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Just as planned, the second his head touched his pillow, he drifted into a deep sleep, like usual. Only that this time, he had a dream, and a certain someone was on it.

It could´ve been nine or ten in the morning by now, he was laying face up on his bed, getting into the REM phase of his sleep, and that´s when it happened. The darkness inside his head started taking form, shapes started coming out of nowhere, colors, and then, it was as clear as any other day.

Jonathan was just standing there, in some place that was not his house, or any other apartment he has had or been into; he was in the kitchen of some house, not a so familiar one. Suddenly, a voice came from behind him saying:

“Jonathan, honey, where are you?” said the voice.

It was definitely Miss Bresset´s voice, but… could this be her house? Was he actually inside her house? Everything seemed so realistic, as if this was actually happening and not any other dream, he could´ve swore that if he stretched, he could grab one of the apples on the fruit platter. Then, he heard steps, getting closer and louder.

Steps that could only be from a taller person, bigger and with a lot more weight than him. The steps were getting closer.

*stomp* *stomp* STOMP* *STOMP!*

He turned and was able to see a long shadow being drawn on the floor, right in front of his feet, and as the footsteps got closer, the shadow started growing, covering him more and more. It passed his knees, passed his waist, then, passed his shoulder!

Once his face was completely covered in shades, she showed up. Rising high, almost touching the ceiling, Miss Bresset appeared, only that this time, she was taller. He was sure that the first time they met, his eyes were looking directly into her collar bone, but now, his head didn´t even reach past her navel.

She was wearing a blouse, her hair seemed curlier, stylized, as if she had just come from the salon. But that´s not what his attention was focused on. He couldn´t believe what he was seeing, she was immense. For sure, she was the biggest woman he had ever seen. She stepped closer and closer, until he was barely able to see her face, being obstructed by her now humongous breast.

Together with her height, all of her proportions were larger too. Her breasts were bigger and rounder. Her hips were wider, and her thighs were trying to swell out of the tight fabric of her pants. He couldn´t move, he just stared at the impossibly gigantic woman standing right in front of him.

“What´s the matter honey? Are you scared?” she asked leaning closer and picking his chin with her huge fingers.

“It´s ok, don´t be afraid, I´m not going to hurt you… but” she said sensually as her arms reached for him.

He tried to turn, to move, scape from this huge woman, but it was too late. Her arms were already grabbing him by the sides. Slowly, she was picking him up, lifting him in the air.

He kicked, trying to run, but it was useless, she had him.

“Come on, don´t try to go honey, trust me, you´re going to like this” she said as she brought him closer and closer to her. She was picking him from underneath his armpits, so effortlessly, so easy, as if he weighted nothing, and then, his face was less than an inch away from hers.

Her eyes had caught all of his attention, he wasn´t trying to escape now, he just let her have her way with him. She smiled at him and then started to make out with him.

He could feel how her huge tongue came inside his mouth as she ferociously kissed him. It was so erotic, how easily she was manhandling him, and he just let it be, without protesting, without saying a thing. At this point, it will be easy to let go and just enjoy it.

Then, an idea came to his mind, he tried to reach for her now enormous breasts, so big, so round, he wanted to bury his fingers into her flesh, feel her soft bosom. He stretched, aiming for her left boob, but then…he woke up.

“W-whaa… what´s… was that a dream?” he thought as he woke up. The scenario in which he was before had now vanished, in reality, he was laying in bed on his new house. He rubbed his eyes and let out a loud yawn.

“Oh man, that was a dream” he said as he turned, but then, he felt something in his crotch…he looked and found a wet stain on it.

“Well, I guess it was THAT kind of dream” he has had just a few wet dreams, but this one, it felt so real, so erotic, even if he couldn´t actually feel a thing, it was all so real. It was worth having to change his pants… or even better, taking a shower.

