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Chapter 11

Mike was happy to remember Abby´s move in. That distracted him from the thick thighs of Tessa and Diana. So imposingly sitting to his sides. He was pinned in a hot, fleshy sandwich. However, he could focus enough to remember.

Abby was living, at that time, with her aunt. Something temporary. She had plans to move out, to another state. Something like that. She said it before, she talked about her plans for the future. He listened, as usual, but he was concerned.

Abby was a real friend. The closest, and to him the only, friend he had. He was mortified by her departure. All of a sudden, the whole world crumbled. What was he supposed to do? He didn´t wanted her to leave. With who would he hand out?

He had an idea, something, maybe random to say, but he wanted her to move in with him. Well, them. By that time, Kate and Diana were already living with him. And he didn´t mind, although, they were kind of… always there. As if they paid close attention to his every move.

They couldn´t help it. Diana´s and Kate´s maternal side triggered when they were around him. Why? Was it because they were older than him? Because they were both, in their own ways, his tutors? The real reason was because they were just that way, always looking for someone to take care of. And he seemed to be the ultimate version of a needy man.

He was single, alone and vulnerable. They simply couldn´t help it.

One day, when Abby was hanging out at his place. He just asked her, by mere curiosity.

“Say… Abby… are you really moving out?” he wanted her to say no, that it was a joke, but she just confirmed it.

“Yes, I´m thinking on moving out by next week, I don´t know, I still need to figure things out, or maybe this Friday…” that unsettled him even more.

“And why… why is that? I mean, why is there a need to move out?” he wanted to know her real reasons, and maybe persuade her to stay at her aunt´s place, at least a bit longer.

“Well, Mike, I´ll be completely honest with you. I´m kind of tired. Living with my aunt is… not that fun. Don´t get me wrong, I love her, she´s great and everything but… I think I´m ready to start a new chapter in my life. Get out there, live in my own place, be independent, you know?” he had no idea.

He never really thought about it, but he knew she had definitely done it.

“Well, I… I don´t know, I mean, it sounds… cool, but… are you sure about this?”

“Positive, I just need some space, you know? And living with your relatives is not something so… great. I´d like to try something new. Living alone, or at least with some roommates…” and then, he had an idea.

It came to him pretty quickly, she said roommates, which means, she´s got no problem on sharing her place with someone else. Which means, she can move in somewhere where there´s already people living there…

“So… you wanna move out, right?” he asked.


“And… does that place, does it have to be in another state? Or… I don´t know, could you move in somewhere nearby?”

“I guess there´s no problem where I move in, as long as I´m comfortable… I guess the location doesn´t mean that much…”

“Great, so… Abby, would you like to… move in to my place?” he asked.

“Your place? Like, here? At your house?” she asked.

“Mhmm, you know, there´s some empty rooms around here, I wouldn´t mind if you move into one of them, and you can live here like, rent-free. There´s no problem. We´ve got everything, food, water, electricity, wi-fi, cable, a pool! Don´t you think this is a good idea?” he asked her.

“Well… that does sound nice, but… is that ok? Like, you really don´t mind?”

“No, it´s fine, you and I are good friend, right? Why not living under the same roof? Like roomies?” he wanted to beg, for a moment, he wanted to fall to her feet and scream to her, don’t go! Please… but he kept things cool.

“Ok.” She replied.

Ok? So, you´re in?” he asked, he wasn´t expecting things to work out that well.

“Yes, I mean, sure, why not?” she was no fool, she could see his hands sweating, his tone rising in pitch when he pretended to act “cool”. She wasn´t sure if he had a crush on her, but she knew he will insist for her to move in.

She knew this could be something really good. She didn´t want to abuse his hospitality, or his money. She knew he had money, and that it could be really easy to make him do things she wanted. Like asking for money and such. But she was not that way. She appreciated his offer, she truly did.

And rejecting such offer, when she really didn´t mind living there, would be something wrong to do. She could try living there, maybe it would be fun.

Abby moved in the next weekend. He was so thrilled. Someone new living at the house. Finally, his house seemed to have more life in it. But, he forgot something, they were all women.

