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Jeff Spencer

ok before I go onto this episode just wanted to let ya know you slipped up saying new episodes a month ahead of youtube before starting the episode. you did say over a season ahead before so gonna need to have your editor fix that. also dear editor on behalf of us all I am sorry you are gonna have a crap ton of work editing this. In all there is at least 13 minutes of songs so actual show non song parts you got 9 minutes of footage lol good luck editing this. ok now onto the miss bro. sadly you missed every derpy sighting this episode. recall when I said that after the last round up the show went to remove her? yeah this was the storyboard artists saying screw that and adding her into the episode all they could the 1st was during the opening song as twilight passed by the fountain with the bridge in the back derpy is in the top left. the 2nd near the end of the song flying near the left top of the building. the 3rd was the transition between twi's speach and shinging armors greeting sister, she's beside the brown mares legs and the stallion to her right in the far left corner. and the 4th the most easily spotted during the song. yeah there are others I am sure sephran can point them out for ya. and finally onto the death of twilight. yes we just murdered her the series is over and the mane character is dead just like tia, luna, and cadence. yes sir jack THAT is how alicorns are made we kill them and have em come back as angels and if ya need proof here ya go. Twi was reduced to ash, was sent to an other worldly plain, upon this she see's her life flash before her eyes and finally getting her wings and desending to earth as an angel. so we end the series killing off sombra, pinkie, and twilight lol. and on that all hail liquid pride and damn the allergies. I had so many liquid prides the first 2 years rewatchjing this. also TIA SONG! man that made the fandom so happy to see her sing. and with this done we now get the introduction to equestria girls and the next season BTW the next 2 are great ones so buckle up friendship is about to hit the fan.