He got up and picked up some clothes before getting inside the bathroom. He could feel how his cock was a bit hard on his pants. It was incredible how a little tease from her could drive him to have such kind of dreams. It wasn´t the first time this had happen, but it certainly was the first time that it happened with someone he knew. He felt some shame, given the fact that she had just been nice to him, greeting him, trying to make him feel welcome.

“Fuck, does that make me a bad person, well… more like a horny person…” he thought as he entered the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

“Come on…” he said as he watched himself in the mirror, “I mean, she´s an older woman, and maybe for quite a bit…” it was true, he wasn´t sure how old she exactly was, but if you looked at them together, it was easy to tell who was the older one.

“But still, I mean, she doesn´t seem so old.” he tried to convince himself that she may not be as old as he thinks, besides, she certainly looks young for her age. Not a single grey on her hair, no wrinkles on her face. And her skin was as clear and smooth as someone his own age, with no signs of age marks on her. She seemed very active and full of energy.

“Ok man, think straight…” he told himself, “Even if she likes to work out and takes care of herself, there´s still two things to have in mind… she may be married, and… I mean, there´s no chance something like…” and then he remembered the dream he had, if she wasn´t as tall as she was on his dream, there was something else that couldn´t happen, at least in normal life, “ehem…” he tried to compose himself as he thought of her, squeezing her tongue in his mouth, how she easily took control of him and took him in her hands, passionately making out with him.

Jonathan started to blush with such ideas, so he got into the shower, a cold shower, to cool all of these ideas out of him. And it worked, he got out of there, as calmed as always, dried himself with the towel and then got changed. He laid on bed, checking on his phone, just reading one another post on his social media. He wasn´t planning on doing anything in particular, he was free until Friday, when he´ll live stream a game, some simple game, but most of his fans asked him to play it, enough to convince him. He had already watched some other guys playing, and he had practiced as well, easy peasy for someone “gifted” like him, there was no game in which he couldn´t do great.

Then, his stomach started to rumble, which means, it was time for lunch; or breakfast in his case. Jonathan went down to the kitchen, he knew there wasn´t much there to eat, he had just moved in and hasn´t gone to the store to buy some groceries. He arrived and started searching for something. He ate his last microwave burrito yesterday, so his usual choice wasn´t an option. He searched for a while, the fridge was empty, except for a gallon of water and some butter.

He gave it some thought, but in the end, and given the fact that there was nothing else, not even fruit, he grabbed some bread and started preparing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He placed both pieces of bread on a plate, grabbed a butter knife, opened both jars and began with it. He spread the peanut butter and jelly on separate pieces of bread. Then he joined them and started eating.

“I know this isn´t much, but it´ll have to do, maybe I can go to the store later…I wonder where´s the bus stop?” he had no car, yet, he saved the most of his money for the house, and what he spent, he invested on his gamer career, other than food and rent. He sat on the couch and started ingesting his meal, more like a snack, but it was enough. Bite by bite he ate it all and sank on the couch, a pretty comfortable one by the way. Even if it was not such a nutritious meal, at least for someone in his mid-20s, it was enough to calm his hunger.

“I´m definitely heading to the store now, I need to have a more balanced diet…I´m starting to get sick of TV dinners.” he could cook, he wasn´t the best on it, but he managed to have everything done. But usually, which happens very often to be honest, he was really lazy when it came to it, he would rather just put something into the microwave, maybe open a can or two and fix himself something fast and easy. Or make himself a regular sandwich. He didn´t dedicate much time to cooking, other than that, he invested his time playing video games, on his phone, his computer, or a console he has.

“Ok…” he said after he rested on the couch for a while, “it´s time to finish unpacking.” He had unpacked most of his stuff yesterday, but only the most important things. He still had a box or two full of random things. Such as figures and some ornaments. He took the first box upstairs and opened inside his room, the content of it was mostly anime figures and other collectables. He placed some of them on the shelves, a few on his desk, and then placed the rest where they fitted. All but one, his favorite one, it was a figure of the main character of his favorite anime series; a figure with his back arched and holding a sword on each hand, as if he was prepared to attack.

