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Chapter 24

The next morning, Lena woke up. Hangover? No, women who got the virus are doted with a very fast metabolism. She woke up fine. However, she could notice a couple of things as she saw Andrew…

“Did I…? Oh my…” she let things go too far, well not dangerously far, but still, she could see the difference.

From her point of view, the size-difference doubled. He donates his height to her, so, making math, an inch seems like two. And so on…


“Andrew… Andrew…” she whispered, trying to wake him up softly.

“Wha…?” He didn´t like it when they woke him up. Besides, what time was it? “Lena… it´s 7:00 am!” He complaint.

Maybe it´s not that early, but to him, it is.

“Andrew, I… we did something last night, didn´t we?” She asked, capable of recalling a few details of the night, but not entirely sure.

“What do you…? Wait, you can´t remember? That´s… interesting.” Can he use this against her? He won´t even think about it, still, maybe he can save this information in his mind.

“Andrew… you look shorter.” That´s not something you want to hear first thing in the morning.

And now, she didn´t only wake him up, she needed to measure.


“No way… 7´2”?! I´m 7´2”!” Lena said, amazed, as she checked on her new measurement.

“Yeah, yeah, you´re taller. Hurray, right? You can´t complaint! I´m fucking 4´5”!” A loss of three-inches, but Lena had a gain of three-inches. In the end, the size gap between them enlarged by six-inches. Half-a-foot! And that´s not something Andrew likes.

“Language…” Lena complaint, but maybe he was right, this was her fault. Still, he could´ve avoided it, right? She´s unsure about what she did.

The alcohol gets processed very fast in her larger body, still, this happened faster than it. She didn´t force him into it, right?


“Language? Lena, I´m almost TWO-FEET shorter! I used to be 6´1”! Now… look at me!” He complaint.

Things happened because they were both on the same channel. He was as much into it as she was. Well, as her drunk state of mind could be. But the height loss is not the main issue.

Sure, now there´s a 33-inch height difference between them. Lena´s more of an amazon than she was before. She´s much hotter, true; sexier, and he´s not complaining she´s taller. But the thing is, she turned him into the shortest man around! He cannot take that!

“Aww, don´t be mad. To me, you´re still as handsome as the day I met you.” Lena said, putting her hand right on his cheek. Making eye-contact. Looking at him with a sweet, tender look. Reassuring him that, no matter what, she still loves him the same way she´s ever done.

“But, still, why did you have to make me so short! I… I could´ve… I´m by far the shortest! It´s not fucking fair!” He complaint. Deep down, even if he was already the shortest one, at 4´8”, now the chances than someone else slips and shrinks below him, are much lower.

“Oh my!” Lena was trying to be sweet, but he was pissing her off! “Listen!” She said, now pulling his ear, that´s right, the towering amazon was pulling his ear.

It might not be the toughest decision to make, at her size, it was more than enough.

“Ouch! Lena, please, let go!” He complaint as he tried to set his ear lose. Her thumb was too strong.

“No! I´ve already told you to watch your language. I know this isn´t the best that could happen. But we can go through this TOGETHER, there´s no need for you to act like this! Understood?” She said, scolding him a bit too much.

“Lena, my ear…” he complaint.

“I said, UNDERSTOOD?!” Ok, she was mad, very mad. But she wasn´t furious.

“Ok, ok, I understand. I do! Now, please, it hurts!” And so, she let go.


“Very well, now, apologize.” She said, looming high above him, both hands on her fleshy, and thicker hips.

“What?” He? Apologize?

“Apologize for cursing.” She lowered herself to talk to him, face to face.

“I… are you serious?” she was. Dead serious. “Fine. I´m sorry, Lena. I… shouldn´t use that language.” This was so annoying. But he can´t say he didn´t see this coming.


Before, when things were normal. When he was the tall 6´1” man, and she was his cute 5´6” girlfriend. She often complaint about things. Like cursing, she never really understood the need for such a language.

He was aware that, at some point, she´ll insist more and more about this. That she´ll become a voice inside his mind, complaining about his particular usage of a certain wording. But that seemed miles away.

However, with the size-change. Now that she´s the big one, it seems she takes things in hands quite fast.

Now, does this mean she doesn´t love him the same way? Of course not. Does this mean she wants to rule? Dominate? To be in control? No, Lena would love it if they could talk things out, as a team. So, what does this mean? Well, sometimes, you have to raise your voice in order to be heard. She just happens to have a much louder voice now.

But, as it´s been said before, that doesn´t mean she can´t be sweet.


“See? It´s not that hard. Now, did I hurt you, my love? You know I don´t like to be so mean, it´s just that you left me no choice.” She said, with a softer tone, being sweet. Showing him she cares, but she´s often forced into doing this kind of things.

“Of course you didn´t hurt me… but you could´ve been a bit more gentle…” He said, trying to appear as if his ear wasn´t red and aching.

