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New chapter, I hope you like it :D

Mike stood on the basement/laundry room. Waiting for the last load to come out and then, he would finish. It took him all morning, but he had to do it, it was mostly his only duty around the house.

Each of the girls had a different basket. He filled each with their respective clothes and then just left it all inside their rooms. He could smell the different scent each had whenever he entered their rooms.

He wondered if it was kind of creepy. But why would it be, he was just smelling their perfumes. He particularly liked Diana´s room, it smelled sweet. She had some perfume that smelled like vanilla or marshmallows.

The other girl´s room smell good too. Tessa´s room smell like cinnamon. Abby´s room smelled like lavender. And Kate´s room smell like… well, still like his grandma´s perfume. He couldn´t help but to feel a little down when he entered. The room where he could find his grandma now owned by someone else. Beatrice was gone, and he had to accept it.

As he left the last load in Kate´s room, he couldn´t help but to remember that one day when he came in. And instead of giving his grandma a regular morning greeting. He found her gone.

It was a regular morning, as every other Monday morning. Almost two years ago. Mike felt weird by the fact that his grandma wasn´t on the kitchen yet. He walked all the way up into her room. She was there, sleeping he thought. But when he approached, he noticed she wasn´t. He tried to wake her up, thinking she was still too tired, but eventually, he noticed she will not wake up. Ever.

His lip trembled. Tears began to flow thru his face as he realized what was truly happening.

He wasn´t sure how, but somehow, he called an ambulance and in a matter of what seemed seconds, he was at the hospital. Waiting on a bench in the hall.

He was twenty-one back then. He already knew what had to do. But he never thought he´ll do it. He was prepared for this; at the same time, he wasn´t ready for it. He stood there, sitting in silence with his face covered in tears. He had been living with his grandma almost his whole life. But he never thought this day will come. It was so sudden. So unexpected. He never saw it coming. Still, his grandma Beatrice had, and she had prepared everything for this day.

“Mike!” yelled someone from the other end of the hall. He just turned to where the voice was coming. It was Kate.

Beatrice knew they didn´t have any other relatives, at least close ones. The two of them were the only family each other had. That´s why, she decided to set Kate as her emergency contact. But that wasn´t it.

“Mike, Oh I… I´m so sorry…” she said as she bent and hugged him tight to her. She had a couple tears on her face, but mainly because of the impact she knew this will have in him. Looking at his face all red and covered in sorrow only made her want to cry harder.

He instinctively hugged her too, and began to sob. She just tried to appease him with constant shushing sounds. She was caressing his back.

Mike felt slightly better while he was in the embrace of the gigantic woman. We must remember that Kate stood at 6´3”, plus the two inch boost her heels gave her. She was over twice as tall as Mike. Now, when he felt the most vulnerable, he felt safe. Protected.

Then, a doctor called Kate. It seemed that he had some news to give. She stood up and left Mike back alone in his seat. He wondered. Is this how things will be from now on? Was everyone just going to walk away from him? He was legally an adult. They could as well put him inside a cab or a bus and set him back home. But he wasn´t ready for it. He had learned nothing on how to live on his own. He felt very vulnerable at this moment.

After a long talk with the doctor, who explained to her that Beatrice had passed away because due to natural causes. He gave her some other news. Something not even she saw coming. He hand her some papers so that she could see for herself. Her eyebrows rose as she read the words on her own.

She turned at Mike, who was looking at the floor with sad teary eyes. She felt really sorry for him. But now, it was up to her to bring happiness back to him. After all, the papers said one thing, from now on, she´ll be his legal tutor.

It was very uncommon for a man his age to still need a tutor. But Beatrice had made her point, after all, he was not taller than 3´. She made some calls, hired some lawyers and voila, she had everything set for Mike. Ready for this tragic moment.

Kate chose not to say a thing about it as she walked towards him. The only thing she said was that it was time to leave. Mike protested at first, he didn´t want to leave his grandma, but now, there was nothing he could do.

