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Part 1

A slow approach, sometimes what someone wants to do to impress someone is to approach slowly. And if you want this to be a surprise, then it should be from somewhere the other person cannot see you.

Right now, she´s approaching him from behind. In silence. Sneaking, each careful step after the other. Making her way so carefully, so silently, he surely won´t notice. Even if she´s a really large lady.


Standing at an impressive 7-feet-height, as for right now, she´s making her way without making a sound.

Her bare feet, one careful step after another. Her voluptuous body, some thunder thighs, at nearly full display as she wears a tiny pair of shorts. Her juicy behind, bouncing so lightly.

And her breasts, as she wears this tank top that doesn´t even cover her full torso but just her gigantic breasts alone, and maybe a little past her rib-cage. Her breasts are so enormous, they bounce even when she´s barely moving.

Now, towards who is she sneaking?


Right now, sitting on the couch, watching just a random sitcom he happened to bump into while changing channels, there sits our main guy. Connor.

He´s unaware that she´s walking towards him. That he´s, at the moment, the prey of this gigantic woman.

The only thing in his mind at the moment is that this show has gotten a bit boring, and that he´ll change the channel within a second.

But before he reaches for the remote, she approached…


One step, another one, and the final one! Now, she´s right behind him! Just a quick movement, she bents over, reaches with her hands and now…

“Gotcha´!” she cheers as she holds him from behind and keeps him in place.

“No! Elena, not again!” he complaints as he tries to squirm away from her.

“Oh no, you´re not getting away, honey…” she replied as she “accommodates” herself. More specifically, as she accommodates her breasts, putting his head right between them. “Mmm, tell me you don´t like this. My HUGE boobs, each so much bigger than your head. Don´t you love to have your whole head pinned between them?”

“No, now get off!” He complaint.

“Don´t play hard to get, this is getting old. Just give into me, dear. I´ll make you feel sooo good. If you allow me, of course…” she said.

“I already told you I´m not interested!” He´s not interested? Why?


You may wonder what´s going on right now. Let´s talk a little more as to how these two got here.

In the first place, Elena´s not just a random lady, who happens to stand at seven-feet-tall. She´s a goddess! And the reason why she´s here, that´s simple. To help Connor with his love “issues”.

Connor´s the average guy, well, not so average. Although he stands at 5´10”, he´s got a nice physique. Not built like a bodybuilder, but he´s shredded. Lean, yet strong. Muscular, yet slim. But that´s not the main attractive of his, he´s handsome. Really handsome. Blue eyes that seem to look right into your soul. Thick eyebrows that seem so perfectly done, even if that´s their natural look. An amazing jawline, and noticeable cheek-bones. He´s handsome, truly handsome. But, is that the reason why Elena´s there? No.


She appeared one day, while he was just laying around, reading a book that one time…



He was sitting at the same spot, in the living room, when suddenly, the whole room felt like trembling. An earthquake? No, a goddess!

Soon, a pink light shine in the room. Sparkles, flashes of pink and white. And then, a quick breeze ran all over the room. And an aroma, the breeze carried a sweet aroma. Like perfume, but more natural. Sweet, delicious, almost intoxicating.

He was scared, what was it? Why? How? He stood up and cornered himself. Leaning at the farthest wall from this weird light. Could it be a bomb?

Soon, a shape took form in the middle of the room. A large form that began to rise. The light was so bright at the epicenter that he couldn´t quite tell what it was; all he could see was this large shape rising.

Then, as the light became dimmer, he could spot what this form was. It was a person, but a huge one! And, as the room darkened a little, he could see that this gigantic being was a woman.

Her long hairs flew in the air. She was washed by some sort of glow, yellow, or maybe golden. She was pretty. And also a giantess!

She was sitting, which was logical since there´s no way she´ll fit inside the room while standing. His best guess was that she was somewhere near twenty-feet-tall. A true giantess had just summoned in the middle of the living room?


“Connor…” she called.

He freaked out. “How do you know my name?” he asked.

“Oh, I know a lot of things…” she said, with a smile. She was gorgeous. Long hair, thick lips, the perfect face. And her eyes, charming, lovely, and so tender…


She was there because she was on a mission. You see, Connor´s not the best when it comes to love. And she´s a goddess, a goddess of love. Her reason to come was to help him out.

“I wonder, why does such a handsome man like you is still single?” she asked.

Connor was confused. “Excuse me?”

“My name is Elena. I´m a goddess. A goddess of love, passion. My duty is to make sure everyone finds love. But you, you´re still single, after so long. You´re 27, and you´ve never had someone special. Someone to kiss, to love… I´ve come to help you.” She said.

“Is that the reason why you´re here?” he asked.

“Yes.” She was gorgeous, and on top of it all, she was so sensuous!


Her breasts were huge, of course, due to her size, they were colossal! But, in proportion to her body, they were still enormous! And her thighs, as she sits there, her thighs look so juicy. She´s the living image of lust, that´s for sure. Arousing to the core.

