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Chapter 23

Mrs. Stalwart is a very attractive woman. No one can deny that. And her body, she´s got such a luscious body. Much larger than the average, but that´s not a bad thing.

Anyone would be lucky to have her love, a woman her size surely has some big love to give. But the thing is, what´s it like?


This was so sudden. The rest of the day, at least right after the confession, he took a couple glances at her.

To admire her beauty? Her large, sensuous beauty? To check out her larger body? Leer at her curves? No, it was not like that.

He had a question, a sincere question. How could things be? How could it be to date a woman like her?


There´s several questions. The first of all, and the most common one, at least if we speak of Mrs. Stalwart.

First of all, she was more mature than him. Older, she was a couple years older than him. How could it be to date an older woman? A few years, maybe there´s no problem if it´s a year or two, even five. But she´s like… over a decare older than him. Or so he´ll think.

How could that be? Age is just a number, probably, but there´s quite a difference. For starters, she´s ahead of him in life. And we´re not speaking of years, she´s ahead in the success she´s had.

Which leads to the second thing. On a side, she´s a mature woman. A milf, if you like. But there´s something more, she´s rich!

He´s not a gold digger, his main goal in life is not finding a rich woman who´ll pay for his every need or desire. Able to avoid working, in the exchange of love of course, that´s not his main goal.

She´s miles ahead of him. She´s a nice place, one she allowed him to live on. So casually, she just lent him the place. Which, as he thinks about it, could that have been a sign? He should´ve known there was something more ever since that happened.

Back to it, she´s a wealthy woman. Basically, she´d be a sugar mommy. Now, has he ever considered that? There´s no denial that his life could be so simple, the only matter he´d have to take care is pleasing her. And this leads to the third fact. Her size.

Mrs. Stalwart´s an amazon. An AMAZON! A woman of an imposing 9´6” height! How will things be? There´s a HUGE size gap between them. Speaking of height only, and let´s not start with her other dimensions.

She´s so thick. Her legs are like trunks, her hips are immense, and her breasts, they are enormous!


Harvey quivers a bit as he thinks more about this. Her body? Does this give him the right to, actually, touch that body? It´s obvious that she wants a relationship with him, why else would she say she´s got feelings for him?

However, how would it be to be in a relationship with such a woman? All he knows is, her body´s just lusty…


He spent about five minutes looking at his computer screen, with blank eyes as he fantasized about her body.

The statuesque woman, with the biggest, most sensuous curves he´s ever seen. Every inch of her body, so sensuous. The way her flesh jiggles, so sensuously inviting. The way her hips sway as she walks, how her breasts bounce after each powerful step.

He never really thought a woman like her would have feelings for him. He´s still unsure, is this right?

When she said “us”, she meant it as a… couple?


Almost at the end of the day, after a really long silence, Mrs. Stalwart finally spoke.

“I hope you understand.” She said.

“huh?” What was she about to say? Understand what?

“I´d like to keep our… you know. As a secret. It´s not allowed for me to fall in… you know what I mean.” She blushed. She surely meant love, and seeing her acting so shyly, it allowed her to see her sweet side. “It must be a secret, no one can know, else, I´ll have to fire you.” Ok, this was serious.

Fired? That´s not fair! But those are the rules. A rule even she can´t change.

“However,” she continued. “We can do whatever we want during our free time. Away from this place, of course.” Sure, it´s not like they will kiss on each break. “So, I´d like for our next date, the first official one, to be somewhere private. I´d like you to come to my place. To a… an evening by the pool. Next Sunday, would you like that?”

“Her house? HER HOUSE?! He already lives at her old apartment, but her house? The one where she actually lives? And, did she say pool? This means one thing, a bikini!

“I think… I´d love that.” She smiled so shyly to his answer.


It was a date. Another one, but more official.

Her plan was to have a regular chat, to get to know each other. And, just as a guarantee, to allure him with her body.


The confession, it must´ve been good enough, so she knows. She was certain about that. But she´s aware of a couple things.

If she does want to win his heart, to say it some way, she must work. Work hard! She´s never had too much of a chance when it comes to dating. She´s too big.

The fact that he didn´t run away, that´s a good sign for her. There´s some feelings for her inside him. She can tell. Now, is there enough to turn this into a good relationship? She´ll see.


An evening by the pool? That seemed as the perfect way to show off her body. It should be easy, right? With her size, her dimensions. She was such a voluptuous woman, it´s easy to think she´ll have it easy alluring him.

However, as she was checking out her bikinis, she was wondering, what if he doesn´t like big ladies? She´s the full extension of the word, she´s thick, tall, and she´s got some really large attributes. But… what if she´s too big?

“Oh no… no, no, no, no, no! When did I get so fat?” It´s been quite a while since she last wore a bikini. Because of work, not having someone with whom to go to the beach. And she often entered her pool in regular underwear… or naked.

It´s been quite a while since she put on one of her bikinis. The problem? There´s no problem, her body´s still the same. However, as she now has to see herself with a more critic eye, she´s noticed she seems a bit… too soft.

