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Chapter 7

He fell for it; he fell for the tease of his neighbor. The charms, the attention, and the subtle way in which she hypnotized and dragged him into her lust trap.

It must be said that she´s not an evil mastermind. That her goal was not to make him lose his mind and betray his girlfriend. Brianna´s not even aware that he´s got a girlfriend.

She thinks he´s a single guy, a man who´s kind and would make a good couple to her. If there´s the chance, of course…


In the end, after a night of passion, after their naked bodies met, after they danced horizontally under the chords of passion, he woke up.

Matt woke up, well rested, but the second his eyes were open, he quivered. What has he done? He cheated! He had sex with another woman! In the very same bed he shares with his girlfriend!

Betrayal, fear, a certain level of anger, all those emotions came up to the surface. It was just for a minute, but he fell his whole world crumbling during that time. However, his feelings were soothed, erased when his eyes spotted the sleeping beauty next to him.


There she was, Brianna, sleeping tightly next to him. She might be an amazon with a luscious body. Taller, surely stronger, simply bigger than him, but as his eyes met her, the only thing he can think about is how peaceful she looks.

Her eyes, closed, and her mouth as well, just a little. Breathing a bit through her mouth, taking long, deep breaths; even a subtle snoring that could not be perceived, almost inaudible.

As he glared at her face, as he was marveled by her beauty, by how peaceful she looked, a thought crossed his mind. She´s so big, so sensuous, she´s out of his league, how come she looks so peaceful as she lays there?

Why him? That´s both a complaint and a true question. She just broke the bond of loyalty between him and his girlfriend. Maybe it´s not a big deal to cheat on their couple for some, a one-night-stand, a free pass if you will. But to him, this is forbidden!

Yet, there´s another way to see this, the positive one. What if she was send here? What if there´s a greater force that put them both together.


Why would she be with a loser like him? There must be a long line of men waiting for her, somewhere. He´s no one, he´s not tall, muscular, and not very charismatic, what could she see in him?

Maybe this was even meaningless to her. Perhaps, she just nails every neighbor around when she´s got a chance. Free love, no commitments, no ties, nothing. Maybe she won´t even talk to him after this.

But there´s something else. If this would´ve been the case, why is she still here? Why hasn´t she leaved? Walk away in the middle of the night. She doesn´t live too far.

Now, in his mind, he´s starting to think of this as something else, maybe something more. Something even… special.


He looked at her, a little lost in his thoughts. He just kept staring at her face, admiring her beauty, and also looking for an answer.

And as Matt was lost in his thoughts, Brianna woke up. Her eyes, slowly cracking open. The light coming in, her vision readjusting for this new day. At first, blur, she was unable to see more than colors and shapes, but shortly after, it all cleared up.

Matt did nothing but to contemplate her face. He only stared at her face. Should he have moved? Pretend he was still asleep? Look away? Probably, but all he did was stare, he freeze. There were so many options that he chose none. His mind only wanted one thing, to know what she had in mind. What will she say?

“Good morning.” She said, with a smile. Welcoming him to a new day.

No lust, no flirting, no teasing, it was just a sincere morning greet. And yes, her smile let him know she was happy to see him.


It was such a precious moment, such a sweet and peaceful moment. He kind of liked it, he kind of adored it. But why?

Was it because she was pretty? Was it because she was a sensuous woman? Was it because they both had sex? No, there was something else.

As he looks at her, he´s not wondering, not considering, not even thinking on her body. He´s just glad he can meet her. The first person he meets in the early morning. He´s happy, he can´t hide it.

“Morning.” He replied.


The feeling, he´s got a feeling deep inside. And it feels good. It´s clearly not lust, desire, nothing related to any sort of erotic desire; deep down, he feels calm, but it´s a different kind of calm. It´s the one you get when you know everything´s right.

It leads to a question, is it because of the lady lying next to him? Is she the reason? Maybe, is this a second chance? A second chance for… love? True love?


A kiss, she rose a bit from bed and kissed him. So sweet, tenderly. So lovely.

But there´s a bit of a problem, he´s not the one. He´s got a girlfriend. He lied! He lied to her.

Brianna´s lying there, so sincere, unaware that the man next to him las lied to her. He feels bad, this is not something he earned. This isn´t something he should be doing.