Underwear, the first thing he noticed were women´s underwear in the bathroom´s floor. His heart sank in his chest. Panties, real women panties were laying on the bathrooms floor.

The first thing he did was shutting the door. Who were they? Abby´s? Diana´s? Kate´s? He was mesmerized. And what´s more, he was starting to get turned on. He could feel his member stiffening inside his pants. Not an imminent erection, but he was hard.

He took a moment to analyze them, the red panties on the floor. Who could wear them? Any of them could. But, who? The size, he could check on the size. Although, could he?

He bent down and reached for them, but when his hand was a few inches away from them, he stopped. His hand was shaking, he was about to touch real women´s underwear. Let´s keep in mind this was the very first time he did.

He swallowed hard. He could feel sweat falling from his forehead. This was exciting. He took a deep breath and just grabbed them. In one go. Then, he got up.

He had a large pair of panties in his hands. And he could tell they were already worn. They didn´t seem as if they just came out of the laundry, no, these panties were recently removed from one of the women´s intimate area.

He was breathing faster. His eyes were wider than ever. But how could he tell who owned them? They were huge, both of his legs could fit in one of the single leg wholes of those things. The three of them seemed like giantesses to him.

“What if I… smell them?” he could tell which perfume they used. Each of them had their own distinctive aroma.

Could he tell who owned them just by sniffing them? Breathing in the musky aroma of their sex in those things? He could try, maybe…

He just brought them closer, little by little, he approached the underwear to his face, about to breath the scent of either of the amazoness. And why? Mere curiosity.

He didn´t have to know, but he had the urge to. He was thrilled. It felt like something forbidden, something wrong. Touching them felt so elating, now getting something more felt invigorating.

He was about to take a deep breath of them feminine scent over the panties, when suddenly, someone knocked.


He froze, trembled even. The door had no lock on, what would happen if they open the door? A deep fear came over him, the first thing he did was to hide them behind him and turn at the door. He knew he had to say something before the knob turned, so, trying to calm himself, he spoke.

“W-who… occupied.” He was really nervous.

“Oh, sorry Mike…” came Abby´s voice from the other side of the door.

He thought, are these Abby´s? But he got the answer right after.

“I… I don´t mean to bother, but, by any chance, do you see a pair of red panties over there? I think I dropped them…” yes, they were hers.

He just drove the underwear to his sight, in front of him, checking on them while he gave the answer. “T-they´re here…” he replied.

“Oh, great, uhm, are you… busy? I mean, if you´re just… I don´t know, washing your hands or something, can you hand them to me?” Was she really asking him that?

First, she shouldn’t be asking such things. If he was at the bathroom, then he should be left alone. Her panties could wait. Still, she didn´t seem to mind. If he would´ve been “busy” then he´d feel bugged, but he wasn´t.

Now, is she really asking him to touch her panties? Her intimate underwear? She doesn´t mind that?

“Y-you don´t mind if I… t-touch them?” he asked, nervous.

“Pfff, no problem. They´re just clothes, you know. And we´re both adults, I believe it should be as easy as grabbing a napkin.

Sure, a napkin she placed over her pussy. One partially covered with her sweat. One that covered her butt, one she´s been using for a while.

“S-sure…” he said, pretending to grab them and then opening the door. He was so nervous.

“H-here…” he said, trying not to look up to her face as he handed her the panties.

“Thank you…” she said, reaching for them.

The touch of her fingers on his, taking away the underwear from him. It sent quivers through his spine.

He would´ve loved for that to be the only awkward moment between him and Abby, but it wasn´t. She was kind of… careless? Free? She didn´t care about things he did care. Not like meaningful things, but she gave too little importance to things that meant much more.

The underwear was one example, and another thing was this that happened the other day, while he was causally walking down the hall.

“Abby… you can´t walk around the house like that!” said Kate.

Mike was just walking, but when he heard that, he stopped, he took a moment to check what was going on. He couldn´t see her, or Abby. So, the most logical thing was that they couldn´t see him either. He was just around the corner, away from their gazes.

“What do you mean?” asked Abby.

“What do I… you´re walking around the house… in UNDERWEAR!”

Mike´s eyes widened. Was she walking around the house wearing only a bra and panties? Was that actually happening?

