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Hello! Hope you´re all doing great! Here´s the lastest chapter, hope you like it :D

Chapter 26

How come, things ended up this way for him? What were the odds that, the house he chose to move in, was the one right next to a woman who wanted to shrink him? What were the possibilities for any of this to happen?

The chances to move in next to a woman who´s taller than you, those are fifty-fifty. The chances that that same woman has a sensuous, voluptuous and curvaceous body, those may be lower. Now, the chances that this same woman comes and talks to you, much lower. The chances that this woman wants you, one in a million, or even, a billion.

But, the chances that this same woman, who feels a certain something for you, feeds you with her shrinking milk, without you telling, much much lower. And the chances that she becomes much bigger and curvier as you shrink down? Almost impossible.

And, finally, there was no chance, in a million years, Jonathan thought he´d end up in this kind of situation. Standing there, beneath the giantess presence. Standing right in front of her thick, long, curvy legs. Looking up to her as she expects him to say that word.

Jonathan had problems processing how huge she was. The voluminous woman, so thick, so big and curvaceous. Well, she seemed much much bigger than he expected. She was an amazon, a real-life amazon.

Lillian had done her own growing, besides having an even more abundant ass, wider hips and a pair of tits that could only be described as “Oh my…!” she had grown taller. Just like Melissa, only that Lillian was much taller.

In reality, if this could be called that way. She now stood at 7´7”. By far the tallest woman he had ever met. But now, at his current situation, vertically speaking, Lillian seems to be a giantess, about 30 feet tall. He has to look up to her knee, by a good deal.

If it was really six inches, from the top of his head to her knee, to him, it seemed like two whole feet! She was enormous. Bigger than he could comprehend. Much bigger than a house, as tall as a building; and she seemed to weight several, but SEVERAL, tons.

But that was all in his own perception. The reality was, he´s the one who had shrunk. She shrunk him, trapped him and then, dress him in that brightly-colored onesie. She was everything now, under her roof, she was the BIG boss, the one in charge. A domineering matriarch.

She said it before, it was HER roof. He was at HER house. So, whatever SHE says, goes, and that was the end of it. Bad news for him, she was asking for something right now. Something he wasn´t sure he´d be able to say.

“Come on, Jonathan. I´m waiting…” she said from high above. Her voice rumbling inside his head. Echoes of her words in his mind.

He was trembling. The giantess had spoken, to HIM. She was asking him to speak those words she so wanted to hear. The sound of his voice, intoning a single word that would mean the world to her.

Why was he doubting? Why did he hesitate? It was easy to say, a single word, no longer than five letters. He should be able to say it. Jonathan should say so as if it meant nothing. It will mean a lot to her, but he should have no problem on saying so. But, why was he struggling?

He had made his mind before, pleasing the giantess until he found a way out. Or even, try living with her, see if this isn´t such a bad thing. But, there´s some things she´d want in exchange. Things like the one she´s just asking for. For him to call her “mommy”. Something simple.

Yet, Jonathan´s struggling, as if this was some pact, a contract he´d sign. His soul the one he´ll be selling. Could it be that bad? This was just something she wanted to listen; a word that will make her really happy. Acceptance, that´s what she said.

By saying so, she´d finally prove to him that he had already accepted his faith. That he accepted his new role, and her as his, well, mommy. Pure love and affection, that´s what she promised. To be the one who cared for him. All he had to do was, what she said. Giving in meant she´ll be the one setting the rules.

Was he afraid to say that word? Or, was he afraid of finally giving in? Give in for real. He said he agreed to live with her, he said he accepted her. But, was it true? Now that she was actually asking for something back, does this mean his old life´s gone?

Was he afraid of losing his dignity? His pride? The very last thing that bond him to his past life? It was a simple thing to say, a word that will take him no more than a second to pronounce. And yet, he couldn´t.

“Come on, sweetheart, why can´t you say it? It´s easy. Am I bad? Have I been too hard on you? Don´t tell me you´re scared after the last spurt you´ve had…” there she was, blaming herself once more.

This could be something good. It meant she´s not mad at him, but somehow mad at herself. Maybe? This meant she cared for him. That she was thinking in him and no one else.

