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Chapter 25

Love? Did Kevin just say Love?

Carol was shocked, and confused! Was this a joke? A prank? Was he trying to mock her? Why would he say something like that? Isn´t it clear that she doesn´t like him?

Well, it used to be clear, before…


During all this time, while she´s been working in all of the “rewards”, she might´ve changed that. Before, they fought quite a lot, they had differences, a lot! He was such a spoiled man, and she doesn´t really tolerate men like him.

But ever since she decided to change things, she´s noticed there´s been a change on that. He´s no longer a pest, in fact, he´s become quite helpful. In order to achieve that, she had to change the way she treated him. And that was a HUGE change.

Gene, Kevin´s mother, had a suggestion. And her suggestion was to reward him. Why? It´s easier. That way, he´ll change without her asking him to do so. That way, he´ll be the one wanting to change, and it worked!

The problem is, it seems he perceives her intentions differently…


Love? He fell in love? Why would he even think that?

Maybe it´s because of the sweet way she´s been acting lately. And the tease, she gave him some signals he read as he thought he was supposed to.

A sudden change on her attitude? If he didn´t complaint at first, that must´ve been because he knew she had something in mind, a plan in hands.

Now, having reached a certain point, he might have connected the dots in a certain way…


Sweet? Attentive? Teasing? How could she be so blind? It seemed as if she was falling on love with him!

How come she didn´t notice that before? Now, he seems to have found the courage to say it. Now, in his mind, it seems he´s read her intentions. The result? A wrong answer, still… what can she do?

Should she break the spell she, unintentionally, casted on him? If she does, could that ruin all of the progress she´s done so far? Maybe he´ll get mad and turn back into the obnoxious man he was, or, he could fall in depression.

Is she a bad person if the second one seems as a better result? It would make her job easier.


“What are you saying? Love?” Well, maybe getting upset wasn´t the best train of action.

“I just… I can´t explain it, you… you´ve been so nice lately. So kind, so… gorgeous. I think… I think I like this side of yours.” He admitted, a bit elated as he said “gorgeous”. What can he say? He´s in love!

She was right, he fell for this sweet version of hers. Can´t he tell it´s a lie? Well, if he could, then it wouldn´t have worked, right?

“Wh- and what makes you think that?” She said, looming so high above him as a 6´6” amazon.

“I… I just… I feel it. You know… I feel butterflies when I see you.” He admitted.

“So? You´re 4´5”, and I´m HUGE, don´t you think the butterflies are due to, I don´t know… the size gap?” True, she´s an imposing amazon. Over two whole feet taller than him. She´s monumental!


Tall, with the sensuous body of a muse. With some arousing curves. Her legs, to him, are so long, shapely, a heavenly pair of legs. And her boobs, they have expanded into immense, round, and sexy jugs.

Maybe he´s just aroused by her? She´d prefer, she´d even adore it, if it was that way. But he´s about to prove her wrong.


“No. I… you don´t intimidate me, ok?” he stated.

“Are you sure?” Carol said, standing as tall as she could, crossing her arms beneath her enormous breasts.

“You… you´re so lovely…” She was truly hoping she´d swallow and take a step back.

He was not intimidated; he was in love! She was really hoping he wasn´t sure about his feelings.

Why did things have to come up this way? She was just trying to make things right! And now, he´s in love? That´s not convenient.

It´s true that it could make things much easier, but the thing is, does she really want to keep him on the hook like this? Even now, as she looks down at him, she doesn´t like the expression on his face.

His eyes, shining a little as he looks at her. Those eyes, that adore her, those eyes that seem to praise her. That´s annoying! She´s certain that, sooner or later, he´s going to want something more!

And she´s not willing to give anything else!


“Don´t! Don´t say that.” She said, now mad.

“But, but it´s true! You… when I look at you, I just… I have no words to describe it. You, you blow my mind.” Well, she became a sensuous amazon, that´s certain, but attracting him is NOT her goal!

“Thank you, but don´t say that.” She insisted.

“Why not? It´s the truth! I have feelings, at first, things were not the best between you and I. But, time has proven that, there´s a sweet side on you. And maybe it was on me, maybe I made it hard for you to show that side. But, Carol, after seeing that side of yours I just… my heart, it melted! And it does, over and over, every time I see you!” he had a goal now, confess, and in the meantime, prove her he´s worth of her love.

It´ll be beyond incredible if she felt the same thing. So far, he thought of it as an option, maybe she fell for him. He also thought he misread the signals, but, in the end, he knows his feel. Love, that´s the feeling.

“Stop.” Carol declared, she was getting very annoyed now.

“But I can´t! I… I have feelings for you! I… I´m sorry if I was a jerk at first, I´m sorry if I mistreated you, if I made you mad, upset. I… I want you to know that I can change. For you, for… for us!” he said.

“There´s -NO- “us”, so stop that already.” He was poking the bear now.

