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Here it is, the first chapter of my new story. This story will include, among other things, slow shrink, maternal and gentle tags.

This is the story of Jonathan, a young man who has recently moved in into a new neighbourhood, for his surprise, he happens to live right next door to Lillian, who happens to be a statuesque woman.

Little he knows she likes to spend time with him, but she´s looking for something in particular...she wants to have a certain type of "relationship" with him.

I hope you enjoy.

“Thank you!!!” Jonathan yelled from the porch, waving at the guys on the moving truck. They waved back and drove away, leaving him alone in his house. He just placed his hands on his waist and let out a proud sigh.

Finally, after years of going from one apartment to another, he had made enough money to buy himself a house; on the suburbs, in a modest neighborhood. Things were starting to work well, after going from one part time job to another, he succeeded working on his own. Well, not precisely working, he made his money streaming; he played videogames all day, and sometimes all night; it went from a hobby into a way of living.

At first, he wasn´t so successful, so he needed to have a regular job to maintain some money flow, to eat and pay for a place to live; but now, with all the contributions and donations from his followers, he was able to quit his job, afford a house and, basically, be his own boss. Which is pretty good for someone who´s 26 years old.

At the age of 18 he had been kicked out of his house by his father, who told him that he didn´t wanted to have a lazy ass son who spend all night playing videogames and all day sleeping, that he needed to get a job and find a way to make money. He got into college and drop out because he didn´t believe it was his “thing”, and at that time, well, he didn´t have anything going on actually. All that was the perfect excuse for his father to kick him out and use him as an example for his younger brothers.

Once he was on the street, he swore he´ll never go back to that house, ever, even if he was starving or dying; there was no way on earth he will forgive that man. He would´ve liked for her mother to say something, to show him her support, but she had been long gone. After she gave birth to his youngest brother, she decided she couldn´t take any more of his father´s shit and left them. He was eight years old when that happened.

Ever since, he decided to prove his father wrong, to show him he could thrive doing what he liked. That money will come sooner or later; and now, the time had come. He entered his new house and admired what perseverance and hard work can do, and also being good at videogames. He went into his room and started settling his “working station”.

Thru the years he had managed to make enough money to start investing on his gamer career. He started from scratch, but now, he had two huge monitors, the best CPU he could found on the market, a couple of controllers, and a key board and mouse with LEDs; all over a fancy desk with its ergonomic gaming chair. He couldn´t help but smile every time he saw it. Now, it was time to install everything.

“Ok, where did I put the box with the cables?” he wondered, when suddenly.

*Ding dong*

It was his doorbell, someone was outside. “Who could it be?” he asked himself. “Maybe the moving guys forgot to leave something…nah, I´m pretty sure everything´s here…let´s check” he said as he was heading downstairs towards the door. Coming down the stairs and passing between all the boxes and furniture that wasn´t unpacked yet. None of his friends could be at the door since he hasn´t give the address to any of them.

He grabbed the door knob and started turning it, although he forgot to look thru the peephole. But why getting worried, no robber will ring the bell. He opened the door slowly, little by little the light from the outside burst into his house, it was shadowy inside since he had not turn on any lights, except for the one on his bedroom. When the door was completely opened, he was staggered by the person who was standing there.

It was a woman, maybe on her late thirties or early forties, she had long wavy hair, with a golden-brown shade. But that wasn´t what caught his attention. What let him speechless was the fact that she was an Amazon, clearly, she was over six feet tall, maybe 6´3” or 6´4”? He wasn’t sure.

Jonathan was not a tall guy, he was about 5´9” with a slim complexion, but this woman, she was huge. Asides of standing so tall, she also had a huge pair of boobs; he tried not to stare at them, so he took a fast peek. They seemed enormous, for sure they were bigger than a melon. But he had to keep it together, he had to say something before she found out he was dumbfounded, so he said what everyone would and could´ve said: “Hi”.

“Hi there…” she replied with a big smile, she was really beautiful, “I´m Lillian Bressett, your neighbor…I saw you just moved in, so I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.” She smiled cheerfully at him.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Jonathan… Jonathan Feyder” His eyes were even with her collar bone, he tried not to make it to obvious, so he gulped in a soft discrete way. He knew he wasn´t the tallest guy, but he wasn´t expecting to meet a statuesque woman.

