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Well, it´s time to say goodbye to this short term story. I must admit it was really interesting to write this story, although, I could´ve add some more things to the plot... still, what do you think?

Personally, I wouldn´t mind doing a sequel... let´s name it "Dating The Lady" or "Outside With The Lady" something like that. Right now I have some ideas about Dave and Claire goint out for a date, rather than being only at her place. What do you think? Would you like it?

If so, please leave a comment, although, this will not be posted like... immediately, I still have to do some brainstroming on it and write it LOL (Also, I want to work on some other stories too) But I assure you we will have chapter 1 of wahtever I´d like to name the story within this year (that´s if you like the idea)

Moving on, here´s the last chapter, I hope you like the closure I gave it :D

Dave could feel a beam of light striking him right in the eyes. He woke up, but not because he wanted to, he was annoyed by the straight light that was announcing a brand-new day. For him, it meant he had to wake up, but… should he?

He was not a morning person, usually, he woke up by 10 am, 11 am, even noon, but today, it was different. He wasn´t at his place.

As he regained consciousness, his brain began to remember. He recalled the things that happened the night before. With Claire. He smiled with tired eyes as he then tried to accommodate the pillow where he was resting his head only to realize one thing, it was no pillow.

It felt smooth like one, big like one but, it was warm, and not only because he had rested his head there all night, no, it had a warmth on its own. He ran his fingers over it, trying to palp whatever it was. Then, he found something, a nipple. He was resting his head right next to a big plushy nipple.

It was unmistakable, and what´s more, he knew who´s it was. Suddenly, any remains of tiredness left him. He woke up soberly. That was Claire´s nipple, and the pillow was her gargantuan breast.

And that wasn´t it. He was not laying over the immense mattress from last night. No. He was laying over Claire. His smaller frame fitted entirely over her tremendous frame. He didn´t even felt his legs hanging. She was so much bigger that her whole body was engulfing his.

Dave lowered his hand, just to sense her smooth flesh beneath him. Warm and soft. It was hard for him not to get arouse by it. He was laying over her, what´s more, he fitted over her. Now, he could really felt the immensity of her thick body. The only thing that wasn´t her surrounding him were the shits that covered both.

“Haha, that tickles…” she said, feeling his smaller fingers running thru her.

He rolled over her in one sudden move. He wasn´t sure if she´d like for him to wake her up. But she didn´t seem to mind.

They were facing each other, straight in the eyes. Dave could feel her immense bosom beneath his ribs. He was right in the middle of those beach-ball sized boobs. Meanwhile, Claire could feel someone´s “friend” poking her right on her belly.

“What´s this?” she asked playfully as her long fingers reached for Dave´s cock.

“HEY!” he said, jumping a little over her, trying to set her hand away from his member.

“Aww, come on, don´t be shy… we´re both naked already, why not enjoying ourselves?” she said as she insisted on grabbing his member. Perhaps, morning sex? Or maybe just some foreplay.

“No, no, hah, come on Claire… s-stop.” He said feeling her fingers tickling his body, aiming for his dick. He was still a little sore from last night, so this didn´t feel like a good idea, for now. Having another round with this tremendously big woman will put him into a coma.

Even if he had slept for ten or twelve hours straight, he needed more time to rest, and some food too.

“Pff, ok, how silly.” She said, now moving her hand into his hips.

She stood there, looking at the lucky guy who had just become his boyfriend. Maybe, she considered herself lucky too. She felt like smiling just by looking at his face. He was so nervous, and holding him the way she was doing right now made him even more uneasy.

She knew she held a certain power on him now. Maybe it was mostly because she was like two feet taller than him, or maybe he was just shy. Whatever the reason was, she loved it.

“So… did you sleep well?” she asked, knowing she was in control.

“I, uhm, I did, yes.” He replied, feeling how her long fingers held him in place. He would feel more comfortable laying next to her, not on top of her. But it seems like she wanted to stay that way for a little longer.

“I´m sure you did,” she smiled at him, “you´re over the best cushion in the house.”

“Oh yes… s-sorry I didn´t wanted to, well…” he started.

“No worries, you didn´t climb all the way here, I… kind of pulled you up.” She declared.

“You did?” why would she?

“Well… sort of. I mean, we cuddled and then… I kind of hugged you and just rolled over, you´re pretty light.” She giggled.

Of course, his concern became annoyance when he found out she placed him there, and what´s worst, she didn´t even struggled to. His light weight will always be drag by her so much bigger frame.