“I… I…” he turned up to her. Trying to see her face passed the mountainous breasts of her. A single tit weighted much more than he currently does. A giant orb filled with milk. He could see some stains on her blouse. Stopping him from speaking.

He knew what was in store for him. He´ll be latching at those gigantic tits. Taking in her hard, swollen and enormous nipples inside his mouth. Feeling his cheeks with the tasty, yet menacing, nectar of hers. She was really something.

She was big, imposing, intimidating even. His heart raced inside his chest as he tried to find the courage to speak. She was too much to take. Even a 6-foot-tall man will be intimidated by this big, thick woman.

But he had to say something. He was a man. A 26-year-old man, who had unfortunately been shrunk. But he shouldn´t allow his guts to shrink with him. He had to steel up. Say something. Speak up for himself. If not, no one else would.

“It´s… it´s not that. You see, I´m… I´m just… shy, I guess…” he spoke, trying t hide his true feelings.

“Aww, sweetheart. Don´t say that…” she cooed with a loving tone, bending down, closer to him.

The first thing he noticed, were her huge, inflated tits. Threatening to pop out of her top. Break through and fall over him. But that didn´t happen, what did happen was, her hands reached for him.

In a single, fast-loving motion, she reached down for him. Placed her huge hands on his sides and picked him up as if he weighted nothing. To her, he was as light as a feather.

Then, she started cooing at him, “Don´t be shy, precious. It´s simple. You only have to call me mommy. That´s it. There´s nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to worry either. No one, but me, will know. So don´t be shy, you can say it. If you want, you can whisper it to my ear…” she was loving, tender, warm.

But that didn´t change the fact that she was huge. He could feel her immense bosom pressed to his legs. She was titanic. He was sure that he could perfectly fit between her tits now. Sink in the deep line of cleavage between her boobs. He was afraid of how big she had become.

Even as he ogled at her pronounced, thick, breasts. He knew he had to look at her. Of course, she didn´t mind some stares. She must be used to it by now. And much more when she basically used her sensuous body to drag him in.

He was just the guy who moved in. The new dude in the neighborhood. And she was the kind, sexy looking, tall neighbor who just opened herself to him. As a trap, she dragged him into her, using her body. Her sexiness and her milk.

Now, the price to pay was, this. Being spoiled by her, being a sponge that absorbs all of her love and affection as she constantly pours more. She was lonely, he could tell. She needed someone to love, to care for. But why like this?

She´s patient. Waiting for him to speak. She´s wearing a smile that hasn´t vanish since she asked him to say that special something she wanted to hear. But why him? Was he an easy target? Was it because he was lonely? Someone no one will miss? He was sure his online audience will miss his game streams. He´ll be missed, at least by someone.

And what about Melissa? Could she be at his place at this very moment? Looking for him? If not, at least thinking of him? Wondering how he is, if he´s shrunk some more.

He felt vulnerable. Sad. And the worst part is, his “captor”, if Lillian can be called that way, she was kind. No harm, no damage. She was just asking him to speak. To call her “mommy”. To him, a non-related, stranger she just met a couple days ago.

Was she crazy? Was her mind gone? Or was she just as needy as him? Affectionately speaking. He knew how it felt to be lonely. He knew what it was like to have no one else in life. To walk through a straight path with no one on your side.

She promised one thing, if he accepted, she would give him all the love and affection he so much needed. Everything he´s missed. Everything no one said to him. She´d care for him, care like no other. And she will always, ALWAYS, be there. Could that be so bad?

Jonathan wasn´t aware if it was because of all the frustration, or by all of the things she´s said. Was he feeling bad for him or bad for her? She was lonely too. She just wanted someone. Even if she didn´t quite found the right way to drag someone into her life. Was she that bad?

He wasn´t sure why, but he started crying. Sobbing a little at first and then the tears simply flow through his face. From the corners of his eyes, down thru his cheeks.

“Aww, no, honey, don´t cry… shh shh, don´t cry… it´s ok, it´s ok…” she started pathing him on the back, bouncing on her place to try and comfort him.

She hugged him tighter. Just pushed him deeper into her enormity and tried to calm him with her warmth. This was natural for her. All of her maternal instincts were now flowing. Falling into him.

