real world was not changing like his.

But he doesn´t know something, something about her. She´s tall, 6´2” is quite tall for a woman. At least she was not among average women. And if she ever wore heels, she was much taller. She knew there were men taller than her, women too, but, that didn´t stop her from being curious about something. Her height.

Violet had seen some videos, has had some fantasies. Some ideas. She´s wondered about some things she´d like to try. But, she´s never found, or even searched for someone to bring her fantasies to live. Not even someone to share this with. But now that Larry was having this, very related issues. She couldn´t waste such a chance.

“Y-you… growing?” he stepped back, trying to have a look at the expression on her face and also trying to get away from her.

“Yes…” she approached once more, excited. “I… I want to be honest with you, now that we´ll be working together, so close… I… I´ve had this… thoughts, some reveries about certain events. I´m into… it´s a little hard to tell but, I´m into this.” She pointed at him with both hands.

“This? You mean, me?” he asked.

“Yes, but no, I mean, I´m into your… your shrinking, feeling taller among you, as if I was becoming more of an amazon, a giantess even… or a mini giantess at least.” She seemed triggered by what she was saying.

“Like… a fetish?” he asked.

“I don´t like to call it that way, it´s more like a fascination. I´m fascinated by the fact that, every passing day, the size gap between you and me seems to… widen. You and I… I mean, look at this…” and so, she grabbed his hand and extended her palm over his.

He could tell her hand was much bigger. Larger, even if their palms seemed a bit even, her long fingers were larger than his, the distal phalanx of her fingers standing larger than his. He could feel her excitement by the warmth in her palm.

“Listen, this is just a proposal of mine, but, do you mind, or would you like to have a certain something? I don´t mean like a relationship, but, more like… a roleplay. I´m not asking you to come to my house and pretend you´re shrinking, but, as you get smaller, do you mind if we… try some things?” she asked, biting her lower lip.

“T-things? Like, what sort of things?” he asked, perplexed by her question.

“Well, we can have some… some talking, something simple, I can come in one day, whenever we´ve got free time and, you can tell me how I look. How longer my legs seem, how tall I look to you… that kind of things…” she spoke.

She liked being taller, she found a certain attraction to it. And now that Larry was shrinking, she could pretend she was growing. She wasn´t that much turned on by the fact that he was getting smaller, but by the idea of seeming taller, bigger, hotter among someone.

“Well… I… I could…” he wanted to say yes. Now this was more interesting. He could have some dirty talking with her, he only had to add the fact that she seemed taller in each sentence.

“Still not convinced?” she asked as she turned and walked to the door.

Was she leaving? Was he supposed to say yes immediately?

He was about to say something when he noticed her true intentions. She wasn´t going anywhere. She just shut the blinds. On both, the glass windows and the door´s window. Then, she walked back to him.

Her walking, much sexier now. He could tell she was doing this on purpose. Swaying her hips in a much noticeable, sexy way. Licking her lips as she made her way to him.

Before he could tell, the tall woman threw her arms over him, pulling him closer and, rapidly, she kissed him.

She placed her lips over his. Her red lipstick painting his lips as she had her way with him. Giving him a little show of how things could be. If she was getting some teasing action, then he could get something back.

She kissed him passionately. He noticed how the thick lips of this tall beauty were bigger than his. Then, she pushed her tongue inside his mouth. He wasn´t strange by it. He just followed her lead and did the same.

For several minutes, she kissed him without saying a word. Passionately, voraciously. She had the lead, but he didn´t mind that. He just let her do her thing, until the moment passed and she asked.

“So? What do you say? How does it feel?” she asked.

“G-good…” he replied, feeling stupefied by her sudden actions, he liked it, but he had to do his part. “It felt… huge. Your thick lips, so juicy, and your… long arms, wrapped around me, pulling me closer…” he said, he wasn´t sure if he was good at this, but she seemed pleased.

“Hmmm, I´m sure I feel big, but let´s leave that for later. I know I´m taller, but, let´s do the talking later… right now, we´ve got work to do…” she poured one last kiss before she walked away.

He lured at her butt, her majestic ass.

“Shit! I should´ve grabbed it while we were making out.” He thought. But there would be enough chances in the future. The question is, how far can she go?

When he turned, smiling a little for this new beginning with Violet, he spotted Evangeline, sitting over his desk.

“Ugh, not again. Tell me, what happened? You said an office affair was ok. And I didn´t do anything wrong this time. I even treated her nicely, and agreed to something SHE wanted. Basically, I´m helping her with my… with the shrinking YOU are causing. So? What do you have to say?” he asked, always mad at the unpleasant angel´s visit.

“Hehe, well, yes, that´s actually something good, making a woman happy. So there´s nothing wrong in that. And I believe you´ve earned what we promised before, so, starting tomorrow morning, all of your clothes will fit.” She spoke.

“Oh, well, thank you. I… I guess I did pretty good, don´t you think?” he asked, feeling more friendly with the angel.

“Yes, but…” she stood up, rose her hand and, as she spoke, she snapped her fingers. “There´s some things you didn´t do.” And so, another inch was taken from him.

“What the?! What? What was it?” he exclaimed. “Was it because SHE paid? I´ll get her back, tomorrow.”

“No, that wasn´t it. You see, she was kind enough to buy you a meal, a nice gesture from her, but, during all that time, you forgot, or abstained from doing some things…” she said. Stepping closer.

Now Evangeline had two inches on him. Larry was now standing at 5´5” And she was 5´7”. He was looking straight at her nose.

“What things? Come on!” he protested.

“Well, you didn´t offer her any napkin, or offered to clean the desk, not even asked her how her meal was, you know that´s rude.” She waved a finger at him.

“What?! That´s it!” he couldn´t believe it.

“A gentleman, I told you you´ll be a gentleman by the time we finish. And none of those were the actions a gentleman would do. You should be more attentive, offer a helping hand.” She was just nagging him now.

“This is stupid.” He said.

“Call it however you want, but I´m the one setting the rules, remember? And whatever I say, goes. Now, make sure to be a gentleman on tomorrow´s lunch, cause the next time TWO inches will be taken if you fail. See ya’” And she vanished once more.

Larry was mad. Annoyed. This was ridiculous. But at least his clothes will fit. However, he can´t deny the fact that, as things go… wrong. Every time Evangeline shows up, displaying her sexy shape, he can´t help but to think, she´s becoming more imposing. She´s setting the rules, she´s in charge, and as time goes by, she seems taller.

It´s getting kind of hard to deal with an angel that´s becoming, sort of, more intimidating each passing day.



Lol Evangeline is a tough one, very hard to please. But I lllllove this new turn with Violet, how she gets a thrill from Dixie comparisons. More, please!


Glad you liked Violet´s turn. And don´t worry, there´s quite some more to come between him and her ;)