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Jeff Spencer

First doing patreon a month of head is a good idea it will get some more that really need to see the latest and uncut to join patreon so yeah smart move there man. and onto Magic Duel. TRIXIE RETURNS *fanboy excitement ignite* Sooo I may have misguided you back when she first appeared and said she's not be back, heh my bad couldn't spoil this so yeah she will be a reoccurring character NOT a lot but she will be here and there as the show goes on. as for who do you think is better to watch the pets out of Rarity and Twi? Bro? BRO! did you not see too many pinkie pies that crazy unicorn twi turned a frog AND a blue jay into half oranges. BRO 100% my pets are going to rarity if flutters is not there. rarity as a high maintence fussy feline she can manage twi HAD an owl where is it? I rest my case. now while I may praise rarity there she is NOT better at magic then twi. everything rarity can d so can twi but has other magic such as teleportation, animal torture/disfiguration, very high level's of levitation WHILE enacting many other magical elements at the same time. the list could go on. HOWEVER I will say this for rarity IF needed she can muster more magic then what she usually can but we are talking life and death matters (at least according to fandom beliefs up to this point). as for the Alicorn Amulet my first thought when you asked was "Hell F***ing NO!" but then you added the "without the evilness" (I know that's misquoted but it's the same general idea) and I still gotta say no. I mean would it be great to have magic and to do all the stuff twi and rarity can do sure but here is my stance. who I am right now is based off the things I can and can not do I am the result of my life and experiences. if I added the power of that amulet I would not be me as I am I'd be a different person and yeah my life may not be perfect but I wouldn't change it because while I may be a broke ass boy I still love how life has become both the good and bad. now for sleepless in ponyville. first this episode when it first dropped hurt my heart so much from the feels. now a days i can watch and not tear up but it still makes me sad at moments but happy as well in others. the main thing is up until this point it was 100% fact in the fandom (again FANDOM not canon) that scoot was an orphan in fact the pony under the makeshift tent in the ally in the song children of the night was thought to be a shout out to scoots (tho never proven nor confirmed beyond head cannons) but this episode finally sealed the fact Scoot and dashie are 100% canon sisters. not by blood but by bond (like the organization big brothers big sisters). also a bit of a spoiler but still not. I don't know how many times you rewatch episodes or mark down facts about episodes for later but remember this episode. I wont say what to remember but this episode (some part ) will come up before the show ends, not saying ep or season but try and remember this episode. you are FIRE at remembering derpy so as she got set aside because of soccer moms this is a new goal for you. oh and finally forgot to warn ya this season is killer. we have 2 deaths already (pinkie and sombra) and a near death (scoot) hgow many more can we snuff or try to before the season ends my guess is ___ killed and _,___,___ near deaths tho my numbers may be (way) off ^^