“I need a special place for this one…” he said, and then…

*ding* *dong* *ding* *dong*

He turned, he knew it was his doorbell, but he wasn´t used to it yet. His face showed a confused expression, who could it be? Maybe some other neighbor? There was a good chance for it. He smiled and went down stairs, it´ll be nice to meet new people, he didn´t mind if they came all the way to his hose to greet him, but he was shy enough not to knock on their doors, he didn´t want to bother.

He came down the stairs and opened the door as he said: “HI!” with an excited and energic tone.

“Well, hello there” it was Miss Bresset, again. He didn´t mind, he just smiled, but he wasn´t sure why she had come, none of his previous neighbors came to visit him twice in a day, but maybe she needed something, or some help with something.

She was not an unpleasant visit, on the contrary, he liked her, well, liked to talk with her, she was nice and polite, and also, she had an extremely attractive body. He fought not to ogle at her body, her huge breasts or her tremendous thighs. She really was a turn on for him. And then, he remembered her morning visit, how her body moves so smoothly with her every step, the way her boobs bounced, how her ass sway… but he had to ignore that, try to forget it, or else, he will receive his neighbor with a hard on.

“Hello Miss Bresset, is there something I can help you with?” he asked politely, blinking a little too much, forcing his eyes at her face and not her body. He wasn´t sure how she´ll react if she noticed him taking a glance of her body in a luscious way. It was not a good idea to have a woman way taller than you getting mad, for sure, she also overweighted him.

“Oh please, don´t call me that way, you´re going to make me feel old… you can call me Lillian, I don´t mind” she said smiling at him.

“Oh, ehm, sure, so… Lillian, what can I do for you?” he asked, feeling a little odd to call her that way. He was used to call older people in a more formal way, but if she didn´t like it, well, he could work with it.

“Come on, why do I have to need something to come and visit you?” she asked as her eyes turned down and were now staring at his waist level, her expression turned into one of wonder as she did.

Jonathan started to worry, what could she be looking at? Was he showing a big tent on his pants without noticing, he tried to move, speak, but he couldn´t; he tried to think of a way to apologize, figure out what to say, when she suddenly said:

“Well, I didn´t knew you still liked to play with toys…” she said as he turned and saw that he was still holding his collectable figure, he didn´t notice he came downstairs holding it, but who cares.

“Oh yeah, well… it´s not a toy, you know, it´s a collectable figure from…” and then she cut him off.

“Haha, it´s ok honey, you don´t have to be ashamed, I think it´s completely healthy for someone your age to still play with his toys if you ask me…” she said as she leaned closer, with her boob flesh moving smoothly as she did, it seemed as if it was hanging inside her blouse, and then she continued: “I think it´s completely adorable” she said with a wink on her right eye.

“Oookay…” he replied, he wasn´t sure what to say, but… why did she called him adorable? Maybe handsome was a better term for a man his age, but adorable?

“Anyways…” she said as she rose to her full height, making Jonathan´s eyes follow her way above him, “I came here because I wanted to ask you something… well, it´s more like an invitation, so, I made a little extra food without noticing. You see, I was following this recipe tutorial I found online, and I didn´t read that it was good for two or three people…I don´t think I´ll be able to finish it all up, that´s why I came here to invite you” she said with a certain glow on her eyes. It was more than obvious where she was going with all this.

“I know that by now you may already have something prepared, or at least half done, but I was wondering, if you´d like to join me for lunch, would you?” she asked, he had already eaten a sandwich, but it wasn´t much, he just laughed inside as he heard her say he already had something prepared, it felt good that she thought of him as a responsible young man, but he wasn´t. Besides, a good meal didn´t sound that bad.

“Well, you know, I haven´t had lunch yet…and I´d really love to join you for lunch, I mean…if you´re ok with it” he said a little shy at last.

