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Hello everyone! Here´s the new chapter, I really hope you like it.

Now, this chapter will contain an alone time between Lillian and Jonathan, I wanted to add some other things here, but it seems like their interaction got well, a bit too long.

I´m still waiting for the next chapter to include some other things, which I promised from the very beginning, but I think this chapter came up pretty well :D

Jonathan said nothing while he stood there, dumbfounded as he looked up towards his gigantic neighbor. Still, he heard her words, a part of his brain was still working. He nodded with his jaw wide open.

“Very well, come in, dear.” Said Lillian as she stepped to the side.

Jonathan just followed her with his eyes as the gigantic woman stepped back up and moved to the side of the door. From his point of view, her body took over all of the door´s frame. But that couldn´t be, right?

Maybe Jonathan was getting too small to notice the real size of things. More when we talk about people. But there was one thing for sure, she had grown.

He had the idea that a Melissa sized Lillian will open the door. But he was wrong. Not only she was taller than her, but also thicker. He wasn´t sure what had happened, but now, Lillian was a lot taller and a lot curvier. Her augmented body carried way more mass than it did before. She didn´t seem fat to him, more like, lofty.

Her larger proportions made her look august, majestic. For a tiny man like him, she was staggering. All he could do was breathe thru his mouth as she moved or talked. His brain had too much to handle right now. He couldn´t even move any more.

Lillian stood there, with loving eyes, looking at him from high above. She wasn´t sure how tall she was, or if he had shrunk any further, but there was one thing for sure, her plan was working right as she wanted.

Of course, growing herself was not something she planned, but now, she figured it will only make things go on in a faster way. She placed one hand on her swelling hip and said to him:

“Jonathan, honey, are you alright?” He was, maybe.

“I… I…” he had to say something, anything. By now, it was more than obvious that he´s been luring at her since she opened the door. “NOTHING!” was the best answer he could give.

Lillian rose an eyebrow as she looked at him from above. Of course, she knew he´ll notice her growing, but she didn´t want to say anything. Judging by his reaction, he was into it. Enough to turn him speechless. But she wanted to tease him a little.

“Are you sure?” she said in a carrying yet sensuous tone.

“Y-yes! Very sure… everything´s fine.” He said as he smiled up to her.

He couldn´t deny that the colossal woman in front of him made him feel nervous. She was so big, sensuous, every single thing on her pushed all of his buttons. He couldn´t act normal.

“Ok honey, if you say so…” she said before he started walking in.

He remembered the main reason for his visit. He needed to get clothes for Melissa. The other gigantic lady, who was at his place, naked… He swallowed, he didn´t need any more reasons to be horny.

Little by little, he stepped in her house. He could listen when the door closed behind him. He swallowed. He was standing inside Lillian´s house, again. But, why was he feeling so nervous?

Was it because he couldn´t deny the fact that Lillian was taller? Perhaps, there could be something going on with everyone around. He didn´t step out of his house so often, what if there was something going on with everyone? But that couldn´t be, he would´ve known. The media, news alerts. For sure, if there was something going on that affected people´s height, he´d be aware.

Now, the only people he knew who had changed were Melissa, him and, of course, Lillian. He turned at the behemothic woman standing behind him. She started walking towards him, at his current size, it was amazing.

He could see how her swelled body bounced, firmly yet sensuously, with every step. The way her hips swayed, the bouncing of her breasts, even the way she walked. It was all too much for him. As she stepped closer, he could feel as if she was growing, towering more and more above him. Until, she stopped, right in front of him.

Jonathan was wondering, what did they all had in common? Was it the place they lived? Was it his house? They had all been in his house, so far, the most affected one was him, what if people´s height changed depending on how much time they spent at his place? Or… maybe, was it something they ate, or… drank?

Of course, Melissa and him had already target the milk as the most possible cause, but now, his brain seemed to be resetting itself. When Lillian stopped in front of him, it was time to restart everything.

There she was, the kind neighbor towering above him. How tall was she anyways? He was looking straight at her thigh… kind of.

His gaze, if it was straight, aimed right at the end of her swollen thigh, a tat above her knee level. She was gargantuan, for sure, so seven feet tall won´t be a wrong guess, although, she could be taller.