“I live right next door…” she said pointing at the house to the left, “if you need a cup of sugar or maybe you´d like to take a cup of coffee, you know where to find me” she said winking at him.

She seemed friendly, a really nice woman, and even if she was older than him, she seemed young, at least for her age. He just smiled and replied: “Well, thank you…same for you, anything you need, do not hesitate to knock on my door.”

“Thank you! So, are you new in town or?” she asked curiously.

“Well, not exactly, I used to live on the south side of the city, in a remote area actually.” He forced his eyes to keep straight into her face, he only wanted to ogle at her breasts, and given the height difference, they were very close to his face.

“Oh wow, that´s interesting, I´ve never been there before, I guess it must be a really nice place” she replied.

“Weeeell…” he said as he scratched the back of his head, “it´s actually, uhmm, it´s not that much of a nice place to be honest, that´s why I moved here, it seems as a calmed neighborhood.” He replied taking a peek of the street.

“Yes, it is, in my opinion, this is the best place to live in.” she seemed eager to talk, and he was trying to unpack everything and chill playing some online videogames. He didn´t want to be rude but, well, this was more than just introducing herself and welcoming him. In a way, it seemed as if she was looking for a longer conversation.

He just smiled and nodded, and then he said: “Yeah, I can see that, I´m really excited to live here, but before, I´ve got to unpack everything… I mean, it´s not a ton of stuff, but I need to install my PC and everything.” He tried to indirectly tell her she needed to leave, not that he wanted, her body had a very curvaceous silhouette, but he had things to do.

“Oh sorry, I must´ve known you still had things to unpack, I guess I got a little carried away, sometimes I just start talking and talking, haha… I´ll leave you so that you can get busy…” she started to walk away, and when she turned, he couldn´t help but to fix his look into her butt.

It was so round and ample, his mouth watered as he saw it sway from side to side. She was wearing a pair of tight yoga pants, that only accentuated her derriere´s features. He lowered his gaze to check on her legs. Just as expected, they were long and thick, she had really thick thighs that stretched the fabric of her clothes, in a very sensual way. Her calves seemed thick and strong, as they flexed with each step.

He wasn´t sure if it was right to stare at her so much, or if she may notice, but there didn´t seem to be anyone else, so why not? He turned to look at her face, so that she didn´t notice, and waved at her, she waved back. As she walked away, the only thing he had on his mind was:

“Oh fuck, she´s just, so tall… I mean, she´s huge, and she´s just… just so hot! Thick in all the right places. Older women always seem curvier than most younger women, but she…oh boy, she carries everything just where she should.” He couldn´t deny it, he was starting to get aroused, he felt how his cock was getting hard on his pants, so he stepped inside his house.

As he was setting up his computer, he couldn´t stop thinking about her. He wasn´t expecting to have such a voluptuous and beautiful woman as a neighbor. If it wasn´t enough that her body was so hot that it provoked his sexual desires, her face was as pretty as an angel´s face. Bright blue eyes, a smooth face where you couldn´t see a single wrinkle, and red thick lips.

But her body, he couldn´t help but to imagine how her ass wiggled with every stride she took. Her thick thighs swelling to each side, and her boobs, round mounds of soft flesh. He was hard on his pants and blushing by the mere fact of picturing it. But he couldn´t help it. She had such a maternal shape; not that he´s particularly attracted to older woman, it´s just that her shape is different, wider, larger, and carrying a more substantial amount of flesh.

He wasn´t sure if she noticed she was so attractive, but who wouldn´t. Such a tall voluptuous woman can´t go by without being noticed. He wondered how her husband looked like. Maybe he´s an even taller muscular man who´ll shred him into pieces if he catches him staring at his wife. That´s if she´s married, otherwise…

He blinked a couple times; he was overthinking it all. He needed to get some distraction, so he finished connecting everything and headed to the backyard. Some fresh air and watching the sunset will be good to forget about his previous visit. If not forgetting it, at least fixing his attention into something else. He went downstairs, drank a glass of water, and when he watched thru the window. The sky was full of stars.

