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He changed himself into something more “formal”, a pair of clean jeans, a casual pair of sneackers, and a plain shirt, nothing too formal, overall, it´s just a casual invitation to have lunch at her house, nothing like some formal dinner or anything like that. He checked the time, and ten to three, he decided to leave, the house was next door so he wouldn´t take more than a minute or two to get there.

He stepped out of his house, locked the door and started walking thru the sidewalk. Trying to be there on time, not that he cared much about it, normally, if lunch was at three, he´d be there by ten or a quarter passed three, he wasn´t much of a punctual guy. But he remembered that she asked him to be there on time.

He wasn´t sure if it was because she asked or the way she did, but he felt as if he needed to listen to her. In a way, the height difference made it look as, even if she didn´t meant it or said it with that tone, it seemed like an order. Not a stern order, more like an instruction he must follow. Watching how she loomed above him just made him feel as if he needed to do what she said. In a way, she was imposing, asides of calling for his lust every time she showed up.

He was standing right in front of her house, still on the sidewalk, separated only by the length if her garden, a very green one by the way. He wasn´t sure if he needed to arrive so early, three o´clock was still eight minutes away. Could it be considered rude if he arrived earlier? Could it be like saying, I´m here, it´s time to eat? He was overthinking the whole thing but, whenever things came about her, he couldn´t think straight.

He decided to continue, ignoring his exaggerate thoughts. He stepped right in front of the door and rang the bell. He stood there for a couple seconds before Lillian opened the door. And when she did, he found himself once again in awestruck. She was simply too much. Every time he saw her, he forgot how tall she was.

Every time he thought he was used to her height, he only found out that he still had to crane his neck a little more than he was prepared to. But he didn´t mind her height, on the contrary, it was another of her good qualities. It made her stand out from other people he had met. The taller she is, the longer her legs, he thought.

Deep inside, he knew that he was more into taller women. But, at 5´9”, his chances to date a woman over 5´7” were really low. He liked woman´s long legs, between many other things. But he´d rather date a woman more “up to his height”, he knew he couldn´t date a woman so tall, that´s why he was impressed that a woman over six foot tall invited him for lunch. Even more, he was impressed by the fact that she was simply paying attention to him.

“Hello there… come in, lunch´s almost ready…” she said, he stepped in as she said and smiled at her. He liked the way she always seemed to be happy, smiling every time they met.

He sat on the dining table and waited there for the food to be served. He offered to help her, but she declined his offer with a smile. A couple minutes later she went back, carrying two big plates full of food. She placed one of them in front of him and the other one in the other end of the table for her.

Jonathan was impressed by how delicious the food smelled, and not only that, it looked fantastic too. The only thing was that, well…it was a lot. He saw how she had the exact same amount of food served on her plate, but she was a large woman. And she also worked out. She could eat way more than he did. He started eating, enjoying every bite of it, but it was way too much. He didn´t eat quite much, normally a sandwich or whatever would do for lunch; the food served on his plate was the equivalent to the food he ate on lunch, diner, and maybe more.

She was done before he could even finish half of what was served. “What´s the matter? Aren´t you hungry sweetheart?” she asked.

“Oh well, I…I´m just not used to eat this much” he replied with a demure smile.

“Oh my, I´m sorry honey, sometimes I forget not all of us eat the same…why don´t you leave your plate as it is so that I can bring dessert?” he was full, beyond that, so he wasn´t sure if eating something else was such a great idea. But he didn´t want to say it, she had taken the time to cook and invite him, and he also liked sweet things.

“Oh, uhmmm…ok, b-but, not too much…please” he replied.

She stood up, picked both of their plates and said, as she caressed his hair, “Of course sweetheart, I´ll be back in a minute…” then she left.

He just laid back on his chair, letting out a sigh of relieve. He was more than sure that if he ate all that, he would´ve exploded, or at least vomited. The food was delicious, the best he has had in years, but it was way too much.

“Oh man, I can´t believe she served me all that…and to think that she did eat all on her plate. She´s not only big, she also has a big appetite, I should keep that in mind just in case I invite her to my place…but still…” he thought, and then his face turned into one with an idiotic expression as he remembered…

When she first sat, she accommodated her chair, the movement was so that it made her round bosom bounce in the air, her boobs squeezed together for a second and then fell back to their original position. And when she stretched to grab something from the middle of the table, he could see have a better look of her breasts thru the window of her blouse, how the heavy yet soft flesh just fell and threatened to touch her plate, but she was tall enough to avoid that.

