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Chapter 8

Lucy was so excited about her date with Mr. Hazy! He was, after all, the most handsome men at the office.

His mature looks, and those eyes of his. Wise and handsome, that´s the picture of his that lives on her mind rent-free.

However, not all was so great. Lucy still had to find some clothes to fit. Something to impress! Something that accentuates her new, luscious shape. And… that wasn´t easy.


“No, no, no, no! Nothing fits!” Lucy was unaware of her growth, well the actual growth. In her mind, the poor lady still thought this was a regular weight gain.

But it´s not, it´s something more complicated. Sure, her mass is in constant augmentation, we could even say she´s expanding. Her curves swelling slowly with more sensuous flesh week after week. Her body shaping up into the one of a thick, luscious woman. And her height, she hasn´t measured herself yet, else, she would know she´s much taller.

Now, standing at 5´11”, Lucy´s struggling with her wardrobe.


“I can´t go out like this!” she said, with her larger butt facing the mirror.

She kept a dress stored in case she had a date like this. She was prepared for everything, that purple dress she´s wearing was the one that fit the better, the one that was wrapped around her curves in the most luscious, yet elegant, of ways. But that was before…

Now, unaware of her new height, the dress became too short, and not just any level of shortness. Her butt has expanded so that the dress is no longer usable, at least in public.

She can see the underside of her butt, fleshing out of the dress. And her hips and thighs have become so thick and ample that the dress fits tightly around her.

Plus, her boobs have grown so much that the dress barely covers them. You could see her fleshy breasts trying to escape the dress. Her boob-flesh, spilling out of the top. And, if she was to move more, if she was to stretch or take a very deep breath, you´d be able to see part of her areola.

This was definitely not the looks she wanted.

“This is… awful! I look so… so… ugh!” Not like the sweet lady she is, she looks more like the one who wants to skip dinner, dessert and go straight to bed. Something Mr. Hazy wouldn´t mind, at all…


She wasn´t unaware of this. The whole “weight gain” was in her mind at all times, but she still needed to give it a try.

Just to make sure, because she has already changed up her whole office wardrobe. All of the clothes, all of the outfits, all of the pieces of clothing she usually wears to the office are new. The old ones, well… let´s just say that stretchy materials were not on her list before.

If she was to wear her old pants, they´ll rip as soon as she took a sit. The seams tearing apart and showing off her larger butt.

If she was to wear her old blouses, probably the buttons would pop, unable to hold back all of the sensuous flesh her bosom holds. So big, so enormous, so heavy and firm. Lucy´s becoming a top-heavy woman. And soon, if this goes on, she´ll be a VERY top-heavy woman.


But she can´t wear office clothes on a date. That´ll be weird.

“I guess I´ll have to go to the mall. Again…” she´s getting a bit tired of the constant need of new clothes.

Her old clothes were just fine! And the dress she was trying to wear, that one´s new! Saved for this exact occasion! But faith had other plans.

“I should go on a diet after this. I can´t just grow and grow.” Why not?


Lucy´s clearly unaware of what´s really happening to her body. If Mona could just tell her, but she won´t. Not until she gains the confidence she needs. Not until she can see a more ensured, secure, proud and assertive Lucy. Which, due to the growth, might take a little longer…


She was really ignoring the way things actually were. As she walked down the mall, the only thing she thought when looking at other people was:

“That´s funny, there´s plenty of short ladies around.” Are there? Or is it that she´s too close to being a six-feet-tall woman?

No one mentions height, everyone´s sure that people already know how tall they are. Why would someone bother and ask her? She´s tall, very tall for a lady, at least for an average woman. Still, she´s not yet at the point when people will look at her and stare.

Mona´s already there, she´s a monumental woman, but Lucy still has some more way to go. Some more room to grow…


For the first time, in a very long time, she went into one of the fancy stores at the mall. The one that has expensive… everything.

This was a special occasion, why not spending some of the money she´s been saving?


As she entered, she was met at the door by one of the clerks. A woman, a little younger than her, but noticeably shorter.

If they had met before, Lucy would´ve been the short one, but now, she´s the one with the height of a model.

“May I help you, ma´am?” the lady asked, looking at lucy and wondering if she was some sort of model.

Lucy was just gorgeous. Tall, with a sensuous shape, young, pretty, if she wanted, she could easily become a model. But that´s not on her plans.

“Hi! Yes, I´m actually looking for a dress.” Lucy replied.

“Sure! Is it for a wedding? Family reunion?” The lady asked.

“A date, actually.” Lucy replied.

“Uh, I assume a pretty lady like you would like to show off her body a little. Follow me, I know exactly what you need.” That sounded a bit odd, but in other words the lady meant she wanted to dress to impress.

To show off her sensuous body and, for sure, catch her date´s eyes.


Lucy made her purchase and then saved the dress until the day arrived. And when it did, she put it on…


Mr. Hazy, as the “gentleman” he is, went to her place to pick her up. He entered the building and then went up to her apartment.

