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Greetings :D

I know I should´ve posted the last chapter of "At The Lady´s House", it´s been a while since I last posted chapter 3, but, I´m not sure on how to give it a closure yet.

What´s certain is that I have quite some ideas for this story. and here they are.

I hope you like it :D

This wasn´t right. Well, not so wrong either, what´s more, it was kind of a trick. A mere lie. He went there with an image of a woman in his head. Her features, her looks, her… everything Matt could see on the picture of the profile. But the woman he was facing now, well, facing her thighs; she wasn´t the same one as in the picture.

He stood there, doubting if it was her or maybe someone else she shared the house with. But it was her, the woman who opened the door was Joanne.

“Hello handsome…” she said with a smile, placing her hands on her inflated hips. She was huge! Normally, a woman will easily be able to maintain a slim figure.

No one´s really sure why but, nowadays, women are not only taller, but they´re also healthier. Their metabolisms worked at a faster rate. Even with the large amount of food they ate, compared to men, women always seemed to be in better shapes.

It didn´t matter if they had a balanced diet or if they worked during long hours and only ate takeout, it was really hard for a woman to turn into, well, someone like Joanne.

It wasn´t something wrong either. Nowadays, everyone´s respected, no matter their size or weight. It was just, hard to get. For a woman to gain and maintain that amount of weight, she´ll need to eat during the whole day, nonstop.

Now, the profile picture showed someone about ten years younger. But Matt didn´t much cared for it, what seemed to caught his attention were this woman´s dimensions.

Her legs were like thick tree trunks, only her swelled calves must weight as much as him. Her thighs seemed tremendous; he could make a tent out of a single of her pants legs. And don´t forget to mention her hips. Wide meaty haunches that swelled proud and round.

Above, her belly was pushing out her top, almost about to burst out. And her breasts, large and perfectly round, firmly held high above by her bra.

She didn´t seem morbidly obese, but her uncommon thick limbs were catching all of his attention. Even her arms held a consistent amount of fat, and muscle. Even if a woman doesn´t work out, she´ll gain quite some muscle as she gains weight. To maintain a balance.

Of course, this woman had tricked him. And not only him, but to everyone who met her after seeing her profile. How many guys had she dated that, well, didn´t get what they were expecting? But, a date´s a date.

Right now, Matt was five minutes away from the time his date was scheduled. Which means, he´s got sixty-five more minutes with this not so honest woman. May at least enjoy the food she had for him.

“J-joanne?” he asked, trying not to sound rude, but she already knew what he had in mind.

“Yes, and before you say anything, I know. I´m not exactly… the young woman I used to be in the picture.” For sure, he thought, but age wasn´t a problem, nowadays no one really cared about women´s age. They age really slow once they reach a certain age. As if their aging stopped. But he was thinking more about how she was twice the woman he was expecting.

She lied, still, she seemed nice. He took the risk and decided to step in once she invited him. An hour goes by really fast when you´re eating, he resolved.

Now, the only thing he must take care of its, himself. Maintaining an old picture´s something that seems suspicious. More considering the fact that women attempt to maintain a relationship bases on honesty. Although, nowadays, it seems more as if they want men to be honest and for them to set little lies where they can. Such as a profile picture maybe.

Joanne was considerably tall, around seventeen feet tall. Given the fact that she was a good deal above average women, he couldn´t help but to throw some numbers on her weight. Normally, a woman her height would be around seventeen-hundredth pounds, and still look slim.

If she weighted a ton, then she´ll have a nice curvaceous figure. Some round breasts and a nice and big peach shaped butt. But, if he had to throw in a number, he´ll say she´s around two tons in weight. What´s around four thousand pounds… or forty-five hundredth, to be more precise.

He tried to guess, as he walked behind the gigantic woman, feeling how the floor trembled more as he walked closer. Whatever life decisions, or eating habits she had, they only ended up in one thing, creating an enormously curvaceous woman.

He felt curious around her. Her hips were wide and her butt seemed round, heavy, meaty, and still… firm. Even if her butt´s flesh trembled with each of her steps, and bounced so much higher than his head. He could tell that beneath that considerable layer of fat, there were muscles. Strong fibers that allowed that ginormous body of hers to move.

