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The movie ended, which means, the time has come. She turned off the TV. Nick waited there until she said something. He was excited, as if he had been craving for a reward he had earned. He just sat there quietly waiting for her to say something. She just rose from the couch and stretched.

He couldn´t believe it, she was enormous, from his point of view, her arms almost reach the ceiling. As she stretched her arms over her head, her shirt rose, exposing her belly button; he was thrilled by the little amount of flesh he was seeing. But he kept quiet, he was waiting for her to say something, in a way, he was waiting for her to give the order.

It felt a little odd, normally, whenever he felt affectionate, he just threw himself over her, and hugged her tightly; then one thing led to another, but that´s just the way it is. Or at least it was, now that he had gone all the way down to 4’6”, maybe less, he felt as if he needed her permission. For some reason, the fact that she now towered over him by over a foot made him have second thoughts about things.

Things like, will she be ok with that? Or if she´s not going to get mad by it? In the last couple minutes, he has had some ideas on how to approach to her, but he wasn´t sure if she will allow it. It was true that she loved him, the way she hugged him, how she often wants to keep him close; but there´s something else, deep inside his head, there´s a few thoughts.

He has come to some conclusions, by the way she´s acting and how she´s doing things, he´s starting to think that she wants to be in control. Maybe it´s not true, he could be making himself some wrong ideas, but the way she basically forced him to finish his meal, how she literally pushed those broccoli pieces inside his mouth; it seemed as if she was doing what she wanted and not what was best. Or could it be that it was what she thinks was best?

Other thing is how she just called her mother not giving a damn what he thought. She didn´t even ask for his opinion, she just called her and that was the end of it. That bet they made, the only way he´ll be able to avoid her mother´s visit was something she knew wouldn´t happen. She knew there was no way he was going to be able to reach, but she only said it so that he could feel as if he had lost and not that she had made a decision on her own.

Normally, she´ll take all the big decisions there is to make, but never before she had done something like this; take a decision without even asking for his opinion first, unless it was something meaningless or a surprise. He was mad, she just did as she pleased without thinking about how he could feel, but other part of him felt hurt, a little depressed by the fact that she was making her will; it almost felt as if he had no vote on what was going on.

It was true that she had bought a car without even letting him know. She makes enough money to pay for it by herself, that´s true, but still, he would´ve appreciated it if she had asked him first; or at least tell him about it. There was something going in circles thru his mind, how long has she been doing this? He knows she´s a human being, she can take her own decisions and have goals, but it would´ve been considerate if she had mentioned it to him. They were a couple, boyfriend and girlfriend, but now he feels less than that.

Nick´s worried that, as he shrinks, the fact that she looks at him as her boyfriend will vanish too. But there´s something else, if she stops treating him as her boyfriend, how else will she treat him like?

“Ok Nick, now it´s time for this little something I´ve been wanting to do, come on” she said as she extended her hand towards him, she brought him back to reality, out of those thoughts he was having. It seemed as if she wanted to guide him towards wherever they needed to go. He just grabbed her hand and she took him from the couch all the way to their bedroom.

They entered and she closed the door behind them. Nick was excited, anxious if you like. He turned and watch her; she was really tall. He just rose his head to meet her gaze, at the same time, she lowered hers and smiled at him.

“Ok Nick, I want to do something, but first… “ she said bending a little, “we need to remove our clothes” his eyes widened, he wasted no time and started removing all he had on; it wasn´t hard given the fact that now everything was a little loose on him. Now, he was completely naked, she was still wearing her clothes and said: “Oh my, someone´s a little eager… I like it.”

Then she started removing her blouse, exposing her lazy bra and her round soft boobs, Nick loved to watch her boobs, and now they were level with his eyes. Then she removed her pants, he watched the curves of her hips and watch her legs, her long legs; so smooth and soft looking. Now she was only wearing her underwear, and before she undid her bra, he saw how Nick´s member started to get hard, to rise.

She smiled and said: “Well, I can see you like my body, as always, but maybe you´d like to control your little friend for a moment, there´s something I want to do first.” Nick was in awestruck right now, what could she want to do? And why do they need to get naked first?

