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So, I know I said I was supposed to publish this, my newest short term, by June... but, I had some extra free time this week so, here it is ;D

I made some slight changes from the ones I mentioned on my poll, but it´s mainly on the way our main character requested the date, I thought it´ll be sort of funnier this way idk.

The mainidea is this:

Bored and with nothing else in mind, he decides to check on the internet for “something” to do.  As he´s watching some... video, he ends up requesting a “date” with a random woman thru an announcement that popped out on his screen. After a while, someone knocks on the door, it´s a woman, but she´s as tall as the door frame; and she´s ready to do with him whatever either of them can have in mind.

She also comes with a special treat, some small bottles, they contain a very unfamiliar liquid. He´s confused, but her advice is that it will make things better.

So, here´s the first out of four chapters. I really hope you like this intro to the story. Also, if you have any feedback I´d appreciate it.

The sun has settled down a long time ago. Now, the night sky´s shining with bright stars. Time for people to get dinner, enjoy their free time away form work, or maybe, just fool around at their houses.

Inside a not so big apartment, there was a man, a man who had spent 10 hours working, and who was tired of that. But he had no better things to do. Right now, he was just sitting on the couch. Bored.

It was Tuesday, so there wasn´t much to do. He had removed his working clothes and changed into something more comfortable. He was tired of watching TV, and he had nothing else to do, asides of cooking dinner.

But he felt kind of annoyed by that idea. “Let´s order something…” he thought.

The second he pulled out his phone, another idea crossed his mind. As he unlocked his device, he wondered, “What if… we do something else instead…” and so, he started searching for some videos.

Our guy here´s about 28 years old. Single, with a non-outstanding complexion, and about 5´9”. He´s got nothing going on right now. His main entertainment on a boring moment like this was, well, in this particular case, his brain and body were trying to find a way out of boredoms thru… a certain type of stimulation.

He searched for the words and then clicked on the link. What he wanted was to see some action. And since he wasn´t getting any, maybe a video will help. He clicked on the one with the woman that had the roundest breasts and just waited for it to load.

This wasn´t his main type of entertainment, neither a vicious. He was just sitting in the intimacy of his apartment, trying to get some satisfaction, he may as well check some things out. Nothing better to check than the boobs of the woman on the video.

He was enjoying the tease the woman on the screen gave him, so he just sneaked his hand on his pants and began rubbing his member. Forcing and loosing his grip on it as he pumped it to full mast. You could see the lust on his face as he desired more and more.

Besides, what type of things was he into? Well, this particular video contains tags of boobs, butt, tease, and also tall. That´s right, he liked tall girls. He wasn´t sure why, but maybe if the woman was taller, then her boobs will be bigger and her butt wider. He ignored the real reasons, but hearing that a woman´s as tall as 6´3” send quivers thru his spine.

He was enjoying the moment, then, something happened. An advertisement popped up on the screen. “SSsshit.” He declared as he attempted to click on it to close it. But, somehow, he missed and was now redirected to that other page.

He tried to close it, get back to the previous page, but he couldn´t, for some reason, his phone froze. The screen was doing nothing as he desperately tried to close the damn thing. “Shit, again?!” he spoke.

Apparently, this had happened before, but why wouldn´t it. He had had the same phone during the last five years. He knew it was time to change it, but he didn’t want to redownload everything he had, so he postponed that for a while. Something he was currently regretting.

“Ok Stewart, tomorrow, you´ll get a new phone that doesn´t fucking freeze!” he thought as he clicked on his screen a dozen times, attempting that the phone did something. But nothing happened. He could feel some vibrations on the phone, but the screen was clearly the same. Besides, what was the advertisement about?

He was too focused on the woman´s lusty nipples and bare breasts to notice anything else. That´s one of the reasons why he failed on closing the damn thing.

Finally, after a while, the phone began to work. He felt relieved, he was about to restart it and start over. But, when he tried to go back, he saw something. Another small window that popped up. He read it, and it said:

“Thank you for using our page! Your date will be at your place in just a few minutes.”

“The fuck!” he said, “What date? And who´s using your page?” What had he done?