After spending more than enough time over Claire, feeling how his member kept hard over her. It was almost impossible to avoid it, given the fact that it kept touching her naked body. But she didn´t seem to mind.

Finally, after a deep kiss. Engulfing his smaller lips in between her thick one´s. She let him go. But that wasn´t enough teasing.

He rose from bed. Completely naked. He turned red as he realized his butt was at her full view. But she complied saying: “It´s ok… I don´t mind…” and then she bit her lower lip, which helped much less.

On top of it, she rose too. He had to direct his view high in the air to meet her gaze. She was magnificent. Her curves, the way she walked, even the gentle bright on her eyes.

He was in the presence of a muse. A muse that towered high above him. It was arousing, intimidating and at the same time, pleasing. He had a mix of emotions, all taking the major effect on his stomach. He didn´t have one but a thousand butterflies rumbling thru him.

And Claire noticed, of course she did. She wasted no chance and just walked all the way to meet him. It didn´t take long, no more than three steps and she was already standing right in front of him. But she made each of her steps worth it.

She walked slowly, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Her thighs quaked when she did. Her hips swayed in a way that it was hard for him not to notice her round ass swaying behind her. And her breasts, they caught most of his attention.

They bounced, heavily, as she walked. He could see how her nipple went up and down in a smooth and firm way as her breast mass accommodated itself, preparing for the next quake her steps will make.

Her figure, so feminine, so thick, so large. She wanted to stand in front of him just to arouse him with her cheer size and naked body. His face didn´t even met the bottom of her breasts. If she got any closer, then she won´t be able to see him past the enormous bulge of her tits.

She stood still, then she placed her hands on her hips, to appear even more imposing. Finally, she spoke: “Would you like to have some breakfast?” he blinked, she was too much, and she only did so to ask for breakfast? Of course he did, but was all that tease necessary?

Dave could already picture her grabbing him and tossing him back to bed just to have more fun. Something he wanted but couldn´t take, by the moment at least.

She walked to the kitchen after he accepted her offer. Of course, she walked away without covering herself with any clothes. He could glare at her ass as she stepped out of the room. Her round cheeks quaking as she walked. Bouncing heavily with each of her strides, swaying from one side to another. So hot… still, he was naked too.

“Shit.” He said before grabbing his clothes and putting them on. Claire said she didn´t mind, but he did.

Seeing her, so big and confident, it only made him feel small and scrawny. He wondered, how could she be so thick and still, so breath taking. Perhaps, he never gave himself time to appreciate the real beauty. Maybe, the idea of an “ideal” body had been shoved up on his brain before he even realized what he wanted.

He didn´t mind she was heavier, or a bit older, not even the huge gap in size between them; well, the last part would be easier to handle if she avoided so much teasing. He liked her. He wasn´t really sure why, but her teasing only made him desire her even more.

Dave put his shoes on and met Claire in the kitchen. He was speechless when he spotted her again. She had covered herself, with an apron, a very big one. But that didn´t cover the peach shaped booty behind her. He had a clear view of her ass as she was busy on the stove.

He swallowed, turned his eyes up at her and said: “H-hi…” announcing his arrival. He didn´t want to be any perv who will stare at her quietly while she doesn´t notice. Sure, he´s a perv, but he´s got manners.

“Oh, hi…” she said as she turned at him. “I´m almost done, ok. Why don´t you have a sit?” she said, pointing at the table.

He just walked towards it. But he wondered, where to sit? He could sit with his back at her, but maybe that´ll be rude. And if he sits on the opposite side, there´ll be no way to avoid staring at her ample butt, swaying as she cooked. “Fuck, why is she so stacked… and still naked?” he wondered.

Sideways, for sure. He could choose not to choose and just sit sideways at her. The only thing he had to do was to avoid luring at her.

He failed, he kept turning at her every five seconds. But who wouldn´t. Her long thick legs just kept calling for him. If her house wasn´t made for someone her height, then she would´ve leaned to reach the stove. Which will make her show more of that sexy ass of hers.

He tried to hold it. Stop his member from getting hard inside his pants. But he couldn´t. When she turned holding the plates. He moved his legs in a funny way, trying to hide his hard member.

At some point he wondered why. Why was he hiding it if she wasn´t wearing any clothes? She wanted to tease him. She didn´t care if he was hard or not, she just used her body as she pleased.

When she sat down, she let herself fall over the chair. It made her boobs bounce as she settled. They almost popped out of the apron. Dave dropped the fork as she did so.

And her teasing didn´t stop there, she extended her long leg beneath the table to reach for him. More precisely, his member. She rubbed his dick with her big fingers while he struggled to eat. His knees were shaking, but he found no courage to stop her. She just allowed her to have fun with him.

