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Chapter 6


“No way… it´s barely 10!” Lucy complaint after feeling her grumbling stomach.

Right now, she was at the office, sitting at her desk. She´s been working, focused, trying to give her best, as she always does. However, now it´s a little… different.

She´s been working on her computer for about an hour now, and, out of a sudden, she´s hungry?

“I can´t be hungry!” she complaint.

She had her regular breakfast at her regular hours. Unlike the first days when she visited Mona, she wasn´t still full from last night´s dinner. In fact, her regular breakfast appetite was back. Which means she´s used to Mona´s titanic meals. However… there´s a thing.


Lucy´s been self-conscious about her body lately, particularly about her weight. She´s worried that Mona´s huge meals will, eventually, make her HUGE herself. Her clothes are tight, very! But, when she looks at herself in the mirror, she can´t deny that her new curves are quite nice.

She´s aware that she´s thickening up. Not getting fat, just getting curvier. Mona herself said it, what´s wrong with a woman having curves? Of course, Mona was a big lady, but she was a little huskier than Lucy would like to be. But she´s just at the beginning.

Now, she thought about skipping meals, Mona´s dinner must count as two whole meals. Therefore, she can skip breakfast. Fasting a little doesn´t hurt anyone.

Still, Mona was very clear, nourishment is a vital part of the day. Which makes Lucy afraid Mona wants her to get fat. And so far, she feels like it´s working.

She had breakfast about two hours ago, maybe a bit more, and now, she´s hungry? Lucy can feel her stomach, empty as she tries to keep on working.


She´s seen herself in the mirror, and it must be said that she´s getting thick in all of the right places.

Her legs have thickened, plumper thighs, rounder calves, even her hips had some extra flesh, and it goes all the way to her bigger butt. She can´t deny it looks juicier, sexier.

Her stomach has kept flat, which is something that makes her happy, still, what thrills her more is the fact that her bosom seems to have grown as well. A full cup-size bigger! Maybe none of her clothes fit as they used to, but she´s feeling quite sexy…


Her stomach growled once more, and she couldn´t take it. This is clearly a distraction, and it won´t allow her to continue. It might annoy her, it might be out of her schedule, but she must eat.

“I think… I´ll take my break now. Gosh, I just hope my body isn´t preparing to eating more…” She only ate three times a day, before she met Mona. Now, what if she´s getting used to new habits?

Your body can do, virtually, anything you want it to. In time, you can get used to fasting, but, on Lucy´s case, she feels like she´s getting used to more food. Worried that her stomach will start stretching, expanding, and craving for more and more food.

As she makes her way to the vending machine, she pictures herself, rounder, huskier. She doesn´t like it! But she´s got nothing to worry, she won´t get fat, nowhere close to that…


“Ok, let´s see… what´s healthy here?” she thought as she looked at her options.

Behind the glass, Lucy could see a variety of items, colorful items. However, inside each colorful package, there´s a variety of different things. Sugar, salt. It can all be defined by their macros. Protein, Carbs, fats, and so on… now, what will she pick?

“Didn´t we voted for having fruit on these things?” she thought as she searched for an apple, or a pear, even an orange. Anything that was natural. But there wasn´t such a thing, instead, there were dozens and dozens of artificially flavored items.

Probably because no one really went for fruit…

“Fine, I guess it won´t hurt if I go for some cookies…” chocolate chip cookies, she loves them.


She put the cash in, clicked the number and then, the spring rolled to push the cookies. They fell to the bottom of the machine, and then, she grabbed them.

“Mmm, nice. I wonder if Mona knows how to bake cookies. What am I saying… of course she does.” And they are surely tastier than the ones in her hand. Made with love, and not on colossal quantities, putting special attention into them.


Lucy stood there, feeling how her hunger ceased as she chewed the pastry, bite the chips, as she tasted the chocolate on every bite. Sugary, sweet, buttery, satisfying.

She´ll keep in mind to carry some fruit, if she´s going to eat, then it must be healthy. She´s already taking in hundredths of extra calories on Mona´s meals, and she doesn´t mind, but she must have some balance.


As she stood there, someone was passing by. Her boss, Mr. Hazy. He was just passing by to check on some papers, but he happened to cross paths with Lucy. As soon as his eyes met her, he smiled.

“Well, who do we have here…” he wondered. It´s not the first time he meets Lucy, however, this is the first time he meets the new her.

To him, she´s sexy. And, on top of it all, she´s also taller. Making her stick out more.


Lucy hasn´t just gained some curves, she´s also grown quite a bit. She might not notice, yet, but she´s up to 5´8”, that´s right, she´s grown two-inches. She´s so worried about her weight that she hasn´t noticed her other expansion…


“Hello there…” Said Mr. Hazy as he stopped right in front of Lucy.

“Oh, good… good morning, Mr. Hazy.” Lucy replied.

“Good morning to you too.” He said, smiling at her. “Having a little snack on the break?” he asked, trying to make some conversation.

“S-sure! I was… I just made a pause, you know, you cannot work on an empty stomach, hehe… would you like some?” she offered.

