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Hello everyone!!!

I hope you like this chapter, and with it, there will be a lot of great things to come. In this one, and don´t read the next words if you don´t want to know what happens, but I gave Melissa and Jonathan some alone time, really hope you like it ;D

Jonathan walked in circles thru the living room. He was not an impatient person, but Lillian seemed to be taking too long just to grab some random clothes. He chose to believe that it was just the way women were when it came to clothes.

Perhaps, she thought that she won´t see those pieces again, or even searched for something she wanted no more. However, he was curious, did Lillian like Melissa?

He was a gamer. He had developed a certain type of skills thru time. He couldn´t quite read people like a therapist or a psychologist. But there were a few things he could notice. For instance, whenever Melissa seemed to come up in the conversation, her face showed some discomfort. It wasn´t much, but her cheeks shrugged a little indicating a certain displeasure. Some annoyance.

As if Melissa was some sort of bitter taste she had on her mouth. The truth is, he would not be able to tell why she disliked her.

Jonathan could notice certain things around him. Like an open window, a breeze coming from outside. Even small noises. But he was no detective. He couldn´t connect the dots and realize the real reason as why Lillian disliked Melissa.

For her, Melissa was stepping in the middle. She wanted Jonathan to have no other relationships with any woman other than her. She needed to isolate him. Set everyone away so that no one noticed he was missing.

The fact that he was in bad terms with his family was a very appropriate matter. That way, the people who should care the most for him won´t care or know that they should look for him. It seemed perfect. Little she knew that this girl Melissa could be such a pest for her plans.

Lillian wasn´t even sure who she was for him, a girlfriend? A mere friend? She had no clue. He once said she was a friend. But why was she visiting him so often? Did she want something more than a friendship?

Jonathan was starting to feel anxious. What if Melissa got mad for having to wait too long? Besides, how long had he been there? He had no idea at what time he entered Lillian´s house. One thing he knew for sure was that, at least, she went upstairs half an hour ago; even more.

“Come on… I think it´s been enough…” he thought as the idea of checking crossed his mind. But there was no need. He heard a door open and some heavy footsteps approaching.

Lillian sounded heavy, and as she appeared on his sight; he could tell something. She changed her blouse.

She was now wearing a tank top. A white one. He wondered if it was a bra because it was too short. It seemed to only cover her breasts. He could see how her voluminous flesh bounced as she walked. The top did too little to hold them in place as her bosom quaked.

He swallowed, feeling some arousal growing on him. “Why did she change?” he wondered, but the question he should´ve asked was why did she change into something so revealing?

Her smooth abdominal region was showing. He could see her soft belly in display. So much flesh kind of attracted him, much more since she appeared to be a giant statue walking her way towards him. He wasn´t even three feet tall anymore, still, she had somehow grown into a gigantic bimbo over seven feet tall.

“Sorry for the delay honey but I… I drop something on my blouse as I was looking for some clothes for your friend.” She lied.

Of course, she had to change her top to avoid the unnecessary questions on the stains located exactly over her nipples. And with boobs that big, it´ll be hard for him not to notice. She was sure his eyes were darted into her as soon as she stepped into the room.

As for the clothes. Lillian was carrying a pair of sweatpants, a couple tops and, even if he didn´t ask for, some shoes. Everything but underwear. Needless to say, even if Melissa´s breasts expanded, they were not as big as Lillian´s, well, as big as they used to be before they grew even larger.

Lillian kept walking until she stopped right in front of Jonathan. She was enormous, he had to crane his neck way up to attempt to see her face. But it was eclipsed by her swelling bosom.

“Here you go…” she said as she handed him the clothes. For a moment, she wondered if she should help him with it, they seemed too big for him to carry.

“Ehmm, sorry to ask honey but, can you handle those clothes?” she asked.

“S-sure” he replied, still trying to see her face over the giant bulk of clothes he was now holding.

“Ok, but if you need any help, I don´t mind carrying them all the way to your house, that´s what a good neighbor will do.” She declared, partly desiring to be alone with him, but Melissa was at her place so it would not be a good idea to go over there, at least not yet.

Lillian walked behind him as he made it to the door. She wanted to make sure he didn´t drop anything. The giantess following the man who didn´t even came up higher than her mid-thigh. She was so big, so plump, so curvaceous. He seemed as a mere follower to worship her goddess. Still, it seemed as if Lillian was the one helping him out.

