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Julius Costa Peters

the classical music that was in this epi is ride of the Valkyries from Richad Wagner it is a part of the opera called the ring of the Nibelungs.


Okay sorry for the delay had things happening IRL anyway, not a WHOOOOLE lot for this one, at least pony related so lets start with some actual animal trivia. So yes, the main difference between turtles and tortoises is that turtles are largely aquatic. Other then the flipper/feet thing, which yes isn't 100%, the other main difference is shell shape. Turtles tend to have a flatter shell, while tortoises have a more rounded one. Next up,constantly saying the eagle would win in speed? For shame. No, it's going to be the falcon (Not a hawk, that other one was a falcon). The Peregrine Falcon is THE fastest animal on the planet, able to reach nearly 200 MPH on a dive. Cheetah's are merely the fastest land animal. Also no, they are not really that agile. I mean sure, they are pretty agile compared to a lot of other animals, but compared to other felines? Not even close. They sacrificed a lot of agility for shear straight line speed. Also yeah, the owl coming in last fits, owl's tend to be built for stealth, not speed. Also also, the Quarry Eels, are a pun on the IRL moray eels. Who really are vicious fuckers. Back to the ep, RD has a pet, and with that, all the Mane 6 have a pet! With the easy fan favorites being Tank and Gummy. Yes, the bit of music was Ride of the Valkyries from Wagner's Ring Cycle. Most famously no associated with flying (though normally with helicopters) thanks to Apocalypse Now. Also, RD being trapped in a canyon with a limb pinned by a rock led to SOOOOO many dark 127 Hours jokes.... (Movie based on an IRL event where a hiker in the middle of nowhere got his hand pinned under a boulder and had to cut it off with a pocket knife to escape.) But in the end, RD got a pet that matches her most important characteristic, Loyalty. Sure RD was kind of a dick to a lot of the animals but, well..... this is still mostly Season 1 RD... and Season 2 is very much the season of Rainbow Dash getting character development, starting here. Oh, and Derpy missed! She peaked out of Fluttershy's chicken coop during the song. Why was she in there? We can never know the mind of the Best Pony.