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Hello everyone! I´m glad you´re liking the new story. Here´s the new chapter, I hope you enjoy.

Jonathan woke up by noon, feeling a little tired, but not more than usual. He put his sleepers on and headed to the kitchen, he was hungry. He opened the fridge, once the door cracked open, he felt good to have food on it; there were so many options, he could make himself a nice breakfast…but he had just woke up, so he decided he´ll eat a toast.

“A toast with a cup of coffee…” he thought, but then he remembered the gallon of milk he was missing yesterday. He considered going to Lillian´s house for it. Hopefully, she had noticed the milk and not forget it on the car.

“I´ll go check” he thought, and given the fact that it was already passed twelve, there shouldn´t be any problem with waking her up. “She wakes up like at four in the morning, so at whatever time I wake up, she will be up too, and maybe…jogging” he thought as he remembered her round ass bouncing freely with her every stride. But he cut himself out before he got an erection, now, he needed his milk.

He walked over there, knocked on the door and after knocking a couple times he heard Lillian yelling from inside: “Come in!”

He opened the door and entered, “Uhm, hi Lillian” he said.

“Oh, hello Johnny” he heard her voice coming from upstairs, but he wasn´t sure from where. “Sorry that I don´t meet you downstairs, I´m going to take a shower, is there anything you need?” she said as he began to imagine her taking off her bathrobe and exposing her sensuous thick body.

“I…I wanted to check if you happen to have my…well, the gallon of milk I bought on the store yesterday, I couldn´t find it last night” he said. Feeling weird about asking her neighbor for his milk, but they went to the store together the previous day, so it was a fair question.

“Oh, yes honey, sorry for that. I found it on one of my bags last night when I brought my groceries in, but I didn´t wanted to bother you… that´s why I put it on the fridge. It´s on the lower shelve, next to the water bottles.” She said as she turned on the tap.

“Ok!” he half yelled from downstairs. Jonathan was trying to picture her getting naked, but it was too disrespectful (not that he matters that very much) so he focused on her instructions.

He went to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and once he spotted the gallon, he grabbed it and returned to the house´s entrance.

“I got it, thank you!” he said before leaving.

“Ok sweetheart, take care” she replied from the shower.

He left her house and returned to his own. Once on his house´s kitchen, he placed the gallon on the counter and grabbed a mug. He started the coffee maker and decided to wait for the small jar to be filled with his usual morning coffee. He stood there a couple seconds, then he turned and watched the gallon of cold milk on the counter.

He remembered the sweet taste of that thick creamy milk as he wet his lips with his tongue expressing the desire he had to taste it again. And he also wanted to make sure it was the same milk Lillian gave him the day before.

He pulled a glass out of one of the kitchens cabinets and started to open the gallon. The weird thing was that it seemed to be already open, the seal was already broken, and he was also very sure that it was fuller last night.

“Hmmm, maybe Lillian opened it thinking it was hers…and also, wasn´t she supposed to buy herself one of these yesterday?” the main reason she said she wanted to go to the store was to buy some more milk, although, given the few things she bought yesterday, it seemed more as if she was just trying to give him a lift to the store.

He had to appreciate that. She seemed to be a friendly and generous neighbor, it didn´t matter if she opened it and took some of the milk, besides, it was a gallon, never before he had bought so much. And something felt off with that, seriously, which company sells milk in gallons only?

He ignored the fact that the milk was opened, he just smelled it to make sure it wasn´t spoiled or something. When he did, he was soothed by the sweet scent the milk emanated. He lost no time and filled his glass with it and started drinking. Once the thick creamy liquid hit his tongue, he couldn´t help but feel the sweet flavor spreading thru his tongue, filling his mouth.

He drank a mouthful of it, then another and another, before he could notice he drank the whole glass in one go. He was hypnotized by the milk, involuntarily forcing himself to drink it, unconsciously craving for more.

He was surprised by it, but he couldn´t blame himself, it was by far the best milk he has had. The only problem was that now, he wanted more. So, he poured more of it and filled his glass again, trying to convince himself he will drink it slowly this time, to enjoy it more.

But it was useless, before he knew, the glass was empty and he found himself pouring one more glass. The coffee was ready now, but all he wanted was more milk. He drank the glass again, and another, and then, he stopped. He drank half of the gallon before he could notice.