But he couldn´t help to get excited by the view he had just been given, he got hard at that second, lucky for him, she couldn´t see his penis below the table. Then, she came back, he snatched himself out of those fantasies as she heard her steps getting closer. He accommodated himself, sitting straight and close to the table to hide his still visible erection.

“I hope you like chocolate cake…and to drink, a big glass of milk…” he did like chocolate, a lot, the second she placed the slide in front of him, his mouth began to water; it looked so moisty, so sugary, the slice was still a little too big, but when he took the first piece in, it was really tasty.

He saw her plate, which had a slice that was at least three times bigger than his. But she wasn´t drinking milk. With a cake so sweet a glass of milk will help you pass it all down. So, he asked: “You´re not having milk?”

“Oh no, there´s not enough for both of us, haha, I guess I used more than I thought for the cake” she replied.

“Uhmm, well, you can have mine if you like, I don´t wanna just take it from you” he said.

“Oh no no no no, it´s ok dear, I´ve already had some this morning, that one´s just for you…besides, I´ll be buying some more later at the store.” He thanked her for her hospitality and decided to keep it, needless to say, when she said it was a big glass, she wasn´t lying, the glass was huge.

He wondered why she didn´t pour the milk on two smaller glasses, but he thought it´ll be rude to ask, so he started drinking. He could barely hold the glass with one hand. But when the milk touched his tongue, it was tasty, beyond tasty.

It was sweet, creamy, not like any other milk he has had. He just drank and drank, when he put the glass back on the table, half of the milk was gone. He was surprised to see how much he had drunk.

“I can see you liked the milk” Lillian said.

“Oh yes, it´s…it´s really delicious, where did you buy it?” he asked.

“I bought it on…” she paused for a second, “on the store, I reeeally like that brand, it´s more…nutritious.” She replied.

“I better visit the store to buy some, I really loved it” she smiled affectionately when he said those words. “I guess I can take the bus…sorry, which store is it? And also, what´s the bran…” then she cut him out.

“I can drive you” she replied, he just blinked a couple times, she said it fast, maybe sounding a little too eager.

“I wouldn’t like to bother, I can go on my own, I just…” then she interrupted him once again.

“Don´t worry, I need to go either way, you´re not bothering at all…besides, I would enjoy your company” by the way she smiled, he could tell she liked to have him close, but she was one of those people who always seem happy, so he wasn´t sure. But she meant nothing bad by driving him there. Maybe she felt lonely…but he didn´t know anything about her, this will be a good time to get to know her…for research purposes of course, not that he likes to ogle at her.

“Thank you, I guess we could go together…” he replied, feeling shy for some reason. She just held her hands tight next to her face, loving the idea, giving him a pleased smile. Then, he decided to ask her something, start a conversation, so that they could get to know each other better. Just whatever random question.

One thing led to another and they ended up talking and talking for a while. They talked about their lives, what they did for a living, some hobbies and so on. With that, he found out more details about her. Questions he had were answered.

She worked from home too, but she made her money with trading, she said she liked it, working at her own rhythm, not spending the whole day working; he understood where she was going, because he did the same, but with videogames. Also, he found out she lived on her own, but because she was a widow. She was married, but her husband passed out a couple years ago, and she was really depressed about it.

He could see how a tear ran thru her cheek as she talked about it, so he decided to comfort her, he tried to be as empathetic as he could. She smiled at the fact that he was trying, ever since, she had not interacted that much with other people. She just encaged herself in the house after the funeral, and came out only for the most essential things.

He talked to her about his situation too, how he was kicked out of his house, what his goals were and how he was able to finally reach them. He felt proud about it. And she seemed to like to hear it. After a while, they were done talking and stepped out of the house and headed to the store. She locked her door as she held her purse on the other hand. Then, they hoped inside the car.

She had a huge pick-up truck, which is not hard to guess, a tall woman like her needs some extra room for her long legs. He was impressed by the fact that he didn´t notice the car before. He fastened his sit belt and then, he felt Lillian´s hand on his head, he froze there for a second before she spoke.

“I really don´t get it honey, why would someone kick such a fine young man out of his own house just like that…you poor thing” she cooed, they talked about it a while ago, but it seems as if she just wasn´t over it.