Now, this goddess has a mission, her reason to be there is to help Connor out with his love dilemma. But the thing is…

“No, thank you.” He replied.

“What?” She was smiling, and soon, that smile faded. Replaced with confusion.

“You heard me. I don´t know why you´d think I need someone to love. I´m perfectly fine as I am. Single and all.” He replied.

“But, that´s not the way things are supposed to be. You should have someone, a couple…” she said.

“Listen, “things” can be any way. Single, married, dating, everything´s fine. Now, I don´t need a girlfriend, I´m perfectly fine as I am.” He was. The reason why he´s single is because… he´s just fine that way.

Elena was confused. “But, I´ve come to help you find true love.” She added.

“Thank you, but no thanks…” he said.


Elena couldn´t understand. But Connor didn´t really need the help she was offering. Still, she insisted, during a really long time…

“Are you sure? I could help you out in the search of love. I´m really good at it.” She said, trying her best to persuade him, but…

“I´m not searching for love. I´m fine, ok?” she couldn´t understand. As she looked at him from above, she couldn´t get it. Why would he reject her offer?


No love? No couple? He was fine on his own? Those were things she couldn´t understand. The opposite to what she stands for, what she represents. So… she had an idea.

“I don´t know if you´re shy, or maybe a bit stubborn. But I think I know how I can change that…” and so, she snapped her fingers.

A rush of air ran through the room, he had to close his eyes a bit due to all of the wind. As he was still looking at Elena´s gigantic form, he could see how it changed. She was shrinking. Little by little, her head separating from the roof.

She went down, slowly, until she reached a much smaller size. However, she was still huge!

“Well, this is the smallest I can get.” She said as she now stood on her feet, at seven-feet-tall.

Connor was amazed, but if she was a goddess, then this wasn´t so abnormal. Right? He can´t tell, this has never happened before.

“Why did you get… smaller?” He was looking up at her, she was over a foot taller, a full head taller.

“Why? Simple, since you´re so stubborn about looking for love. I´ll show you what it´s like.” She explained.

“What it´s like? And how would you do that?” he asked.

“Oh, it´s simple. I´ll become your girlfriend!” she announced.

“You what?!” That was unexpected…


Part 2

Has Connor heard things right? Did this woman said girlfriend?

“What… what do you mean?” he asked.

“Oh, it´s simple. I´ll help you, no matter what. And so, I´ll take the role of your girlfriend, to show you all of the good things about love.” She explained.

“But…. You can´t do that! What… what if I refuse?” he complaint.

“I can, trust me. And there´s no way you can refuse. Trust me, this will be fun.” Is she so sure?


She basically moved in with him. And literally, ate all of his food. She was a big lady, and apparently, she´s got a big appetite.

She basically forced her way into his life, without even caring about what he had to say. Now, he´s stuck with her, every single day. Every single moment of the day. She even sleeps in the same bed as he does!

“We must be together, at all times, so that I can show you how special this is…” She said, but, was it?


Connor hated it. He had no privacy. She was all over his stuff, and she ate all the food! But there are a few other things, the tease…


Elena uses every excuse, every chance she´s got to tease him. She´s hard to ignore, she´s a bombshell of a woman who stands at 7´. Her body, literally, is the one of a goddess. Her legs, so long and shapely.

From her round calves to her plump thighs. And let´s not get started on her big, perfect, peach-shaped butt. And her hips are so smoothly wide, perfectly round, sensuously thick.

On top of that, she´s got a thin waist, that makes her hips look even wider, fleshier. And doting her with a hourglass figure. One that´s accentuated by the cheering size of her gigantic breasts. They bounce as she walks. Tremble as she moves. So big, so heavy, and yet so firm.

She´s aware of what he might like, that´s why she walks around him wearing the tiniest, and tightest clothes. And he wonders, how can she spawn all of those clothes but always ends up emptying the fridge?


“The food I take is a tribute. From you, to me.” She said. Apparently, it´s some sort of exchange. Which he, once again, never asked for. But she doesn´t seem to understand.


Her hair, her beauty, her body. She´s the image of perfection. Her lips are so thick, so kissable. Her hair is so long, glows, so pretty. And her eyes, her eyes shine underneath the rays of the sun, incandescent with the pure feeling of love. He´s unsure, because he hates to see her, but he could swear her pupils have the shape of tiny hearts. And, are the iris of her eyes pink?

She´s confident, gorgeous. So very attractive. And she stands so tall. The thing is, Connor just finds her… annoying.

He was perfectly fine before she arrived, he didn´t ask for any of this. He doesn´t need any of this. But Elena´s stubborn. She won´t leave until she sees fit, and so far, he hasn´t shown any sign of needing her to leave.

He´s said he wants her to leave, but she won´t. Not until she´s sure she has fixed things for him. And this might take a while…


Connor was annoyed. She´s just always around him. ALWAYS! At all times!