“I´m not, look, I´m wearing a top.” Abby replied.

“Listen, the top´s fine… maybe a little too short but that´s fine… but that´s not what I mean, you´re… in panties.” She whispered the last part.

Mike was shocked, she was walking around the house, in panties?!

That may be a bit, normal, for a couple, but to him. Seeing a woman like Abby wearing underwear around the house. Displaying her long smooth legs. He wanted to see.

“Come on, what´s the problem with it? You haven´t done this before? Diana hasn’t?” Abby asked, not giving much importance to the matter.

“No, of course not. Neither of us has. You see, when there´s a man around the house, you can´t just… you can´t do this! Haven´t you think on Mike?” she asked. The truth is, she didn´t mind if Abby was walking around the house in underwear, but she was thinking of Mike. He would definitely he shocked if he saw her.

And he would, he was trying to picture her, her long sexy legs just casually walking. Giving him a great view of them.

“What´s with him?” Abby asked.

“What´s with… seriously?” asked the mature woman.

Kate was older than Abby, and much taller. While Abby, at 5´8” looked way up at Kate, the 6´3” amazon. She couldn´t help but to think she was kind of scolding her. She didn´t care, and she didn´t felt intimidated either, but that´s what she felt like.

“Listen…” Abby said, “I get it, you´re concerned about him, and I get it. But trust me, it´s fine. Just listen, Mike´s an adult, He´s 22, don´t you think a 22-year-old man has already seen women in underwear? At least in a catalogue. Now, I get it, I may be wearing kind of… less clothes than I should, but it´s not as if I was walking around the house naked.” She had a point there.

Mike couldn´t help it, so he stepped forward, peering from the corner at both. The first thing he noticed were Abby´s legs. Yes, he had seen women´s legs before, but not in such a way. The long pillars of flesh, arousing him. He followed her leg, from the tip of her bare toes, all the way through her calves and then, catching her curvy thighs, finally finishing in the line of panties on her waist.

He turned bright red at the second. Meanwhile, Kate was kind of pissed. She placed her hands on her hips, and looking down at Abby, madly, she spoke.


“What do you mean by “so?” I don´t get it, why can´t he see me like this?” Abby was beginning to feel annoyed.

“Why? Because I say so, that´s why. You can´t just… walk around the house, giving him such a view of your body.” Now she knew, it was more a matter of what SHE wanted, as if she decided for him.

“Ok, so it is YOU who doesn´t want me to walk around the house in my underwear.” Abby replied.

“No, it´s not like that…”

“Of course it is. I don´t get why you´re so overprotective with him but, don´t hide the fact that it is YOU who doesn´t like it.” Abby protested.

“FINE! I don’t want you to walk around the house like that. Happy?” Kate bent forward, coming closer to her.

“Very much.” Abby replied, a bit outraged. Crossing her arms over her chest.

To Mike, this was kind of a big deal. A discussion between two giantesses. Both mad, both demanding a different thing. And one wearing underwear, at least on her lower body.

“I´ll get changed, but you must know that, Mike´s an adult, and HE can take his own decisions. He doesn´t need you to become some sort of mom to him.”

Abby just turned and walked into her room to grab some shorts. Meanwhile, Kate was pissed. Enraged. She didn´t needed her to say that, and she won´t give any value to her words.

Mike stood there, hidden. It seems Abby and Kate doesn´t get along that well. He was a bit worried about that. But Kate said she could move in. When he asked her and Diana, both said it was ok. That it was his decision. And they respected his choice. Although, getting along didn´t seem as part of the deal.

Over the passing days, while he was resting in bed, the lights went off. Nothing that bad, but he was a little impressed by it. He sat over his mattress. A little concerned. Was the electricity bill paid? Was this like an issue around the block? Or was it only his house?

He turned at every corner of his room trying to find an answer, when, suddenly and without any warning, the door opened. Almost slam open when he saw Kate and Diana coming in.

“Mike! Are you ok?” asked both, as if they were a single voice.

“S-sure!” he replied, surprised by their sudden burst through the door.

Overprotective, they were both really overprotective. But they didn´t meant wrong, they were just checking on him. Even Abby was there, not trying to step into the room, but he could see her through the door.

