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Hope you like this chapter, now, it´s time for Sue and Matt to be alone ;D

Matt figured out Sue will be just a regular 71-year-old woman. But maybe his idea of a woman that age was wrong. Now, the only thing “old” thing he saw on her was the color of her hair. But she didn´t seem so old to him.

Besides, he was hypnotized by the way her boobs seemed to bounce whenever the car passed thru a bump. Her gargantuan flesh just bounced heavily as the car quaked. He couldn´t deny it, she was turning him on.

As the car kept moving towards another direction, away from his apartment, Matt felt the utter need to protest. But why would he? He had no job and plenty of time. He resigned on doing what this woman suggested. He could tell she wanted some action, and he was willing to give it to her. Overall, it was a date.

The car finally parked in front of a big fancy house. Matt was impressed. She was serious when she said she wanted to take things to her place.

“So, Matt, do you need any help getting off the car, should I help you down?” asked Sue, in a kind way.

“Oh, it´s ok, I can get down by myself.” Matt was already used to climbing off from gigantic woman´s things. Chairs, stairs, benches, everything designed for women. But how could he complaint when the height of an average woman it´s around three times the one of an average man. Even now, Sue could confirm that for a fact.

He hopped down, then joined her on the main entrance. He was looking straight at her as he walked. The closer he got, the more her enormous breasts eclipsed her face. Once he was a couple of feet away from her, he could see nothing but the underside of her boobs. How where they so big?

Sue opened the door and offer Matt a drink, water, soda, anything. But he declined her offer, he had been at the bar for a few hours now, he wasn´t drunk, but he wasn´t thirsty either.

Still, as they walked in, he could notice that Sue also had a firm pair of butt cheeks. Her hips seemed wide and her ass seemed firm. Woman aged gracefully.

He stood there, not knowing what to say or what to do. Suddenly, she bent and reached for him. She carried him in her arms and spoke:

“I know what you´re thinking honey, why are my boobs so big… let me tell you.” She said after noticing the obvious way he was looking at her chest, she continued,  “Men and women are different, for starters, any woman could carry a small man like you this way, but you´ll need dozens of men to even lift a woman… aging is sort of… the same.” He was confused, still, he paid close attention.

“In my opinion, and I don´t wanna sound rude, women are superior to men, physically speaking. We´re taller, stronger, and… we live longer.” She explained, he was feeling kind of annoyed, was she like his ex or something? Cause he felt as if he had already heard this speech.

While she kept talking, he could feel how she walked, heading towards another room. He felt concerned.

“Anyways, I´m losing my point here, our main topic will be… boobs. Now, yes, women age, but, we do so in a very different way form men. For starters, our skin remains smooth, our bodies maintain their shapes and… our breasts grow.” There´s when he focused all his attention on her words.

“Mmmm, so eager to know, I like it. Ok, let me explain you. First, this doesn´t happen to ALL women, but maybe… 80 percent? I know, it sounds like a lot.” Matt could feel how her bosom quaked as she walked. He already had a boner, and the more she moved, the more her breasts bounced.

Being in her arms, so close to her proved one thing, each breast must weight as much as he does. They were enormous. Heavy breasts he wanted to touch. He started salivating, and she could tell. As she continued talking, she opened her bedroom´s door. His time had come.

“The truth is, breasts never stop growing, at least not mine.” She declared making Matt´s blood flow straight to his dick. “The older the woman, the bigger the breasts, and you´re lucky honey, cause mine are firm… and perky.” She said as she gently placed him over her bed.

Sue was excited, of course, she only wanted him to satisfy her carnal desires, and he must know too. She took her blouse off, only to reveal a pair of round fleshy boobs. He could tell they were still growing; cause the bra she was wearing seemed at least two sizes smaller.

Matt could see Sue´s boob flesh spreading on the sides of her bra. He had never seen so much bare flesh before. Her bra was black, and it did too little to hide her hard nipples.