He was walking behind her, following her pace. But he wondered, how will the soft flesh of her breasts tremble as she walked? For sure, her breasts were softer. Not much muscle, unless you work it out, forms beneath women´s breasts. He was trying to picture her boobs giggling as she walked.

Up, down, up, down. Her tits should be bouncing freely on that loose top of hers. He wondered if there´ll be a boob window on her blouse that allowed him to see how her breasts squeezed together right in the middle as her tight breasts bounced.

“Here we are…” she said, braking up his fantasy. Matt wasn´t sure but, was he into thicker women or just curious about where this woman will take things.

Like Sue said, women had needs. Sometimes, a date´s just a date for them, and not a promise. He was trying to see the signs, find some clues that told him if she was looking for a boyfriend or just casual midday sex.

Of course, his previous date was almost at midnight, and now it was 12 o´clock. Probably that´s a sign. Still, he had to set his suspiciousness to the side and actually interact with his current date.

“Ok… cool.” He replied, turning up to her. Trying not to set his gaze on the round flesh of her stomach. That huge gut pushing out of her. He wondered whether it will feel soft or tense to the touch.

She was just smiling at him. For someone who had sent so many messages in advance, Joanne didn´t seem as a controller as he thought. He figured that if she wanted to schedule everything so soon, then she may be one of those women who want to control how everything goes. But she wasn´t.

If he was a bit more superficial and wanted to say something else. He could say that, judging by her looks, she was not much of an organized person. Her weight was one thing, but, her clothes. She was not wearing something very elaborate. Just some pants, a top. She fixed her hair but, that´s it.

She may as well had put on some shorts and reveal more of her smooth voluminous flesh. He was getting kind of fixated in her. More precisely, her outstanding mass. It didn´t help much once she showed him the table.

She pointed at the table where they´ll be eating brunch. He searched for it because it didn´t seem as something very common. At some point, it sounded made up. But brunch´s literally a meal between breakfast and lunch.

He figured, the food will be mainly the one of a breakfast, but it may include a larger number of servings. Not just coffee, as he usually had. But he was amazed.

At first, he thought he wouldn´t be able to look passed the table top of this enormous woman. Surprisingly, the food was so much that it was showing high above the table.

Everything he pictured as an option for this brunch was actually over the table. Sausages, scrambled eggs, toasts, pancakes, fruit, anything. He wondered if it was just for the two of them but, giving Joanne a second look, he decided to skip the question.

They both sat on the table and as they both tried to make some small talk, he was surprised by her. More like, her eating. She dug in on the meat, the eggs, the bread. Everything. She grabbed a few pieces of each thing and just shove them up to her mouth. He ate… almost nothing compared to her. The huge table filled with more food than it could handle was now filled with plates. Empty plates.

At least she wasn´t lying when she said they were having brunch. Seeing how she feasted was something else, he was only hopping for her not to grab him by mistake and swallow him down together. But he had other things in mind.

What was he doing there? Just eating? He didn´t want to sound rude or anything but, so far, half an hour had flown and he had done nothing but watching her eat. He felt kind of bored. Where was this date going? Then, she spoke.

“Done.” She declared plainly as she dropped a napkin over her empty plate.

“Done?” he asked, trying to make some small talk. He had no idea what to say.

“Yes… well, not exactly…” she added. “I think… it´s time for something sweet.” She added.

He just thought “great” what else could she need? She had a ton of fruit, a huge load of syrup over her pancakes. And a whole lot of pastry. What could she need, ice cream?

But she proved him wrong as she stood up and walked towards him. He could feel how the floor trembled as she approached. Seeing the juice on his glass quaking.

She stood there, high above him and with a smile she said: “But this sweet I´m talking is not food.”

He swallowed. And before he could move, she extended her heavy arms towards him and shove him up over her shoulder. She felt strangely soft and also firm.

“Hey! What?!” he protested with an alarmed tone.

“Relax Mathew, I won´t hurt you… I just wanna take things upstairs, to my room.” She added. Of course, she wanted sex. Finally, that answered all his questions. She wanted to have sex after filling herself up. Not something very common, but… he´ll allow it.