“I know, and you´re right. Now, there´s nothing between us, but I´d like to have an opportunity, I´d like it if we, if you allow me, if we could…” that was it, she had to cut him off.

She warned him, more than once. Now, she had to put her hand on his mouth, literally.


“Mmm, mhhmm…” he couldn´t say a word, but he was trying. Although, it was impossible with her huge hand over his mouth.

“Shhh, just stop. Stop talking, and I´ll let you go.” She said.

Kevin had feelings, he knows he loves her. She´s unlike any other woman he´s met. For starters, she´s WAY taller than any other woman he´s ever met.

All he needs is a chance. And he knows that, if he keeps fighting, there´s no chance she´ll believe he´s changed. He´ll do as she says.

Kevin stopped, he just looked at her and stopped fighting back. There´s no chance he can take her hands off of him, she´s much stronger, even if he won´t say it out loud.

“Ok, I´ll let you go.” She said, slowly removing her hand from his mouth.


Kevin took a deep breath; he cleared his mind. He relaxed and allowed her to speak.

“Now, I appreciate your… kind words. But, trust me, you don´t love me.” She started, sure enough that she could talk with him in a more civilized way.

“But I do! I… I want you to be the sun in my sky! The moonlight of my nights, the…” he was in love, he can´t help it.

“Ugh!” she grunted, frowned, and once again, shut him.

What can she do to keep him quiet?


In the end, there was no chance on trying, he just kept doing the same. Every time she covered his mouth, as soon as she removed them, he started saying how she was the dawn of his days. How she was so pretty. So kind. He even said she was a bombshell.

And, every time, he gave her no choice but to shut him back up. At some point, sooner than later, she was tired. If he was not going to stop, then she´ll make him stop.


“No! You DON´T love me!” She said, both hands pulling his cheeks as if this was a way to make him come to his senses. Else, it´ll still hurt, enough to make him stop.

“But I do!” This was not going to end. This was a fight none of them was going to win.

Now, as both were at the living room, Carol was trying to shut his mouth. Trying to, by force, persuade him to stop. Force the words out of his mouth. But she wasn´t the best at this…


They kept going for a while, and then, as both were so distracted fighting the other, someone arrived.

The door cracked open, and Gene came in. Much taller than before, she ducked to cross the door´s frame. And her hips were so much closer to the edges of the frame.

She was so voluptuous, her breasts, her enormous breasts bounced with each step. Her butt swayed so sensuously as it jiggled with each step.

She was smiling, but as soon as she heard people complaining, she turned, only to spot Carol all over Kevin, trying to force him into something.

“I said stop! You don´t love me! So stop that already!” At first, Gene was mad. Angry!


She took a deep breath as her face crimsoned in anger, for a second, maybe a fraction of a second, a vein popped at the side of her face. But then, she listened, love? Was this about love?

She breathed in, and then out. Her intentions of kicking Carol out of the house, quite literally, vanished.

“So this is about love? He loves her? That´s good.” Gene thought. “Although, they were supposed to fall for the other. I guess they need a little help…” Time for the, even bigger, amazon to intervene.


“Ok, you two, cut it off! Don´t make me go there.” Her deeper voice, so authoritarian, echoed in the whole room. Even the whole house!

Both froze, and then, Carol let him go. She swallowed, afraid of what was about to come.


Gene´s always been an imposing woman. But lately, imposing comes short when trying to describe her.

She´s a total authority! It´s clear that someone´s been taking her pills. It´s clear to Carol that Gene will never listen to her advice. Does she do it because she likes it? Does she do it because of the way she feels? The way she looks? Definitely.

Both, Carol and Kevin, were speechless when she entered the room. Even Kevin, who´s never really cared about what his mother has to say, decided to shut it, it might not be a good idea to piss off the giantess.

“I want this to be the LAST time I find you two fighting, am I clear?” Both hands on her massively fleshy hips. A frown, so high above, at her face. And her foot, tapping constantly the floor. She was upset, maybe not furious, but she played her part.

Gene has truly become a giantess, standing at 7´5”, she´s a monumental woman.


The gap between her and Carol has increased. Now, it´s almost a whole foot! Of course Carol´s a bit afraid, her whole body screams to her that Gene´s the alpha at this house. Plus, she´s her boss so…

On the other hand, to Kevin, Gene´s more than just much taller, she´s gigantic! Three whole feet taller than him. He´s nervous, he never really thought he´d feel this way, but he´s worried about what will come next.


“I´m VERY disappointed, Carol.” Was all she said before she demanded an explanation.

Didn´t she said it before? Carol could do a lot of things, but she was never allowed to lay hands on Kevin. And what does she do? She literally disobeyed a direct order.


But Gene knows that this is not for the worse, in fact, this might be for the best. Well, maybe not for the very best, but this is a discussion that went wrong.

Now, as she listens to what happened, she´s decided that there won´t be any need to fire Carol, however she must understand that what she did is wrong. And Kevin won´t escape a bit of a lecture.