Kate drove Mike home and walked in with him. She could almost feel the sorrow that had now fallen over him. She looked at him from high above just to notice that his gaze had never left the ground.

She couldn´t lie, all this felt strange. Besides, why was she his legal tutor now? Out of a sudden, she was in charge of him, but why? According to the paper the doctor gave her, she´ll receive more information once she reads her last will.

Part of her didn´t like the idea. She was a busy woman. On the other hand, for some reason, whenever she turned at Mike, her heart melt with tenderness. Now, due to the unexpected events, she just couldn´t feel the same way. When she saw his down casted face, she just felt sad.

She needed to tell him. Explain him how things will be from now on, but she just felt her heart churn as she turned to close the door behind them. But when she turned, she just couldn´t hide it anymore.

The second she turned back, there he was, looking up to her with teary eyes. He just said: “Kate… what´s going to happen to me now? Am I… will I be… left alone?”

A tear fell from her cheek as she heard his words. But she let out a small smirk, still with a sad look on her eyes. She needed to comfort him. If what she read was true, then she´ll be the one to look after him from now on. She bent and as she placed her hand on his head she said: “I-I´m… going to take care of you Mike, from now on, ok? I promise you I won´t leave you alone…”

He smiled. He was thankful to have a friend in the world. He just let his body act on his own and hugged her. He hugged her immense body in between his arms. She liked it, it felt so warm, so… good. She couldn´t help but to think that she´ll be his everything now.

She knew it, it was now or never. So she spoke. When she said she won´t leave him alone, he thought it was Kate just being a carrying person, then, she revealed the truth. Mike´s heart stopped for a moment.

He just stood there, looking up at Kate, the woman who had just become his legal tutor. He felt nothing for a moment. Then, it all hit him. How? Why? He had known her from a few years back. She was always happy to see him. Eager to help. Never, he thought he´ll be left in her care. His main question was, why her?

He said nothing as they both stayed on, well, now it was Mike´s house. That was for sure. She stayed in her grandma´s room and he stayed on his own. Kate made a few calls and somehow got the rest of the week off. That way, she´ll be able to see what will be her duties from now on.

Mike was inside his room, covered by the dark shadows of the night, the sorrow was beginning to go away. Now, he was curious. “So… is this like… the way things will be from now on? For real, Kate will be my guardian? And, what´s a guardian supposed to do?” he was confused.

Even in between all this sadness and confusion, his brain was still the one of a young man. He escaped from these thoughts in the only way a man like him will. Luscious thoughts.

“Well… she didn´t have any luggage with her… is she like… sleeping in her underwear?” it made him feel excited. He was trying to imagine Kate stripping out of her working clothes. Dropping them on the floor and revealing her sensuous body. Kate was tall, for him, a giantess. He wondered how big her butt will be. How long her bare legs will look. Even, how truly impressive her enormous boobs will seem only covered by lingerie. He swallowed hard as thrills flew thru his spine.

If this was true, then, he´ll share the house not only with a woman, but a gigantic, sexy woman. He began to look at the bright side of this. Thanking his grandma, wherever she was.

Now, it was early morning for them, well, for him, it was around seven am, and Kate had already woken him up. He wasn´t used to it. He figured out she´ll let him be until nine or so, the usual time he wakes up. But she had other plans in mind.

She said they´ll have a busy day, they´ll have to visit the lawyer to know his grandma´s last will. And, confirm if she´ll be in charge of him. She was confused, still excited. She had always been a care taker, now, she could take care of someone. And that someone will be a little man. She liked it. A man, to whom she could talk, still, small enough to be carried in her arms.

Kate was a serious person, always professional, but around him. She felt an utter urge to surround him with her affection. He seemed small and defenseless. And she had some natural instincts that yelled at her that she should look for him. And that´s exactly what his grandma sensed on her. For an older woman like Beatrice, it was just like reading a book. She read it all in the papers that Beatrice left for her.

