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Chapter 49

Larry still couldn´t believe what Evangeline told him. Joanna? He had to talk to his ex?

He hates her! And it´s not just a casual hate, he really dislikes her. To the point when, he´d walk out of any room where she is.

Who could blame him? She broke his heart. She said he was not going to be capable of keeping up with her. That she knew there was no place for him where she wanted to be. He´d be a burden, that´s basically what he felt.

And now, now that things have changed, now that he´s become successful, things are falling down.

The shrinking, the possibility that he´d be fired, he´s basically losing everything he worked for. And all thanks to that angel…


He´s certain that, whatever Evangeline´s request could be, he was not going to like it. But he never thought that it´ll be something like this. Could it be that she´s just trying to torment him?


Now, speaking of the angel, while Larry struggles to accept his next “step”, she´s having quite a good time.

She´s been sending and receiving texts from Josh. Sometimes, silly messages, and other times, a little deeper.

“Oh, I miss you so much my amazon lover!” he texted.

Evangeline smiled as she read the message, it was clear that he liked them tall. She smiled, and wrote back: “Miss you too, how are you today?” A little too polite, but that´s just how she is.

“I´d be better if I had you by my side.” Sweet, lovely, is this right?

She knows this is only temporary, but it feels so nice. Why? What´s there about sending messages to someone you like? The message? The fact that you can interact with them from the distance? The sweet words?

She was new to this, and she had no idea about the timing. She always replied the instant she received a new message from Josh. However, she´s not totally aware of how it is to have a cell phone.


“Low battery…?” she read as a message popped up on her screen. Together with a n image of a battery, drained and totally red. “What does that mean?” she wondered, and as soon as the phone turned off, she learned what it meant.


“Larry!” Evangeline said, the 7´1” amazon entering his office, totally freaked out!

“Wow!” he nearly jumped as she rushed to his desk. What was it?

“I need your help! This… phone, it´s not responding!” she said as she placed the battery-less phone over the table.

“What do you mean?” he asked. Was this the reason why she stormed into his office?

“Look! It doesn´t turn on. I´ve tried clicking the button you said brought the phone to life, but there´s nothing on the screen.” She was alarmed.

“First of all, it doesn´t “bring it to life”, it´s just the power button, and second… maybe it ran out of battery. Let me check…” he said as he checked on the phone.

“Please, hurry! I was sending Josh a message, and he´s been waiting for a couple minutes now, I´m afraid he´ll be mad if I don´t reply fast.” She was really concerned he´d lose interest.

“Well, it´s definitely dead…” Larry explained.

“What?! So… do I need a new one?” she asked.

“Of course not! Have you charge it? This thing doesn´t have any battery left, at all!” he said.

“Charge? Like…?” she´s not understanding.

“Re-charge? Connect the phone to the charger they gave you? You do know that the battery on this things doesn´t last forever, right?” he explained.

“I thought it rested when I wasn´t using it. Like you humans do. While you sleep, how your body recovers from all you did during the day.” She said.

“Phone´s are not people. They are machines, devices. You need to re-charge the battery every time it´s about to finish up. Didn´t I tell you?” maybe he didn´t. “You… you must´ve seen people doing this all the time, right? I mean, it´s like… an every day thing.” He said.

Evangeline had no idea. “I don´t really pay attention to these devices, all I know is some display images, and they use them to interact with other people. That´s it.”

“Ugh, maybe you should pay more attention, now, let me see if I can lend you a charger… oh, here it is.” He said as he pulled his charger from a drawer on his desk. “Ok, just connect this end to the phone, and then plug it into the wall, there´s an outlet over there.”


“And… how much does this take?” Evangeline asked, two minutes after she plugged it into the outlet.

“A while…” he said, trying to get back to work.

“But, how long is that? Ten more minutes? Thirty?” She asked.

“I´m not sure, every phone´s different. I think… two hours? For a full charge? I mean, you can take it now, but the battery won´t last for more than a couple minutes. Now, tell me, why is there so much rush?” Why does she need the phone so quick?

“Well, I´ve been texting josh, and I don´t want him to think that I don´t care. He sent me a text right before the phone shut down, and I think he´ll be worried if I don´t reply any time soon.” She explained.

“My, you´re so naïve. Listen, you don´t need to answer him back immediately. Just… let him wait.” He said.

“What?! How… why would I do that?!” she was alarmed.

“Because, that´s how it is. You don´t have to be available 100-percent of the time. That´s not how it works.” He said.

“It´s not?” Why?

“No. As a woman, you have the right to make him wait. Make him wait for you, there´s no need to reply instantly to the messages. Else, you´d appear a little… desperate.” This is a game he knows how to play.