“Jeez, I guess I don´t need any breakfast now, woof, I´m full” he said to himself. His stomach was filled with milk. He just sat on the couch and stayed there for a moment. Then, his phone buzzed.

“I wonder who it is” he thought as he pulled out his phone from his pocket. He checked and for his surprise, it was a date proposal. “Cool!” he said.

Jonathan had an account in one of those dating apps, during the last few weeks he has not had any date, which was ok given the fact that he wanted to move into his new house, so he had a lot going on. Now, he had some free time to spend as he pleased, and this date was the best option. He read the message, which said:

“Hello handsome, wanna go on a date today?”

He smiled as he read those words, then checked on her profile. Her name was Melissa and appeared to be around his age, she had dark curly hair and freckles. She seemed nice, and also the profile looked real. He has never met someone with a fake profile, but he wanted to be cautious. She was also pretty, he decided to answer now and not take too long to reply, he wrote:

“Hello there, I´d love to go on a date with you, any ideas?” he thought a gentlemen should let the lady choose the place, and he also had no idea where to go.

He laid his head on the couch and decided to rest for a while until she replied, it didn´t take long, within a minute or two, his phone buzzed again, this time, there were two messages from her. The first one said:

“What a quick response! I like it.” It settled him down, he thought that if he replied fast, then she´ll think he may be one of those people who are always checking on their date proposals. Which could make him seem desperate. Now, the second one said:

“Well…there´s a restaurant downtown, it´s called the Noji Doji. I really like their ramen. Would you like to go there?”

He wasn´t very familiar with the places in downtown, he had only gone there like two or three times, but never to the restaurants. The truth was that there´s a comic book store there where he bought some manga and anime figures…but it wouldn´t be such a great idea to bring that up on the conversation. Unless she likes that kind of stuff, and given the fact that she likes ramen, there´s a small chance she´s into it. But it´ll be better to wait for a signal. He replied:

“I´m not very familiar with the place, but if you send me the address I´ll be there. Let´s say at 9?”

He could´ve searched for the place on the internet, but he wanted to be sure, so it´ll be better if they were both in the same page. She replied.

“Ok, 9 sounds great. I´ll send you the address, but to your personal phone, there´s no option for me to attach the location here. Give me a sec.”

“Ok” he thought, she´ll text him, which means, she was eager to go and she will also have his number. Actually, everyone could see your number on the app. But most people only texted thru the app. He waited for a moment and then, the text arrived.


It was the address and below, a short message from her: “Hi there, this is the address, let me know if you received it :D”

He smiled at the happy face at the end. He replied: “Message received, see you at 9” Maybe it was sort of a dry response, so he sent a “=)” in the next text.

She replied: “See ya”

He had a date, awesome, he could stream early today and leave by 8:30 or so. Jonathan was really focused on arriving early, more than early, he didn´t wanted to be late. Then, a doubt came to his head, what should he wear? He will be really comfortable with just a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, but maybe she will wear something more elaborate.

“A shirt will do…and a pair of shoes…maybe a tie...No, definitely not a tie” he was going to keep it simple, a bit more formal than usual but simple.

He turned on the TV to watch some series for a while. It was still early so he could waste some time doing nothing before he started with his live stream. He only announced it on his social media and stayed there for a while. In the meantime, Lillian was doing some other things in her house.

Lillian was on her kitchen, wearing a huge pink bathrobe tight enough to press her humongous breasts together. There was a generous boob window exposing the round shape of her feminine mounds, something Jonathan would´ve enjoyed to watch. She opened the fridge and said: “Mhmm, he took the milk, nice, I wonder…how tall he is now…” There was something going on with that milk, asides of being addictive, there was other thing behind it. The main reason why she stayed in the bathroom was to hide herself from him. She didn´t wanted him to see her, at least by now.

Behind all her hospitality, all her friendly greetings, she had a plan. She had something in mind for Jonathan, she smiled at her idea and said: “I´m sure he´ll love it, or at least, he´ll learn to love it.”

She closed the fridge and walked her thick statuesque body out of the kitchen, her boobs were bouncing a little. She had been waiting for something most of her life, and now that Jonathan had arrived to the neighborhood, the time has come. She had put hands into it and, even if he wasn´t still aware of it, the changes had started.

