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Join us as we continue our magical journey through 'My Little Pony' Season 1 with an in-depth look at episodes 21 and 22! In this Patreon-exclusive post, we delve into the heartwarming and whimsical stories of these episodes, exploring the unique lessons and charm they bring to the world of Equestria.

🌼 Episode 21 - 'Over a Barrel': Embark on an adventure to Appleloosa with the Ponyville gang. We'll explore the themes of friendship, conflict resolution, and understanding different perspectives as the ponies find themselves in the middle of a dispute between the Appleloosans and a herd of buffalo.

🎨 Episode 22 - 'A Bird in the Hoof': Follow Fluttershy’s heartfelt story as she takes care of Princess Celestia’s pet bird, Philomena. This episode offers a delightful exploration of care, responsibility, and the comical misunderstandings that can arise from the best intentions.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on these episodes! After reading the post, please share your favorite moments, insights, or any questions you might have in the comments. Your perspectives enrich our discussions and enhance our appreciation of the magic and lessons 'My Little Pony' offers.

Thank you for your support and for joining this journey through Equestria. Together, let's continue to discover the joy, friendship, and enchantment that 'My Little Pony' Season 1 episodes 21 and 22 have to offer



Okay sorry for the wait had some IRL stuff to deal with but lets go it, first up Over a Barrel! Ohhh boy did this one open up a barrel of worms.... sadly this was the first and last appearance of the Buffalo,since some people took issue with what they thought was a very overly simplified and insensitive depiction of the whole conflict between expansionist American's and the native tribes they displaced. For me.... this is why I hate trying to make things a metaphor or allegory uss it is very, very clearly intended as such. And just in general hate the trend of having to view EVERYTHING through the lens of 'what is this allegorical for". I go the Tolkien route of applicability instead. So yeah, there's that. But beyond that? Fun ep, we are starting to see more of Equestria, getting some wordbuilding, and some of the best jokes of the series. I meant it, that "Horse drawn horse-drawn carriages" bit is one of the best gags in the show. We also met Bishie-Pone supreme, Breaburn. (Bishie being short for a Japaneses term 'Bishōnen' literally meaning 'Beautiful boy' but more used as a term for very 'pretty' or effeminate guys.) The fandom has decided this applies to Breaburn, and he's probably the stallion with the single greatest number of gay ships... though the overall most popular ship for him is with Little Strongheart. We also learn that food fights are SERIOUS BUSINESS in Equestria. I love the head canon that that is the offical way that things are settled as much as possible. I know one fic that has that be official, and we learn the tragic story of the deadliest war of the last few centuries, where a three day long snowball fight with a neighboring country had to be called off when one Pony ended up dying of hypothermia. Then we have Pinkie Pie,not only nearly starting a war,but doing so wearing an outfit that is traditionally seen on... let's call them 'saloon girls'... yeah.... let's call them that.... great job there censors! heh. So all around, a controversial to some people but all around fun ep that gave us one of the longest enduring memes of the franchise.. Fluttershy would lie to be a tree!


Second ep of this and... yeah a lot of it was covered in the chat. The longest lasting effects of this ep was the birth of Trollestia, the idea that Celestia is a troll who likes to have fun and play pranks, mostly as a way of trying to get the ponies around her to loosen up and not be so serious around her. This also spawned all kinds of fics about Luna and Philomena being massively antagonistic towards each other, with Philomena often playing pranks on Luna. We get a few really great references, the Alice in Wonderland joke, the Benny Hill chase complete with a totally not at all similar but not needing to pay royalties to use it version of Yakkity Sax playing during it. Plus the fun faces RD is making while trying to taunt the guards. But overall.... not really a lot else to say about this ep that hasn't already been covered.