“Well, this place isn’t as fancy. But what was I to expect? Not everyone´s the boss like me.” Too cocky, a bit too egocentric, and surely judgmental about other people´s economy. But he was handsome enough to make up for that, or so he thinks.


As soon as he arrived to Lucy´s apartment, he knocked on the door. He was carrying a bouquet of flowers, roses for the lady. He was wearing a suit, not too formal, but elegant enough. With no tie and recently polished shoes. An expensive watch on his wrist and a freshly shaved face. Groomed, well-dressed and confident.

He had his smile on, the one that´s supposed to melt a woman´s heart when they see it. His shinning teeth on display, his eyes to look at them with attention. But, when Lucy opened the door, he was the one who´s mind was blown!

“Hi.” She said, a bit shy, as she opened the door.

“H-hi…” his eyes were locked on her for a moment.


Lucy went for a long, blue dress. Wrapped around her curves in the perfect way. With a tight fit on her thin waist, and accentuating her voluptuous hips. But not too tight on her peach-shaped butt.

The dress was meant to impress, so her strap-less top showed off her bare shoulders, and her enormous breasts. Mr. Hazy could, but tried not to stare too much, to see the deep line of cleavage between her big, round, and perfect breasts.

On top of it all, Lucy chose to wear heels, but not too high-heels. Boosting her up to 6´1”, very close to Mr. Hazy´s 6´3”.

He was still overwhelmed by her sensuality. He couldn´t wait to take her to his place and take that dress off of her…


Mr. Hazy can tell when a woman´s caught his eye, and Lucy, the new Lucy, she´s overwhelming his senses.

Her looks, her voice, her aroma, the only thing he´s missing is to taste those lips of hers. He´s certain they are sweet. And there´s one other thing, her touch, but when the dates goes where he´s intending to, he´ll meet her touch…


There were a couple other things running around Lucy´s mind as the date went on. For sure, most of the time she was delighted with the date itself. Mr. Hazy was so handsome, and his car, his sports car was so fancy and fierce, and she thought, kind of like him.

But her mind wasn´t entirely on the date, there was also something else. A tiny thought she decided to ignore. When she opened the door, she thought he was… shorter. More like, wasn´t he taller? Could it be the heels? She didn´t think too much about it.

But the truth is, the one she can´t yet see, is that she´s starting to reach a very tall point…


“I love your dress,” Mr. Hazy started.

“Oh, thank you.” She replied.

“It´s very pretty, but not as pretty as your smile.” Compliments? He´s working his way.

As he compliments her; dress, jewelry, her uncanny beauty, all he can think of is how she´d look once she was surrounded by his sheets, laying over his mattress with lust in her eyes.

He´s not totally lost in his desire, but that´s his main goal.


And the conversation kept going as they were sitting at the restaurant´s table. Lucy was fascinated by the fancy place. A fountain? There was a fountain inside that didn´t pour chocolate or cheese? That was new to her.

“I honestly don´t know how I´ve never seen you before. You´re not new, are you?” He asked, trying to make some small talk. If she was, then he could ask her if she was from out of town, and if the answer was yes, then he´ll take her to some nice places. His apartment, for starters.

“Oh, no, I´ve been working at the company for… quite a while, actually.” Yes, it did hurt a little that he hadn´t notice her before, but she´ll ignore it.

“How long?” he asked.

“A few… years.” And during all that time, she escaped his radar for tall, sexy ladies. But not anymore! Although, is that something to be happy for?

“Wow, all that time? And where were you hiding? Hmm? A pretty lady like you should be the face of the company.” He added, complimenting her for her beauty, trying to allure her with all the attention he felt she deserved.

“Well, I… I don´t know if that´s… my style, heh.” She added.

“Why not? Or, are you shy? Because there´s no problem on that. I assure you that you don’t have nothing to worry about. A lady like you, you´ll get far. But, maybe, you´re missing a few… connections.” He used this as a chance to touch her hand.

He can be a “connection” to get her a promotion or something. The touch of her hand was only to show her HE was there and that HE could do so. And, in the end, everything´s in exchange of a “favor”.

“Your hands are so soft…” He said, rubbing her smooth hands with his thumb.

“T-thanks.” Lucy was blushing. She was a bit too naïve to notice what he was trying to say.

In her mind, all he´s been doing was complimenting her. And that´s something new to her, not every day the handsome boss compliments you. Plus, she was so lost in her fantasies where they get married and live happily ever after, that she forgot to read the signs.


All he´s been talking about is her beauty. Her looks, her clothes, that´s very superficial. How about something else? They haven´t even spoken about anything that´s not something the eye can see.

And his eye´s certainly over her. Her body, her luscious curves. Lucy´s body is perfect! She´s tall, she´s got curves, her legs are long. She´s all he´s looking for. At least until he loses interest.

The question, the one she should be asking is, is he the one for her?


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