“Aww, of course. Although, you could´ve listened.” She was sweet, but fair. “Ok, come here, let me take care of you…” she said, wrapping her arms around him in a lovely way.

Even if he doesn´t like to have a big, potentially dangerous, amazon of a girlfriend, he can´t deny that, leaving the size aside, she´s still his caring girlfriend.

And maybe she´s not totally wrong, sometimes he does ask for it. But things were much better when she couldn´t hurt him. Now, she can; but she won´t. Her love´s way too strong…


Now, Lena was an even bigger amazon of a woman. Thicker, with a much hotter body. Her butt was massive, to him, it´s gigantic! And her breasts have ballooned as well! Her narrow waist, and her wide, fleshy hips, she´s got a hourglass figure; a very hot one.

She´s the second tallest woman at the neighborhood, and he´s the shortest man. Things are so different from the first day they arrived, still, another thing that´s different is the way their relationship has turned.

Back to the nice, caring and stable phase. Back to normal, back to the regular. Still, with a whole lot size-change, but things are back to how they used to be. With Lena giving him all of her love. Maybe too much now…


“You know, I´m feeling better, you can… you can let go now.” Andrew said as he was sitting on her lap.

His massive girlfriend hugging him from behind, so tenderly tightly. With her enormous breasts on his back, like a pair of big, soft cushions. At first, this felt so nice, a gentle arousal, the feeling of her hot body. But this was not going to get anywhere, and it´s already been fifteen minutes… it´s a little too long.

“No can do, I like it when we´re like this.” She tightened the hug a little. “You´re not going anywhere mister…” she said, in a lovely teasing tone.

How much longer? This was nice, but it´s just been too long. He must be clever, he can´t make her mad again. What can he say?

“But… we haven´t had breakfast. And I´m a little hungry…” He said.

“You´re right. Ok, five more minutes and I´ll go make us something. Ok?” she said.

“Ok.” At least he knows how much longer he´ll have to wait.


Mornings were a bit… unusual now. Everyone woke up next to their beloved. However, the sizes were a bit different. Why? Well, instead of waking up with the cute lady they met, men here way up next to an amazon! A big woman with a luscious body! But some do enjoy this…


Moving away of Lena and Andrew´s unit, we can go straight to Dan and Daisy´s place. They are a married couple who certainly enjoys their time alone in the morning. Recently wake up, alone, in the privacy of their rooms. With nothing on the agenda, a whole free day.

Today, and every day. It was like vacations…


“Mmmm, mmmm…” They kissed, every morning, the first thing they did was a kiss.

Dan slowly came down from an outstanding 6´3” into a 4´10” man. Still, he was the tallest man in the neighborhood.

However, Daisy grew into a tall, and sensuous, 6´9” woman. It was hard for him not to want this. A kiss, a passionate kiss with his amazonic wife.

If you would´ve asked him, when he got married, how he pictured his marriage, his life in the future, what would Dan have said? Anything, but the size change epidemic.

Never, ever, in his mind would the thought of his wife growing until she became a sensuous amazon would´ve crossed his mind. But that´s not something he complaints about.


Daisy became so tall. At first, it was kind of sexy, to watch her growing taller and sexier. He lost height, and that was bad, but he chose not to care. He chose not to complaint since it was all being, in a way, donated to her.

His lost height, finding its way to her body. Slowly making Daisy taller, slowly expanding her body into the one of a bombshell! A woman he could only imagine! Now, was there any worry about how her body will change during their marriage? No, not at all. But he never really imagined Daisy would become a muse! A tall, sexy muse!


As they kiss, he can feel the passion, the heat! Slowly growing inside of him as his mind lusts for his wife.

This was one of the disadvantages, one of the consequences of the hot morning kisses. Both knew, that´s why they both tried to keep this as strict, short, and un-frequent as possible. But it was hard.

Love was so strong, a strong bond between them that only dragged them into each other. Sometimes, it created such a tension that only provoked the lust inside them.


Now, Dan´s hands caress Daisy´s body. The kiss was supposed to be just a kiss. A show of love, a reminder of the affection they feel. A way for both to know they are not trapped, that they are not restrained; that there´s just rules they must follow. Still, the heart does what the heart wants. And sometimes, desire has some effects too…


His fingers, all over Daisy´s large, soft body. Touching her curves, the smoothness of her skin. The kiss was becoming something else, something more!

Daisy was so pretty, her body was so sensuous. Even with his eyes closed, he can still see the sensuality of her body. His hands, helping him to make a mental picture of her body. Drawing it inside his mind, even when there´s no actual need.

He can recall, he can remember the way she looked last night. The way that, even with lose of baddy clothes, her body´s sensuality simply takes over. How her hips sway from side to side. How her butt jiggles sensuously when she walks. An amazon, a diva! The memories of her simply tease his mind.


“N-no! Dan… we already talked about this…” Daisy said, feeling his hands over her body. Touching her curves, making her quiver deep inside.