While he believed the phone was frozen, it turns out that only the image on the screen was. His phone was too slow to display what was truly happening. Apparently, all the clicks he gave had done one thing, get him a date, or so said the page.

“Let´s see, what´s this page about?” if he was having a date, then he may as well cancel it, or erase the request or something. But even if he did, apparently, the other person already had his address. “Stupid location, why is it even activated?” he complaint.

He didn´t believe it at first, maybe it was one of those announcements that said things just to fool you or trick you to get your money. But, Stewart was curious.

He read thru the whole page, apparently the name was “big company” and not because it was a big company´s page, but because of what it was for. The main idea there was to establish encounters between people, but not any encounter. It seems that the page was made to find a woman of, larger proportions, speaking of height.

He swallowed when he read it. It seems that the site was designed to allow people to “date” tall women. Part of him started sweating with arousal. “But there´s no way…” he thought, having the idea that the woman will be from another state, or country, but he was wrong.

Apparently, they used his location to find women near him. He sighed at it. That woman who was coming was someone on his own town. “Isn´t there… wasn´t I supposed to create a profile first?” he questioned.

It seems that, it isn´t necessary. The tall women will be the one´s who have a profile created on the page. What he didn´t notice was that he clicked on the profiles and apparently selected one. Lucky him. After that, he sent a request and the page automatically accepted it and sent it to the woman he chose.

“Oh crap, and who… well, who am I supposed to expect?” he wasn´t sure, but why should he question the way things had come up. Maybe it was the universe giving him something else to do, something big.

He scrolled thru the women´s profiles, the picture they had was mainly on their faces. He found most of them very pretty. Still, what caught his attention the most were their heights. 6´3” said the first one, then 6´5”… 6´2”… 6´7”… he was perplexed.

All the women here were over six feet tall, plus, what if they wore heels? He wondered, was it a real thing or just some kind of roleplay? Neither of them seemed that tall in the picture. Maybe once they meet in real life… but, who did he chose?

He tried to make sure who will be the woman who´ll pay him a… visit. He made sure to be located on the section of women near his area. And he thought he was, so he started looking for someone who had a certain tag. Like a banner that said “your date” or something, anything.

He found himself tired of searching. There were dozens of profiles there. He wasn´t sure he had even seen so much taller women around. He kept questioning if this thing was for real or if they´ll come to whack him and take his money.

He just closed the page and threw his phone to the side. He rubbed his eyes as he tried to imagine how would it be to face a woman whose lips are at tall as his forehead. If things were right, then he´ll be looking way up at the amazonic woman who´ll knock on his door.

“What if she´s wearing heels? Or… how big are her boobs?” The height thing was a bonus, what he was really into were boobs, butts, woman´s features of gargantuan proportions. He could already visualize himself attempting to grab a tit using both hands.

But, was the page meant for that? Was it a sex encounter page or a regular dating page? He wasn´t sure, and given the fact that whoever woman comes up will be way taller than him, it´ll be better to allow her to set things first.

He just laid back on the couch and waited for his faith to be decide. “Who was she? How did she look? Will she be kind or kinky?” He had a ton of questions, starting with the name. What´s more, did she even knew his name? He lived on an apartment unit, will she know which apartment is it or… “Well, maybe if she doesn´t find me, it´ll be for good.” At least that´s how he saw things.

Time went by, an hour had already passed and there were no signs of this lady. Perhaps, the site wasn´t a real thing, or it just sent him a fake alert. But he wanted to meet this woman. He was already into the idea of having a big date.

As he lost his hope on this date, he resigned on ordering something. His stomach was empty. Now, it was time for a gool dinner. He grabbed his phone and searched for something to eat. Then, someone knocked on the door.


Stewart was surprised, was it? Could it be? He was in disbelief and at the same time excited. He peered thru the door´s peephole and found no face but a huge rack. His eyes widened in shock. There they were, a large pair of boobs leveled with the door´s peephole.

“YES” he yelled inside his mind. She was tall, definitely. He wasted no more time and opened the door. Once he did, it revealed a woman, a tall majestic woman.