“Is that so?” she asked.

“Yes, listen, if you´re always available, then there´s a chance he´ll get bored of you faster. But, if you make him wait, he´ll work harder to get your attention.” He explained.

“Wow, is that… is that actually something people do?”

“All of the time. Now, take a sit, and let me explain.” Maybe if he helps her out, she´s give him some points.


Evangeline was yet to understand the human behavior. Why is it that she´ll seem desperate? She was aware that women play hard to get, but when they choose the man, shouldn´t they show a sweeter side? Affection? Care? Attention?

Well, as he explained, she shouldn´t go so easy on Josh. She´s the one who´s desirable, she should act like it. And not give him all of the attention he asks for, or the one she thinks he asks for. It was complicated, it seems as if you didn´t care that much for the other, yet, you care enough to attract him.

She didn´t know why, but she´ll have to play hard to get, even if she already gave him some…


While Larry was explaining her, he had a couple ideas, a few thoughts. First, how come she´s so naïve? He couldn´t explain, it just seemed as if she wanted to give all of hers.

And that brought a question to his mind, why can´t she act like that with him? He could use a break! Instead, he´s got to find his ex and make some sort of amends with her. Well, not quite amends, but she said he had to fix things; and she didn´t mean to get back with her.

He´s yet to understand that, however, as he wonders what he´ll do, and also how to find her, something comes to his mind…


“So, I´ve given you all this advice, and, it´s quite valuable, right?” he said.

“Oh, yet! It´s quite useful, I´m not sure how some of it works, since it makes no sense, but I´m sure it works.” Evangeline replied.

“Trust me, it works.” He claimed. “But, now that I´ve helped you out, I was wondering if…” he started.

“If you could skip talking to your ex-girlfriend? Oh no, that´s a very important part of the lesson.” She declared.

“Come on! I´m helping you out, why can´t you help me too?” he begged.

“No sir, the rules are the rules. Now, it´s been a while, do you think the phone´s got enough battery?” she said, moving things into another direction.

“Ugh, I guess. Probably about fifty-percent or so. You´ll make it through the day, but you do need to charge it at night. You know, to start the day with plenty of battery on the phone.” He said.

“Sure! I´ll check for an outlet somewhere.” While Josh sleeps, she can charge her phone, she doesn’t need it, to be real. The only person she chats with is, and will be Josh.”


Evangeline left, a while ago. Their “Session” was finished.

Larry was left at his desk. As he looked around at his enormous office, all he could think of was on how annoying these changes have been. What? He´s supposed to help Evangeline out with her romantic life while he shrinks?

She should give him some sort of reward after his advices. Maybe like cash-back, a bonus, however you choose to call it, he should receive something in exchange. Instead, he´s still standing as a 2´2” man. Shrunken in order to learn a lesson. But now, he wonders about what the next step is.

He knows what it is, but his worries are, how bad will it be? And how can he meet his ex. Plus, what impression will he give when they meet?

One thing´s for sure, it will be humiliating. And after that´s over, it´ll be annoying. But, hopefully, it´ll end up soon, and what´s more, it will help him out. Right?


His perception of the world has truly changed. But, instead of thinking he´s shrunk, he´d rather believe everything else has grown. For starters, he´s not surrounded by 5-foot-somehting women, no, he´s surrounded by fifteen-feet-tall giantesses!

It might sound silly, but it kind of help out to think of it this way. This will make him the regular one and, the rest of the world, is what´s suffered the changes. Maybe it´s got some flaws, and it might also be sort of silly, but it helps sometimes. He´s not the one who´s got a problem, he´s just an alien in this ever-changing world.

Life certainly has changed for him. This drastic change has left him as a man who´s overly-aware of things. It´s hard to live in a world full of giants. He has to keep an eye on everyone, watch where he goes. He´d hate it if someone steps on him, or if someone kicks him by mistake.

At first, he thought that the most annoying thing was not to be able to reach for things, but it turns out, there´s something even worse. He´s past the limit where people can easily spot him, if anyone´s looking straight, and he doesn´t pass by properly, they might not see him.

He hasn´t been around crowds so much, but he´s certain that, in a crowded room, or as he walks with a lot of people around, it´ll be easier for him to be missed and for someone to walk past him. More like, walk all over him.

The things Evangeline has taken, he can´t even walk in public alone!


Sometimes, he wonders, was her main goal to trap him? To exclude him from society? He can only come to work and go back to his place. It´s been a while since he went places, not even the grocery store.

His days of dating were surely over, at least until he fixes this. But the doubt prevails, was Evangeline trying to ruin his life? What was her goal? For him to learn a lesson? But, as he does, is he supposed to lose it all? Will he, at some point, learn? And, once she says he has, will he get everything back?