“It´s no big deal, trust me, it´s better this way.” He replied, trying to sound confident. “Besides, if it wasn´t for that, maybe I wouldn´t have achieved what I did” he added.

“Maybe you´re right…” she continued, now moving her hand into his shoulder and looking straight forward, “maybe then, I wouldn´t have met you…” she said turning back at him, he could swear her eyes shined for a second as she spoke those words.

“You know…” she said as she started the car, “if you ever feel lonely, or maybe…you just need a shoulder to rely on, you can always come by, my door will always be open for you” she smiled at him, and he did the same.

He felt a warm feeling inside him, he felt good, welcome, as if she in fact liked him. A small part of him thought she was just being nice for what he said. In a way, feeling sorry for him. But she seemed to have good intentions, so he´ll allow it.

She drove all the way to the store, which wasn´t very far, he tried to memorize the route for the future. He liked the way how all the rest of the cars seemed so small; from his point of view, sitting on a huge truck, all the other people seemed to be driving almost ground level. It felt funny in a way.

Then he thought, “It must be funny to look at the world from her point of view”, Lillian was really tall, which means that a lot of people will look up to her; then he tried to imagine how it´ll look to be walking next to her. She will totally dwarf him. But he didn´t have to use a lot of his imagination to picture it.

They arrived to the store´s parking lot, hopped out of the car and walked into the main door. The store had sliding glass doors. He saw himself walking next to her, and just as he thought, he looked small. Like a boy walking next to a grown up. Only that, in reality, he was already 26 years old. But still, he started to feel self-conscious about it.

Yes, he was a young man being driven to the store by his neighbor, nothing weird just a simple lift since he didn´t own a car. But, it just didn´t seem that way; for those who didn´t knew, well, it could seem as if a tiny boy was accompanying his amazonian mother to the store. Which obviously wasn´t the case, and there´s a really small possibility for other people to come to that conclusion. Still, he considered that as a possibility.

Asides of involuntarily teasing him with her huge and sensuously developed body, Lillian also made Jonathan have some insecurities about his height. She was definitely taller, obviously her thick body weighted more than his skinny barely nourished body and some other things. She had proven to eat more than him, which is pretty logical, but is she like…stronger too?

They had met enough times for him to become an acquaintance with her, she still made him hard on his pants, but he was beginning to get used to it. But now, he has come to realize something… she´s huge. He has gone from alluring at her to actually start comparing himself to her.

While she handed him the plate, he couldn´t help but notice how much bigger her hands were compared to his. How her limbs were so much thicker than his. He was starting to feel tiny, beginning to notice how she was actually very intimidating.

Lucky for him, she was in fact very friendly, she had proven that she meant no harm. She was actually the only one of his neighbors he had met, and who had actually taken the time to invite him for lunch. So far, she seems to be the nicest person there.

And in between all those thoughts of, well, masculine insecurities, he wondered something…could she be like…into him? She was attentive that´s for sure, but could there be maybe a secret reason behind it? He had only seen her talk to him, and why would she invite him to have lunch if he had just moved there the day before. Couldn´t she had invited some other person…maybe a friend of hers?

He looked up to her as they walked into the store, she just smiled at him as she pushed the shopping cart. He smiled back. She just seemed to be liking his company. Maybe she had just alienated herself from the rest of the people.

She said that she really had a hard time when her husband passed away. That she sank into a darkness of depressed thoughts. Perhaps, she just needed a new friend, someone whit whom she could start all over. He didn´t dare to ask, because he thought it was rude, and he didn´t dare to talk about it…he didn´t wanted to make her feel sad; even if she seemed to be over with it.

He just kept going and picked all the stuff he needed as they walked thru the aisles. He wanted to get a cart for his own, but she insisted that there was no need, that they could share; she wasn´t buying much things either way.

She just waited patiently as he picked his groceries and waited for him next to the cart, picking one another thing for her, but so far, she had only grabbed two or three things while he had more than half of the shopping cart full.

He didn´t have any list written, he just picked whatever he felt like eating during the week. He just wandered thru the aisles checking at things randomly. From time to time, Lillian yelled from the other end things like: “Honey, would you like to have some of these?” or “Jonathan, dear, there´s an offer for this, and I know young man like yourself like those” she was just being considerate and helping him pick up things, but it felt really embarrassing.

