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Jeff Spencer

FINALLY we get the return of discord. one of thee absolute best characters in this entire show. he has the power to literally do what ever he want's with no limit at all. as to why the mane characters didn't get put in their place for getting mouthy with tia is they are like duchesses' them selves they saved equestria on multiple accounts and are the element bearers so they hold great power themselves also the guards won't do anything it's been 3 seasons they aint done anything now and with the show ending in 2 episodes why start now. as for letting discord stay with me LOL hell no. great dude but he'd be the roommate from hell just saying. and not sure if ya caught that face he made literally being 2 faced lol classic. and yeah if I was in chat I would of been like how can ya doubt flutters but you seen at the end she knew what she was doing discord's never had anyone else because he's so chaotic no one wants to be near him but he is a good guy (mostly) OH and speaking on that I have a new goal for you to spot discord in the new season. I won't say where for the first two episodes but will hint as time goes on till you see him when he is hidden in the newwer episodes. oh and before I go onto the next episode's thoughts I've been following since november/december so not sure how long but was one of the first 100 on patreon for the founders role. now onto the episode. that rainbow stallion isn't her dad he's thought to be more of an uncle by the fandom but it never got confirmed by the staff so just guesses till this point and speaking of sightings no that wasn't derpy it was a stallion (stallions have flat faces mares have a curved face). and before I go watch the final episode twi was acting the way she was because of mane character syndrome this was the next to last episode to ever be made by the show when it was produced so they wanted to boost her to being well recived in her ways as she learned to do everything she was ment to. but more on that whole thing next episode