Just two days went by, now, it was time for a reunion. One to celebrate Beatrice´s life. Mike had forgotten about it, but it was something nice that Kate did. Besides, Beatrice had left a note with all of the people she´d liked to be there.

Now, there they were. A bunch of people who Mike didn´t knew or had seen just once. He figured out Kate will be his main company on this day, but she wasn´t. She was too busy taking care of everything. Coming and going. He felt lone, until.

“Mike… I´m sorry.” Then, a pair of hands grabbed him by the shoulders and turned his attention towards her. It was Abby. Finally, someone he knew. He smiled.

“I… Abby, I´m… glad you could make it.” He spoke.

“Well,” she smiled, then she bent and with a serious look on her face, she added. “I´m glad too, but you know, you could´ve told me before… I live only a house away from you…” of course. And he also had her phone number written. He swallowed.

“S-sorry” he said feeling embarrassed towards the towering woman who was now a little mad at him.

“It´s… it´s ok, I mean, I´m not here to nag you, I was just sayin’… so, how have you been? Are you feeling better?” she asked.

He chatted with her for a while.  Expressing his sorrow to her. He felt sad. But mostly, because he wasn´t ready, for nothing. He was a twenty-one-year-old man who knew nothing about taking care of himself. He was thankful that Kate was set as his guardian, or else…

“Else what Mike?” Abby asked.

“I… well…” he just blinked up at her.

“What if she said no? what if she declined and decided not to take care of you? You´re a man, and she´s a busy woman, have you thought about it? She has a life.” She spoke.

Mike just swallowed hard as her words hit him right where it hurt. It was true. She did not have to say yes. Was he selfish for having her look for him? The last few days had been sad but, easy. He never did much around the house. But what if things had happened in a different way?

He ignored how to pay the bills. Where to pay them. In fact, he didn´t even know how to cook. If it wasn´t for Kate, he´ll be dead by now. Or eating dirt.

Her words hit him, hard. He needed to be more independent. Be a man on his own. What if Kate decides to leave just like that? What if she gets tired of him? He needed to be prepared for anything. The only question was, how?

He gave it very little thought when he heard another woman. Unlike Abby, she ran right over him and lift him right off the ground.

“MIKE! I´m so sorry!” said Diana, who was… crying?

Abby just looked at the 5´11” woman who out of nowhere rose Mike off the ground, he felt embarrassed for the unnecessary show of affection. But he had to remember, each person deals with death in a different way. Still, wasn´t Diana exaggerating a little?

“Diana I… it´s ok you know…” he spoke.

“No Mike, it´s not ok. You´ve told me before, your grandma was the only family you had, now, you´re here, alone… poor little thing…” she spoke as she then smothered him in between her boobs. Diana had a huge rack. So big and so soft. Mike just forgot about everything and let her do what she wanted. As long as he was in between her breasts, he´ll be fine.

Maybe Diana was exaggerating things a little. It was ok if she felt sad for him. But he wasn´t as frail as she thought. He was a man, an adult; even if his head didn´t reach her navel, he could deal with this kind of things.

“Ok… Diana… you can put him down now; I think he can´t breathe.” Declared Abby looking at the smothered man.

“Oh, sorry *giggle* I´ll put him down.” Mike didn´t care. He could´ve stayed there all day, maybe he´ll find another way to breathe.

Diana just placed him right in the middle of both. And now, he really felt small. Neither of them was wearing heels, still he had to crane his neck all the way up just to look at the underside of her boobs. Abby wasn´t so… voluptuous, but Diana, he couldn´t see her face past the enormous breasts in which he had been smother just a minute ago.

They were his friends, still, he could see how different they were. The first thing Abby said was to point out the fact that a man his age should´ve taken care of all, not just lay around like he did. Meanwhile, as soon as Diana spotted him, she tried to console him as if he was… well, he wasn´t sure how, but she seemed very affectionate.

Even on the way they dressed. Abby wore tight jeans and a black top. And Diana was wearing a navy-blue dress with some white flowers on it, fancy. They were different, still, both cared for him, and he appreciated that.