“Oh my, I really hope it´s not too selfish from me to do it so soon…” she thought, “I mean, I just met him, and he seems nice, but overall, he´s just soooo perfect.” She thought as she squeezed one of her humongous tits. Lillian had been waiting for a certain someone during the past few months, since the moment she stepped out of the period of depression that she had been in during years, she came back to the real world. But she had one idea in mind.

Even if Jonathan didn´t knew, he was the perfect candidate for Lillian´s “experiment” or more than an experiment, it was sort of a change. A change mostly for Jonathan.

“He´ll be find…” she was trying to convince herself. “I mean, there´s men who´ll love to be in his place…once I tell him, of course he´ll freak out at first, but then he´ll come to his senses and accept it…and that acceptance is only for his own good. I wouldn´t wanna hurt the little guy.” What could she possibly have in mind for him?

She just stepped inside her bedroom and closed the door behind her. There´s something waiting for Jonathan in the near future. Something he´s not prepared for. But this statuesque woman, she´s going to force him into it, but that´ll be only if he´s not willing to cooperate. Even if she´s going to change Jonathan´s life completely, at least she has the decency to do it in a gentle way.

She could´ve snatched him up already and have him prisoner in her basement. Forcing him into a rapid change. But she doesn´t want that. She wants to do it in a slow way, so that he can accept it little by little.

Returning to Jonathan, it was now 7:35 pm. He had already streamed and said goodbye to his followers. Now, he could dedicate the next hour to get ready for his date. It was more than enough time, he only needed 30 minutes tops. But he didn´t wanted to be over confident and end up wasting his time and rushing to his date.

The first thing he did was take a shower. She spread the shampoo over his head and after a moment, he washed it away; time flew as he was now putting his socks on. He checked on the time, and just as expected, it was barely 8:19 pm.

“I guess it´s still too early…should I head over there already? Or maybe check on…nah, let´s get ready, time flies when you get distracted.” He didn´t wanted to fuck things up and end up being an hour late for his date, it had happened before and he promised not to do it again.

He was ready, a plain white shirt, denim jeans and a pair of Bostonian brown shoes. Nice and casual. He hoped into the bus that headed downtown and departed to his first date in weeks. Once in the bus, he made sure he had everything on its place. He grabbed his phone and decided to check on Melissa´s profile, a little peek wouldn´t hurt anyone.

He watched her pictures, maybe he could find something to talk about during dinner, he could casually come up with something, maybe she liked manga or anime. He wasn´t sure if his personal interests were something he could talk about or if they were a little too nerdy.

He found nothing on those pictures, other than she liked sweets and a couple pictures of her eating ramen where he assumed was the restaurant he was heading. He spent the rest of his time thinking on a topic other than the weather that he could talk about.

He resigned in the fact that he was not very good at talking with women. The best thing he came up with was that he could talk about his gamer career, and elaborate on that. The rest of the conversation will have to be spontaneous or depend completely on listening to her.

Moments later, he arrived to the restaurant. He was still ten minutes early, so he had time enough to pick up a table and wait there for another couple minutes. He wanted to text Melissa that he was there, but in a way, he felt as if he was rushing her to arrive. He waited in silence as he browsed thru his social media.

Time went by, the clock ticked nine, then other five minutes went by, then another five. Jonathan was starting to feel ghosted. Maybe she changed her mind and was not going to come up. In that moment, he started to become too self-conscious about the whole thing. He felt as if everyone could be talking about why he had been there for over twenty minutes and still not order anything. Wondering what the waiters will say. The guy on the bar. He was starting to feel as an alien there. Suddenly, his phone buzzed.

It was a text from Melissa, he opened it and read it:

“I´m sorry, I couldn´t find a cab, but I´m on my way there. I´ll be there in 10.”

He smiled, that text made him feel relieved. At least she was coming, he had to wait there just another couple minutes. Although she could´ve said in advance she was struggling to find a cab, but it´s find, no one arrives early nowadays. Except for him.

He was bored now, resting his head on his hand as he was laying on the table. He took a peek at the door and almost immediately, Melissa showed up. She was wearing a navy-blue dress, which accentuated her curves. He took a quick glance at her body and then returned to her face.

