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Jeff Spencer

ahh the teeter tot episodes one of the best and one of the worse. Apple family reunion is a great one tho starts off with the most (at least on of them) asked question. what is a moon? is it a day, a month, a year? and canon wise no one knows it's mentioned many times and never had a solid stance made so it's essentially a remark for time has passed. and speaking of which we get to see AJ's parent in this episode (twice) the shooting stars were a reference to them no longer being here. and that was backed up by the show staff. now does this mean they ARE dead? can't say they will be mentioned in the next 6 seasons but despite this being the way the shows makers decided to show this as them being dead it's never 100% confirmed. I still get teary eyed seeing those stars but as we still haven't see dashie's or flutters parents doesn't mean they are dead it's just them not being needed for the episodes so far. moving on as for the quilt thing as chat mentioned it's not finishing it's more of something to do while hanging with friends, like playing video games. yeah it be nice finish it but hanging out and talking with friends is more of what it is about. as for the reason they only write tia I am staying out of that because it may spoil things dealing with royalty. as for other rulers yes their are many and we had a few this season and I promice we will see more in the next 6 seasons it's best to just watch and see how they effect our world as the time comes. and spike at your service AUGH! I hate this episode for the most part. I am sorry but spike is NOT this stupid and clumsy they wrote him horribly for no reason at all. I know spike gets abused sometimes and poked fun at but he takes care of twilights home organizing the books cleaning the entire place assisting twi with her studies and duties and has done perfectly fine up till this one episode. spike wouldn't remove a pipe when he is sweeping and wouldn't use a broom to sweep suds he can clean he is very smart and good at it. I'm getting a headache just recalling how bad they did spike, moving on remember you asking who'd be best to help the pets well AJ showed here she ain't trusting anypony else but flutters as you saw her walking winoa in the episode. now some of the parts I did like in this episode. rarity despite knowing how horrid the pie was still taking a bite for spike. Aj knowing how to deal with twi to snap her out of her OCD moments, and dashies roar now I know you all had been asking how (check you tube for the song pieces by jinjer it will explain as she does all the vocals) as to why she didn't do that in dragonshy it's because she wasn't about TALKING her problems away she was about KICKING the dragon's ass