She walked with him over her shoulder. He could feel her flesh trembling beneath his navel. Being carried was not something very common for him, he even disliked it. But when you´re surrounded by women who are over fourteen feet tall, there´s no way you can run from them. At some point, he´ll have to get used to it.

Right now, he was luring at her tremendous ass as her butt cheeks swayed from one side to the other. It was a nice view. Which didn´t last long, he was thrown in the air and fell over a huge mattress. It was then when he wondered: “What am I supposed to do?”

Joanne was an insanely big woman. Not that tall but, she had more curves than any other woman he had met. His question was, will she smother him beneath her breasts or her butt?

He could picture her falling over him. Pinning him to the bed underneath her enormous ass. Suffocating him. Or, she could lay over him and smother his face in between her breasts. He was sure they´ll be soft. Maybe not the biggest one´s he´s seen, but soft enough.

For a moment, he was insecure. Was he man enough for this gigantic woman? The answer was yes. She didn´t want to actually have sex with him, but… she wanted to do something else on the lusty zone of activities.

“Ok now, I want to let you know what we´ll be doing… just so you know.” She spoke. Of course, she wanted to take the lead, but, her house her rules. He didn´t care. He was losing his shyness and just started luring at her fat filled limbs.

“Ok…” he said, not paying much attention.

“Very well…” she then bit her lower lip as she gave him a command: “Lose your pants.”

“Sorry, what?” he wasn´t ready for it.

“Oh, you heard me silly, I want to give you something… but first, I´m gonna need you to lose those pants… and also your underwear.” She wasn´t actually commanding him like some sort of dictator, but she did had some lusty shine in her eyes.

He just pulled the whole thing down and, as his exposed member began to rise in full view. She licked her lips and said: “Now, I´m going to add some more protein to my diet… just lay there and… try not to squirm so much.”

He was confused but, before he could lay back, she fell over him. Pouring some kisses all over him. As some sort of foreplay. First, on his face, then his torso, little by little she got lower and lower. Finally, she stopped right in front of his member.

He got aroused, it must´ve been the fact that his member was exposed in front of this enormous woman. Or maybe the kisses did something, still, his member was ready. Erect at full mast.

She wet her lips just once more and dug into it. Aiming for his member as she brought the whole thing inside her mouth. He didn´t saw that one coming. Apparently, she was blowing him, and he liked it.

He could feel her large tongue dancing over his member. Sucking his dick and then his balls. So wet, so sensuous. He could feel his face turning red as she did with his dick what she wanted.

It was all hers now. The question was, will he be able to control his body. Just like she said, he was squirming in her bed. He had never done this before but, it gave him so much pleasure. She was lubricating his cock with her saliva as she effortlessly made his legs quake.

He tensed his limbs and did his best to hold himself. Trying to lay there still as he could feel her large mouth sort of kissing the base of his cock. He could feel as if she was picking him up only using her mouth. Sucking his member up and down. He wasn´t sure if t was only his dick that was following her. Or if his legs did the job. Right now, he could only feel her tongue on his cock, nothing else.

He came once and he could feel and listen how she swallowed the whole thing. Maybe not much for a woman her size but he threw a good load there. She was voracious. She didn´t stop there. He wondered if she was even breathing.

She sucked him dry. Her thick tongue send quivers thru his spine. Forced his feet fingers to clench over and over in deep pleasure. She didn´t lose the grip her mouth had on him. It was like a seal, strengthened by her lust, her desire.

He didn´t ask for it, but it turned out to be so great. Even when she stopped and stood back up. Matt could still feel her mouth around his cock. He was covered in her saliva. So wet, and at the same time, so dry. She swallowed until the last drop of his virile fluids. But he couldn´t care less.

Maybe, and that was just the part of his brain that was still working, the food was just to give him energy. She sucked him like a popsicle during the last thirty minutes of their date. After that, she just cleaned her mouth and pulled up his pants.

“I know I know, I´m a gluttonous woman… but you´ll be ok… do you want something sweet to recover your energies? Haha, not like you did much here…” she chuckled. He needed it, at least a rest. How did she left him so tired with only her mouth?