She was gorgeous, her lips were painted in bright red and she had a blue eyeshadow. She turned and spot him. He waved in response as she approached to the table. When she was just a couple feet away, he stood up to greet her.

To his surprise, she was tall, he wasn´t sure if she was his exact height or maybe an inch taller. And she wasn´t wearing any hills. She gave him a kiss on the cheek as she said: “Hi, sorry I´m late, you wouldn´t believe how hard it was to get a cab.”

“Oh, it´s ok, no worries.” He replied as he was thinking, “WOW, I wasn´t expecting this girl to be so tall…if I come to think about it, she didn´t seem so tall in the pictures…I think there´s a section on the app where you can check on the height or so…that´s if she filled it up” he was surprised but not as much as he was when he first met his neighbor. Now, she´s the one who´s tall.

“Were you waiting for too long?” Melissa asked with some concern on her voice.

“No, not at all, don´t worry about it, the important thing is that you´re here now…” he smiled at her, wondering if he should be the one starting the conversation, but in his mind, he was kind of focused whether she was 5´9” or 5´10”.

She smiled back and said: “Haha, I guess you´re right…have you checked on the menu? I think you haven´t been here before, right?” she asked.

“Yeah, well…no, I mean, I haven´t been here but I already checked on the menu…and I have to say, this place looks pretty cool…” the restaurant was very well set. Rectangular wooden tables, wooden chairs with red upholstery, dim light, a big mural, one another shoji´s and so on.

And the food seemed really delicious. The ramen was a good option, but there were other choices to pick, such as Soba, yakitori, yakimeshi, sushi of course and the classical onigiri. That among many other things. But it seemed that ramen was the most common thing to order, and the most sold for judging by the number of customers who were eating ramen.

They both ordered ramen, and while they waited, they were talking about their personal interests. It turns out that Melissa´s actually interested on the Japanese culture. He was excited once he heard her say that; as they spoke, he could notice she was more interested on the gastronomy and their language other that anime and manga, which were his personal favorites.

She had studies international commerce, and was hoping to move to Japan and start a new life there, she was still wondering what she could do there for a living, maybe starting a tour for visitors or so, the plan was still to be settled. But she had an idea.

On the other hand, he talked to her about his gamer career, how he could make a living out of something he liked. He shared his social media with her and she was really surprised at the number of followers he had.

When dinner was served, the ramen was as good as he imagined, he enjoyed them. She confessed this was her favorite restaurant, and the best ramen she has had on town, but she wanted to have actual Japanese food in Japan. Taste it as it´s traditionally made.

They kept talking for a while after they finished with their ramen. Jonathan was proud of the fact that he actually made her laugh with one of his jokes. Melissa seemed as a nice woman, attentive, open, he began to think on having a second date with her. But one thing about her, is that she was completely honest, she said:

“You know, I´m having a really good time with you, you´re just so cute…” Jonathan smiled at her words, but he would´ve chosen another word rather than cute to describe him, but still, she kept going, “I don´t get it why you needed to lie about your height, in my opinion there´s nothing wrong about being a short guy.”

Jonathan wasn´t sure what she was talking about, he knew he wasn´t the tallest guy there is, but lying? Maybe from her point of view he was short, but who would lie about being 5´9”? If he would´ve set 6´ as his height, well that´s a lie, but he wasn´t lying.

“Haha, sorry, but I´m not lying, I´m 5´9”, Now, I think it doesn´t seem so because you´re taller, but still…” that´s when she interrupted him drawing a Duchenne smile on her face as she spoke.

“No you´re not…” she started in a playful tone, “I´m like 5´6” and I´m taller than you, but you don´t need to impress anyone pretending you´re taller, you seem to be a successful person, why don´t you just…let that go.” She said.

Jonathan felt insulted, he was not lying, what was she talking about, so he added: “But I´m telling the truth, listen, there should be a way to prove it…” he turned to the sides trying to find a tape measure or something, maybe a scale.

“Hmm, maybe, would you like to go to my apartment…we can compare heights there, if you like” the last she said it with a flirtatious smile. He knew where she wanted to go with that. So he smiled back and said: “If you insist.”



Absolutely love this story so far!! Can’t wait to read more!


Thank you! I hope you enjoy the next chapter I´m about to post :D