Larry sighed, he looked around, wondering how long has it been since everything looked normal, and not so oversized.

He knows he needs to come up with a plan. How can he talk to his ex? And, how can he make sure she doesn´t think he´s calling just because of his condition. That he´s not trying to ask for help. He doesn´t need her, he knows that, but there seems to be something Evangeline wants him to see.

What is it? Who knows. But if the angel says so, then it must be something. Besides, she said he´s got nothing to lose, therefore, there´s something to win, right?

He picked his phone, his office one, and called directly to Violet.

“Yes? Is there anything you need?” Violet asked, with such a caring tone.

“There is. Violet, would you be so kind and… locate someone for me. I´ll give you the name.” he said.

“Sure! No problem, boss.” This was it, time to meet her.

Time to meet his ex. He doesn´t need to give Violet any explanation. Not yet, at least. And, hopefully, by the time Violet finds her, he´ll have a plan.


Evangeline walks down town. With a smile on her face. Now, it was time to apply all of the lessons Larry taught her.

The things she doesn´t understand is why you´ll leave someone waiting for your response? Doesn´t that show lack of interest? Shouldn´t she reply immediately?

As an example, according to Evangeline, it should be like a conversation. You don´t leave the other person waiting for your response for hours. When someone tells you something, you usually reply within seconds. Why are texts so different?

Is it ok? Maybe it´s like mail, not the electronic one, but the actual paper mail. People write a letter and wait for several days, weeks even! To hear back from the other person.


Evangeline had no idea. But she´ll try and see if this “pauses” make the conversation more interesting. Maybe it was meant so that the other makes a better use of the message. To choose the words wisely, to try and captivate her attention with each sentence.

It´ll be sweet, if that´s the case.


Evangeline walked, looking for the right place to be while she writes a reply.

She said it before, she´s never been on the tall side, but now, she feels large! Her steps, her long strides certainly make her go faster. Standing at 7´1” was never her goal, but she can´t deny it´s got some benefits.

Now, as she finds a bench at a peaceful place in town, she takes a sit. Her long, shapely legs, bending as she now lays her even larger behind over the bench. So tall, and so graceful. Elegant, imposing.

Before, she might´ve been trying to flirt, to see who´s lured by her beauty, but now, that´s not the case. The only one she needs is Josh. And that´s it.

Being faithful has never been a bad thing, she´s sure.


She sat there, writing her reply. They picked a big phone for a big lady like her, yet, it still looks average on her hands, if not a bit small. She thinks about her words, trying not to sound too cheerful, putting just enough emotions on her reply.

Larry said she shouldn´t sound desperate. And that also means she shouldn´t seem too interested. Which is silly, but he´s the one who knows better. As he said, men want what they can´t get.

Her reply was light. Friendly, but not too much. Kind, but not overly-attentive. Sensitive, but still leaving a few things behind. It, as Larry explained, should be meant so that he wants to show more.

Give her more attention. It´s clear that whenever a man feels there´s something wrong, he should try and fix it. And when a lady, being his girlfriend or wife, his couple, shows signs of this, then he´ll try to know what happens. Which often means he´ll try to show, to give, to pay more attention. To look for the problem and try to fix it.

Or at least that´s how Larry explained it.


Evangeline didn´t quite understood, however, Larry explained to her that there was a particular way she could reply to his messages. A particular phrase she could use. She wasn´t sure, but she was looking forward to it.

As soon as Josh wrote her: “How are you doing?” which Larry explained her would, since he might want to check on her. That the most logical answer would be saying she was fine, doing good, or sometimes even great. She could reply in a way that could have more benefits to her.

“I don´t know…” suspense. She could use this as a way to let him that she´s not doing good, yet, she´s not doing terrible. That there´s something, but she cannot quite put it into words, or, it could be something they need to discuss… privately.

“Why? Is anything wrong? Would you like to come over?” She knows that she could´ve just asked for, but Larry said it´ll be better if he offers. This way, there´s a reason.


Evangeline doesn´t know why, she could just do as she pleases. However, there seems to be some rules. Speaking of rules to the one putting them all this time…

She will follow, since Larry said this could lead to a much sweeter path.

“I´d love to!” she replied. “I´ll be there shortly.” Maybe the reply was too cheerful, still, what could they talk about? She was wondering, issues? Of what kind? Money? No. Allergies? The weather? What?

Well, she´ll surely come up with something. Maybe, she could even be bold enough and make it so that he´ll be some sort of hero. Still, Larry explained that she should make him work harder for her. The question is, what can she say so that they make-out in the end? She knows what she wants, and that´s a little spicy…


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