Maybe he should´ve said something, prevent this from happening. He could´ve avoided this. Or work in the long term, break things up with his girlfriend, Sally, and then finally get a chance with Brianna. But he didn´t.

Instead, he´s lying there, taking the kiss. A non-deserved kiss. Deep down, he knows he´s hurting both women.

Or maybe not both...


In another place, another city, far away from where they both are, there´s another pair waking up.

But, unlike him, there´s no regret in these two. And who are they? Well, it´s Sally and the guy she met. Who promised her a lot, who seems to be a better man than Matt. More successful.

And deep down, in Sally´s mind, she knows she´s taking the right call.

“So, what´s it gonna be?” The guy asked.

Sally smiled, placed a hand over his chest and kissed him.

“You know who…” she said as she broke the kiss for a moment.


Back at Matt´s place.

“You know what we should do?” Brianna said.

“Breakfast?” Matt asked, unsure about what was on this lady´s mind.

He was a bit worried she was there, could it be safe that she was still at his place? And more than that, lying on Sally´s side of the bed? In fact, can´t she perceive some sort of remains of Sally´s aura at the house?

Well, this was a bit too much. She was no psych; she had no third eye for this kind of things. No sixth-sense. He´s just being paranoid.

“Well, of course, but I was thinking about something else…” Brianna´s tone shifted into a slightly naughtier one as she ran her finger over his chest.

Matt swallowed, he knows she´s got something in mind, maybe it isn´t that bad, or is it? Whatever it is, he knows it´s naughty. And maybe he doesn´t deserve it.

Oh well, whatever it is, he´ll at least enjoy it. Why should he be worried? When the time comes, he´ll have to pay. Until then, he´ll just enjoy the ride…


Brianna was thinking about a shower. Getting clean, to wash away all of the sweat, the sex, the passion that remained on their bodies. But she wanted to add a bit of passion to it…

“Share… the shower?” Matt asked.

“Yes, don´t you want to? I promise it´ll be nice. I can be quite a lovely shower-partner…” Brianna said, with a teasing tone and caressing his chest a bit.

Who´d reject that offer? Seriously.


“Is this temperature right?” Brianna asked, standing already inside the shower.

Temperature of the water? Who cares about that? Right now, not him.

“Yes…” he answered, completely overwhelmed by her naked beauty.

The water, falling from the shower and cascading all over her body. A muse, an amazon, she even looked monumental! He´s never shared a shower with a 6´10” amazon. It´s hot! And we´re not talking about the water…

“Should we start with the shampoo?” she teased.


Matt was dumbfounded. Brianna turned once, twice, and every time she gave him a nice view of her butt. Her sexy, tight, and juicy ass. And she also made her boobs bounce.

Her arms, rising, shampooing her long hair, the sensuous movement of her body, teasing his mind. He peeked, of course he peeked at her breasts. The size, roundness, the shine the water gave her breasts. He was so teased.

Her enormous boobs were right at his face. He could hear, he could even feel the water falling over him as it bounced over her amazonic body. But he can´t actually perceive it, all he can feel is the arousal this woman´s body gives him.

“Your turn…” she said as she put some of the shampoo on her hand.

His turn? For what? Well, it´s kind of obvious. It´s his turn for the shampoo.


For a moment, he was confused. She´s going to shampoo his head? He can do it, there´s no need.

Matt didn´t have much of a chance to say a thing, but he had no complaints. It felt so relaxing as she massaged his head while shampooing his hair. He allowed her hands to take control. He simply closed his eyes, both to enjoy it and to avoid shampoo from getting into his eyes.

He´s unsure about what´s going on, but he knows that she´s doing it right.

“Come a little closer…” she said, placing one hand on his back and pulling him towards his body. “Take a deep breath…” she purred as he was now pinned against her body.

His face, buried in her enormous bosom. He held his breath, and simply enjoyed the soft, wet and warm feeling of her bosom.


Down, beneath all that, there was something going on, in his crotch. He was getting a hard-on. A really hard one.

He was naked, and so was she, it was inevitable not to see it. And this close, it was inevitable for her not to feel it.


Brianna was happy things were going so well. She was being so nice, so tender, so generous.

“He likes it, I bet he does…” she thought, focused only on the pleasure she could give. Things were going so well, she just wanted things to keep up.

Brianna´s got feelings for him. She knows she can actually get somewhere with him. To build a nice relationship.