He had no idea right now, aside of having a really hard time thinking straight, his perception of things had changed, a lot. But if her head clearly exceeded the door´s frame, then she must be about that tall. Although, he should wonder how much she weights.

Jonathan kind of felt as if she was pulling him close. As if her enormous body had a gravity on her own. For sure, she caught all his attention, but, was there something else?

“Awww, you poor little thing, are you having a hard time talking?” she spoke, she couldn´t take it, he was so small now, she had some instincts that just came out of her, maternal instincts.

Looking at him, so confused and sacred, she couldn´t hold herself. She wanted to pick him up and cradle him with all her love. And, why shouldn´t she? He was small enough, or was she big enough? She wasn´t sure, or cared.

“Come here…” she said as she started bending and reaching for him with her arms.

Jonathan´s eyes opened widely, was it another dream? Was she really aiming for him? He tried to protest, but no words came out of his mouth; he tried to move, but his body didn´t respond. There he was, at her mercy, defenseless among the amazonic woman.

Before he could tell, she had already placed her huge hands on his sides and, with a gentle yet firm hold, she pulled him up. Closer to her. As she picked him up, he could notice a change on his view, as well as a deep fear.

It seemed to him that he weighted nothing for her. Besides, he could see how the floor was receding, his feet were losing more and more ground as he rose.

He could glance at her body as she picked him up. It was like looking at the two-page model image on a magazine. He started low, her calves, then her thighs, her hips, everything was wide, fleshy, enormous. Then, he passed thru her belly, smooth, yet firm, even if she seemed stacked, her belly wasn´t outstanding. But, something else was, her breasts.

He felt a rush of quivers flowing thru him as Lillian pulled him right about boob level. They were so big, round, firm. Her humongous breasts just hung there, heavily, as if they were calling him. He wanted, no, he desired to touch them, feel them. But he couldn´t. Before he noticed, he passed them and was now looking straight at her face.

Lillian had an adoring expression, with a tender smile. Warm and inviting. He felt kind of bad for luring at her. She was just kind to him, he felt as if he was abusing her hospitality, or maybe her trust. He had dreams about her, desires.

Now, it all seemed as if those weird dreams he had just became real. There he was, in the arms of a majestic and gigantic woman, who also happened to be his neighbor. Everything was unsettling. When he met her, she was taller than him, by a foot maybe, now, he felt tiny.

He could feel her enormous hands holding his body. He disliked the fact that even her fingers felt so huge, those long fingers of her could reach every part of him. He feared that they´ll come close to his member.

Jonathan was having a hard time holding himself, he could feel his member getting harder and harder. And there was worst news, Lillian held him closer.

She couldn´t resist it, she wanted a hug. She pulled him into her, placing his head slightly above her bosom; pinning his body right in the middle of her enormous rack. He panicked.

There was definitely no way she won´t notice a dick poking into her. He tried to accommodate himself, put his knee right in the middle, or arch himself to separate his member from her creamy breasts. But it was useless. She didn´t even notice him trying to pull away, she was way stronger than him.

After a moment, he gave up. She was way too big and too strong. He resigned on allowing her to do as she pleased. But if she didn’t like the fact that the guy next door had an erection while she hugged him, the he´ll be in trouble.

Lucky for him, she didn´t care. She knew since the very beginning that he desired her body. And she was ok with that. Now, the only thing she cared for was to have him in her arms. Love him, care for him, protect him.

“Jonathan, honey… you´ve gotten too small…” she said from above. He swallowed as she kept talking.

“I mean, look at us… I know I´m a tall lady,” tall lady didn´t even began to describe the way he looked up at the gigantic woman, for him, she was as tall as a building. “But you look so small sweetheart.” He knew it, she didn´t need to remind him of it.

“I bet there´s a lot of things a man like you can no longer do, isn´t it?” she asked.

That kind of hurt, of course, there were millions of things he cannot do. But he had shrunk all the way to 2´8”, even counter tops were taller than him. He just replied in a sad way, “yes.”

“Aww, now, don´t feel bad dear. It´s ok, maybe, if you can´t do a lot of things now, perhaps, it´s time for you to look for someone to take care of you.” She declared.

“Wha… I mean, I can… you know, I don´t need someone to…” she cut him off.

“Shhh shhh, relax, it´s perfectly normal for a man to ask for help. You know, I´ve been really worried for you lately.”

