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Chapter 5

Brianna smiled, but beneath that smile, she was hiding some concern. Was that too much? He seems kind of upset, but in the nervous way. She knows she might have ruined the moment, maybe she ruined her relationship with him already. And it hasn´t even started…

“You know,” Brianna said, realizing that she might have overwhelmed him with her question. “You don´t need to answer my…”

“I am!” he said, a little too loud. Quick, nervous, but in the end, he gave an answer.

“You… you are?” Brianna can´t deny she´s excited.

“Y-yeah… I´m single, why would I lie? Heh…” well, he was lying.

Suddenly, the world had felt as if it was falling over him. This amazon lady, appeared to be looming higher and higher. Taller and taller, or was he falling? He felt so nervous by her question, everything was spinning around. Inside his mind, he had two options, to tell the truth, and possibly cutting her out, or lie and see how far this can get.


He chose lying. And now, he´s single…

Brianna was looking at him, from his point of view, he ruined it by adding: “Why would I lie?” clearly, he had something to hide. But this might be easy enough to hide.

His girlfriend, Sally, she´s not in town. And she won´t be back for a while. Plus, she barely calls him, or texts him. In fact, she´s not giving him much attention. Not even the minimum. Maybe this was right…

Brianna was looking at him, not because she thought he was lying, but because she´s sure she made him uneasy with her question.

“Ugh, such a weird question… and so soon. No wonder why guys run from me… I´m so straight-forward sometimes…” maybe this wasn´t as smooth as she thought it´ll be. In fact, she might´ve made things awkward. Judging by his reaction, she did…


“I… I think we should… you know, I´m tired and… and I´ve got work tomorrow…” she started.

“S-sure! And I´ve got a lot to do. Laundry and stuff… maybe we can meet tomorrow?” he added. Worried about what she might be thinking. What if she knows he´s lying?

As Brianna walked away, Matt looked at her. Her statuesque figure, so tall, so graceful. Her long legs, walking away. Her hips, swaying sensuously to the sides. Such a tall beauty…

Matt wasn´t sure if lying was the best idea, she deserves the truth! However, just by looking at her, he can tell that she´s worth lying a little. He was sure that, if he admitted he was single, then the conversation would´ve ended differently. She´d acknowledge it and that´ll be it.

Now, with this little lie, there´s a chance for something more. However, a relationship build in lies? Could he live with it? Well, it wouldn´t be for long, just a couple of days. But what´ll happen when Sally comes back?


Brianna stopped, turned around and said: “Oh, Matt!” he turned at her.

Her figure, her body, and her face, his heart began to beat in a romantic way. Full of excitement, desire, passion!

As she smiled, melting his heart in the process, she said: “I forgot to tell you… I´m single too.” Just like an arrow straight to the heart. He was on! He even felt like floating, elated by her confession. “Maybe we should hang out more often, you know, since we´re both… free.” Deal!

He nodded, smiling back at the amazon beauty. He hasn´t felt as excited in a long time. But, right now, he´s on a peak, a peak of excitement, what´ll happen when he falls back to reality?


“What have I done?!” He said, watching his face in the bathroom´s mirror.

Did he actually lie to his new neighbor? He did! He told her he was single. Why would she ask? Who cares, he gave her the wrong answer. Convenient for him, but a complete lie to her.

And why has he done that? Does he feel like there´s something between them? Or is it that he wants it? He just met her! He can´t be in love with her already, can he?

The answer´s clear, love at first sight. The second he spotted her, the second his eyes fell on her angelical face. Her perfect features, her thick lips, her big, bright eyes. He was overwhelmed. And, even thought she´s really tall, it doesn´t seem to matter. On one side, height shouldn´t really matter, and on the other, isn’t her body the hottest?

He can´t deny he likes her. Her looks, her body. And, on top of it all, her personality is the sweetest! Caring, attentive, gentle. She seems to be so considerate. And now, he´s blowing it!

As he looks at his reflection, guilt fills his mind. He should confess. Go straight to her door and tell her he´s not singe, that he´s dating someone. That she lives with him and that she´s gone for a business trip.

Still, all he understood by that was that she´s gone, and that they won´t meet in a while. Could that be enough time?

“I´m the worse…” he whispered, washing his face, trying to wash the guilt away for what he was going to do.


His plan wasn´t sincere. But it sounded good. He´ll pretend to be single, at Brianna´s eyes, he´s single, like her. Why? He wants to know how far this will go…


Waving, in the early morning as they both leave to work. Being the first person the other looks at every day. It was inevitable that they shared numbers. Both of them were texting, at lunchtime, at each other´s working places.

“What do you have for lunch?” She´d ask, and his reply would always be something she´d immediately call delicious! She was so polite.

How did he manage to hide his girlfriend away? Well, he doesn´t have a picture of them together as a profile pic. And he avoided sharing any of his social medias. Luckily, she never asked.