“Of course, thank you.” He said, not rejecting an offer from the pretty lady. “Mmm, sweet. Just like you.” He added.

Lucy smiled and giggled a little. He was being attentive, and the compliment. Mr. Hazy was her office crush, well, the crush of many. He was a handsome man, young, single. And, beneath that suit, he seems to be built.

And he was also tall, standing at 6´3”, he was much taller than Lucy, however, he doesn´t seem so tall today. And she ignores it´s because of her growth spurt, oh well, she´ll find out soon…


“Thank you for the cookie. I wouldn´t like to be rude, but I´ve got some papers to pick.” He said, looking at her with his hunter eyes.

“Oh, don´t worry…” she added, feeling shy and silly.

“Oh, but I´m worried, how can I repay you for the cookie?” he asked.

“There´s no need…” she blushed a little, he was a player, and he clearly knew his game.

“I must say, there is. We should go out some time. What do you think?”

“I… sure! I´d love to, Mr. Hazy.” She was excited!

“Please, call me Tom.” He winked, and then, he was gone. But not before he slid his greeting card on her hand, giving her, of course, his number.

Lucy was so thrilled, so happy!


“And then, he gave me his number!” he told Mona later that night, at dinner.

“I´m so glad, honey.” Mona replied.

“Mhmm, and he was such a gentleman. He even told me I was as sweet as a cookie. Can you believe that?” she added.

“Of course, you´re sweet, dear. But don´t be allured by his words. He´s your boss, right?” Mona asked.

“Yes…” Lucy said, with no idea where she was going, but in need for the advice.

“And, this is the first time he´s ever talked to you?” Mona asked.

“Well, not exactly, but this is the first time he compliments me, yes…” she was going somewhere with this.

Mona was certain about what was going on. She could see the changes on Lucy. She could see the slight expansion on her body, to light for her to notice, yet, enough for others to notice.


Now, Mona´s certain that his boss is only asking her out because he just noticed her changes.

“I was afraid of that. Tell me, dear, does your boss treat other women like that? Hmm?” Mona asked.

“I don´t know… I´ve never seen him around other women. I guess he´s kind…”

“Yes, but kindness often hides some other intentions. Now, you´re a grown woman, but you´re still naïve. I won´t tell you not to date him, but you must keep an eye on what he wants.” Mona said.

“And… what does he want?” Lucy asked.

“I don´t know, I haven´t met him. Men want different things, some want love, others only want lust. My advice will be for you to go on, but be attentive. I know you´re looking for love, but we don´t know if that´s what he´s looking for. Ok?”

“Ok, I´ll keep an eye on that.” Lucy replied. Mona seemed wise, still, how could she be so sure?


“Oh, by the way! Do you know how to make cookies?” Lucy asked. Why not…

“Of course, which type, dear?” Replied Mona.

“Chocolate chip!” Lucy said.

“I do have a recipe, would you like some?” Lucy nodded. “Very well, tomorrow I´ll make cookies!” Mona announced.

Lucy might be a grown woman, and she knows Mona´s not her mother, or her grandmother, but she´s warm and sweet. She´s not trying to take advantage, but Mona seems like the kind of person who´s happy to give.

And she was right…


The very next day, Mona made cookies. And gave her a couple dozens to take home. Lucy thought she´d make a barge, but Mona, as always went a little too far. Go big or go home! And she always goes big!

When Lucy arrived to her apartment, she placed the huge bag on her kitchen. Putting, what she was sure, were past three-pounds of chocolate-chip cookies.

“Well, that´s what I get for asking…” and just when she was worried about her weight, Mona goes and makes a ton of cookies!


Mona was surely happy to give. And Lucy knows, from now on, that she shouldn´t ask for things, because she might end up getting them. Specially if she asks Mona for food.

But, what´s a huge bag of cookies for the 7´2” amazon? Probably a snack!


When Mona´s home alone, she often thinks about Lucy. On how to help the poor lady.

She walks, from one side of the room to the other. Giving long, powerful strides with her thick, shapely legs. Swaying her fleshy hips from one side to the other.

Her butt wiggles sensuously as she goes. Even her enormous breasts bounce a little. Mona´s a tall, and thick lady. Voluptuous, in the full extension of the word.

Maybe she´s too thick for some, but there´s no denial that her body is simply luscious. From her gigantic breasts, to her enormous, peach-shaped, butt. She´s hot, hot on the large side. So thick, fleshy, simply juicy! And she´s certain why.

Her food certainly does wonders. It did wonders for her, and it´s doing wonders for Lucy.

And Mona knows that men will notice, they will surely notice how she´s expanding. However, she´s not only growing curves, and that´s something that will surely help her out. Little by little, inch after inch.

“If this boss of hers loves her, then he´ll love her, no matter at what size…” Mona declared.

She won´t step into her love life, but she cares, and she´ll give her advice enough so that she can notice on her own.

“Well, I guess only time will tell. Lucy´s a smart lady,” Mona thought. “she´ll find out, soon…”


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