When they both finished, she stood back up and picked both of their plates. As he was sitting, his head didn´t even reached higher than her hips. He turned and glared at her thick flesh as she left the dished on the sink. “I´ll take care of those later.” She said turning back at him.

After breakfast, he was thankful when she said she was changing into something else. He felt relieved as he walked into the living room. But he ignored into what Claire will change into, which clothes she´ll pick.

Dave was amazed, more than that, he was aroused. He kept staring at her enormous body. Her constant teasing proved to him that it was something she wanted. He wondered what will be needed to satisfy a woman her size. So big, so mighty, so hungry for sex.

When they first met he thought she´d be shy, even discrete, but she had already proved him wrong. Maybe it was because they were at her place, her domain, but she lost no chance to tease him.

She kept pushing him and trying to get laid. Or even just getting him horny. But what kept her from taking him like a rag doll and forcing him back to her room? Maybe she was just being kind.

Still, how much will this take? Even if she was kind, how long will it take before her lust wins and she decided to take him for a ride. What will he ride? Her of course.

“I´m back…” she said in a low sensuous way.

Dave´s eyes almost popped out of his skull when he spotted her. She changed, for sure, but not for something less gaudy. She lost the apron she was wearing and came back wearing nothing but underwear.

Some sexy women´s lingerie. Her bra covered her breasts, barely. It was so little that it allowed almost her whole breasts to be at full display. And the part that was supposed to cover her nipples was, on top of being small, almost translucent. Hiding her nipples only with some flower shaped needlework.

And don´t forget about her thong. A thin piece of thread holding what seemed to be the smallest piece of fabric covering her sex. It was so tight, and so small. If she moved faster than she should or harder that normally, then that thing will rip into pieces and expose her naked vagina.

She excused herself by saying: “I think´s a little hot in here, don´t you?” the only thing hot in that room was her.

He could glare at her tremendous limbs, so smooth, so naked. Her single thigh was so much thicker than his. Maybe one of her sturdy legs weighted as much as he did. However, it was hard to think about it when there´s a set of breasts bouncing their way to you. So much flesh was in display, and all just for him.

He couldn´t help it, he could already feel his cock filling with lust and desire, impending to pop out of his pants.

She sat next to him and surrounded him with her large arm right before she pulled him closer. Once again, it was just a way for her to prove how easy she could control him.

His head didn´t even cleared her shoulder, not even while sitting. He just felt how the flesh of her thighs was pushing against him. So smooth and big. He felt as if he was in the presence of a goddess. A mighty, lust goddess who will shove him up and rip his pants only to pull his member out.

Claire knew exactly what she was doing, teasing the small men. But why wouldn´t he be struck by her. A woman standing over seven feet tall, wearing nothing but tiny underwear as she makes her way next to him. She was lucky he didn´t came right in his pants when she sat.

There he was, unable to think, to keep his eyes off her. The only thing he was able to say when she sat was “H-hi…” sounding like a stupid.

“Hi there…” she replied, wetting her lips as she loomed above him.

She decided to take it easy on him, so she just guided her hand over his lap and started massaging one of his thighs. Her hand felt huge on top of his thin leg. He quivered as she did so.

“Don´t worry honey, I just thought you were a little tense, that´s it.” She spoke. Of course, she knew who was the cause for it.

“You know,” she started, now riding her finger thru his chest, caressing it. “I think we make a great couple. Just think about it, you´re small and I´m big. I could reach anything that´s too high for you, and you can reach anything that´s too low for me.” She started. Of course, it wasn´t the hottest line, but not everything had to be tease, right now, she had some questions for him.

“I… I… you think so?” he replied, trying not to gauge at her breasts.

“Of course I do. I mean, look at us. This is not what people consider “normal”, I mean, why does the man have to be the tallest? The strongest? What´s wrong with having your girlfriend be taller? Don´t you agree?” she asked him.

“I, yes, I mean, love is love, right?” he replied.

“Yeah, just, think about it… what´s wrong with ME being taller than YOU? Does that make you feel less of a man?” she asked turning at him.

“N-no, it doesn´t.” he said, not less of a man but, in deed, he felt smaller, the fact that her house had magnified furniture didn´t help much. But she didn´t meant that.

She placed her hand over his head, covering his full skull with it, then she ruffled his hair as she said: “I´m glad you think that way, and I´m glad you decided to become MY special someone. It´s been really hard for me to find someone who, well, doesn´t mind me being so tall.” He nodded as she continued, “I mean, look at you, there´s guys I´ve dated who are like a foot taller and still can´t bare over the fact that I´m taller. But you, oh, you´re so much different.”