Of course, Matt feels guilty. He feels bad, but the contrast is just…


Texting is different between these two ladies. Brianna seems eager to chat with him. Sharing thoughts, ideas, making small compliments to his meals. Knowing a lot, more than he actually expected, about the things he likes. Turns out, both share similar interests.

Now, speaking of Sally, he just doesn´t feel any interest from her. Everything´s just asking how she´s been, and then she asks how he´s been, but there´s no life, no spark on what she writes back.

And it´s not that he´s not trying, it´s not like he´s making this on purpose, but after giving her a long, kind, supportive reply on text, all she writes back was, ok, or, you´re so kind. But that was it. Not much was truly said after that.

Her texts, the texts that once were sweet, full of emotion, good wishes, they are dry now. Dried of love, an absence on interest…


And why would this be? Well, Sally seems to be busy. She´s on her training, so she´s working more. Matt knows that, and he understands. However, Sally´s not busy the whole time. And there´s a lot of people she chats with.

She´s made friends, and, between them, there´s a guy. A man who frequently talks with her, who looks at her with a certain expression, a certain look in his eyes. A certain… desire.

And he´s a handsome man, Sally feels nice about it. Maybe too nice…


“Long day at the office, wanna hang out?” Matt received a text from Brianna saying this.

“Sure, where do you want 2 go?” he replied.

“I don´t really mean to go out, just, you and me at my place? We can play a movie and chat. Sounds good?” This wasn´t his idea of hanging out. In fact, this was more like a casual date.

Matt swallowed. But he could see it coming. They have been chatting, texting, sharing emojis, memes. And she´s constantly slipping the words “you´re so cute!” on texts. It´s obvious that something´s going on between them. And he likes it!

"Sure! I´ll bring some popcorn.” He replied.


His plan has never been to cheat on his girlfriend, but he asked the universe for a sign, and then, Brianna appeared. He could end things up with Sally, but, what´s to say about someone who breaks up through the phone? Through a text? That´ll be despicable.

And they´ve been together for so long. They even moved in together! He thought Sally was the one, and for a long time, he truly believed it. But things aren´t working. Could they work better with Brianna?


“Great! BTW, can you wait until 6:30? I need to arrange a few things at my place. Sorry, I´m a little messy!” that was a lie.

He was ok. He told her he´d be there at that time, giving her the time to “arrange” her stuff. But her reasons were different.


As soon as Brianna was back from the office, she rushed into the bathroom and took a shower. Taking off all of the office-like smells. And putting on some sweeter aromas.

She changed her clothes, did her hair, put make-up on. She was trying to impress him. This was, as he feared, a date.

Brianna´s not such a casual lady when it comes to love. She thinks she just found the one! Matt was the one! He wasn´t taller, as she wanted. Or muscular, as she wished. But he was kind, and that´s all she needed.

Plus, he´s got his own place, his own car. He´s succeeding in life. And, most importantly, he´s cute. A cute guy that´s not asking her how tall she is, or afraid of her height. He´s confident, or so she thinks.

She´s really trying to make things work between them. And now, she´s working on starting. The beginning, the slow beginning…


Matt rang her bell. Carrying the biggest bowl he could find, full of popcorn. He was dressed casually. He just threw on some denims, a t-shirt and his not-so-new-but-good-enough shoes. He was dressed properly for a movie night. However, Brianna was dressed… differently.

“Hi there…” she said, almost making him drop the popcorn.

The 6´10” lady was gorgeous! Her hair, so bright, with such a nice volume. Her lips, painted red. She wore a tank top, tight, meant to allure him with her breasts. Her big, round, heavy breasts.

Beneath, she was wearing pants, palazzo-style pants. She thought about wearing heels, but even she knows this is supposed to be more casual, so she stayed on her bare feet.

Still, she´s a whole foot taller than him.


Matt wasn´t expecting this. She looks gorgeous! He´s overwhelmed, speechless!

“I… I brought… popcorn.” He said.

Brianna was happy, of course he was overwhelmed by her. Why else would he be staring at her dumbfounded?

“Great! Why don´t you come in and we can choose the movie.” Her aroma, it was intoxicating.

 Matt felt poorly dressed. Maybe he should´ve put on something more impressive? Are those her office clothes? They surely don´t seem like it. Maybe the pants, but the top? She´s showing off way too much boob-flesh.

In fact, her boobs go up and down as she walks. Bouncing with every step. Which is nice to him.


Matt knew it, he feared it but it was true, this is more like a date.

And, like any date, both had a sit at the same couch. Like any date, she was too close. Like any date, she was dressed to impress him. Tease him.

They picked a movie, whatever movie would be right. And as soon as they played it, that´s when it all started.

Brianna was looking for an excuse, any excuse. She even turned the lights off for the “ambience”, the only reason was to be in the dark. She thought about wrapping her arm around him, but that´s what he´s supposed to do, right?