“Just… for how much longer are you planning on doing that?” He said, with Elena blocking his way to the TV.

The amazon was right in the middle, between him and the TV, moving her hips from side to side, making her juicy butt jiggle for him.

“Hmm? What? You can´t tell me that whatever you´re watching on that animation square is better than me. I´m LITERALLY a goddess!” She declared.

“I told you, I´m just not that focused on… whatever you´re doing.” He was not a horny man she could easily tease. He was a little more… aromantic.

Her long legs, and that perfect butt of hers, and still, he wasn´t paying the attention she wanted.

“You´re hard to seduce. But don´t worry, I´ll fix you. I like it when they play hard.” She wasn´t giving up easily.


Another time, as he entered his room, Elena was waiting for him. Her whole body was wet, and she was covered only with his towel.

The towel was way too small for her large body. Her enormous breasts were barely covered by the towel, hardly covering her nipples. And the towel didn´t made it all the way down, it just covered her sex. Showing off too much flesh, specially her thick, sexy legs.

“Oh, you´ve caught me. I was just coming out of the shower…” she purred, looking at him with a sexy look. Smiling so seductively, even biting her lips a little.

Connor looked at her, from head to toes. She thought she had got him, all she needed to do was show off more of her flesh. However…

“You… you´re getting all of the floor wet! Are you crazy?! It´s a carpet!” He complaint.

Elena sighed, was he really more concerned about the carpet than about the semi-naked amazon before him? She had an idea on how to fix this.

“Oops…” she said, letting the towel slip and finally showing off all of her large, sensuous and naked body.

She moved her hips to the sides, showing off her pussy. And the movement also made her boobs bounce. Her breasts moved so sensuously as she moved, so tenderly, so erotic. She was sure this would arouse him.

But it wasn´t that way. He grunted and then, he said: “I´ll go get a fan…” and he left the room.


Elena was confused. How was he capable of resisting her? Any man would be at her feet by now. Her goal was to show him all of the good things of being in a relationship, but he doesn´t seem to be interested. Which is so confusing.

Elena was beautiful, gorgeous, and her body, it was literally the one of a goddess. She was so confused.

She spent a while thinking on what men like, what she can do. So far, the tease doesn´t seem to be working, although, she might need to try something else. Something different. Less looking and more… touching.


While he was eating, enjoying a delicious, and healthy plate of chicken and rice, Elena just stepped behind him.

“Wha…?” he said as her hands reached for his shoulders.

“Shh, just relax. Enjoy your meal while I take care of the rest…” she said with a sensuous tone.

Connor was not going to be capable of doing so, but she won´t leave so, he´ll try.

Elena started by massaging his shoulders. It felt nice, her big hands had a strong, and gentle grip around his shoulders. She certainly knows how to sooth him.

He thought she was doing something nice for a change, something “normal”. She was standing behind him, instead of laying over the table, semi-naked, as she tried to make a comment about what was juicier, her or the chicken?

Instead, she was just rubbing his shoulders.

“You like that?” She asked, and he just made a sound while chewing and nodded.

“I bet this feels nice.” He nodded once more.

“Mhmm, yes it does…” Her hands moved around his shoulders, but soon, they started moving down. Now, massaging his arms, going from his triceps to his biceps. Connor felt nice, the pressure she put over his arms was relaxing.

Little by little, she moved towards his chest. He jumped a bit, but he´ll allow it, only until he sees fit.

Then, her hands just slip was down, withing a second, her hands went way down and reached for his member.

“What the?!” he tried to jump off the chair as her hands found his member. He can´t deny the feeling was soft, gentle and, sure, arousing. But he was eating!

“Shh, shh, just relax, relax and let me take care of you…” she cooed as his whole body got tense.

“No! Get…. Get off me!” He stood up and rapidly moved away.

“But… we haven´t gotten to the good part. I was planning on slipping my hand into your pants and touching your…” she started.

“No! I don´t want you to… to get into my pants while I eat! Gosh, can you just leave me alone?” he had to leave the room.

“Maybe this wasn´t the right approach…” she thought, now thinking on a new plan.


At night, Elena was making her way towards the bed, right where he was. Looking at him with hungry eyes.

“I don´t get it, why do you keep following me to bed? For real, I don´t like waking up next to you, after I´ve clearly kicked you out of the room.” He complaint. He never truly allowed her to share the bed, but she always found the way in. After she broke the knob with nothing but her hand, he understood that he couldn´t keep her out.

But he still had to make his point, and reassure he doesn´t want her close.

“You´re so grumpy, did you know that?” she said, but that´s fine, she´s got plans.

“Listen, I´m not in the mood to argue.” He declared, turning around, facing the opposite side of the room.

“Oh, don´t worry, no one´s going to argue here…” he thought she was going to leave, but he was such a fool.