“Of course not, don´t be silly, that´s why I came here, besides, that way we can get to know each other some more, you know, get to know your neighbor.” she said with a proud tone, as her hands met in front of her navel, involuntarily squeezing her breasts together. He wasn´t sure if she noticed, but he certainly did.

“Lunch will be served around three, ok?” she continued, he was watching how her mouth moved, but during all that time, he couldn´t hear the words that came from it, he was lost in his thoughts, wondering if, by any chance no matter how small it was, she was in some way flirting with him.

It was a valid thought, or maybe a fantasy, she had come to visit him very often, inviting him for lunch may be just another way to ask for an evening sex… or it´s just lunch. He couldn´t tell, he had been invited to have lunch, dinner, breakfast, even brunch quite a few times; but never before he had been invited by such an outstanding woman, she was tall, pretty and overall, her body was so thick, so plumply erotic in all the right places. He started thinking that getting laid with an older woman wouldn´t be such a bad idea, maybe fornicating with a mature woman will be a nice experience.

He stood there for a couple minutes, just watching her mouth move and her hands gesturing every now and then. “…so, are you ok with that?” she asked, he wasn´t paying any attention to what she just said, for a full five to ten minutes he had been day dreaming about what it´ll be to have intimacy with her, so he forgot to listen. The last thing he remembers was something about three, but what was it?

“Sorry, I got lost for a moment, can you repeat what you just say?” he said in a lossy way.

“Awww, how cute, I think someone wasn´t paying attention” she said with a sarcastic but sweet tone. “I wanted to know if you´re not allergic to peanuts honey, cause there´s also a cake on the oven, just waiting for the two of us…” cool, she was just asking about trivial stuff, a very considerate detail to have in mind if he won´t get food poisoned.

“Oh no, not at all, I´m not allergic to any food, don´t worry” he said with some relieve. But still, he could feel how his member was starting to rise in his pants. He couldn´t help it, she was just…too much. He was not into tall women, he´d rather be the taller one in the relationship, but her, Lillian, she was just, well, gorgeous. Long thick legs holding up a thick pair of cheeks, so round and fleshy, over that, a huge rack of tits bouncing free with her every moves. And above all, a pretty face, that seemed young and fresh. He just couldn´t help it, it was impossible for him not to get aroused by this woman. No matter if the top of his head didn´t even reached her mouth.

“It´s settled then, I´ll see you mister at three, and I hope you´re punctual” she said with some authority, in a playful tone, but still, he could tell she meant it.

“Ok, see you there, and thanks for the invitation!” he said as he waved at her. He decided to enter immediately and not stare at her by the door. Watching her buttocks sway as she walked thru the sidewalk will make him burst inside his pants.

“Ok, just keep it cool, she just invited you to her house, nothing out of normal…oh man, am I supposed to bring something with me?” leaving aside the fact that being in her house, watching her all the time while he thought about how smooth her touch will feel, or how fleshy her body was, how thick and…he tried to ignore those thoughts, but still, the etiquette rules are still the same. It´s not appropriate to visit someone with your hands empty, much less of she invited you to have lunch.

“There´s nothing here” he said as he opened the fridge. There was not something he could take, not even a snack or soda, his fridge, the cupboard, everywhere was empty; basically, the only thing he could take with him to share will be white bread, and maybe some canned cheese.

“Maybe I could rush to the…” he had the idea to go to the store and buy something, but there was no time, that possibility vanished as he noticed the time it was, 2:23 pm, he wasn´t sure if he´ll be able to make it on time, so he decided to wait. Stay there and make some time, maybe she wouldn´t mind; she even said that there was plenty of food, so why bothering in carrying even more.

“Find, I´ll stay here and wait… maybe, I should change clothes” he thought realizing that he was just wearing a plain shirt, some loose pants and no shoes.

“I´ll change myself into something more…casual, and then I´ll head over there” he said as he started heading upstairs, but he was still wondering, was she married? Could this only be a random invitation? There shouldn´t be a reason behind it, just a neighbor being friendly… but what if there was something else?


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