“Now,” she continued as Matt almost came on his pants. “With age comes experience, and I´ve found just the right way a man can make a woman feel ecstatic.” She approached to him. Her tits were trembling with each step.

“Boobs, more precisely, our nipples. If a man, like you dear, want to make a woman orgasm, then, you must aim for the nipples.” She said. Matt stood up over the bed, barely able to reach her boobs with his head.

“Mmmm, how eager, but I haven´t told you how… now, how do you think you´ll be able to satisfy me, dear?” she asked.

Matt swallowed hard, she said it already, he must aim for her… nipples. “Uhmm, sh-should I… pinch them?” he asked.

“No” she said with a sensuous tone.

“Well… maybe, rub them?” he said.

“Close, but that´s not it.” She had a lusty look on her face, together with the sudden question she made, he felt both horny and uneasy. He was getting anxious standing among this enormous woman.

“Ohh, dear, you have no idea right?” she said as she began to undo her bra. He could see how it fell to the ground and revealed her gigantic breasts. So large, so round, so smooth.

Her nipples were hard and pink. He had no idea what she wanted him to say, but his main desire was that she´ll allow him to touch those gigantic breasts.

“I´ll tell you,” she declared, “Come closer.” And so, he walked towards her, her breasts were hanging firmly right in front of him. He just walked closer, and closer, until she stopped him.

“Now, are you ready to know?” she asked. Matt nodded rapidly, craving for the answer.

“Ok… you´ll have to suck.” She said.

“Suck?” he asked.

“Yes honey, suck, use your mouth to suck on my hard nipples.” She said as she presented the huge nipple right in front of his mouth.

Matt wasn´t sure, was it… for real? Was she actually asking for it? Her next words only confirmed his fears.

“Trust me dear, you´ll love it.” Then, she pressed her nipple towards his lips and with a hand, she pulled his head closer.

Matt´s eyes opened widely, he didn´t want to do this, did he? Was he supposed to suck? A thousand thoughts came thru his mind before he finally said “Fuck it!” then, he opened his mouth to take in the gigantic nipple.

Sue´s breasts were so big, and her nipples were no exception, it filled his mouth entirely. Before he knew it, he started sucking, entrapping her nipple with his mouth, and licking the whole thing.

Sue moaned, that´s exactly what she wanted.

He wasn´t sure what to do, so his body started to follow his lust and not his head. He was craving for it, he began to act in a more selfish way. He began to suck harder, even bite her nipple in a soft yet strong way.

Sue only moaned as she placed her hand inside her pants and began to please herself with her fingers. Matt ´s dick was rock hard, poking her in the smooth flesh of her belly. Each of them was ecstatic, and lustful.

Matt grabbed her huge tit with both hands and began rubbing it, then, she allowed him to switch to the other breast. He did the same. She was happy to know, he was learning.

“Now,” said Sue between moans as she laid in bed with Matt on top of her. “I want you to play with them.” He was confused, wasn´t he playing with them already?

“I want you to grab them harder, suck deeper, change from one boob to another faster!” she declared. “I want you to show me how voracious a man can be.” She said as she kept fingering herself.

He wasn´t sure how, but he wanted to comply. He took a deep breath and attempted to do what she said.

He squeezed her breast with all his might and sucked on her nipples as hard as he could. Changing from one to another fast. He was getting tired, but it was worth it. He could feel how his cock rubbed against her enormity as he moved over her. She was so much bigger than him, so magnificent, imponent, even if she was giving the orders, part of him felt in control.

The moans she let out were because of him. His only duty now was to satisfy her sexual needs, even if they didn´t exactly were having sex. But this kind of foreplay felt much better.

After a lot more moans, Sue was done. She came hard as he kept sucking on her gargantuan tits. Her nipples were as hard as rocks now. And he was too.

She started breathing strongly, craving for more, and at the same time, her body spasm with her orgasm. A thousand quivers ran thru her spine as she finally noticed he had given her what she wanted.