This was supposed to be a sweet, and kind of passionate, morning kiss. That´s what they agreed. And they also said it should be brief.

Even if he´s in love with the way her body has changed, how she has expanded, she´s worried. Maybe it would´ve made things easier if there were no shrinking consequences to him. Maybe she wouldn´t mind growing too tall.

Still, she´s about to meet the “Too tall” limit. 6´9” is tall, VERY tall, but there´s still a few some to grow before she reaches the seven-feet-tall height. But if this kiss continues…


“Come on, just a bit more…” Dan said, now moving to her neck. Dan was hard, he was finding it really hard to resist his urges, so he decided to let things be. And keep going for as long as he could…

“Dan… d-don´t…” Daisy said, aware of the consequences, but the feeling, it was so good.

They could restrain, they could avoid sex, but not for too long. Maybe the kiss wasn´t such a good idea. Maybe it should´ve been just a quick kiss, not one with so much passion. Maybe it should´ve been faster, to avoid the desire. To close that door to love making. But now, it was too late.


“Come on, just this once… this once and then we´ll restrain… for real…” he begged. His whole body full of desire.

Daisy was not that lost in passion yet, she had second thoughts. She was aware of the consequences. She was thinking this carefully.

Could there be a way? Well…


“My… how about… you know, maybe if I used my… hand? Or my…” She suggested, but he was not looking for that.

“No, Daisy, I don´t think we should settle for that… I want you, I want ALL of you…” Sex, that´s the only thing that will do.

“But… but, Dan…” She started.

“Please, just this once…” what to do? Things were going so well…


She gave up. In the end, she gave into her own lust. As she tried to look for a way, she only came up with how nice, how satisfying it´ll be to give up. To have him all over her, to be all over him.


Daisy discovered her body. First, the bed sheets, and then, she slowly removed her pajamas. Little by little, the amazon showed off her luscious body.

Her enormous breasts, now in display; her shapely legs, so long and smooth, were now there for him to stare. To glare at, to lust for.

Daisy looked at him with eyes of desire, maybe he´s right, there´s no other way. Perhaps, next time, they could think on something else. But, now, the only thing they want is sex.

Hot, passionate sex. As a reminder of their love, more like, as a way to show their true love. How passionate they are about the other. Even after all that´s happened.

“Be quick, ok…” Daisy said, the last few words of worry, still, spoken with a deep desire.

“Oh, I´ll try…” Would he? Can he still manage with such a bombshell like her? Just looking at her is making him tremble to the core. He´s ready, ready for whatever there´s to come…


Both couples have given. And, of course, the single lady is always in the hunt. Which means, there´s only one couple left. Would they give in too?


Eunice and Cory were in bed. But, unlike the other couples, they were quiet. Eunice was reading a book, just a chapter before she got up. And Cory used this time to meditate. Looking at the empty ceiling.

Both because of the comforting feeling of the bed, and also because he liked sharing some time with Eunice.

“Have you ever thought of this as vacations?” Cory asked.

“Well, we´re not working, we´re relaxing, and there´s still food on the table and a roof on top of us. Even if we´re not unemployed, there´s no reason to work.” She declared.

“Yeah, but, do you feel as if we were on vacations? Like, enjoying the time?” He said.

“What? You don´t like it here? Don´t tell me you´re worried about your height again.” Eunice said.

“No, it´s just… when do you think this will end? Will this ever end?” he asked.

Eunice put the book down, rolled over and looked at him in the eyes.

“Cory, they will find a cure. Don´t worry. You know that, in no time, we´ll be back home.” She said.

“I know, but… how? Will they find a way to reverse this or… will we be back like… like this?!” He was worried about facing the world.


He´s now 4´9”, and Eunice stands at an impressive 6´6”. He´s concerned as to how the world will see them.

“You´re worried if we stay like this?” She asked.

“Not… not worried, just… wondering. How will out lives be?” he replied.

“Well, I´ll have to reach things for you… we´re gonna have to get new clothes… what else?” she started.

“Come on, don´t take it as a joke.” He could notice how lightly she was taking things, even as a joke.

“I´m not, you´re just taking this too seriously… again. Now, don´t you think people outside have changed too? Remember, there´s a virus, it´s not just you and me. Not just us and the rest of the people at the neighborhood. It´s WORLD WIDE. If you´re worried about our size difference, just think about it, there must be others now. A whole new world where women are taller.” She explained.

“But… are you sure?” he asked.

“You´re still worried about your height, right? Cory, don´t be. I assure you that, out there, you won´t be the only one.” She said.

“But…” he started.

“Stop. Now, come here…” she said as she extended her arm, so that she could embrace him.


What else could he do? She doesn´t mean anything bad. He just did as she said. And once he was close to her, she added:

“Relax, one day, they will find a cure. Until then, just be happy, ok? And don´t worry, I got you.” Sweet words, words that made him smile.

But still, he wonders, how are things out there?


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