As he looked away, she hoped into the bed. He could feel the weight of this amazon woman as she moved over the mattress. Connor was annoyed, and to make things worse, she placed herself on top of him.

“The fuck?” he said, turning around, just to find her on top of him. With her crotch so close to his. “What are you doing?” he complaint.

“Well, I´m just trying to make things work. Now, my tease hasn´t worked, and so hasn´t my touch. I´m starting to think you might need a different approach.

“Yeah? How about… no approach at all?” he said.

“Aww, how silly that sounds. No, I was thinking on something different. Something… bigger!” was she going to annoy him even more? Well… sort of.


Elena had a plan, she knows she´s a large lady, compared to him, she´s colossal. And compared to the average woman, she´s even taller. Now, it´s well knows that people usually like certain “assets” to be bigger. In men, women often look for bigger muscles, taller men, stronger, more handsome. With squared jaws and a strong-looking chin.

Now, what exactly does a man look for in a lady? She knows. It´s not a casualty that she walks around swaying her butt and showing off her boobs. Now, she´s got something in mind, men often want the woman with the biggest boobs, right?


Without saying a word, and looking at him with a naughty, and sexy grin, she started to work on that.

Connor was confused, her smile was annoying, that was for sure, however, he was soon to notice one thing. She was getting heavier.

Was she relying her weight on him? Her total weight? She stands at seven-feet-tall; she must be heavy. And they have never been in this position. He can feel her weight increasing over his member.

“You´re… heavy…” he complaint. To that, Elena just giggled, she wasn´t just heavy, there was a little more to it than just weight.

He was looking at her face, frowning as he wondered if he was planning on squashing him, but, even while looking at her annoying smile, he realized something else. Her body was changing.

First, he saw her bosom, not because he wanted to look at her boobs, but because there seemed to be some sort of movement. Not the usual bounce of her boobs, this was different.

He focused, and then he could realize something, her boobs were growing! One cup size after another, her bosom began to fill out her top. Stretching the fabric with the impressive growth.

Connor swallowed, were her boobs growing? The answer was clear by looking at the overly stretched material of her top, her huge breasts were getting humongous! But it wasn´t just that.

Her thighs, he turned down, only to realize they were getting wider, fleshier. Plumper, swollen thighs that were starting to break down the seams of her shorts. And her head, her head was rising higher.

“Are you… are you growing?!” he said, with an alarmed tone. Now wonder she was getting heavier.


Elena giggled once more, and then, she bent down a little, coming closer to his face as she purred: “I am, do you like it? I know all of you, men, prefer a lady with… bigger assets. And so, I´ve decided to make myself a little… juicier.” Her growth kept going. She reached eight-feet-tall, and steadily made her way to the nine-foot-mark.

“W-why?!” he asked. Worried she might literally crush him.

“Because, I´d like to show you how big, how heavy, and how sexy my body can get. Can you feel it? Can you feel my large, softer body all over yours?” Soon, her clothes ripped off, exposing her still expanding body. She was ten-feet-tall when the elastic fabrics she had on decided to give up.

“And… why are you growing? I mean, can´t you just make your boobs bigger?!” She was getting too heavy; he could hardly breathe.

“Oh, you like bigger boobs?” she said, with a big smile on her growing face.

“I didn´t say that.” He complaint.

“Well, I´d love to expand a specific part of my body, but I can´t. I can only grow back to my usual size. But, weren´t my boobs so much bigger back then? Hmmm?” Connor was worried, she was twelve-feet-tall when he realized she´ll crush him beneath him, unless he admitted he liked her.

Could it be easier? To lie and just say she´s reached the “perfect” size. Each boob seemed as heavy as he was by now. How big was she exactly? And, something else, how much can the bed resist.


The whole thing´s been cracking since she started growing. Capable of supporting up to four people, at most. But Elena herself had grown the equivalent to five people. And counting him in, there was no chance the wooden bed could take much more.

Before Elena reached an astonishing eighteen-foot-height, the bed totally gave. The legs broke apart and the whole structure cracked. The wooden boards beneath the mattress broke down, letting both fall onto the floor.

Now, he had a giantess literally falling over him. Naked, with a luscious body, squashing him.

“UGHHH!!!” was all he could scream as he was crushed beneath her.

“Oops! I often forget how frail you are, are you ok?” Said the naked giantess as she moved aside. Reaching with her enormous hands. But he didn´t need any of her help.

“N-o, don´t…” It seems this didn´t work at all.

In fact, when he recovered, all he said was that she owes him a bed. Until then, he´ll have to sleep with his mattress right on the floor.

This will be hard, but as she declared, she likes it when they play hard.


Part 3

Connor walked down town, trying to escape. Trying not to be at his place. Trying to get as far as possible as he could from Elena. But the thing is… she followed him.

“So, where are we going?” the amazon asked. Back to her “small” size.

Elena followed Connor. Walking on his side, looming above him at her seven-feet-tall stature. She was gorgeous, radiant even!