“Don´t look at me, I was just passing by when these two stampeded through the hall all the way to your door. Seriously, what´s with both of you?” Abby asked.

Kate just frowned at her, annoyed by her question. And Diana simply smiled and said: “Well, we were just checking on him.”

Abby sighed and stepped out of there.

Mike liked how things had turned, Diana and Kate were… a little too much some times. And Abby was there to, somehow, limit their excessive protection. Seriously, they were too overprotective sometimes. And Abby seemed to notice that every single time. But, it was like, one against two. That´s why, when Tessa moved in, she gave a certain balance to the house´s atmosphere. But that´s a whole different story.

Now, back into the present, the four of them were at the living room. Tessa and Diana were watching TV, with him pinned between their sensuous bodies, while Abby sat on the couch and just browsed thru her social´s.

But he couldn´t stay there much longer. He had no idea what they were watching. All he could see were thighs. Tessa´s thick swelling thighs to the side, and Diana´s, maybe not as thick as Tessa´s, but they seem so smooth.

Tessa and Diana were about the same height, 5´9” and 5´11”, respectively. Although, Tessa was really bottom-heavy, her thick legs and plump ass were much fleshier than Diana´s. On the other hand, Diana was top-heavy, her bust was by far much bigger than Tessa´s.

However, they both seemed ultimately huge to Mike. He peeked to the right and then to the left. Watching this woman´s sensuous bodies as they chatted and laughed about the movie they were watching, or was it a series? He didn´t care.

But what he cared for was the imminent erection bulging inside his pants. Their bodies, their proximity, he had to do something, else, he won´t get rid of that boner.

He found enough strength to stand up and walk away. Giving the excuse that he was going to the bathroom.

As he walked away, he couldn´t help but to turn back. Watching at the pair of amazons sitting on the couch. Their blond hairs, their impressive stature. He wondered, who was hotter?

But that question didn´t last long inside his head, as he was looking back, he forgot to check where he was going. Without noticing, he hit something solid. But not solid like a wall, this was softer, warmer.

He was too impressed by the sudden hit to look right after. He took a moment to think, there wasn´t supposed to be anything there. He could tell the surface he hit was not regular shaped. It had borders, curves. Then, he realized where he was.

A mild giggle came from above. It was Kate. He just bumped into her while walking. Maybe none of them was looking while they walked. But bumping into her was not such a deal, the thing was, where he bumped.

His head, luckily not his face, landed right over her pussy. He could tell his head was right in the middle of her crotch, with her massive thighs to the sides of the colossal woman. He was nervous, embarrassed.

He stepped back and turned up to meet the giantess´s gaze. Was she mad?

“Well, nice to… bump into you, Mike…” she chuckled.

“S-s-sorry…” he said looking way up to her, passed her huge rack and trying to see if her face showed any annoyance.

“It´s ok, I guess none of us was looking where they walked… or who they walked into…” she said as she bent a little forward.

“I… I guess not…” he replied, feeling really uncomfortable by the unfortunate situation. He was just smiling awkwardly up to Kate as he then found the words. “Ok… so, I… I gotta go…” and just like that, he walked away, rushing his way out of that embarrassing moment.

That was it. He just landed on her pussy. He was awfully embarrassed now. And aroused. The combination of both was not something pleasant. He needed to be alone for a moment. Pinned between thighs and now causally crashing into a crotch.

All these immense women were so attractive, and so much bigger. To him, they seemed like goddesses. Hot, sensuous goddesses. Standing all-mightily above him. But he couldn´t think too much on that. He needed peace, settle down. Make the erection that, thankfully, no one seemed to notice so far.

Living among only hot women had one disadvantage. Mike felt constantly aroused by them. Not that they were doing it on purpose. But he couldn´t help it, even their slightest turn, their walk, a dim motion of their bodies and he´ll be luring at their assets. All of them had something that attracted him.

If not, they were at least too big for him not to notice them. It´s true that they all shared the place. His place. Still, sometimes he felt kind of… trapped amongst these women. Not that they were mean or anything, but he couldn´t help not to lure at them. Would this ever stop?


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