She feels so silly because she´s the kind of person who falls in love too fast. But she´s learned not to say a thing too soon. She doesn´t want to scare him by saying something like “I love you”, it´s not bad, but she doesn´t want to make him feel compromised.

But she knows that it´ll be lovely if it happened. And if he said it, she´d say it back…


“A pink scrub?” She asked.

Matt was speechless. He made sure to hide everything related to Sally, but he forgot to check the shower.

Let´s be fair, why would she check on the shower? Well, he wasn´t quite expecting this to happen. Is there a problem? It´s just a scrub, right? Well, what if she pays close attention to it and noticed something?

A hair? One of Sally´s hairs on the surface of the scrub? Her smell? Can her smell be all over that thing? Maybe, possibly. The good thing is he took out all of her hair products, but he forgot the scrub!

“Well…” he started, how can he explain it? “They… run out of blue scrubs at the store. I mean… I just… it´s…” a nice excuse, but why was he still talking?

“Relax, it´s just a scrub. I thought it´s really cute, that´s it.” She said.

“Oh, you do?” He asked.

“Yes, and I want one. But you can tell me where you bought it later. Now, turn…” Her voice, sexy again.


He felt so weird, Brianna seemed to be in full control of the situation. But he doesn´t feel bad, he doesn´t feel like he´s being bossed around, ordered around, nothing like that. As she takes control, to put it in some way, he simply feels cared for.

This is nice, this is even tender. She´s such an attentive woman.


The scrub goes up and down over his back. Softly, gently. And as it does, he wonders, will he have to do the same?

He was lost in his thoughts. Partially because of the soothing feeling of the scrub. Giving him a chance to meditate, somehow. In his mind, he wondered, will he get a turn? A turn to scrub her body?

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Inside his mind, in the fantastic world of his imagination, he pictured himself. He was standing before Brianna, who was just smiling at him.

The sound of the shower, permanently in his mind, and as he listened to that sound, Brianna turned. She turned her luscious body and displayed her back to him. What else was he supposed to do but to rub?

Soap all of her back, her feminine form. He was lost on the sensuality of her shape. Her shoulders were wider than his, for sure, but she held such a delicate and feminine figure. Even if larger than his. Her waist was thin, her back was smooth, elegant even.

And beneath all that, he met her butt. He thought about soaping her back and then aiming for her butt. To touch, to rub both sensuous cheeks. To feel their firmness, their enormity, the make then tremble with the moving of his hand.

And then, eh thought, why not the legs? He would kneel and start rubbing those sensuous pillars of flesh. So thick, so sexy. With the scrub going up and down. The smooth feeling of her legs. To run his hand all over those magnificent legs.

Biranna´s an amazon, but she´s also a muse. Even if it´s a bit intimidating to stand before a woman so tall, it´s also quite hot to glare at her body. And to touch her, the touch, it was so… so…


“Ugh!” He was lost in his thoughts, he forgot where he was. That he was not the one scrubbing, but that Brianna was.

And she had noticed a couple things. Well, one hard thing. All this rubbing, all this touching, and the wet nakedness of their bodies. He was hard, his member was hard down there.

She knew she wanted to do something naughty on the shower, but she wasn´t sure what. But, as soon as she noticed his member, she had an idea.


She caught Matt off guard. She simply bent and reached for his member with one hand. He let out a soft complaint, he wasn´t expecting this. Her long fingers, wrapped around his cock. And that was not it.

“Relax…” she purred, right at his ear as she began to work on his hard-on.

The gentle, sexy, and erotic massage she gave him. She brought him back to reality, and what a reality was he on!

His legs trembled, he felt weak on the knees as the amazon jerked off his member. Brianna was holding his member from behind. It wasn´t an uncomfortable position for her, in fact, it felt so hot.

Matt could feel her enormous breasts resting on his back. The soft jiggle of her breasts as her hand moves through the length of his member. Like a double-massage. A double tease. And keeping in mind a mental picture of her sensuous body, it was a triple threat!

He moaned underneath the water. He quivered to her touch. Matt was delighted, he was elated. Brianna was just so… perfect!


This was just so much more, so much more than anything he´s felt. Still, he´s done nothing bot lying to this woman. Although, not everything´s a lie. He does have nice feelings for her. But, deep down, he´s worried, is he kind of… using her?




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