“-I- am trying to get away from you.” He replied.

“Aww, silly. I told you, I won´t leave your side until my job´s done.” Connor only rolled his eyes as she tried to be “sweet”, when in reality she was just being annoying.

“Just… forget it.” He said, trying to speed up his pace and get away from her.

But there´s a few flaws on that plan. First of all, she´s a goddess, she´ll find him wherever he goes. And second, her legs are longer, there´s no way he can run away from her.


“Have you noticed?” she asked after a while. At this point, Connor thought he could ignore her and pretend she wasn´t there, but he was wrong.

“What?” He asked, pissed by the fact that she just reminded him she was there. Just when he was starting to forget about her.

“The people around… they are staring.” Elena said. And she was right.

Most people turned and looked at her. On top of being a 7´ amazon, Elena was gorgeous. A muse, gorgeous, a goddess! Her statuesque height only made her stick out more. It only made it easier to spot her.

It wasn´t common to see a woman as tall as her. And it was even more rare to see one that´s got a body like hers. And, on top of it all, her face was perfect. The perfect eyes, the perfect lips, a cute nose. She was simply gorgeous.

“So?” he asked, “What if they stare? I´m sure they are looking at you. You´re tall.”

“I know I drag attention towards me because of… my body.” Elena started, trying to allure him a little with her curves, but it didn´t have the effect she was looking for. “But, aren´t you wondering… if they, maybe, perceive us as… a couple?”

Connor blinked for a moment. Looking up at the amazon, the annoying amazon before him. “Couple? Why would they?” he asked, in a not so pleased tone.

“I don´t know… we´re walking together… we look about the same age, even if I´m much older than you… we stop to talk every once in a while…” she started.

“No, we don´t talk, I try to send you away and you just keep following me.” He declared, dryly.

“Still, we share words on a conversation. Just as right now. But the thing is, don´t you feel anything? I mean, don´t you feel… happy?” she asked.

“Why would I? It´s not like I asked you out.” He replied.

“My, you´re so harsh. What I mean is, don´t you feel some sort of joy? As we walk together? Don´t you feel like people might think that you´re lucky for being with such a gorgeous woman like me? My beauty´s been well described by many as…”

“No.” he cut her off.

“No? What do you mean?” does he think she´s not pretty?

“People won´t believe we are a couple. Maybe, at best, they will think we´re friends. Some others will think we´re just co-workers. Some other might think this is just business. Yes, you might be, as you keep saying, pretty, but that means that you´re way out of my league. For starters, you´re too tall for a guy like me. And it´s not like there´s no couples out there with the same gap in height, but the truth is, not every woman picks a shorter man as a couple. And much less one with your looks.” He stated. In reality, no one would think they are a couple, or maybe some will. But, according to his logic, it´s unlikely that they would end up together.

“You think so?” she asked.

“I´m sure.” He declared.

“Hmm, ok, then, if they might misunderstand, let´s make it clear!” she declared.

Connor thought, she understood his point. That she´ll leave him alone, but the truth is, this goddess doesn´t give up.

Her large shadow was casted over him. She stood so close, very close. And her smile, she seemed to have something in mind. He didn´t like it. He might be annoyed by her, but she´s still a seven-feet-tall amazon, she´s imposing. And at moments like this, a little intimidating.

He swallowed, unsure as to what she meant. Hopefully, it doesn´t imply something indecent.


“Ugh, can you let go?” he asked a moment later.

“No. This is one of the things couples do,” she declared as they both walked down the streets. She wanted to make it clear that they were together, therefore, she decided to hold hands. “This should make it clear that we´re together.”

“Come on, let go!” he complaint.

“Oh, why are you so upset? This was more casual than the first idea I had.” She said.

“You wanted me to carry me around!” he said.

“Well, of course! Doesn´t couples carry each other? In weddings?” she asked, trying to make her point.

“Yes, the groom carries the bride, not the other way around! If you carried me, then it´ll look as if I had fainted or something. It´s… humiliating!” he said, angry, and trying to lose her hand, but she had such a strong grip.

“Oh, come on, it´s not humiliating. It´s lovely.” She said.

“No, it´s not! Now let go!” he couldn´t do a thing against her.

“Why? I´m sure my hands are soft and nice, why are you complaining? I´m even slowing my pace so that you´re comfortable.” She said.

Even if her hands were soft, he didn´t want to hold hands.

“Doing this against my will isn´t helping, you know.”

“You don´t like to hold hands?” she was confused.

“No, I don´t like holding YOUR hand.” She just won´t let go.

“Oh well, I´ll let go.” She said.

And when she finally let go of him, he ran.


“Wait!” she said as he sprinted. Connor knew he could leave her behind, and then he´ll just keep running until she´s nowhere to be found.

“Wait… can she teleport or something?” he thought, turning back to see if she was still there. And she was, but not standing, she was coming his way!