She passed him by and opened the door for him. “I got you.” She said, smiling at him.

“Thanks.” He replied, giving the clothing a close look, he couldn´t take his eyes from them, else, he may drop something, and what´s worse, if he somehow trips, then the clothes will fall into the ground, together with him. Although, if he falls forward, then he´ll have a cushioning landing.

He thanked her again and walked away, still, he could tell Lillian had not close the door yet. She was staring at him from behind. He felt slightly nervous, but he thought she just wanted to make sure he made it to his house without falling. Little he knew, she was thinking on something else.

“Soon Jonathan, soon… I assure you that in no time you´ll stop wasting your time as that girl´s pawn and become my king… or should I say, my little king.” She adored the idea.

As he arrived to his door, he turned, only to check if Lillian was still there, and she was. She waved at him with her fingers as he opened his own door. Then, she walked in.

“Ok… I guess.” He wondered as he closed the door behind him.

“WELL, it took you quite a LOT.” Melissa said, walking downstairs as she covered herself with his bed sheets.

Jonathan dropped the clothes on the floor. He felt kind of tired for carrying the whole thing, but mainly, he did because of her. Melissa seemed voluptuous. And the way the light hit her from behind, seemed to give her some glow. Like an angel coming for him.

Her body seemed more solid now. Her breasts were round, firm; her waist seemed to have augmented, in a very feminine way, wider, rounding itself towards her thick thighs. Her legs were long, shapely, smooth to the sight. He couldn´t look at her enough.

“Wait! Don´t drop it, my… can´t you, UGHHJ! Ok, step back, I´ll pick it up.” She seemed kind of frustrated.

None of his clothes fitted her. Now, she felt more like a freak than a woman. Of course, not everyone knew she had been 5´6” not so long ago. But the people she did knew, they will stare. She didn´t need this. But, she couldn´t take it on Jonathan. He didn´t exactly asked her to stuff herself with milk.

She did so because she wanted. Part of her felt like she needed it, more and more of the sweet beverage. She caused herself this, and blaming it on him won´t help. Besides, he´s got a punishment on his own. Even if she grew no more than a foot in height, he had sure shrunken over three feet. Maybe it was time to stop acting mean and, maybe, be nice to him.

Jonathan stepped, almost jumped, back doing what she said. He shrugged a little, as he had anticipated, she was mad. But why would he be the one taking the blame, Lillian was the one who took over an hour picking the clothes. And, if you ask him, they seemed as a bunch of random clothes, not even matching sets.

Melissa picked everything up with her long arms, turn at him and said: “Ugh, I´m sorry… I´m not mad it´s just that… I´m kind of annoyed you know.” He nodded.

“I… I mean, why? Just why? Look at us… whatever that thing´s got inside, well, it certainly affects people. Maybe we should make a campaign, send some letters, make a protest, tell me, shouldn´t we? Cause this shit has affected our lives, shouldn´t we make this public?” she asked.

He opened his eyes wide. He didn´t want anyone to know about this. He wanted no one´s eyes over him. If he kept it as a secret, then, well, who knows, maybe the effects will vanish with time. He could hide at his house all the while, maybe even for a lifetime. He didn´t need any news papers or media to be aware of this. Aware of him.

“I… I-I, c-can we maybe… think a bit more about this?” he said.

“What!? Think more? Don´t you want to stop this? Wouldn´t you prefer if this milk didn´t affect any more people? Tell me? What´s more, you already saw Lillian, is she the same or is she somehow, different?” she asked, having a point.

“Well… she´s… taller.” He declared.

Melissa´s eyebrows rose “Taller? You mean, she grew, just like I did?” She asked.

“Y-yes…but, she´s not like you… she´s, uhm, like, maybe, a foot taller?” he replied.

“Shit! So this thing does affect people, see, I told you, my question is, why would she keep drinking that thing if she was obviously getting taller? You know what, I don´t care, let her be, but… we need people to know about this, to search for a cure, maybe we can reverse this. Don´t you agree?” she asked, looking at him from high above, casting a large shadow that covered him completely.

“I… I… but, I don´t… I don´t want people to see me lime this!” He yelled, he couldn´t take it. He wanted nothing to see with news, the press, anyone. He was nervous, alarmed, anxious, she kept pushing him until all that burst out of him. And she noticed.