And he could tell, this was no act. This wasn´t fake. She didn´t notice his crying and just did so to pretend she cared. She truly cared, and he could feel it. Was this what she meant before? Was this the love he missed? To know someone cares for you, no matter what?

He just rested over her gigantic breast and let his tears fall over her. Then, he hugged her, as tight as he could. Wrapping his arms around the swelling flesh of her tit. Barely able to cover it´s expansive enormity. She was huge, a wall, a monument. A goddess.

He found warmth, comfort, love. She was a real caring person. What she said was true, and now that he wasn´t afraid of her, he could tell that, the promised she made, they were not in vain.

“L-Lillian…?” he asked, turning up to her.

“Yes, honey?” she spoke, looking down at the man resting over her bosom.

“Would you…” he couldn´t believe what he was about to ask. “Do you promise… you´ll take care of me, for real?” maybe it was the heat of the moment, her tenderness. Some comfort he so longer needed. He will give in, completely, but he just needed to be sure.

“Aww…” she tightened her hug, not too much, but enough to let him know she truly cared. “I will, now and always. You´ll be my number one priority, honey. My everything. My Jonathan…” her intentions were good. Maybe too good to be true.

Maybe the number one proof that what she said was true is, the fact that, even after all this time, she hadn´t push him. Insisted. Or demanded him to call her mommy. She knew that was not the right way to do so. She truly wanted him to accept it. Accept her.

And now, he was sure, that this may not be the best or more normal thing to do. But it felt right. He could feel it, in the core. His heart told him, to give into the giantess love.

He laid his head back over her bosom. Feeling the enormous, soft flesh of her boob. And, in a low, yet loud enough tone, he said: “I… I love you mommy.” And that was it, he just closed his eyes and accepted his faith. If this was going to be his new life, then he may as well enjoy it. Or at least welcome her love.

Lillian´s heart skipped a beat. He said it. He finally said it. After all this time, all of her hard work, he had just accepted her. And he not only called her mommy, but, love. He said “I love you…”

She looked right to the front. Set her gaze on the horizon, looking straight at a wall. From the corner of her eye, a tear was formed, which then, fell. Right through her cheek. The feeling she was getting was, beyond description. He accepted her, finally.

She wasn´t expecting his words to be so, so nurturing. She was filled with warmth. Love. He had finally accepted her as that she wanted to be. He accepted his new role and her as the one in command.

Well, not exactly in command, but he was accepting her love. Her caring. This would be the new beginning of something big.

“Aww, Jonathan. You´ve made me so happy…” she said with tears flowing through her face. “You´ll see, honey, you´ll see. I´m gonna prove you that you´ve taken the right choice. That I´ll care for you, love you, spoil you. I´m gonna pamper you like no other. You won´t regret this, I swear.” She was dancing through the room, with him in her arms. Spinning through the floor.

“You´ll see, I´ll be the best mommy ever. You won´t regret this, honey. I guarantee you that.” For a moment, her joy was shared with him.

He could be living under her roof. Her rules. Even if he had to be breastfed by her. Maybe this was just her way to show him affection. He smiled, happily for a long while. But then, she patted his butt.

Not something unpleasant, well maybe a little. And not something that should disturb him so much. But that pat. That pat was striking the buttons on the back of the onesie he was wearing. Something she insisted him to wear.

But that wasn´t the bad part in this. That wasn´t what was concerning him. But, the fact that, her huge hand, was constantly, even if softly, landing over his butt. It brought back a memory.

He remembered her words. She said that his onesie, the one she gave to him, that it had two buttons on the back. Right above his butt. And that it was meant in case she needed to discipline him. Spank him.

She promised love, affection, care. All good things. But, why did she needed those buttons, why did she needed to let him know there was a possibility that she´ll discipline him? Was that even necessary?

Jonathan had accepted his new faith. Trying to think only in the good stuff. Seeking for her care, her kindness. Her good side. But, could there be a bad side in the gigantic woman that was holding him at the moment?

Could she, a woman who promised all the love in the world, have a dark side? She shrank him, not even caring about his job, his life, the way this would affect him. She persuade him that this was for the best, but, was it? Was this really something good for him, or just good for her?