“Listen, Kevin.” Gene started. Both Carol and Kevin sitting at the couch as they were lectured by the amazon. “Whenever a woman asks you to stop, as the gentleman you are, you do!”

“But I just… I was only telling her how much I love her.” Kevin complaint.

“I know, sweetheart, but if you go too far, that´s harassment, you know?” Her voice softened, she´s always been too soft on him. Specially now.

“It´s not fair.” He complaint.

“Listen, you don´t always get what you want. I guess it´s about time you understand that. You´re a 23-year-old man, honey, by now, you should already know that, sometimes, you lose. And some others, you must work harder for that you want.” Gene explained.

“Fine. I guess… maybe you´re right.” Has she heard that right? He admits Gene´s right? Kevin admits his mother´s right? It nearly melts Gene´s heart.

“Oh, trust me, I know better. Now, apologize to Carol and go upstairs to your room. I´d like to have some time alone with her.” Gene said.

“Apologize? Why should I apologize? I was just… it´s love!” Why should he do so if he was giving her nothing but sweet thoughts and sharing his feelings? Well, the answer´s simple, too much of that isn´t good.

“Kevin, do as I say.” Gene said, her tone a bit more serious now.

“I won´t!” He declared, back to his regular attitude.

“Fine.” Gene declared, bending over and putting her face a couple inches away from his, “I´ll count to three, and if you don´t do as I said. Let´s just say… you won´t like it.” What would it be?


“One…” Gene started. And all Kevin did was to look up at her. What can she do? She can´t do anything!

Well, she couldn´t. But that was before. Now, he cannot say he´s a bit concerned about the size gap. She´s HUGE, from his perspective, even if it´s a bit wrong, she looks TWICE his size. Which isn´t accurate, however, if we speak of weight only, he might be right.

“Two…” Gene said, rising two fingers in the air. Kevin doesn´t seem to move, he doesn´t seem to be willing to do as she says.

What should she do? What kind of lesson can she teach him? All she knows is, this is not making her any happy. In fact, if she does get to three, she´ll get really, really mad.

“Th…” was all she said. And as he heard those words, Kevin came to his senses.

“Ok!” He stood up, practically jump off his sit. “I´m sorry, Carol. My… my mom´s right. I do have… feelings for you. But if you don´t feel the same. I guess I should just… move on.” He felt defeated. “Maybe I did deserve getting hurt. I can now see I was too stubborn.” And so, he left.


He won´t admit it, but he was afraid of the consequences. Gene was a monumental woman, she´s surely really strong. He can´t test her limits anymore. If he does, who knows what will happen…


Now, it was only Gene and Carol.

“I´m sorry, ma´am.” Carol started.

“Oh, you must be. Now, wasn´t I clear when I said I didn´t, under ANY circumstance, wanted you to hurt him?” Gene was mad, her tone shifter really fast.

“I know, I just… he wouldn´t stop!” Carol complaint.

“So? You should´ve found a more pacific way!” Gene seems so upset. But this wasn´t nearly as bad as Carol thought.


She had the idea that, if she ever broke her only rule, Gene will kick her out and fire her. And then, she´ll ruin her life, as she said before.

She´d have to move out of town. Find another place to live. Dye her hair? Change her name? She´s unsure just how influential Gene truly is.

But, Gene´s also a fair woman. Plus, she still thinks Carol´s the one for Kevin.

For as much as she hated what she saw, Carol wasn´t using too much strength. Sure, it wasn´t a pleasant view, but it seems Kevin left her no choice.


“I´ll forgive you. Just this once.” Gene said.

“You… you will?” Carol was amazed!

“Yes. Under one condition…” Gene smiled, a bit wickedly.


What was the condition? For Carol to give Kevin a chance. She doesn´t want her to start dating him, just to keep her eyes open. To look at him, to truly look at him.

“I´ve never heard him say he loves anyone. So that makes you special.” Gene explained.

“I guess… but, I´m sorry, but I don´t think I feel the same way.” Carol explained.

“Why not?” Gene asked. “You see, his mother´s a very, VERY, wealthy woman. She could support you both. You won´t even have to work…” She said, partially playing, but it wasn´t entirely a lie.

“Thank you, ma´am. But I don´t think that´s a good enough reason.” Carol said.

“I know. Listen, his feelings are true. He´s never used the word -love-, ever. If he says he loves you, then that might be true. Just, just think about it, ok?” Gene said.

“I will.” Carol replied.

“Good. Now, I don´t appreciate when people lay hands on my Kevin. So I´m not expecting any complaints when you don´t get paid this week.” Gene was fair, but she was still mad.

“I…” Carol started, but the amazon simply looked at her, rose an eyebrow, and then, Carol ended up saying: “sounds fair.”

“Good.” Well, a week without payment was better than getting fired.


However, what does Gene mean by giving him a chance? She´s not actually saying she should love him back, right?




Could we get more interaction between Gene and Kevin?