Those thoughts vanished when she removed her bra, exposing her perky nipples; he loved the way her boobs bounced when she let them out of their “cage”. His mouth began to water, literally, which was something that never happened before. But at his current size, everything about her was bigger, something he liked. It was the only perk of being shrunk, the smaller he got the bigger she did, at least from his point of view.

Then she removed her thong, she turned so that he could have a better view of her butt. Her round firm cheeks just flexed as she took of the last piece of clothing she was wearing. He couldn´t wait anymore, he didn´t care, he just extended his arms and tried to grab her ass; then she turned and gently but firmly said: “Nah ah, hold on right there, before we can do this, first, we need to do a liiiittle something” He stopped, watching her as she turned and went straight to the night´s table.

She turned and stretched a taping measure. “Oh fuck” he thought, he wasn´t particularly excited to be measured, he knew that he was probably shorter that when she measured him a couple hours ago. “Come on, sheer up, this is not just another time I take your measurements… this time, you´ll take mine first.” She said winking at him. He was not much into it, but a part of him wanted to do it.

She gave him the tape measure, he extended it from her toes to the top of her head. “Ok, make sure to take my measurements correctly honey, then it´s your turn” she was standing completely straight right now, he rose his arms high enough to reach, it was good that he was tall enough to do so, then he read the measure. “Five foot seven” he said.

“Ok, that´s how tall I am…” she simply said, “now, it´s your turn” she smiled at him. He turned and felt how her arms where long enough to measure him without making an effort. “let´s see… it says you´re…” how short could he be right now? He hated to admit it, but for sure he was not 4’6” anymore. “Four fooooooot… five.” Surprise, not surprised.

Nick was shorter that when she measured him, the usual stuff. “Ok, so, that makes me a foot and two inches taller than you… wow, can you believe it?” she asked a little over excited. “Yes” he unhappily said, lowering his head.

“Come on, don´t be sad, it´s not that bad… besides, I think you´re cutter this way” she said as she riffled his hair. That sheer him up a little, but he was not into the idea of shrinking. “So…” he said curiously, “what´s next?” he wanted to know, this couldn´t be it, right?

“Oh, someone´s looking forward for the next part, mmmm, I like it” she said as she extended her arm and opened her hand if front of him, “Now, let´s compare ourselves, shall we?” she had an adoring smile on her face, he was sure she had wanted to do this, so he placed his hand on hers and watched.

Her hand was really big, more precisely, his hand was really small now; her fingers were considerably longer then his. He rose his eyebrows as she chuckled saying, “Wooow! Your hands are tiny now sweetheart, how about your arms?” that was the beginning. After comparing her arms, where hers extended way more than his, his fingers barely reached passed her wrist.

They compared their feet too, he was surprised by how small his were compared to hers, her legs where longer too, her hips reached all the way to his lower chest. She made him stand in front of him, he was looking straight at her tits, wanting badly to grab them and squeeze them, but he just stood there, trying not to poke her with his now fully erect penis.

The size comparison was not something that turn him on, other than that, it was the fact that he was being so close to her, watching how her boobs slightly bounced when she moved, how her butt was so much rounder, so much bigger. She may not be growing, but it really seemed as she was. He felt her warm fingers move thru his body, caressing him; he could see the lust on her face as she watched him.

Then she stood behind him, she placed her hand on his shoulder and slowly started to lower it; passed his chest, passed his abdominal region, then she said: “Well, what do we have here?” and just like that, she grabbed his penis. His fully erect member was now being seized by her big hands, in a gentle way of course.

He let out a soft moan as she did, then she started to gently stroke his member, pulling it, sending shivers thru his spine. She was now masturbating his member. He felt how his knees started to tremble, he couldn´t take this, at least not standing, all of this arousal was going to make him fall into the ground. Feeling her now huge hand wrapped around his member, stroking it in a tender way, he felt as if he was about to cum.