“I am?” he spoke.

“Yes you are. I don´t want to be rude but, I guess you´ve been looking up to people for too long, by now, you don´t mind if I´m six feet tall, or seven feet tall, or… well, do you want to know how tall I am?” she asked as he just nodded. He didn´t want to ask but, it was something wanted to know a long time ago.

“Well, just for the record, I´m… seven feet…” he approached as she spoke “and… eight inches tall.” That made her almost two and a half feet taller than him. There´s no doubt why her furniture´s so big.

“I know *sigh* but even a woman like me found a lover, and trust me, I don´t mind if you can´t even reach my boobs.” She spoke.

“Hey! I can, uhm, reach.” He declared.

“Well, of course you can, while we´re sitting, but once we´re standing, you´re gonna have to stretch those short arms of yours to teach, don´t you?” she was just bragging now.

“So?” he said.

“Well, so far, you´ve seen me in flats, once I put some heels on, will you reach?” she asked, staring at him, waiting for his answer.

“H-heels?” he said, as he wondered: “FUCK, she needs heels? What the fuck. I need heels, not her, shit, I need a fucking ladder to be nearly even with her. Why would she, what´s more, how tall are the heels she wears?”

“Yes silly, heels. What? Just because I´m tall it means I´m not allowed to wear heels. Hold on,” she stood up. “I´ll show you.” Then she walked away.

Dave didn´t even stared at her butt as she walked away. He was just sitting there, still wondering: “Heels?”

“Ok, are you ready?” she said before she stepped back into the room.

“S-sure.” He answered.

“Ok, here I come.” And then, a thick, long leg appeared next to the walls frame. She was wearing heels, just like she said, but not any heels, no, this one was way taller than any other he had seen.

Then, her other leg emerged, those heels had to be at least six-inch heels. That´ll make her… over eight feet tall!

Dave swallowed. She was only wearing the lingerie she used to have, but now, she was so much taller. Even a few inches could make this amazonic woman look like a complete giantess.

She giggled. Dave stood on the couch, dumbfounded. His jaw could as well had hit the floor when she walked into the room.

“Come on, stand up… don´t you wanna see if you can still reach?” she spoke.

“I… I…” he didn´t know what to say, or even if he should try.

“What´s the matter? There are only eight-inches tall…” EIGHT? He thought they were six. But maybe she was so tall that, proportionally, eight inches will seem like six on her.

He swallowed hard before he stood up and began walking towards the gigantic eight feet four inches tall woman. Now, she stood over three feet taller than him.

“Come on, normally the shoes I wear give me a two-inch boost… don´t be shy.” She said as she encouraged him to walk closer.

Dave stopped, only to witness that he was level with her belly button. She lowered her hand and laid it over his head. “Look, you´re so small.” She said.

“I… I´m not, you´re just, too big!” he felt annoyed.

“Hey! So what? I´m big and proud… but I wonder… will you do me a favor?” she said as she winked at him.

He was curious, then, she lose her thong. Letting it fall into the ground.

“Wha…” was all he could say.

“Remember what I told you about reaching places too low for me? Can you help me with that?” she said.

What was he supposed to do, he rose his hand, maybe she wanted him to finger her? Then, she spoke.

“No silly, not with your fingers… I believe you´re still a little too tall for this, but, maybe, can you kneel a little?” she asked, and so, he did as she said.

He didn´t have to kneel too much to level his mouth with her musky sex. He could even smell her desire from there. He approached, slowly, just to be push immediately by her huge hand.

“That´s… it… there you go…” she said as she felt the utter pleasure his tongue gave her.

She moaned as he struggled to breath, still, they both desired this. She was in control, and at the same time, she depended on him for her pleasure. Like a symbiotic relationship where each apported something.

She moaned heavily as she felt her knees quake. Trembling. Meanwhile, Dave had found a rhythm. What´s more, he was good at it, trying to engulf her swollen pussy in between his lips, playing with it using his mouth.

Now, he´ll worship his enormous girlfriend as she will give him the utter pleasure he so needed. There they were, a new couple who had struggled to find love. Now, they finally met someone to be their accomplice in love. For sure, she was big and in charge, but at the same time, he could be. If not big, at least he could be the one in control sometimes. Just like now, as he´s slowly making her cum, giving her some really deep orgasms. He´s the one taking the lead.



Bravo! Great story! Loved the characters, and the relationship.