She allowed him to play with her boobs a little longer, but his reward was coming.

“Ok my lover, you´ve… ohh, done a good job, now, it´s time to pay you back.” She declared, but, wasn´t he already getting paid? He was confused as Sue rose from under him and shift his position.

She sat over the bed and placed him sideways over her ample lap. He could hardly see anything but her swollen nipples and her enormous breasts. Then, he felt her hands reaching for him, more precisely, for his pants.

Sue´s enormous hands undid his belt and button, then she pulled his pants down, together with his underwear. His cock was so sensitive that he almost came with her touch.

“You´ve been good, and a good man deserves a reward.” She said right before she reached for his erect member.

Matt´s dick had a good size, proportionally of course, a woman as big as sue won´t feel much with his dick on her, but, she can do something else with it. She used no more than two fingers to masturbate Matt´s member.

He was so stimulated already that he almost came with the first pull. But he needed to hold it. Hold it as long as he could. Not everyday a 17´ tall woman offers to do this kind of things.

She pulled harder, and harder, faster and faster. He was already sweating from the previous action they had, now, it was his time to feel the real pleasure. She kept going, as he tried his best to hold it longer.

He could already feel the orgasm coming when suddenly, he came, right on her hand. He exploded and let out a full load. But she didn´t seem to stop.

“There´s one… now, the real pleasure comes next.” She declared as his eyes opened widely, what did she just said?

She kept going, up and down, pulling and jerking off his member over and over. His body trembled in excitement. He came once more, and again. He was breathing hard as loud noises came from his mouth. He enjoyed every second of it. Even if she didn´t allow him to recover.

She masturbated him non-stop for what felt like forever. By the fifth time he came, he was more than done.

“Ok, there you go… did you like it?” she asked, and before he could even answer, he passed out. With a smile on his face.

Matt was totally spent, so he fell into a deep sleep over her gargantuan date´s thigh. She just smiled down at him as she then placed him to the side and turned off the lights.

Then, he woke up. He was still sore from last night´s action. Still, he could feel the softness of the bed next to his cheek, or maybe it was a pillow? He wasn´t sure, but as he opened his eyes, he could smell Sue´s aroma. Her scent must be everywhere around the house.

His mind began to work again, was there, something in his mouth? He could feel his jaw open. When his vision cleared, he realized what it was, it was Sue´s nipple. He was sucking on her again, but, in his sleep?

He panicked for a moment. Did she… how long had she been doing this? She was just carrying him as she sat on the bed and placed her enormous nipple right on his mouth again? He tried to push back, but she held him tight.

“Oh, hi, good morning, dear.” She spoke as she realized he was awake.

She allowed him to pull back, taking her nipple out of his mouth.

“Sorry honey, since you passed out too early during our date, I figured out we could continue in the morning. I know the time´s up, but… you still owed me a couple minutes, don´t you mister?” she had a point, besides, she said it in a nice way, not as an order.

She pulled him closer to her again, right in front of her nipple. She wanted him to continue, so he did. What else could he do. At least he was thankful that she didn´t force him to do it.

Time went by, and he remembered, he had another date. The question was, what time was it? He had to be somewhere else by 12, how long did he sleep? What´s more he needed to get ready. It´s well known that nowadays, women take men´s looks very serious when it comes to a date. Presentation is a must for them. He wouldn´t like a woman getting mad because he smelled and looked like he just left the bar. He had to run.

Lucky for him, he had time, even with all the time he spent sleeping and then, pleasing Sue. It was 10 am, he had plenty of time.

He asked Sue if she could give him a ride to his apartment, she gently accepted. On the way there, she explained to him that she won´t be sending him a relationship request. She was way older than him, besides, she liked being single.

She was an independent woman who preferred to have casual sex encounters every now and then. He knew it, but he said nothing about using her as a lift to his house. Still, she told him that if he was still single and he wanted to, well, “meet” her. They could arrange another date.