“Waaaaait!” she said as she run towards him.

The sight was impressive, her long legs, giving long strides as her body moved way faster than his. Her whole body in motion, that was quite a sight.

Her strong thighs, with their flesh bouncing. Her magnificent butt, wiggling as she rushed. And her bosom, her big bosom bouncing heavily with every strong step she gave. It was quite the tease for the eye. However, he knew he was in trouble.

It would be just a matter of time before the statuesque woman´s over him. Seconds, just a few seconds and… she got him.


“I thought I told you I´m faster than you.” She said, holding him by his shirt.

“Whatever…” he replied, annoyed and a little humiliated. “Can we just go home… I´m tired of this.”

“Of course! Do you want me to carry you? Are you tired?” she said, trying to sound sweet and caring.

“Do I look like I want to be carried?! Stop that already!” he was furious.


Later that night, they were both sitting at the couch. And she was wondering on what to do. He wasn´t paying any attention to her, he was just looking at the TV. In the meantime, she had an idea.

“Maybe you´d like it better if I changed a little…” she started.

“Change? How? Like, leaving my place? Giving me my space? Or, how about changing of person? Maybe you can torment any other guy.” He declared.

“No, silly. I mean, change my body. The other night, I could tell that my growing body was having an effect on you. Tell me, do you like them big? Hmm?” she asked as she bent, closer to him.

“I…” he started as she moved and then, with her arms, began to push her breasts together. He could see her enormous rack, and her deep boob-line.

“I could feel you getting… harder down there. I´ll try something different this time, ok?” she had a plan.


“As you know, I´m seven-feet-tall, but I can be taller…” she said as she started growing.

Connor could see her as she began to expand.

“7´6”? How´s that?” she asked, looking at him with tender eyes.

“I don´t…” what was going on? Why was there a need for her to grow?

“No? How about… eight-feet-tall?” a whole foot taller, if she wasn´t big enough when she was seven-feet-tall, how about now?

Her boobs were getting HUGE. Her whole body was much bigger, she was taking over more space on the couch.

“Don´t…” will she crush the couch as she did with the bed? He´s still sleeping with his mattress on the floor.

“Don´t stop? Ok!” She reached the 8´6” mark, and then went over to the 9´ one.


Elena was expanding rapidly. Her enormous body making the whole couch creak under her increasing weight. Her curves, shredding down her clothes. Part of the tease, of course.

Her breasts swollen immensely. Her hips grew widely. Her thighs became plumper, thicker, sexier. She was officially a colossus!

Her sensuality, her enormous sensuality was reaching higher and higher limits. Before his eyes, as she passed the ten-foot-mark, her whole clothes were all over the clothes.

Connor swallowed, even if he hates her, he can´t deny this is kind of hot. Sure, she´s annoying, but she´s so sensuous! He´s not quite into tall women, or the expansion stuff she´s talking about, but he can´t deny he likes some curves…

She was sure she´ll break the couch, so she was considerate enough to get down. But even as she put her knees on the floor, she was still taller than him. Slowly coming closer and closer.

Her boobs were titanic! Several times bigger than his head! Even bigger than the cushions on the couch, and they were still growing.

“Just tell me when, and I´ll stop…” she declared as she passed the 12-foot-mark.

Connor was overwhelmed. And she was right, he was hard. But who could blame him? He was before a sexy, curvaceous, and gargantuan amazon. And she was all over him!


“S-stop!” before she doesn´t fit inside his place.

“Mmmm, ok. Fifteen-feet-tall´s good enough?” she asked.

“Sure! That´s enough!” he said, worried the giantess might not hear him if he doesn´t speak loud enough.

“Well, it seems you do like them big, don´t you?” she asked, with a teasing tone as she gently leaned her enormous body against him.

Connor could feel the weight of her gigantic boobs all over him. Were they heavier than him? Was each tit heavier than his entire body? It was hard to resist, she was too big, and too hot!

He´s never fantasized about a giantess before him. Naked, and exposing her enormous sensuality. Still, it was hard not to be aroused by her.

“I don´t… I didn´t ask you to… you…” he had crimsoned all over his face. He was red, and hot.

“Awww, how sweet, do I turn you on so much?” she giggled.

“No! I… it´s not that!” he said, completely pinned in place.

“Come on, don´t lie… I can feel you down there…” he was hard.

It was inevitable, the friction between his penis and her bosom. Her words, her deep, sexy tone. And the fact that she was fully naked.


“Tell me, do you want a kiss?” she thought she had him right where she wanted. She´s teased him enough, he looked horny enough, has the lesson finished? Has he given up already?

Well, for a moment… he did. But he won´t give up that easily. Besides, she thought that if she leaned more she could make him harder, but she ended up squashing him a little too much. Connor was fine, but he needed some air.

This confirmed she might be too big. Was his desire too big? Or, could it be that… they were in the wrong position?