Normally, he would last more, but never before he had been so turned on. Everything was new to him, her height, her strength, everything. It was as if Maddy had been turned into a bigger version of her; but in reality, he was a smaller version of the man he used to be.

Still, he couldn´t take it. As he shrank, he noticed a couple changes in him. Asides of being smaller and having much less mass, other things changed. His perception of things had changed. Not only the way he saw things, but the way he felt them. For instance, his skin felt so much smoother, soft even; and when was it the last time he shaved? He couldn´t see a single hair growing on his chin. But what was more impressive, was the way his senses seemed to be affected. Right now, Maddy´s scent was just, intoxicating.

She had a certain aroma, asides of her perfume that just called for him. And now, she was driving him crazy. He let out a loud moan and just came, cu began to spread all over her hand and the floor.

“Well, what do we have here…it looks like someone was a little too eager for this hmmm…” Maddy said as she felt a warm fluid spreading thru her hand.

He may be smaller, but the load he let out, was still pretty impressive. “S-sorry” Nick replied.

“Awww, that´s cute, there´s no need to apology, it´s completely normal” she replied.

He didn´t like the way she was talking to him nowadays, why would she need to call him “cute” so much? He was not cute, he was a man, maybe smaller, but still a man. He was breathing hard as he tried to turn and watch her face.

Just as he thought, a loving smile was drawn on her face. A gesture she´s been making a lot now. But before he could say anything, she grabbed him and jumped into bed, pulling him with her. He wasn´t sure by how much she overweighted him, but it felt so fast, so rough; he still had to get used to the fact that her once “petite” girlfriend was not bigger and stronger than him. He wondered if he should ask her to be more…gentle, but as that thought came to his mind, he felt ridiculous.

He decided to keep quiet and allowed her to go for it. She placed him in bed, pinning him below her. Spreading her legs to his sides, standing on her knees. His dick was still hard as he saw her breasts so far away from his reach. He wanted to squeeze them so bad, all of his attention was now focused on them.

“Ok…now, why don´t we try something…” she said as she lowered her pussy and inserted his dick into it. Then she started riding him. He could feel how the mattress began to move with her every move. He loved it, she was in control but, for some reason, he didn´t mind her trying it.

She began slowly and gently, but then, every second that went by, she started putting more and more force into it. The moves of her pelvis became stronger, faster. Before he knew it, his dick was ready to come with full force into her. She grabbed his hands with hers and pinned him to bed. Both of them were moaning right now, and just like that, he came again.

It felt as hard as the first time, he spasmed as his full load was shoot into her vagina. They were both covered in sweat, but it was not the end of it. Maddy allowed him a couple seconds to breathe, without pulling his dick out of her pussy, and when he was “recovered” she started again, and again. This went on for a while.

In the end of it, he was exhausted, his balls were sore and his member felt really sensitive for some reason. She seemed to be satisfied. Smiling as she let herself fall next to him. Taking a deep breath.

“Thank you honey…” she said as she placed her hand on his chest, “I really needed that…” he didn´t reply, he was exhausted, he only watched the ceiling as she spoke. Then, he just shut his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. She noticed he started to snore so she just let him be, she turned and placed a big kiss on his forehead as she covered him with the sheets.

The next morning, he was still tired. He found himself alone in bed, so he woke up and headed to the kitchen, to see if Maddy was there. To his surprise, she was, she turned with a plate filled with pancakes.

“Hello sleepyhead, how did you sleep?” she asked as she placed the plate on the table.

“Well, I…not so well actually” he replied as he let out a yawn.

“Oh no, why? Do you feel bad? Do you have any fever? Maybe a headache?” Out of a sudden she seemed very worried.

“No no, nothing like that, don´t worry, it´s just that I…you know, I feel a little tired that´s all.” Nick was surprised by her reaction, he was just tired, noting out of common, besides, what time was it?

“Are you sure? Maybe…would you like to have breakfast in bed?” she asked.

“Nah, I´m not sick, don´t worry, just…*YAWN*…maybe I´ll need a nap later on…” he stretched as she put a plate right in front of him and started placing three pancakes in it.