Her head was above the door´s frame, maybe by a good two inches. Her breasts were round and big and her hair was blonde. She set her big green eyes on him and, with a smile she said: “Hello… I´m Stacy, I´m looking for my date?” she spoke.

He was amazed by her, so tall, so pretty so… big. She seemed to be around his age. Also, he couldn´t let her know he was luring at her breasts, so he tried his best to ignore them as he answered her question, “H-hi there…” he started, looking up at the enormous woman.

His face was level with her boobs. The top of his head didn´t even reach her broad shoulders. “I´m… I… are you, uhm, the girl from the… from the site?” he asked, trying to confirm everything. But who else could she be? There were literally no chances that a woman her height will come to his apartment looking for someone who wasn´t him.

“Oh, so you´re the guy who forgot to put the apartment number on his address?” she said, placing one hand on her hip and looking at him with a more serious look.

“I… well, I… I apologize to that, but… it´s because, maybe… uhm, the site sent the request by mistake?” he answered, looking up at the slightly pissed woman.

“Mistake? Haha, for real?” she smiled. “I don´t know how many time´s I´ve send them emails saying that the site sends the requests without a confirmation, I mean, can´t they at least put a window that says “are you sure?” heh. Ok, but you wouldn´t let this poor lady return to her place without a date, would ya´?” she said, shifting her look to a more tender one.

Stewart swallowed, so far, he ignored the real reasons for this “date”, maybe it was just casual sex encounters, or a page for people to explore their kinks. However, this woman… Stacy, seemed eager to step in. She was looming at him from above, waiting for his answer.

“No.” he said, “you can, I mean, would you like to come in?” he stepped to the side of the door giving her some space to walk.

“Well, what a gentleman. I sure will, thank you.” And so, she stepped in.

She walked passed him, he could only feel how her immense presence eclipsed the light from the ceiling. A big shadow was casted over him as she passed in front of him. Then, she kept walking, and that´s when he could lure at her.

Since he was now looking at her back, he could as well glance at her ass and check out her full body. She wasn´t only tall, but she also had a long pair of thick legs and a round peachy butt. His mouth watered as her cheeks swayed from one side to another in a sensuous display.

Looking down, he realized she was wearing heels, around four inches if he wasn´t wrong. It made her around 7´1” or so, which means that without them she was… 6´9”!

He swallowed as he blushed a little. If he was right, then this woman was a foot taller than him on her bare feet. He couldn´t take it, his member began to tingle on his pants. But he couldn´t allow himself to move into the action so fast. He wasn´t sure how things worked.

What he knew was that she was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a really tight top. Still, he was sure that both of his legs will fit inside one of her pants legs. She was so tall, even if she wasn´t fat, her limbs were big enough to be way thicker than his. Even her slim-like waist will be wider than his. Even if it seemed proportionally thin on her.

“So, what´s your name?” asked Stacy as she turned back at him.

“Oh, sorry, I´m Stewart… nice to meet you.” He spoke.

“Mmm, well, Stu, it´s nice to meet you too.” She added.

They both stood looking at each other for what seemed longer than needed. Stacy had a smile on her face while he tried hard to maintain his. He had questions, a lot. Was he supposed to invite her some dinner? Or sit on the couch next to her? Maybe, she was waiting for him to guide her to his bedroom? He was so confused.

“Haha,” she giggled. “Well, it seems like the cat´s got your tongue, are you nervous?” she asked.

“Well, I… I´m not nervous but… just a little confused.” He declared.

“Why? I guess this is your first date using the site, right?” he nodded, “Ok, well let´s just say I´ve got a little more experience on it… let me break down things for you, ok?” she said as she sat on the couch.

He couldn´t believe how much space her big butt took on his now punny-looking couch. “First, this is a completely platonic date, you don´t have to fall in love with me… even if you can´t help it.” She winked at him.

“Second, no, we´re not supposed to go somewhere else, or order food or play some movies, again, this is not supposed to be so romantic or well ahead planned. I think that this place will be fine.” He was kind of thankful for that.

“And third, well, I think that the site came up on your phone for one reason, and by the way you´ve been staring at how big I am, there´s just no way you´re not into taller women, am I right?” she asked.