But she´s just being self-conscious.


Sunday arrived, and she had a plan. First of all, the house should be empty, except for them both. No lady who cleaned, no gardener, no one should be there! She made sure to have an empty schedule that day.

She wanted privacy, she needed privacy. And she succeeded. Now, the only thing left to do was to wait for him.


Harvey was a bit confused, this was a date, right? Then, why does this feel so confusing? Was he still unsure? Does he doubt things? He shouldn´t.

It´s just that, this was all so sudden.


He got to her house, the first thing he noticed was the size. He should´ve been aware of that, he´s been living in a place meant for a woman her size for quite a while now. However, it wasn´t just the height of the ceilings, but the overall size of the place. It was like a mansion!

“Wow…” Fancier than her old apartment, much larger, in a much more elegant neighborhood. He feels like he doesn´t belong.

But he had a date, there´s no need to think of this in that way. He shouldn´t consider himself an outsider to this life, but as a guest. Invited to share the evening with a woman who´s a part of this life.


“Welcome!” Mrs. Stalwart said as she opened the door.

“Hi.” He smiled, noting how she was dressed on a fancy, probably silk made, pool´s robe. Looking as gorgeous as ever. And yet, there he was, already on his swimming trunks and a regular t-shirt.

Should he have tried more? He even carried a towel under his arm. Was he… falling behind on the dress code?

“Please, come in!” Mrs. Stalwart doesn´t seem to mind. All she cares is that he came.

In fact, she´s the one who´s a bit ashamed of the way she´s dressed. Hiding her body from him. What if she loses that sexy power she held?


It cannot be denied that, some, like to see a woman on an office attire. Mostly when she´s the boss. A look of authority, the perfect, tight, fit of the sexy attire. What if she loses all today?

What if he´s disappointed for what he sees when he finally gets to see what´s been hiding underneath that office attire?


“Maybe things won´t be as bad…” she thought, now guiding him towards the pool.

“Wow, your place is so amazing, Mrs. Stalwart.” He said, looking around the elegant place. So big, the floor´s shinning, a couple statues, basins, it was like a museum. To him, at least.

Then, he bumped into something, well… someone.

Harvey was following Mrs. Stalwart, walking closely behind her. Allowing her to guide him. But, after hearing his words, she stopped. Which caused the man to bump into her, and crash against her enormous, yet soft, glutes.

“Vera, dear. Call me Vera.” She said, smiling and not caring that he just hit her from behind and touched her butt.

“R-right… sorry.” It was a bit intimidating that she wasn´t mad, and instead, she was smiling.

He´ll take it as she´s been polite. And call her Vera, at least when they are not at the office. He got it, and now it´s noted.

Now, back to the way towards the pool…


Her house was huge, in every aspect. There´s no need to say he felt a bit off place. But he shouldn´t.

Mrs. Stalwart´s been living here, all by herself. It´s a nice place, but it´s often so lonely. She wouldn´t mind sharing it with someone…

He was amazed when he finally met the pool. It was big, VERY big. Well, if a lady her size wants to take a swim, and actually enjoy it, then it must be a pool of a fairly big size. An Olympic size pool would be nice, and it does seem that way to him. However, it´s a couple feet shorter on length and width, but still, it´s twice, or even three times, as big as any other one he´s seen.

“Wow…” He simply said.

“It´s a nice pool, isn´t it? Although, I don´t often use it. But I´m glad I can share it with you.” She said, smiling. “Would you like to get in?” He nodded.


There´s something that´s been on his mind, how would it be? To share a pool with his boss? Well, for starters, it´s quite a big space. He can be at the other edge of it. But, why would he want to do so?

Well, he can´t deny that her curves can be quite captivating. And he´d rather not picture her on a bikini. Her body must be as majestically luscious as his deepest thoughts. And maybe more!

“Are you… coming?” He asked, uncertain, but wishing to see her body.

“Oh, I… I think I´ll sit here for a moment. You know, I had… a big lunch.” She´s still insecure about her body. Beneath the gown, there´s a bikini, but does she wish to show her body to him? What if he doesn´t like it? What if he doesn´t like her?

Maybe it´ll be for the best to keep it hidden…


“Ok… I´ll get in, if you don´t mind, of course.” He said.

“Oh, please, go ahead. You´re my guest. Besides, why would I invite you over to my pool if I don´t allow you to use it, haha. Don´t be silly, make yourself at home.” It was nice to hear that.

And so, he decided to get in, but first, he removed his shirt.

Mrs. Stalwart´s jaw dropped as she saw his torso. He had abs!

“Oh my…” she thought. Blushing, and overwhelmed. Abs? He has abs?

He might not be the most muscular one but, to her, he´s hot. He´s not outstanding, but she´s completely fell for him. Now, it´s clear that, he´s not the only one turned on. What will come next in this date?



Nice entry - pool scenes are great, but what I’m really looking forward to is the big reveal, when she peels that robe away.