Melissa could see the panic on his eyes. It was true, she was mad, but she was bigger, everyone seemed smaller to her, she felt annoyed; but things were different for him. She was not getting the same effect as her, for him, things were getting bigger, he was becoming more and more vulnerable as things kept going.

She sighed; she knew that this may not be the right time for this. First, she needed to find more people, make some research, for now, she had to change into some clothes first. But she had an idea on how to change Jonathan´s mood.

“Fine, I… it´s ok, we don´t have to do this, yet… but, why don´t we go upstairs, you know, so that I can change.” She said, bending in front of him.

“Ok, but, why do I need to go with you, I´m only going to wait outside the door like this morning.” He declares, cooling down a bit.

“Well, maybe… we can do this in another way.” She said, winking at him.

He wasn´t sure what that meant, but he followed her to find out. Whatever it was, she was smiling, so it should be something good.

He walked behind her. Even inside the large fabric of his bed sheets, her butt showed. He could see how her peach shaped butt swayed as she walked upstairs. He could see her cheeks quaking with each heavy step. What will happen, he wasn´t sure, but he was more than happy to find out.

They walked in and she closed the door. Then she threw the clothes into a chair on the corner.

“Ok, so… Uhm, do you need me to pick anything?” he asked.

“Well, not quite. Right now, I know I´ve been a total bitch about this… I think…” she said coming closer to him. “You deserve an apology.” She declared.

“Oh, there´s no, uhm, you know…” she cut him off, with a simple move.

She dropped the sheet that covered her. Before his eyes, he could see how the fabric fell into the ground and uncovered her body.

He felt quivers flowing thru his spine as he could now look at her. He had wanted this since their very first date, now, he was getting it, but much more than before. She was different from before; her body had grown in the right places.

Her previously feminine figure had turned into a much hotter one. Her hips, round and smooth were the first things he noticed. He said nothing and just directed his attention towards her breasts. Bare boobs hanging firmly high above him. He swallowed towards the majestic flesh of her bare bosom. So round and at the same time, so high. He wanted to touch, but he wasn´t sure if he was allowed.

Then, her face emerged from beneath her breasts, she said: “I think we can have some… action… but I wonder, could this count as an apology?” she asked, biting her lower lip.

He nodded, fast. “YES… definitely.” He replied.

She smiled and then, fell on top of the bed, spread her legs and said, “Ok, have fun, now, to apologize, you can do with me as you please, but be careful, you wouldn´t want to abuse the power I´m giving you.” She spoke.

“Power?” he wondered. Was this some sort of roleplay or was she just pointing out the fact that, even if he was “in charge” she was the one actually taking the lead? Whatever it was, he didn´t care.

He took his clothes off and ran right in the middle of her long legs. He could feel her flesh trembling beneath his hands as he attempted to climb.

Jonathan couldn´t believe it. It was happening, this wasn´t some other dream, she was going to get laid with him. He´d have rather for this to be with a woman his size but, more of her only meant more fun. He could caress her soft skin, going for what seemed miles as he finally jumped over the bed.

He placed his hands over her swollen thighs. Each was spreading over his bed, only seeming bigger, fuller. Once on top, he wondered “What now?” But his question was answer when his eyes spotted her vagina.

Her swollen lips seemed to call for him. He stood there for a moment, wondering what to do. But she spoke: “So… what are you waiting for? Don´t you like my body?” she asked.

“I… I…” he said nothing more as he allowed his body to act and shut his thoughts.

His member was hard, and pointing only towards one direction. He inserted hic cock in her vagina. What he wasn´t expecting was to feel how big she actually was. He could feel the enormity of her pussy surrounding his member completely. But he didn´t care. He just pushed forward, deeper inside her. Then he pushed his hips back, then forward again.

He was fucking her fast, moving his body at a pace only guided by lust. The only limit on whatever he wanted to do was his own imagination. He could listen to her soft moans as he kept going. He was now breathing hard.

He now felt how his member was as hard as it could be. Then, pulled it out and crawled up, up over the amazonic woman.

As he was passionately dancing over her, he noticed her breasts were giggling. Her nipples moving up and down, closer to him, he wanted them. He needed them. He had only one goal in mind now, touch them.

He could feel how his hands slightly sank on the soft, yet firm, flesh on her navel. He didn´t care much, he aimed for only one thing, her nipples. He dragged his hard member over her, tickling her as he kept going.