No one will think of them as a couple, asides of the height difference, she was older than him by a god deal. It seemed more as if his aunt was helping him pick up his groceries. He felt some discomfort as she spoke those words, but she didn´t mean nothing bad.

She just waited for him, with a tender smile as she watched him putting thins into the cart. He just smiled back, but couldn´t help to have an awkward feeling, she watched him saying no word. It felt weird, having such a statuesque woman pushing his shopping cart behind him, just waiting for him; it was kind of…strange.

He felt as if he wanted to ask what was she smiling at? Could it be that she was like…making fun of him? But it couldn´t be the case, it´s true that it wasn´t such a regular thing to go shopping for groceries with your neighbor, he thought that she will buy her things and he´ll go on his own way with his own shopping cart; but it obviously wasn´t the case. Then, as they walked into the dairies, he asked.

“Hey, uhmm, so…which is the milk you buy?” he just watched as her face turned from one of a lost lovestruck as she watched him, into one more…intrigued, for some reason.

“Oh right, ehmmm, the milk I buy…” she said as she stepped next to the cart and started walking into the section with the milk. He was confused, why would she be looking at him in that way?

There was nothing to adore in him, much less for such a woman, if he had been a muscular man around seven feet tall, mature, then it will be more normal, but he was just a skinny 5´9” dude. Nothing outstanding. Besides, she had been just looking at the whole section, from a milk plastic bottle to the other.

She seemed not to know which one was it…so he asked: “Uhmm, having a hard time finding it?” she just turned and answered: “Oh no, haha, it´s…the one right here…” she said as she pulled a gallon of milk from the lower part of the fridge.

“Wow, uhm, don´t you think that´s…maybe a bit too big?” he asked, he wasn´t used to drinking milk, maybe a little on his coffee, but never before he had bought a full gallon.

“Oh, don´t worry, I´m sure you´ll finish this one before the end of the week, maybe even before weekend” she replied placing the gallon into the cart.

“Maybe…maybe we could pick a smaller one?” he asked.

“Oh, I´m sorry sweetheart, but this brand only sells gallons…” she said it in sort of a relieve way, as if she wasn´t saying the whole truth…besides, which company only produces gallons of milk? They were in a random store, not a wholesale store. There was something suspicious about it. But he´ll allow it this time.

They picked up some other things, paid and loaded the truck with everything. It was already dark outside. She stopped right in front of his drive way and helped him with his bags. They were a lot of bags, so he could use some help. The weird thing was that she handed him all the bags before he could pick.

“Why don´t you take these ones first while you open the door…ok Johnny?” she said. He just nodded, wondering why she had called him that way…he simply did as he was told and headed to his house.

He opened the door, and realized she gave him all of the light bags, could she think of him as a weak man? He just sighed and dropped the bags into the kitchen. When he turned, he saw her entering right thru the door, holding all the rest of the bags with a minimum effort. He knew those were at least the double of the ones he had, and weighted much more.

“Oh, thank you Lillian” he said.

“You´re welcome dear…I´ll leave this right here…” she said as she dropped the rest of the bags next to the ones he had. “Well, it was fun…but I have to head home…there´s a little something I have to do, I hope you don´t mind if I don´t help you storing your groceries.” She said as she stepped back.

“Oh no, there´s no problem, I really appreciate you took the time to help me with this…thank you” he replied, she just smiled back at him, warmly, and said “there´s no problem, dear, I can drive you every time you need” and she winked at him.

She left as he finished storing all what was on the bags, when the bags were empty, he seemed to have missed something…where´s the milk? He opened the fridge to double check, but it wasn´t there. He checked on the porch and still nothing.

“Hmm, maybe…maybe Lillian grabbed it by mistake, but…she would´ve broad it back…right?” he checked on the ticket, he had definitely paid for it, she lived right next door, so if she had picked it by mistake, she could´ve return it.

“Maybe she´s busy” he thought. “I´ll ask her for it tomorrow, now…let´s play some videogames…” he locked the door and went straight into his bedroom to turn on his computer.

In the meantime, Lillian was on her kitchen, she placed the gallon of milk on the sink, opened it and said as she poured the whole container´s content on the sink: “Ok…I bet you´ll be liking mine more this one honey…”. And just like that, all of the milk was washed away into the pipeline, heading straight into the drain.



Really enjoying the start of this, this stories theme ticks a lot of my boxes + I share a name and similar age to the main character. Excited to see where this goes!