“R-really?” he said looking up to her. She cared for him?

“Yes. I´ve seen how you, well, how you´ve gotten smaller and smaller. I´m worried dear, I bet you can no longer cook for yourself.” She was right. It was almost lunch time and his stomach was empty.

“Well…” he tried to speak, but she didn´t allow him. Not that she shut him, but she just talked over him.

“I know you´re alone, that you´ve got no family who can help you… but, so am I.” where was she going with all these?

Lillian had a plan since the very beginning. Ever since she gave him that milk, her milk. She had waited for this moment to happen. Now, was it the right time?

“You know Jonathan, I´m not a very busy woman, I would love to take care of you. And,” she said looking at him with loving eyes, “I wouldn´t mind if you stayed at my place.”

Jonathan was confused. Stay like, how? Moving in? She was kind and carrying, but also huge. Was he willing to move in with his gigantic neighbor?

Jonathan thought of it as a mere act of kindness. Someone helping a friend who was in need. But he was wrong. Beneath all that love an affection, there was a woman who once was broken. A woman who, surrounded by despair, fell in the wrong idea that she needed to be a mother. And what´s worse, she found a way, away from the norm.

Lillian didn´t want a man to be her boyfriend; which was what Jonathan thought. He had the idea she wanted to seduce him, like some single women her age. With her thick body and lusty looks, she was a total milf. But he was wrong, what she truly desired was a man who made her feel as the mother she never was.

“What do you think?” she said with bright eyes. Hoping for his answer.

“I… well, that´s really kind, but…” he didn´t want to give an answer, he needed time to think about it. Consider the good and bad aspects of that idea. Being pinned into her boobs made it really hard, so, he made another question.

“BUT, right now… I need a favor, I mean, I don´t want to sound rude or anything, but there´s something I… well, not me, someone else, Melissa, yes, she needs to, uhm, if it´s not much asking, can we, well she, I… can you lend me some clothes for her?” he said, in a very rushed and nervous way.

Lillian was confused. She knew Melissa was the girl form the other day, but wasn´t she like… 5´7”? What if… definitely. If that woman drank from her milk too, and she had the same effect as her, then, she may as well be 6´3” or a little more. Lillian had no idea how the milk worked, in terms of height. Inches more inches less, she ignored the whole thing.

“So… Melissa… your, ehm, friend from the other day, right?” said Lillian with a harsh tone. Apparently, Jonathan had said something she quite didn´t like. And it was a woman who may stand in between Jonathan and her. For now, she´ll play it cool.

“Yes, that´s her…” he replied, he noticed her sudden change on attitude, maybe she didn´t like to share her clothes? That wasn´t it, but he ignored Lillian´s plans.

“Sure, I can lend her something… let me just…” then she walked into the living room and lowered Jonathan to the couch. He could feel her bosom falling over him as she kneeled. He was about to be smother by an avalanche of boobs. But they didn’t hang quite much. He just stared at them as she rose back up.

“So, ehm, is this Melissa… taller?” she asked trying to pretend she wasn´t sure. “I mean, why would she want to borrow some of my clothes if she´s… not tall.” She was bad at saying things out of nowhere.

She had planned everything from the very beginning, even what to say, but that was in Jonathan´s case. She would not be able to pretend she´s not aware of the sudden growth on her or if Melissa grew too.

But Jonathan was not suspicious. Well, he was on the milk, but he had no idea where it came from.

“She´s… yes, she´s taller. I think, as tall as you? Well, no as tall as… you, ehm, did you… I know I´m shrinking but, have you like… grown?” he asked.

Lillian´s eyes opened widely, part of her panicked. So far, he hadn´t question anything. She figured out it´ll be him just thinking he had shrunk again. But if this other girl Melissa grew too, there was no way to hide it. Still, she could pretend as if she wasn´t aware of it.

“Oh, so you noticed too… thank God, I thought I was beginning to imagine things,” she lied, “At first, well, I thought, “Lillian, you´re putting on weight…” none of my clothes fit, so I figured out I should stop eating so much, then…” she was making up things, “I noticed something strange, my clothes were not only small, but short too. As if, oh my how silly, as if I had grown.”

