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Jeff Spencer

so to get it out of the way Yeah the last episode was suppose to be #11 but production numbers (the order they got done) sometimes differ from air dates so yeah spoiler but not you'll have this happen again in the show. if you got someone to give you the shows next up in alist this can be avoided but going off what is shown on netflix and any site showing actual production numbers it can go wrong. now onto the episodes. OH No wait something I wanted to add before that. IMHO patreon is great it offers a financial support for you but TWITCH is the backbone. I may not be a part of it (no idea when it happens ) but they offer the moral support while your doing the reaction so they'd be the backbone and patreon the blood to keep it all functioning. as for the movie Idea I was 1,000,000% gonna say equestria girls first movie BUT after seeing the episode you reacted to first (wonderbolt academy) I KNOW it's gonna be equestria girls but I would LOVE to see you react or at least watch Bronies react to wonderbolt academy. it's a review of active and veterans of the US military. now onto the actual episode FIRST gonna say Lightning Dust is 100% dash IF she was self centered and not loyal. and YES that moment she quit the academy had me crying when I first watched it. I didn't watch it live (work prevented that) so I paused after that moment for about 5 minutes to regain myself. she LOVED the bolts that was her dream and because they chose reckless over a team player (THE EXACT reason they where there to begin with) hurt so much but was understandable. Also lightning's attitude from the start was BS! ok not sure if you have military family (My dad was a gunner sargant in the marines) and the #1 thing is you don't challenge your DI (drill instructor). the DI will NEVER single you out for screwing up no matter how bad. they WILL punish everyone else for not checking you tho. so if you mess up everyone pays. OH and the "pinkie pony" that was a rehash of "wildfire" (her actual cutie mark is on the score board) wildfire is an OC of sabrina the lead story board artists up to this point in the show.after the derpy backlash hasbro cracked the whip on inserts and forbid the staff from doing cameo's like this (got relaxed later tho) oh and gonna have to roast ya bro (in good fun if it upsets ya let me know and I wont do it again) Flutter didn't get mad that was scoots babe dashie. I knew who ya meant tho but hey gotta poke fun when I can in good spirits. and finally that end when they removed dust she was cannonly ejected from the wonderbolts (dishonorable discharge) and as for the next episode yeah just for side kicks was aired as episode 11 because as you've seen by now (saw you uploaded up to episode 12) this episode was a mirror episode of episode 12. now I gotta say no matter your view on the episode can we all not agree spike was SO LUCKY he got flutter nuzzles, bro ya know what I'd do for a nuzzle from flutters. I can't say because it go as far as making folks disappear if she requested it. oh and speaking of disappear yeah I'd SO LOVE to make that misarble bunny go missing till the next dinner (rabbit taste like chicken but sweeter)(grandma fed me as a kid) but sadly he will never be removed he survives the entire series (becuase if he dies flutters will cry) BUT despite hating that lil *buy some apples* rabbit I will give him credit for helping spike when he owned up to his mistakes. still hate angel tho. ok so some other things ya mentioned Zecora took the gem as a way to keep spike from practicing dragon greed as he was clearly ONLY doing the pet sitting for himself so yeah what she did didnt change anything but it did PREVENT something bigger so yeah was a good call on her part. oh yes that Dolphin cutie mark pony her name is Sea swirl. I didn't know that off the top of my head I had to look at her card from the figurine on my bookcase to see lol. there was another thing I wanted to mention... it was something about the train ... *rewatched* AHHH YES the gitty belle lol OMG that was so damn adorable seeing her get so gitty that little squeal and prancing was so adorable. ok gonna end here I need sleep should of been in bed 3 hours ago but just had to watch you react to ponies lol