“Hmm… maybe he needs to be on top…” she thought.


Part 4

Elena was confused, how could he resist her? How could that be? Maybe his thoughts on love are way too forgotten. There´s no way someone as young as him has lost his faith on love.

Maybe, he can´t miss what he´s never had?


She made up his mind, she´ll bring romance to his life, more than just sex and tease. She´ll try and be a bit sweeter. Maybe he needs to know about the cute things on love first…

“Dinner? You´ll make dinner?” he asked.

“I will. I´ll show you that, when you´re on a relationship, the other person´s got your back. Like a team, but much tender…” Elena said.

“Well, I guess that´s fine…” he said. It wouldn´t be so bad if she cooked. How bad could it be?


Moments later, he found himself at the table, waiting for Elena to bring the food. He wasn’t used to her being so generous. He thought of her as a nuisance, always bothering him and invading his space, but this time, for a change, she did something nice.

Elena walked into the room, carrying a tray in hands. From his point of view, he couldn´t quite see what the tray had, he was sitting and she was way too tall for him to see.

“Hope you like it.” She said, placing the tray in front of him.

Connor´s smile faded away rapidly. And his nose was filled with the aroma of burned meat. Not just slightly burned, but totally calcinated!

“What… what happened here?” he asked, looking at a steak that resembled coal.

“Well, I must admit that… I´ve never cooked before. Is it bad?” she asked.

“Bad? I don´t think any living being will be able to eat this. Can´t you tell that it smells like burnt meat? And… is that smoke coming out of the kitchen?” he looked behind her, able to see the smoke coming out.

“Oh, yeah. Doesn´t it turn off by itself?” she asked.

“Of course not! You´ll burn down the house!” He complaint.

“I see… well, let me fix that. And, I´ll also fix this meal. Let´s skip right to dessert, shall we? Stay here, I´ll take care.” She said and walked back into the kitchen.

“I hope she doesn´t burn down this place…” he thought, worried about what she was capable of.

This whole thing of showing him what love is it´s more like destroying all of his stuff.


“The fire´s off. Now, are you ready for dessert?” she asked from the kitchen.

“Sure…” he replied, hopeless, probably it´s not something she prepared. Who would´ve thought she had no idea about what a meal´s supposed to look. But, given the fact that she´s a mighty being, she doesn´t eat…

“Hope you´re hungry…” she said, slowly stepping out of the kitchen.


First, one of her feet was out, her bare foot, and he could see her smooth skin too. Was she wearing shorts? Then, her arm, her thin, soft arm. She walked out slowly, showing, little by little, that she wasn´t wearing any clothes…

“Not again…” and he had thought she´ll bring an actual dessert.

Elena´s full form stood right beneath the door´s frame. Her statuesque 7´ body completely naked. Her sexy hips, her plump thighs. Her legs, so long, so smooth, so sexy.

She wasn´t fully naked, she had her nipples and sex covered, with whipped cream. The “dessert” was actually her.

“Would you like to eat me up, dear?” she purred.

Elena walked towards him, slowly. Swaying her hips, her big breasts bouncing. So big, so round, so firm. On top of the whipped cream over her nipples, she had cherries. Giving the illusion of nipples.

She smiled at him, confident, sexily. Maybe the meal was no good, but her sensuous body can always make up for it…

“No, thank you. I´ll order pizza.” Connor stood up and walked away.


Elena was left alone. Blinking at the empty spot where Connor was sitting just a moment ago.

“Maybe men don´t like it when someone messes with their food…” she thought.


But this wasn´t the only good thing she did for him. She also helped him out with the laundry.

“You… you shrank everything!” he complaint, looking at his now tiny clothes.

“I think I did… well, it was this machine, I only put them in…” she said, “But, maybe I can lend you my clothes, hopefully, you won´t mind me being naked…” she said, about to remove her top, but he turned and walked away before she did anything else.


Maybe there´s no way she can do anything for him. He was hard to persuade, hard to convince. Perhaps, it´ll be for the best if she stops, else, he´ll think that the other person always ruins things in a relationship.

Or that´s how she thinks of it. The truth is, after each passing day, Connor gets more and more tired of Elena. Was she actually going to stay with him forever?

She said it, she won´t leave until he meets the benefits of falling in love. Not until he decides to walk out of his house and look for love.


Maybe Elena should make up her mind. She´s not there to pretend to be his girlfriend, or his wife. She´s not there to be a substitute, or a surrogate of that person he´s missing. She´s just there to show him all of the sweet things there is about love.

And if we´re honest, she´s mostly focused on the lusty side of love. If she hasn´t tried to seduce him with her naked body once a day, then she hasn´t tried it at all.

She´ll give it one last try. She knows that her time there is almost over. If this doesn´t work, then she´s doomed to fail…

Elena was getting tired. Not physically, but she was running out of ideas. But it must be said that half of her plans failed since he wasn´t giving much of his part.