He stood back up, his knees where still trembling but, he managed to walk. He stepped out of the house and just walked all back to the bus stop. She was not going to send him a relationship request. That´s for sure.

He stumbled, but regain his balance. He felt good. Happy. At the same time, he couldn´t walk straight. Did he came too hard? Was it too much? He had no idea.

He just sat on the bench and took out his phone. Lucky him, there was internet connection on the bus stops. He checked on his proposals. He wondered if that forum gave him fame or if it was just one of those things that just passes by.

Lucky him, he had over a dozen proposals. What´s more, nearly twenty. He had to decide who he´ll date next. That could even affect his actual choice to grab the bus. He could be heading somewhere else.

He wasn´t really hungry, so he checked for a quick date. Hopefully, one that doesn´t involve sex. He was tired. To his surprise, he found a woman Hannah, she wrote:

“Hello, I´m interested in a relationship, however, I´d like for the two of us to meet before we make any decision. It´ll be better if you accept my proposal by today or tomorrow. I´m a very busy woman but I have time during these two days.”

Her message seemed kind of… annoying. She had a formal request, still, she sounded presumptuous. But, it sounded quick. Right now, it´s been over twenty-four hours since his time started going. Currently, he´s got five days and twenty-three hours to find a couple. Not too little, but it´s not the whole seven days he had.

The message was sent that same morning, so it came in good time. Her time. He figured that, if she was not the one, then he could discard her as an option. Ditch her away. He accepted her proposal and sent a message:

“I´m currently free, wanna hang out?” His message seemed… too causal, he thought. And as he took a closer look at the woman´s picture, which revealed a woman in a suit with a very professional aura around her. He could´ve asked it with a different tone. Still, it worked.

“Good evening, Mathew. I´d love to meet you today. I´ve attached the address of a place we can meet. I´ll meet you there in about 30 minutes, is that ok?” It was a quick reply.

Matt clicked on the link for the address and scrolled thru the place´s photos. It seemed as a casual restaurant. Not too fancy, still, elegant. He just sent an “ok” as a reply and then received the proposal for the date. He accepted before even thinking how long it´ll take for him to get there.

He forgot to check on the distance. Once again, he was too distracted by the constant paranoia that someone could be hunting him. Watching him from the distance as a prey. Waiting for the right time to come up from the shadows and take him.

But it was too late now to worry about it. He had already accepted the date. He wondered, what will happen if he´s late? This woman, Hannah, for sure will be upset. Matt could already picture her checking on her phone while she said: “Late, aren´t we?” with an annoying expression on her face.

Still, a part of him wouldn´t mind. So far, he wasn´t even sure the type of women he liked. Maybe, the lusty ones, who voraciously tried to suck up until the last drop of him. Or maybe the kind ones, able to seduce him with their warm smile and her kind treat. Even now, as he re-read Hannah´s messages, he wondered:

“Could it be… maybe an authoritarian woman?” a woman who´ll dominate, who will dictate. To tell him what and when to do something.

He tried to picture Hannah, after seeing her profile picture of course. Trying to picture her. A giantess wearing high heels. A skirt, that revealed her long shapely legs. Wearing a shirt, unbuttoned enough to reveal her bosom.

He wondered; how will she look once he met her. Is she too tall? Thick? Even, naughty?

The messages and her “tight schedule” could be just a mask, hiding a woman who, just like his previous dates, wanted only one thing. Some carnal fun.

But he´ll find that out soon. He already found a route to get there. Lucky him, the bus was about to arrive.



Overall great story, but i think weight calculating are wrong. The joanne weight shoild been aroud 5t i belive

jaime garcia

Enhorabuena ,me encanta la historia,pero no podria haber mas de Dominacion Femenina violenta , muchas gracias Mine


Yeah, I wasn´t very sure about that when I first wrote it, I tried to use the BMI, but I guess it´s different with, well people over 15 feet tall LOL. I´ll check on that, thx :D


Gracias, y si... si podría y habrá. Tengo una escena planeada para el siguiente capítulo, no será brutalmente violenta peeero, si tendrá dominación por parte de la mujer con quien nuestro personaje principal saldrá. Y también habrá más en un futuro pero sigo pensando en el cómo y con quien.