He thanked her and hopped off the car right in front of his apartment. The ride wasn´t so long, about 20 minutes. He had plenty of time still.

Matt walked in, removed his clothes, and went straight for a shower. Joanne was the name of the woman he´ll meet for his next date, he remembered. He was surprised, two dates already. Still, the first one was just to fool around, there was nothing serious about it. If he wanted to find a woman good enough, or willing to be his girlfriend, he will need to work harder.

As he stepped out of the shower, he thought: “Ok, it´s time to take things seriously. From now on, I need to put all my effort into it, it´s been already a day… well two, since I´m single. Time to get busy.” He needed to have more than one date a day.

If he wanted to find a woman, or even, have options. He needed to arrange a lot more dates during the day. He was not on the point where he needed to have one right after the other one ended. But he could at least have two or three dates in one day.

He had six more days, why would he rush. He just had to find the right woman, maybe keep looking after he found the “one”, just to make sure. Then, on the final day, he can send his request and live happily… as long as she doesn´t cut him off. It was not a marriage, he was attached to a woman, in heart and in the app. But being married was something else, it wasn´t so easy to get out of those ones.

Besides, what if the woman decided not to accept his request. He knew it´ll be easier to be with her, whoever she´ll be, and wait for her to accept the request. But that´s not the way things were done. If he wanted to succeed with his “mission”, then, he must have a plan a, plan b, c… who knows how many candidates, but soon he´ll see.

He walked out of his apartment, 11 am sharp. He had to find a way to get to wherever he was going. Once again, to a house. He opened the app and got the address. Then, he searched for it. He figured out he could take the bus. So he rushed to the closest stop.

He waited there, looking at the sides of the street. Not really because he wanted to get there fast. But because he feared that a woman like Lorna could show up. She just used him to get a free meal, but what if she´s worst? He knew it was a risk to walk alone thru the streets.

But what else could he do? He couldn´t hire a body guard, cause he had no money. So this was his only option. Now, a thought came thru his mind. What if a woman wanted to date on a fancy restaurant? He was broke, will they know?

He was aware that, nowadays, most women paid for everything. He wasn´t sure if they were nice or if they just wanted to stablish their domain. Let the man know who´s the one on top.

Even if it was a way for women to diminish men, he could use it. A man who only had twenty bucks in his pocket really needed the girl to pay. It didn´t make him feel good with himself, but what else could he do.

He knew that he must find a way to earn money, but today, what could he do? Men earned very few, and most of the jobs required a big woman, not a tiny man.

Suddenly, the bus stopped right in front of him. He was alone on the bus stop, how odd. But everyone was at work, he just hopped in. When he walked in, bad news, the bus was filled with women. He could sense how all of their gazes turned at him.

Not a single man was there but him. He swallowed as he walked in the middle of all these women. He rushed, walking all the way to the back, trying to hide from them.

It was hard, he still felt all their eyes turning at him. Then, the bus started moving. He felt their eyes, one by one, looking somewhere else. He wasn´t sure because he was hiding behind the seat. There was a woman on the back too. About sixteen or seventeen feet tall. He wasn´t sure, but thru the whole ride, she kept staring at him.

She seemed to have something to say, but she said nothing. Finally, he stepped out of the bus. It seems that he was close to Joanne´s house. He received a reminder that said “Your date will be in 15 minutes.” Thankfully, he was like five minutes away.

He walked all the way there. He stopped in front of a nice house, painted yellow. He rang the bell and waited.

He wasn´t sure what to expect, but he had seen her profile picture. She seemed young, gentle. Her eyes were green and her hair was of a dark brown. He already knew what type of woman to expect. Then, the door opened.

His smile turned into confusion as she appeared on the door. She was big, but not on the height side. She was… fat.

Her figure covered all the door frame. He wondered, “what´s going on?” it was her, for sure, but, wasn´t she a little… thinner on her profile picture.

She just waved at him and said “Hi” as he swallowed hard.


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