“Ok, if you need, I can go to bed with you…you know, so that you´re not alone” Maddy said as she handed him the honey bottle.

“Thank you…but it´s ok, now it´s time to eat this…wow, it smells delicious!” he said.

“Thank you honey, I hope you like them, I actually decided to make them out of oatmeal instead of the regular pancake flour…it´s healthier and more nutritious” there she was again, talking about healthier food, Nick was wondering why she needed to be so…well like this. He remembered the broccoli from yesterday and began to wonder if she was going to push the whole pancake into his mouth if he wasn´t willing to eat it.

She took the plate and ate the rest of them, she had four, which seems reasonable given the fact that she´s…well, still a normal height person. Every time he noticed the fact that all the little things she did were, well…as usual. He couldn´t help but feel sad. Yearning for those days when he had a normal life.

He just started eating, ignoring the rest of his thoughts. After a while, he finished, it was hard for him to eat all that, but he mostly did because he didn´t want Maddy to force feed him.

The rest of the weekend was kind of the same, he tried to hide all the sorrow that filled his mind. He knew it wasn´t the healthiest thing, but he didn´t want Maddy to get worried, for some reason, she´s been acting a little strange recently.

She´s been all over him, checking on him, what he needs, how he feels, everything; he may be shrinking, but he wasn´t sick, he felt completely normal. Now, more questions such as “How are you feeling?” or “Is everything ok?” were the ones that Maddy has been asking more frequently. He shouldn´t complaint, she was just being attentive, but asking more than three times in a day seemed too much.

It was Sunday now, around three, he was just laying on the couch, wondering, trying to guess if there will be a point when his shrinking will stop. This morning, he was not even 4´3”, dangerously close to four feet.

Can you imagine, four feet tall, it was insane. He used to stand over six feet tall and now he was two feet below that, he felt anxious; the only thing that was constant now, together with his shrinking, was the feeling of fear that made his heart beat stronger on his chest. He didn´t wanted it to happen, but so far, it was proven that it will be the only thing that will happen for sure.

Then, he heard Maddy´s voice coming from behind him “Nick, honey, are you still on the couch?”

“Yes!” he replied.

She approached and stood right in front as she said: “Babe, can you do me a favor and do the laundry? I´ll do it myself but I have some things to do over here…” as he was laying on the couch, she seemed immense. He hated to admit it, but in a way, he enjoyed watching how her long legs just seemed to go on and on.

“Oh, sure, I can do it” he replied, it felt nice that he could still do some things around the house. “I´ll grab the bag and head downstairs” he said as he passed next to her.

“Oki doki…just let me know if it´s too heavy for you, I don´t want you to get hurt” she said as he walked thru the hall.

“Come on…” he thought, “Why would I get hurt just for carrying a stupid bag full of laundry?” maybe she was starting to be…overprotective towards him. But more than that, he felt as she underestimated him. Why would he struggle with the bag?

To his surprise, the bag felt heavy, enough for him to need both hands to carry it. Maddy was kind enough to open the door for him. The bag was heavy, but not too much, but still, was he able to take it all the way down to the laundry? He just started walking.

“I´ll be waiting for you honey…just call me if you need any help!” she said. It was just laundry, nothing hard.

The hard thing, was carrying the bag all the way down, at first it was…regular, but in the end, on the last couple steps, he was tired. His arms ached for holding the bag, his biceps felt tired. He just pushed the door of the laundry room and entered.

He let out a tired sigh as he passed thru the door frame, then, he heard a voice: “Do you need help buddy?” oh no, the voice was a familiar one. The bag was big enough, or rather, he was small enough so that the bag could cover his face. But he felt really embarrassed as he heard the footsteps getting closer. He just closed his eyes and then, he felt the weight of the bag being lifted from his arms. At least that was a relieve.

Then, he saw her face. It was Ashley, at first, he wondered what was she doing there at this time of the day, but then he turned away trying to hide himself. She was holding the bag, but then, she noticed his face, and it hit her; he thought it may be a child, but she was completely wrong.

“OH…MY…GOD! Nick, is…is that you?” she asked.


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