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Jeff Spencer

oh boy so I might have to steal Serphem's style and break this into 2 post (based on each episode) because I have a lot to say. ok so first off NO angel Stew no way that is a bad idea that friggin rodent is so bad his meat would taste like crap, naw what ya do is cut off his feet for luck and let the little punk suffer on his own. *Sighs* however do realize this will emotionally hurt flutters and make her super sad ..soooooo. yeah thats why that lil F bomb is still alive. and shutter fly is not a mistake it's his name on deviant art. he made a lot of great art before leaving to focus on family. Now on the derpy sighting I will give this a 100% pass as you see the face and know her with out fail (your score at worst is 98% but more around 99.5%) you remember the last round up when she had her name removed and voice changed? yeah THIS is the result the staff are not allowed to show her in the show what so ever so sadly this is going to be your hard core superfan find the derpy season and I will say best way is to look for the yellow mane and grey fur as she is I think the only one (maybe another male with the same colors) with those colors in the show so far. ohhh and that pony you said doesn't belong he does he is Mr waddles we first saw him in season 2 episode 17 at the funeral with the CMC song. now onto the pinkies. there is a funny picture done by Artyl on the multiple pinkies but as Pinkamena Diane Pie (the crazy one) that is hilarious the original is "FUN FUN FUN" and the other with PDP is "RUN RUN RUN". as for the face it's a generation 1 or 3 reference I'd have to go back and double check the style differences but it's one of the two. I am leaning more to gen 3 as it's more "polished" then what gen 1's style was. and now onto the last thing the one that is hard to deny. the second death in the show, that's right we are now on kill count of 2 in 3 episodes of season 3 compared to 0 in the first 2 seasons. now you may say "no we only got rid of the clones we saved the real one" (ok you wont but some would, you did have suspicion ). now at it's base yeah it is clear cut pinkie knew she had to pass the challenge. let me give you a little quiz/challenge here. you are before a firing squad there is another next to you you both are identical but one is a spy and must die. you know you are that spy but want to live are you going to slip up or are you doing everything in your power to live. now on the other end you have the real one who knows her friends know who she is and knows they know how she can be be so knowing your friends know how you are and on the otherside knowing you are about to die who has more determination to pass this test? so in the end who was real who was a fake you can only guess there is no true way to tell. So I am gonna cut this here and get onto the next episode in a new comment

Jeff Spencer

ok now on to one bad apple. first off way to go sweetie and scoots both showing a little of their talent (scoots short flight, sweetie's spark of magic). as for the CMC they are my fave because they are a package deal so others get a "best pony" with the CMC you get best ponies which is now 4 so yeah they are annoying at times but gotta remember they are kids and kids do that. moving on to when babs when darkside I am not gonna lie I would 100% snitch. we are family, you are our guest, and you are bulling us nah I am ratting your ass out the moment you go evil filly on me. as for how to deal with the bullies I am not the best one to ask in all honesty I was bullied a LOT in school from books thrown in the mud to being tied up and dragged across the football field but my solution in 2 different moments was in the first chris and his brother (later found out they were members of the local crips) taking my desk and tossing it chris and then my chair at his brother and another chair at this tall girl (was 5th 6th grade and she was adult size)got sent to the principle but didn't get into trouble as the brothers said it was a misunderstanding (and they stopped bulling me from then on) and the other was in choir class this kid who was of indian decent kept flicking my ear and my counselor had told me "use your words not your fist". and I kept telling him to stop it was hurting my feelings till I snapped and lunged at him and started choking him out in class. he was twice my size and it took the whole class and teacher to separate us as I was choking him out with my hands... yeah I had a temper and reached my limit but plus side he stopped bulling me so did his friends (whom had tied me up and dragged me across the field) so yeah I am not the ideal way to deal with bullies snitching fixes it faster. now onto why the CMC felt bad and apologized for their actions and yes the fandom was pissed about that they felt it was bad morals on the show for the victims to apologize to the bully but here's the thing the CMC want everyone to be their best and be happy. hell RIGHT NOW if silver spoon or Diamond Tiara needed help the CMC would drop everything to help them because they need it. they realized this wasn't how babs wanted to be it was how she NEEDED to be and they knew they could fix it had they talked to her, but yeah them being sorry first was not the best moral for the show but understandable. and as for scoots, yeah she has no one at all and is homeless it's why she lives in the club house. and as for the proof of this ehhhh.... I am pulling out my butt their is zero proof that is real BUT prove me wrong my head cannon (and so many others) is valid till somepony adopts her and takes her in. but for the full story on scoots and the actual facts i can't say as this is the start of season 3 and you have pretty much 6 more seasons to go. but rest assured you will get answers, will they be the ones you one or ones that will make you so sad your cry for half an hour after watching the episode will be left to see for the rest of the series.