Jonathan´s heart started beating hard inside his chest. Of course he knew she was taller, he could tell by the way everything looked around her. But, for some reason, listening to her saying it, it kind of made his member tingle. Why was he so turned-on by hearing a woman said she had grown? Was it because her boobs were bigger? Or her ass? There was something on augmented women´s bodies that just made him quake.

“But,” she continued, “given the fact that you´ve been thru the same, ehm, height changes, I bet you can tell there´s something wrong.” She said.

“I, well Melissa and I thought the same thing.” He said coming back to his full senses, still, talking about Melissa did bother Lillian, “We believe it´s… it may sound crazy but, there must be something going on with the milk.” He declared.

“Fuck!” Lillian thought, “They know! Do they? Are they sure?” she wasn´t sure if they could quite confirm that for a fact, so she lied again. “The milk?” she asked, playing the fool role.

“YES, she´s… well, you´ve also drank from it the other day right? Well, you´ve drank from it for a while now, haven´t you?” Jonathan wasn´t sure. She said she has since a few years, but, what if she was a petit woman before, maybe around 5’3” or something, and the constant drinking on the milk had turned her into, well, a giantess.

“Oh no, time to cut him off” Lillian thought, if she didn´t stop him, then he´ll find out, and she didn´t want that, not right now. “Well, maybe, you know what… why don´t we give this a bit more thought, but later, let me… let me just grab some clothes for your friend. I´ll be right back on a sec, ok?” and she left.

She rushed, trying to escape from his questions. At the same time, her majestic flesh did nothing but sway and bounce over her curvaceous body. He could even listen to the heavy foot steps of her. She was big, heavy, and sexy. He was sure that no other woman will carry that weight the same way she did. Also, he wasn´t sure if he´ll ever see a woman so tall.

Jonathan just waited on the living room, right where she left him. Meanwhile, Lillian was searching for some of her, now, non-fitting clothes. She was mad, enraged. He was about to discover the whole thing, and all thanks to that Melissa. Lillian was sure that, even if she did grow, she´ll be able to pretend that he´s the one who was shrinking. But if he knew another woman who also, and she wondered why, drank from her milk, then there was no point on faking it.

But she needed to settle down. She wanted Jonathan to see her as the sweet carrying neighbor, else, how was he supposed to fall in her arms looking for help. Her plan could still work, it wasn´t as if they knew where the milk came from… also, there was something going on, in her boobs.

“Oh no.” she said as she noticed a stain on her top. Apparently, being so close to Jonathan did one thing, make her lactate. She didn´t notice but, her breasts were filling with milk, and now, it was starting to come out.

“The pump, no… he´ll listen… then…” she had the idea that if he found her pumping the milk out of her, then he´ll be even more suspicious, but he wouldn´t be able to link her milking breasts with the milk from the gallon. But why giving him more clues. She figured that if she milked herself using her hands, then she can pretend she´s just using the bathroom.

It wasn´t such a bad idea. She stepped inside her room´s bathroom and locked the door. Then, she lose her top, she wasn´t wearing any bra beneath it, so it was easier to let her breasts free. She stood above the sink, towering way above the mirror, she couldn´t even see her face anymore. Using her fingers, she began to pinch the milk out.

It seemed as a waste of milk, but she was in a hurry, she kept going, pinching her nipples with her long thick fingers until all the milk came out. It wasn´t easy. Her gargantuan breasts carried a lot of milk in them. Plenty of milk that soon will be all Jonathan´s.

Besides, she couldn´t deny the pleasure it gave her. She felt quivers of lust flowing thru her spine as she kept going. One pinch at a time, letting the milk flow out of her boobs. She used both hands to empty both breasts at the same time, otherwise, she´ll take longer.

She even let soft moans as she did. Her knees trembled a little. She was used to the pump, but this felt so much different, so natural. She wondered, how will it feel to have Jonathan´s mouth sucking on them. For that, she still needed to wait a little more.

She could´ve made Jonathan suck on them, but he needed to ask for it. She couldn´t force him, if she did, then the plan will be useless. She could´ve forced him into it a long time ago, but she didn´t want that, aside of having him for her own, she wanted something else. A bond. Have him depend on her, beg for her, she wanted him to know that he was hers and only hers.

She didn´t want that other girl to step in the middle, so as soon as that Melissa leaves, she´ll pay him a small visit.