“Oh man, it´s night already?” he checked and in fact, it was 8:03 pm, the sun had been long gone a while ago. He spent his whole evening arranging everything and settling his “work station”. He turned on the light on the backyard and stepped out of the house.

The house was big enough for a single man, and the backyard, well, it was big enough too, not to big and not too small. Enough space one needs, the only thing there was a bunch of grass, moaned of course, but still, not a single flower or bush. “Ok, I could plant a tree over there…” he thought, “and maybe put a grill over here, a table, some chairs…” he earned enough money to buy himself a thing or two, maybe he could invite his new neighbors every other weekend.

“And maybe… she´ll come…” he thought turning his gaze at Miss Bressett´s house. He tried to focus his attention on something else, but it seems it was impossible. He turned to her house, for his surprise, the blind on the window facing his house was opened. The light was on too. He couldn´t help but stare at it for a moment, thinking that she may show up within a moment. And she did.

To his surprise, she showed up right in front of the window. He was surprised by his so asserted guess. He approached to the wood fence, and decided to spy on her for a moment; making sure that there was no one watching. She fixed her hair into a ponytail. Removed all of her jewelry and then…then she started unbuttoning her blouse.

His eyes opened widely as she one by one started removing all of them. Then, she removed her blouse, exposing more and more of her cleavage. He was getting hard on his pants as she took the blouse off and stood there, only wearing her bra. Her boobs were enormous, compressed inside the tight fabric of her bra. He was breathing forcibly as he craved for her to remove the bra too. A part of him also feared that she could see him there, he was new and already ogling at her.

He turned every now and then to check if someone was watching, but once again, no one showed up. He was curious about why he, and her, seemed to be the only two people around. No one even checked when they were taking all his stuff from the truck into his house. But it doesn´t matter, in fact, it´s better this way. That way, Miss Bressett´s displaying a show only for him.

She stood there for a while. He was sure that there was a mirror right in front of her because her gaze was always focused on the same spot. She leaned forward, like placing her hands on a bureau, maybe she was in front of the make-up table, who knows. He felt really odd standing there, he knew it wasn´t right, but he couldn´t help it.

Then, it happened, both of her hands reached behind her back and with a single movement of her shoulders, she undid her bra. He was elated by it. “YES! YES!” he was thinking, now, he was going to be able to have a look of her breasts. He wondered how her nipples will look, maybe dark colored, big hard nipples, small nipples, he wasn´t sure. But then, she walked away. “No! no no no no…” the only thing he wanted to see, and now she was gone.

He turned, placing his back on the fence and crossed his arms. He was disappointed, but what could he expect? He was spying on her neighbor, it wasn´t a paid show. It was something that just happened. Maybe she was used to not having anyone living next door. Maybe she didn´t mind, or maybe… ”Could it be that…she saw me?” He thought.

He was sure that no other person saw him, and she never, not even once, turned into his direction while she was there. But he was afraid that, while he checked not being spied on, she could turn and see him. The light on his backyard was on, and the house was not that far. She could´ve catch him in every second.

“Oh my, she was so nice earlier, it´ll be a shame if she thinks of me as a creep…shit!” it was not something nice to gawk at the only woman who came into his porch and welcome him to the neighborhood. But he did. He was embarrassed, he returned inside and fix himself some dinner.

“Maybe I could play videogames, to distract myself” he thought. It wasn´t such a bad idea, play for a while, focus his mind into something else. So, he did, he played, and played, and played. He wasn´t sure for how long, but it had been a while. But there was something else, every now and then, he couldn´t help but to imagine her, removing her blouse, undoing her bra, so close to exhibit her luscious breasts.

He was very distracted, so he lost a couple of times for not being focused enough. He needed to forget it. Why was he so attracted by her? Was it her size? Her body? The fact that she came all the way there to greet him? Maybe it was something else, or all of them, he didn´t know. While he tried to find an answer, an hour went by, then another and another. Then he was tired.

He had been playing for a while now, he even lost track of time. “Maybe it´s a good time to turn it off and get to sleep” he thought rubbing his eyes, he was tired. He went to the kitchen to grab a midnight snack, but, to his surprise, it wasn´t midnight, not even close. “What the…” he thought as he saw the watch on the microwave. It was already five in the morning.