Once he was right where he wanted. He placed his legs to the sides of her ribs and stood there for a moment. Appreciating his view. Her majestic breasts, each bigger than his head, just laying there, for him.

He lost no more time and sank his fingers on them. He knew it, the felt as soft as he had imagined. Soft to the touch, still, they kept their sensuous shape. He messed with them for a while, then, aimed for the nipples.

He pinched them at first, played with them with his fingers. Melissa couldn´t help but to moan by the pleasure she was getting thru her sensitive nipples. She was only wondering: “When did they got so sensitive?” But she couldn´t care less.

Before she realized it, Jonathan drove his mouth into one of them. Why? Not even he had the answer. May this be the first time he does this in real life. He felt the sudden urge to take it in.

Once he had encircled her nipple with his mouth, he proceeded to suck on it. While he did so, he licked it, without breaking the seal his mouth had on her. He could feel it, it was hard. He had the big fat nipple on his mouth, and he liked it. Like a giant piece of gum, but one you can´t bite.

She moaned as he kept going, maybe he did bite a little, but just to turn her on even more. He liked this. She was a giant allowing him to play with her. This was a chance he couldn´t waste. He wasn´t even sure if there´ll be another. He kept going.

After a lot of sucking and pocking her with his member, she decided to put hands into it, quite literally.

“Ok, you won´t stop unless you come… am I right…” she said as she rose up and took hold of him. Gently.

She lowered him and placed him over her expansive lap. He could feel the cushioning softness of the fat that covered her muscles. Then, she rose her hand and aimed for his member.

“I know you didn´t ask for this, but… it´s been a while and I think I know the right way to finish this.” She was too big to find pleasure with him actually fucking her, so, other than having him play with her nipples all day, she decided to please him.

She held his hard member with her long fingers and proceeded to masturbate him. Pulling his cock with her index finger and thumb as she proceeded to caress his balls with her ring finger and pinky. It wasn´t easy, but she knew how.

Jonathan didn´t protest, he couldn’t even blink, that seemed to be the right stimulation he needed. He wouldn´t ask how she knew, but she knew.

He felt quivers flowing thru his spine. Jolts of pleasure guided thru his nerves. It was too much, and at the same time, he wanted more. She speeded up, then slowed down, then faster, and slower. That gave his body mixed signals, still, he enjoyed every bit of it.

He moaned, finally, feeling how a wide load was coming. Not even she saw it coming when he came hard, dropping every bit of it over her breasts.

He let out a loud moan as he did. And she was impressed. It was quite a big load for him. He then turned his tensed body into jelly over her lap and laid back. He was exhausted, sweating. And she, well, she had her boobs covered in sweat, saliva and yes, cum. But she wasn´t nearly as tired as him.

“Ok, I guess I´ll take that as an “apology accepted”” she declared before he laughed and closed his eyes. He was tired and it seemed to be a good time for a nap.

He fell asleep over Melissa´s gigantic lap. She didn´t mind, and he couldn´t care less.

She stepped up and placed him in bed. It was now time for her to try on the clothes she brought.

“Ok, I see no bra´s here… guess this´ll work.” She declared searching between the load of clothes that were over the chair. “Let´s head for a shower.” she needed to remove all of the sex she had over her. Mostly, the cum.

Meanwhile, Lillian was looking out from her window. Inpatient. May this be the tenth time she does this since Jonathan left. She wanted one thing and one thing only, alone time with him.

Before, it would´ve been great, even her breasts knew it was the right timing, but if Melissa was waiting for him back at his place, then she couldn´t reveal her plan.

“Fuck, what is she doing? Changing up can´t take this long.” Said Lillian as she kept staring thru the window. Pissed. “My poor Jonathan, don´t worry, we´ll be together soon, I promise… Mommy will come for you.”



Wow, this story is so good. Not one but -two- mommy-girlfriends, each a different flavor? How’d this dude get so lucky?? I really like your insights into each character’s mind, their thoughts. Great work, hope it goes to a hundred chapters!


Thanks, you´ve caught up quite fast. I´m glad you like it cause... I just posted the new chapter ;) Haha, yhup, he´s a lucky guy, even if he´s not currently aware of it. I´ll make my best to delived more and more chapters. Hopefully I can make it quite long :D