“Y-yes… you are.” He said, why would he lie, if he wanted to lie, then he would´ve said to her that he ignored who she was since the moment he opened the door. But he wanted to know how far will this go.

“Ok then… I think things are clear enough now.” She said.

“They are?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said as she stood up again and walked towards him. He craned his neck as she was standing, enjoying the moment. And, as she walked towards him, she just seemed bigger and bigger, standing over a foot taller than him. She was so, imposing. She continued, “So, I bet you´re turned on just by having to crane your neck so much to look at me.” He nodded.

“Do you like it? Having to look up to such a tall woman?” he nodded again.

“Do you like how big my boobs are? My butt, have you seen how round it is?” he just kept nodding at her, she was the woman of his dreams, if he´s had any before.

“I bet you feel so small next to me, but that ok, right now, I´m here to please you… I won´t be rough unless you want me to.” She declared. Stewart just swallowed.

He couldn´t believe this was real, that it was actually happening. Still, he had some questions, so he asked: “S-so, what are we going to do?”

“Well, whatever you like honey, you´re the one who requested… well, heh, even if it was by mistake but, you tell me what do you want and we can work on that. Besides, since you´re into taller women, I´ve got a special treat for you.” She winked.

Was he listening correctly? She said he was the one in control? He could decide what to do? Was this some sort of dream? Or will this be expensive as fuck? Was she hired? He still had some real questions, but he´ll let them aside for a while.

“I, uhm, what type of treat?” he asked.

“I´m happy you asked.” And just like that, she pulled two bottles from her purse. Silly him, he didn´t notice the purse before, but what will he use that for? His main attention was on the two containers she had.

“Ok so, these,” and she picked up the jars at full display, “are special serums. I found them online a while ago, and… I´m happy to tell you that, they work!” he nodded but wasn´t sure where she was going.

“Well, of course you haven´t seen them, so, I´ll explain you. I know you like tall women, and that you´re… well, average height.” She said as she tried to measure him with her eyes.

“So, these two bottles right here, are for you and me. Have you ever wondered how it´ll feel to be smaller? Or maybe, how will it be to see a woman grow in real life?” she questioned.

“Uhm, no, not quite.” He answered.

“Well, would you like that?” she added.

“Would I? Like, are those supposed to…”

“Yes. This pink bottle´s for me and the blue one´s for you.” And she handed the bottle with the blue liquid to him.

He grabbed it, but he really wasn´t sure what to do.

“Ok now, if you´d like things to get… more exciting, then, we must drink from this bottles. Trust me, it´s totally safe and… well, there´s no side effects or anything. After a while, the effects will, vanish” She lied, there was one slight side effect, but he didn´t need to know.

Stewart had his doubts. What if this was some sort of drug that´ll knock him down for her to steal everything? Should he trust her? She seemed nice, but, isn´t that how all people look before they scam you? What to do, what to do?

She knew he was not going to go for it, unless she gave him a little kick. “If you want, we can let those on the side, I mean, I´m already taller than you, and by a good deal. There´s no need to use these… unless you´d like to see bigger boobs.” She spoke.

His eyes grew larger, could it be? Were her words true? He started giving it some real thought, and he concluded, what if he drinks it? What´s the worse that can happen?

Stewart opened the bottle and so did she. She was excited, she´s done this and every time it turns her on more and more. Not because of seeing him shrink, but by the feeling of dominance it gives her. Besides, growing felt so good.

“Ok, at the count of three, we both drink, ok?” she spoke.

“One…” This was really happening.

“Two…” He couldn´t believe it, even if it was fake, it felt so exciting.}

“THEE!” then, they both drank the whole content of the bottles. Each swallowed the thick fluid as they struggled to accept their bitter taste. But no one said it´ll taste good. At least, it wasn´t poison.

“Ok now,” declared Stacey, “Before these kicks in, why don´t we lead things to your room?” At least, sex was on the table.


CW Moss

Amazing story. My overall favorite!


Thank you! Hopefully, there will be more stories like this one in the future ;D


No worries! These stories are worth the wait😎