“Come on, I couldn´t spend so much time…” his eyebrows rose as he checked on his phone, only to prove that it was already 5:23 am. “Fuck” he thought, but he didn´t mind about it, he´ll sleep the whole day and wake up by noon. He only stepped out on the porch to check on his new neighborhood. And once he was out, to his surprise, he met someone.

“Oh hi! Good morning…” said a voice coming from his right side, it was miss Bressett, she was jogging, wearing some sports clothes. Needless to say, they were really tight. He waved at her but, as she came jogging thru the sidewalk, he couldn´t help but to stare at her boobs, how her flesh just bounced up and down, he swallowed hard.

Now, she was stepping closer and closer, jogging towards his direction. He was stunned, she was coming towards him, he couldn´t avoid staring at her lower body as she ran. How her hips and thighs simply sway freely in the air. The heavy mass of her legs bouncing with each step she took. He was so tired, so sleepy that he didn´t even notice he was staring at her so directly. By the time he did, she was already six or seven feet away from her.

Then, he came back to reality. “Fuck, focus man, focus!” he thought as she approached to his porch, slowing down her steps, preparing to stop, which only made her breasts bounce with even more force. He felt his cock rising on his pants as he witnessed this erotic display. Inside his head, he could see her running in slow motion, her breasts bouncing up and down, fluttering while they fell and pushing the fabric of her clothes up as they rebounded.

“Hello there, I didn´t knew you were a morning person too, are you getting ready for a morning jog as well? Or maybe some yoga?” she said cheerfully, he obviously wasn´t going to do that, if someone paid close attention, you could notice that the clothes he was wearing were the same he had when she met him yesterday, still, it was a normal question.

Jonathan returned to his senses as he heard her and, in a sudden and nervous way, he said: “Oh I, well… you know…” he didn´t want to confess he had spent his whole night playing videogames in his computer, but he didn´t want to lie and say he was going for a run or something, he simply said:

“You know, sometimes… I just like to wake up and watch the sunrise…it´s so calming, the beginning of a brand-new day…” he said as he thought: “OH FUCK! That sounded soooo deep, definitely something she can believe, but I know that as soon as I finish with this microwave burrito, I´m heading to sleep”.

“Awww, what a beautiful thought” she replied with a tender tone, placing her hands on her chest, right in front of her heart, “I wasn´t sure you were a morning person, you know, boys your age often stay up all night and sleep thru the day”.

“Haha, well, it´s normal” he replied knowing he was one of those.

“But I definitely get it, you know, I wake up really early too, well… at least nowadays. And I´m able to watch how the sun rises in the sky…” she said.

“So, you wake up early for a morning run?” Jonathan asked as he leaned forward, he felt a little less aroused now, and more conscious about where he was looking.

“Yup, that´s right, I´m trying to get rid of all this extra weight” she said as she turned to the side and smacked one of her butt cheeks.

That had two effects, the first one, the force she applied made her butt shake, in a sensuous and slow way; even erotically. And the other, it only made Jonathan focus all of his attention on the way her ass sway inside the tight spandex of her pants. He swallowed, feeling how his penis started rising inside his shorts.

“Oops, sorry for that hehe, I guess I got a little carried away” Lillian said smiling as she returned to her original position.

“Oh no, it´s uhm, it´s ok, you don´t need to apologize” he said, wondering how would it be if she just took those pants off and did the same on her bare butt. But that was just a fantasy inside his mind.

“Anyways, I better get going…” she said looking at her watch, “I´m only half way done, I better get back on track, see ya…neighbor” she said with a slow wink, and a sort of flirty look in her eyes. And then she left, jogging, her ass just sway from side to side.

Jonathan had a hard time trying not to stare at her as she left, then, before returning back inside and heading to bed, something crossed his mind, maybe something absurd, but still, he thought:

“Hold on, was that like a…tease? Could she notice I was looking at her while she came here? Nah, I mean, why would she focus on me… besides, there´s no chance a woman like her would like to be with a guy like me, who barely makes it passed her shoulder.” Maybe he was just letting himself go into another of his fantasies, or maybe, there was a chance that she was into him.


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