She can´t quite give the first step. All she did was to stay there, next to him, trying her best to make it clear he should make a move.

Matt was focused on the movie, or so he seemed. In reality, he was trying to think on what to do. Should he go for it? Should he say anything?

“You… you look really… pretty! I like your outfit.” He said. A compliment, it felt necessary.

“You think so?!” she was so happy to hear that. That´s clearly a move, right? “I just put on whatever, it´s not that nice.” She lied, she spent a while picking up her clothes.

“Well, it surely looks good. Or… maybe you make it look good.” There, that was clever!

A compliment, that was the first step, but what´s the second one? He felt like the last time he did this was ages ago. And he´s not that old! Still on his twenties, however, he lost all, if he had any, of the game he once had.

But there´s nothing to worry, she´ll take care.


After noticing he wasn´t making any other move, she decided to make her own.

She leaned, she actually had to lean way down for what she wanted to do. Letting her body fall lower and lower over the couch, looking for her head to be leveled with his shoulder. And then, she lied on him.

She placed her head on his shoulder. Accommodating her body so that she´s relying on him. And then, as of this was just casual, she grabbed some popcorn.

Matt was frozen. She´s leaning against him! No, not just that, she´s trying something! He could clearly tell that.


The proximity, the meaning of it, he knows what to do.

Without saying a word, he rose his arm, not meaning to push her away, but trying to wrap her arm around her. Slowly, and shaking a bit, he did it. Now, his arm was around her, keeping her in place, showing him he was ok with it.

None of them spoke. They were both on the understanding about what was happening.


His heart was beating faster! He was worried he´ll break in sweat! This was happening, it was happening! She was close, shea accommodated herself again! Leaning against him! None of them said a word, it was all so strange, and yet, it felt so right!

“You… are you comfortable?” he asked, his voice shaking just a little. What else could he say? He wanted to make a move, but he had no idea how.

Brianna thought about nodding, saying yes. Trying to sound as cute, as sweet as possible, trying to make the moment perfect. But she knows that´s not the way she rolls.

She´s way too tall to be “cute”, she´s pretty, gorgeous! And a woman like her, a strong woman like her, should take whatever she wants. This whole thing of being “discrete” was too silly for her to pull it out.

Without saying a word, she rose. Matt was worried he had disturbed her. Then, he found her looking at him, eye to eye.

“I…” he started, but she gave him no chance to speak.

Brianna approached, slowly, and as she did, she closed her eyes. She opened her mouth a little, and puckered her lips slightly. Matt knew exactly what was about to happen. He closed his eyes as well.


This was unexpected. Certainly not what he had in mind. But it was real.

Their lips met, kissed. Her thick lips, kissing his. He could feel her passion. He could breathe her in. So sweet, soft, and sexy! His hand rapidly moved towards her body. Finding her waist.

Her arm was also wrapped around him. Pulling him closer. They were making out. This would make it clear what her intentions are. She´s not the best with words, this should work, right?


His hand, touching her flesh. Her soft, warm body. He could feel her, her size. She was so much taller, so much bigger. Yet, she was so beautiful. Their eyes were closed, all they could do was to listen to the sound of their lips, kissing.

And to feel the other´s body. This was right, this felt right. Suddenly, she broke the kiss.

“Sorry…” she said.

“Sorry for what?” he asked, delighted.

“I just… I had to kiss you, but I didn´t ask if you wanted…” she replied.

“Oh, well, I don´t really mind, in fact, I wouldn´t mind if we continued…” he leaned forward, and she bent to kiss him again.

They made out for a long while. The movie even ended without them realizing.


Now, it was clear, she´s got feelings for him. Just as much as he´s got feelings for her. This was good. This was great!

The only problem came when, after the make-out session, she added: “We should do this at your place next time… would you like that?”

“M-my place?” he asked.

“Yeah. And, maybe, we can go a little… further…” making out was nice, but he knows what she means.

“Sure!” he immediately replied, but he didn´t keep in mind that it wasn´t just his place.

“Tomorrow?” she asked.

“Tomorrow…” he answered.


This wasn´t good. To know she´s got feelings for him, that was great! The thing is, she wants to come to his place!

A place where there´s plenty of Sally´s stuff! There´s pictures of them, the closet´s packed with stuff of hers. Shoes, stuffed animals. Everything´s there!

He´s in a dilemma, he´s got to get rid of it, but not throwing it all away. She´ll be back soon.

Matt feels so wrong about this. He knew that, sooner or later, the truth would come out. Does he have time enough to hide everything?

“Ok, Matt, think. Where will you putt everything?” There´s time, there´s plenty of time. But the problem is, what´ll happen when there´s no time?

For how much longer can he keep up this lie?



Oh my gosh this is so stressful!! Come to your senses man and say bye to Sally!


Time for an upgrade LOL. But being serious, he´s in a dilemma, and too good of a guy to choose. But he´ll be soon corrupted XD