And the other failed because of her… sadly.


“Listen,” Elena said, stepping right in between Connor and the TV.

“Can you move? I´m trying to watch something here…” he complaint, trying to reaccommodate to see, but she was obstructing the whole thing.

“No. Now, listen to what I´ll say. It´s obvious that I´m annoying you while I´m here.” She started.

“That´s true.” He added.

“So, I have one last proposal for you. What if, and trust me I´ll leave after, you and I, we both have sex? That way you´ll see what you´re missing, and I´ll find my way out of your life. Forever.” She offered.

“Forever?” he asked.

“Yes, forever.” That was an offer he couldn´t reject.

“Deal, but after we´re done, you´re out.” He declared.

“That´s fine about me.” Well, it seems it didn´t work as she thought, but the easy way seems to be, well, easier…


“Ok, let´s get started.” Elena said, and then she proceeded to grow into an eight-feet-tall amazon.

“Wow, why are you doing that?” he asked.

“Oh, because it´s much easier to do this at this height.” She started.

“Do what?” he asked, and then she reached for him and lifted him off the couch.

“Wait! Put me down!” he complaint.

“Sorry, dear, but that´s not going to happen. Just allow me to treat you nicely as we go, ok? Just follow me and I´ll be gone. Remember that.” She said, carrying him in her arms.

“Fine.” He grunted.


Connor might have forgotten one thing. Elena was an amazon. Standing at her “small” seven-feet stature, and now, she just decided to become an eight-foot-tall amazon?

He should´ve thought this better. Will he be safe having sex with a woman so big? He can´t deny one thing, her body is so luscious. Her mere touch, that´s enough to arouse him. The feeling of her big, soft breasts, pressed to his side as she carries him to the bedroom, that was quite nice.

What he´s afraid, or concerned, is the difference in size. She´s colossal! And he´s 5’10”. Is there a chance she´ll crush him? Well, if he ends up crushed beneath her, he´d still won´t have to see her ever again.


“I´ll make this sooo nice for you…” she said as she put him down in bed.

Connor wasn´t blind, and he wasn´t dumb either. He can tell Elena´s sexy, that her body is, literally, the one of a goddess. He just never said it because she was annoying to him. He never showed any sign of thinking of her any other way other than as someone who´s annoying. Irritating, even.

But now, if this is the last, he might as well enjoy it.


Elena removed her clothes, slowly peeling off the tight clothes from her smooth skin.

Her long legs were so sexy. Thick, long, shapely. Her thighs were perfectly plump, her butt was mesmerizingly juicy, firm, thick!

Then, she removed her top, showing off her perfect breasts. Big, heavy, and firm. He can´t lie, she´s voluptuous, and big.

His main concern is her size, her curves are sexy, but her body… isn´t she too heavy?


“Let me take these off…” she purred as she reached for his clothes.

To unsettle him more, she ripped his clothes off. Not with the intention of intimidating him, she just did it because it was easier, faster.

This was quite a show of strength. She ripped off his clothes as if they were made up of paper, thin paper.

Now, Connor was lying naked beneath her, naked beneath the enormous amazon. Part of him felt vulnerable.

“Let´s switch, ok?” she said, and then, they rolled over.


This time, instead of crushing him like the last time, she turned so that he was on top.

“Mmm, you´re getting hard… I like it.” She whispered, feeling his hardening member against her.

Connor couldn´t lie, she´s sexy, her body´s soft. This will be nice. And then, she´ll be gone…


The size contrast between them was quite unique. Connor´s never seen a woman as big as Elena. And he knows she´s been even bigger, but now, as he lays over her naked body, he can´t deny that she´s huge.

Her legs, he can feel the enormity of her legs. The thickness of her thighs. Her body is so soft, so large, and soft.

The mere touch of her large body was making him hard. And Elena noticed, and she liked it.


He quivered as he inserted his member inside her big, fat pussy. The feeling, it was so arousing. Pulling all of his knots. Desire, for a moment, all he could feel was desire, and all he wanted was her.

Elena could feel it, she noticed.


For the fist time, for the very first time, he was showing positive feelings towards her. Lust, desire, but he´ll be as passionate as she wanted him to be.


For a while, for a long while, Connor let his body show all of the passion he never did. His lust for Elena was so big, he even ignored it existed until now. Was it her touch? Was this her power? Or had he finally given into her tease?

Everything he knows is, the sex with this amazon was heavenly…


In the end, he was looking up at the ceiling, exhausted. Spent. And next to him, Elena stood, with a smile.

“I knew you´d like it.” And then, she bent and kissed him. A soft, sweet kiss on the cheek.

Connor closed his eyes; he felt her thick lips on his cheek. He was tired. And, the moment he opened his eyes, Elena was gone.

This was fast. She was gone immediately after sex? She just disappeared. No glow, nothing, she was simply gone.

It seems she succeeded and accomplished her mission…


The End…



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