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Jeff Spencer

when I first saw this I knew it was AJ because of the strength but then the knowing of danger was absolutly pinkie didn't understand the power but then I was totally sure who it was when the dam was fixed with magic AND the fly by it could only be 2 ponies either Celestia or best princess Luna. however Rarity made me question it as I am sorry but best pony of fashion was tooting too loud not to be involved in the end we learn ALL of them were involved. a lot of folks hate this episode for how they treated dashie but as a dash fan (she is best mane 6)I never saw it that way yes she was getting too full of herself and needed to be brought down to amore humble level, was the method the best I don't know but they did it to humble her and it did just that. also I hope you didn't like mare do well because she'll never be mentioned again.


Okay I am waaaay behind but i WILL catch up! Stupid RIL stuff... Also admitedly, knowing what ep this was didn't help.... so yeah, this is The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well, one of the most infamous episodes in the show, mostly because this was the first ep in which the fandom reaction overall to was more or less "That sucked!" Now, it has since gone through a little revaluation, and looking back.... it's still not good, but it's not AS bad as it was made out to be at the time. Also there are later eps that MUCH more deserve "Worst episode" title. This was also the debut episode for new writer to the show Merriweather Williams and, her reception by the fanbase was.. less then pleasant... and her future episodes did not help that much. While M.A. Larson and Amy Keating Rogers are easily the most popular writers on the show, Williams is easily the least popular. So why all the hate? The thing is, it's a lot of little things, that altogether just, make this ep feel off. It's less some big issue and more, the overall tone of things feeling more.. cynical about things then the show normally is. Which.... will be a hallmark of Williams' writing. While some of the issues with the ep don't hold up, a lot of the critiques do still make this not a good ep. The lack of any kind of time passing makes it feel like this is all taking place in a single day, the shear amount of disasters that happens feels ridiculous, Ponyville having a sudden death cliff out of nowhere, despite always being shown before as a rather flat landscape, the construction crew using modern equipment to build what looked like a skyscraper, in the middle of a town where the largest building doesn't top three stories. Then you have the character issues.... I did expect you to kind of like this ep, if only for how it is a big kick in the flank to RD to chill out, RD's ego being so big, it works and as I've said before, Season 2 is the season of RD character growth. The issue is the other Mane 6, the fact that they do something that publicly humiliates her, for no reason beyond they don't like her bragging, and without ever trying to talk to her about it first. Now yes, we see that her ego was starting to get in the way of her saving ponies, but that wasn't until AFTER they had decided to teach her a lesson. Plus that lesson is undercut by them each bragging about the stuff they did as Mare-Do-Well. And for the cherry on top.... this is the first time where the pony who was meant to have learned their lesson.... had the lesson recited to her rather then actually having learned it themselves with that. It's just a bunch of small things that make the ep feel off... That said, it does have some good parts, The Mare-Do-Well outfit is amazing! And gives heavy Darkwing Duck vibes, the posters we see and the much in the final chase are channeling major Batman TAS vibes, which is never a bad thing. On other notes, no the stallion you were talking about wasn't Dinky, though she was in this ep. Dinky is a small unicorn filly who the fandom has decided is Derpy's daughter. We also see Sparkler having a picking with another young foal, further leading me to go with the idea that she is a member of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Equestria, and just volunteers to spend time with foals who don't have other siblings to hang out with. So yeah, the first 'bad' ep, though, not that bad in hidsight... and not even my least favorite ep of the season..... but that behind us, on to epicness!