If there had been a promise that this was for the best, as if this could help him, then she would´ve thought on his well-being. But it wasn´t. The real reason she did this, was because of herself. A selfish, greedy decision, meant only for her own good.

She was holding him tight. Tight between her large arms. Each of her arms much thicker than his torso. Was she fat? Or maybe just plump. However you´d like to see it, she had some mass on her arms, above her muscles. A substantial layer of warm, soft flesh.

Lillian´s body was large, stacked. Wide and maternal. Her figure was that of a mother, with wide hips, an ample chest and some big butt. Flesh, her large body was covered with sensuous flesh. And all of her mighty being was now holding Jonathan warmly into her.

She was happy, excited. The moment she had been waiting for had finally come. She could barely hold herself. Where to begin? She had planned so much for this moment, what to do first?

While she was thinking on how to show him what a good mother, or a surrogate of such, she could be. He was puzzled. Was this really a good choice? Had he chosen correctly?

Lillian started walking upstairs. All this excitement had done one thing, make her lactate. It seems it was time for Jonathan´s breakfast. She said nothing, she was too excited to speak. And he was too thoughtful to ask. He wondered, how was Lillian´s bad side?

So far, he had met her loving, caring and maternal self. But, if there was any bad, any evil inside this woman. How was it? How mean can she be? And what´s more, what would she do to him?

Jonathan had nowhere to go. Or so it seems. He´s now under Lillian´s care. And, even if she hadn´t say so, yet, he´ll do just what she wants. But, if he wants, he still has a way out. Melissa. The kind, enthusiastic and hot woman he met online.

For someone he very recently met, and date just once. She cared for him. Unlike Lillian, she cared in a more normal way. At least in a not so obsessed one.

She cares enough to be worried by the lack of communication from his end. He hasn´t returned her messages, and now, his phone sends her straight to voicemail.

“Come on, Jonathan. You can´t be serious. You´re 24/7 at your place, don´t you have a charger somewhere?” she was now walking to his house. She took a cab and decided to make some walking from a close spot.

Her legs were longer, and she felt so full of energy, this was much easier now. And it made her feel so pretty too. As she walked, with her long curvaceous legs, swaying her expanded butt through the sidewalk. She could tell, she was hot.

She felt hot, bigger, sexier. And all of the guy´s staring at her, it just confirmed her thoughts. She wasn´t a vain woman, but she didn´t mind some reassurance on her beauty.

Before, she was hot, but with the recent growth. She was not only hot, but taller, much more domineering. She could tell that not any man could have their way with her, unless she wanted to. She had the upper hand now, she could be the alpha, a queen.

But that´s not her main goal. Even if success was in her mind, her main concern was Jonathan. Who´s new life was the total opposite.

“Oh, what if he can´t reach anymore? If the milk isn´t what´s causing the shrinking… could his house be radioactive? Wait, what if he´s much smaller?” She rushed her steps. Walking faster to his place.

She would´ve sprinted, but she wasn´t used to her heavy breasts. Running while her larger boobs bounce in the air. Catching much more gazes. That would be uncomfortable. And too much of a show, besides hurtful.

One by one, she hoped up the stairs in Jonathan´s porch. The bouncing, her breasts were in fact heavy. But that didn´t stop her from getting to the door. She rang the bell, knocked. Then knocked harder. Nothing. She peered thru the window. No one seemed to be home.

When she turned the knob, she realized it was locked. So, he either shut himself in, or he was gone.

“One more call… nothing.” It was useless to try and call, no one will pick up. And by the time he turns on his phone and calls, could it be too late?

She was having some ideas on her own, worries. He was too small, vulnerable. What if he fell from a stool and was seriously injured?

She circled the house, made it to the backyard and searched for the backdoor.

“Ok, maybe I´ll be a little luckier here…” she spoke, thinking if this could be considered trespassing. But it was for a good reason.

She found the door, turned the knob and, lucky her, she was in.

“Oh, it worked. Now, where is he?” she thought as she entered the house. There was a lot less light in the interior than she´d have expected. It appeared, no one was there. Maybe he´d be upstairs, sleeping.

She went upstairs, hoping to find him there. Her bigger butt bouncing as she walked the stairs. She´d definitely find him, if he wasn´t there, she had a good idea about where he was. And that wasn´t so far away.


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