He wandered alone as both girls spoke in between them. Then, he encountered his therapist, Martha. He greeted her, but then he found out who came with her. Tessa. The bottom-heavy clothes lady. He was speechless. He swallowed as he glanced at her thick thighs, that were as tall as his shoulders.

“I´m so sorry for your loss,” said Tessa. Mike just thanked her as he tried not to be caught luring at her majestic flesh.

His therapist explained to him that it was something natural in life. The people you met, even your family won´t be here forever. Much more when they´re older.

Mike chose to remember those words. She also advised him that she´ll be there in case he needs anything, and so said Tessa. He thanked them both.

Tessa felt deeply sorry for him. His grandma was always looking for a couple for him. She wondered, was she aware that something like this could happen? Maybe she was searching for someone to look for him after she´s gone. She knew those thoughts should be kept for her own. Still, as she turned at Kate, she knew that maybe she wasn´t so wrong.

After a long evening. Everyone left. It was hard for him to believe how many people his grandma knew. Everyone expressed their condolences to him. Everyone was kind, except for one person. She said her name was Marissa, a woman in her 50´s who stood at 5’10” in heels; and well, overall said she was his grandma´s right hand. She told him, with a lot of emphasis, that she has been taking care of the company for a long time. Even if his grandma has been sort of retired. She could take care of the company successfully.

He wasn´t sure what she meant. But she made sure to tell him that she´ll be the new leader of the company. And she had made sure about it. According to Beatrice´s will, Marissa was the new head of the company. Still, her percentage, of actions and even the power to decide whether a change will be made was now Mike´s. He swallowed with her last words.

“I know you´re…a little ignorant on how decisions are made and how to lead a company, so let me tell you this; You´ll receive your money, all of what corresponds you, BUT, I´ll be the one making the decisions, ok? Little one?” she said as she pinched his cheek and then left.

He swallowed, he was confused, still, who was she? He had never seen her before, yet, she seemed to know him. She didn´t seem as much of a problem, for now.

She walked away. Still with some confusion, he turned and as she left, he thought: “Well, she´s got a nice big butt…” the walked away.

Abby was leaving too, she stopped next to him and, from above she said: “Listen, I´ll be here for another couple of months… I´m not sure where I´ll be next, but, while I´m still here, you can count on me, ok? If you need anything, you´ve got my number.” And she left.

He kept walking and spotted Kate cleaning. She smiled at him and he decided to help. After all, it was his house now. And hers too… in a way. She was supposed to move in with him in the next few days, officially. He wasn´t sure, but, in a week, even less, his life had changed so much. Now, he had a goal in life, become an independent man. That´s the least he can do for his grandma.

“Let me help you…” said Diana, she was still there. She seemed happy to help. He just smiled back and let her be.

Mike was thankful back then. Even if he had no more family, he knew he wasn´t alone.

Now, back to the present. As he walked down the stairs, he could see the front door getting open. It was Diana, back from work. “Hi there!” she spoke as she greeted Mike.

“HI” he waved back at her.

“Ok, so, who´s ready for some lunch? I´m starving…” she added as she closed the door.

Mike just smiled. He was really happy to see her. As he walked down the stairs she open up her arms, waiting for him.

He knew it, she wanted a hug. He walked and hugged her tight.

“Awww, so cute… ok, now it´s time to get busy.” Then, she went straight to the kitchen. Her tits were bouncing as she walked all the way there.

He was thankful that everyone decided to move in with him. Still, he was a man, he couldn´t hide the fact that he´ll be luring at their bodies every now and then. Or most of the time. They were all so tall, so big, so hot. He could hardly avoid his member from bursting every time he saw their erotic bodies.

But he couldn’t be helped. A man living with four towering women, who on top of that were very hot. It had some consequences in him. Still, it was nice that they were all so attentive towards him. Specially Diana, who once stood… in a way, to Kate. But that´s something Mike doesn´t really likes to talk.


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